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  1. Dec 29, 2018
    • Brad Barber's avatar
      Qhull 2018.0.1 2018/12/28 (7.3.0) · 6ebf10e2
      Brad Barber authored
      merge branch 'next' into master
    • Brad Barber's avatar
    • Brad Barber's avatar
      Qhull 2018.0.1 2018/12/28 (7.3.0) · a0e0374a
      Brad Barber authored
      Qhull options
       - Add option 'Tf' to flush each qh_fprintf for debugging segfaults
       - Add Q14-no-merge-pinched: do not merge pinched vertices for duplicate ridge
         Default if post-merge only ('Cn'), 'Qgood-only', or 2-d convex hulls
       - Add Q15-allow-wide-maxout: do not error on qh_check_maxout failures
       - Add Q16-simplex-merge: test opposite vertex instead of centrum for merges
       - option 'f' (print facets): updated flags for facets
         'seen' and 'seen2' flags not listed (listed if tracing)
         Renamed 'new' to 'newfacet'
         'isarea' if area is listed for the facet
         'cycledone' if qh_mergefacet completed
         Renamed 'MERGE' to 'MERGEridge' in the facet neighors (for merging)
         Renamed 'DUP' to 'DUPLICATEridge' in the facet neighors (for merging)
         Comment '- horizon ridge to visible facet' added for tentative new facets
       - option 'f' (print facets): updated flags for ridges
         'mergevertex' and 'mergevertex2' if a ridge vertex will be merged
         'simplicialtop' and 'simplicialbot' if the top/bottom facet is simplicial
       - option 'f' (print facets): updated flags for vertices
         Renamed 'ridgedeleted' to 'delridge'
         'newfacet' if the vertex belongs to a new facet on qh.newfacet_list
         'seen' and 'seen2' listed if tracing
       - Option 'T3' prepend message number for trace levels 0-3
         e.g., "[QH1040]qh_findhorizon: find horizon..."
       - Option 'TCone_stop' stops before vertex merge due to duplicate ridges (unlikely)
       - Option 'Ts' (qh_initbuild): print command prompt at start of run for segfaults
       - Rename option 'U-coplanar-distance' to 'U-max-coplanar' (qh.MAXcoplanar)
      Qhull documentation
       - Explanation of clobbered warning for Qhull::runQhull and qh_new_qhull
       - html/index.htm: Add "Nearly coincident points" to "When to use Qhull"
       - html/index.htm: Add Tomilov's qhullhull.hpp for general position input.
       - html/qh-eg.htm: Add 'Q0' link to eg.14.sphere.corner
       - html/qh-faq.htm,qh-code.htm: merge slivers in a Delaunay triangulation [M. Treacy]
       - html/qh-optq.htm: Update documentation for 'Qx' and its default behavior
       - html/qh-impre.htm: Rewrote notes on 'Nearly coincident points within 1e-13'
       - geom_r.c/qh_distplane: nearly coplanar points may return the same distance for different points
       - Update copyright to 2018
      Qhull builds
       - Move 'extern "C" {}' logic from C++ to C headers [C. Atkins, github]
       - build/*-64.vcxproj Updated for tool set 8.1
       - CMakeLists.txt: Add note for "dynamic linking" of qhull executables [M. Atzeri]
      Bugs fixed
       - libqulll_r.c/qh_findbest: search from newfacet_list instead of if !bestfacet
       - merge_r.c/qh_find_newvertex: use v.seen to avoid maxvisit > qh.vertex_visit
       - merge_r.c/qh_merge_simplex: repeat with next ridge after qh_delridge_merge
       - merge_r.c/qh_vertexridges: 'qh.visit_id += 2' to avoid visit_id collision
       - poly_r.c/qh_appendfacet: update qh.visible_list if qh.newfacet_list/visible_list are empty
