The intention of the `cleanup/` git branches is to transform the vendor code into a better format that addresses the problems with the code style used by the vendor.
Some specific problems are:
- mixed tabs and spaces look horrible unless tab-width is 4
- trailing whitespace
- mixed C-style and C++ style comments
- single lines of commented code smells
- long lines
-*most importantly, it doesn't match the Linux kernel style, which prevents this driver from ever being merged into the upstream Linux kernel*
The transformation must:
- be logically equivalent to the vendor code
- follow an automatable, repeatable process
- involve low human effort
- make progress towards an 'upstreamable' driver
The process is as follows:
- Use scripts/Lindent (from the kernel source repo) to fix code formatting:
${KSRC}/scripts/Lindent *.{c,h}
- Use 'sed' to translate C++ comments into C comments:
sed -i 's|//\(.*\)|/* \1 */|g' *.{c,h}
Unfortunately there are nested comments, so this transform operation is