       - poly2_r.c/qh_check_maxout: check qh.min_vertex if qh.VERIFYoutput/CHECKfrequently
       - poly2_r.c/qh_checkpolygon: do not report qh.visible_list error if visible_list and newfacet_list are defined but empty
       - stat_r.c/qh_printallstatistics,qh_printstatistics: 'const char *string' instead of 'char *string' for !qh_KEEPstatistics
      Qhull error reporting
       - libqulll_r.c/qh_findhorizon: error if no neighbors for a visible facet
       - libqulll_r.c/qh_findbestnew: error if facet sentinel (!facet->next)
       - libqhull_r.c/qh_nextfurthest: error if infinite loop
       - libqhull_r.c/qh_partitioncoplanar: error if partition into a visible facet
       - libqhull_r.c/qh_partitionpoint: error if partition into a visible facet
       - libqhull_r.c/qh_partitionvisible: error if deleted vertex with an empty qh.newfacet_list
       - merge_r.c/qh_checkdelfacet: check that mergeset does not reference facet
       - merge_r.c/qh_checkdelridge: check that qh_delridge_merge is not needed for deleted ridges
                   Call from qh_mergecycle, qh_makenewfacets, qh_attachnewfacets
       - merge_r.c/qh_maydropneighbor: error if simplicial facet or neighbor
       - merge_r.c/qh_merge_facet: error if wide merge (disabled with 'Q15')
       - merge_r.c/qh_merge_nonconvex: error if unexected mergetype
       - poly_r.c/qh_matchneighbor: convert error QH6106 (two facets with same vertices) to a warning (QH7084) and automatic fix
       - poly2_r.c/qh_check_maxout: error if wide qh.max_outside/min_vertex (disabled with 'Q15')
       - poly2_r.c/qh_check_maxout: warn if wide maxout for vertices (for diagnosing errors)
       - poly2_r.c/qh_check_maxout: warn if point is outside f.outside (for diagnosing errors)
       - poly2_r.c/qh_check_maxout: warn if 'f.maxoutside > qh.max_outside'
       - poly2_r.c/qh_check_maxout: changed comparison from 'dist == maxoutside' to 'dist >= maxoutside' (allow multiple warnings)
       - poly2_r.c/qh_checkfacet: error if 'redundant' or 'degenerate', but neither 'visible' nor qh.degen_mergeset
       - poly2_r.c/qh_checkfacet: error if 'dupridge' or 'newmerge', but not 'newfacet'
       - poly2_r.c/qh_checkfacet: error if neighbor of facet is 'visible' (i.e., deleted)
       - poly2_r.c/qh_checkfacet: report 'OK due to merging' as trace4 (QH4073) instead of error QH6134
       - poly2_r.c/qh_checkpolygon: error if qh.visible_list is after qh.newfacet_list
       - poly2_r.c/qh_checkpolygon: error if f.newfacet before qh.visible_list or qh.newfacet_list
       - poly2_r.c/qh_checkpolygon: error qh.newfacet_list without f.newfacet
       - poly2_r.c/qh_checkpolygon: error if f.visible not on qh.visible_list
       - poly2_r.c/qh_checkpolygon: error if qh.visible_list without f.visible
       - poly2_r.c/qh_checkpolygon: error if qh.newfacet_list is not on qh.facet_list
       - poly2_r.c/qh_checkpolygon: error if v.newfacet not on qh.newvertex_list
       - poly2_r.c/qh_checkpolygon: error if qh.newvertex_list is not on qh.vertex_list
       - poly2_r.c/qh_checkpolygon: error if a facet occurs twice in v.neighbors
       - poly2_r.c/qh_checkpolygon: error if vertex not in f.vertices for facets in v.neighbors
       - poly2_r.c/qh_checkpolygon: error if facet not in v.neighbors for vertices in f.vertices
       - poly2_r.c/qh_delvertex: error if vertex previously deleted but not partitioned as a coplanar point
       - user_r.c/qh_errexit: clear printed flags on statistics (qh_allstatistics)
       - user_r.c/qh_errprint: print vertex and ridge before facets
       - user_r.c/qh_errprint: print vertex and ridge before facets
       - user_r.c/qh_printfacetlist: add 'qh_printfacetlist:' for rapid navigation
      Source code additions
       - mergeT: expanded for vertices and ridges
       - mergeType: add MRGconcavecoplanar, MRGtwisted, MRGsubridge, MRGvertices, and MRGcoplanarhorizon
       - qtT.ALLOWwidemaxout: true if 'Q15', allow qh.WIDEmaxoutside increases in qh_check_maxout
       - qtT.FLUSHprint: true if 'Tf', flush output on qh_fprintf
       - qtT.MERGEpinched: false if 'Q14', merge pinched vertex due to duplicate ridge
       - qtT.SIMPLEXmerge: true if 'Q16', test_appendmerge tests opposite vertex instead of centrum
       - qtT.first_newfacet: id of first new facet in qh_buildcone, other new facets were merged
       - qtT.isRenameVertex: true during qh_merge_pinchedvertices
       - qtT.NEWtentative: true while new facets are tentative due to qh.MERGEpinched or ONLYgood
       - qtT.repart_facetid: previous facetid to prevent recursive qh_partitioncoplanar
       - qtT.retry_addpoint: number of retries of qh_addpoint due to qh.MERGEpinched
       - qtT.vertex_mergeset: set of vertex merges for qh_next_vertexmerge
       - ridgeT.mergevertex and mergevertex2 if a ridge vertex will be merged
       - ridgeT.simplicialtop and simplicialbot if the top/bottom facet is simplicial
       - vertexT.partitioned: true if deleted vertex partitioned by qh_partitionvisible
       - geom2_r.c/qh_furthestnewvertex: return furthest unvisited, new vertex to a facet
       - geom2_r.c/qh_furthestvertex: return furthest unvisited vertex to a facet
       - geom2_r.c/qh_vertex_bestdist: return nearest distance between vertices
       - geom2_r.c/qh_vertex_bestdist2: return nearest vertex pair between vertices
       - geom2_r.c/qh_vertex_isbelow: test vertexA distance to vertexB's simplicial facets and vice versa
       - libqhull_r.c/qh_buildcone: split out qh_makenewfacets,etc. from qh_addpoint
       - merge_r.c/qh_all_vertexmerges: perform vertex merges in qh.vertex_mergeset
       - merge_r.c/qh_appendvertexmerge: append vertex merge to qh.vertex_mergeset
       - merge_r.c/qh_delridge_merge: split out ridge maintenance from qh_renameridgevertex and qh_merge_simplex
       - merge_r.c/qh_hasmerge: True if mergeset has mergetype for facetA and facetB
       - merge_r.c/qh_initmergesets,qh_freemergesets: init/free of qh.*_mergeset with error reporting
       - merge_r.c/qh_maybe_duplicateridge: add MRGvertices if neighboring facet has another ridge with the same vertices
       - merge_r.c/qh_maybe_duplicateridges: add MRGvertices if ridges with the same vertices
       - merge_r.c/qh_merge_dupridges: split out conversion of dupridges to MRGridge merges from qh_makeridges
       - merge_r.c/qh_merge_pinchedvertices- merge pinched vertices in qh.vertex_mergeset to avoid qh_forcedmerges of duplicated ridges
       - merge_r.c/qh_merge_twisted: merge twisted facets that are above and below their neighbors (4D+ and non-simplicial)
       - merge_r.c/qh_neighbor_vertices,qh_neighbor_vertices_facet: return neighboring vertices for a vertex (not in subridge)
       - merge_r.c/qh_next_facetmerge: split out next merge from qh_all_merges and replace qsort
       - merge_r.c/qh_next_vertexmerge: select next vertex merge by distance, allow one MRGsubridge merge
       - merge_r.c/qh_opposite_horizonfacet: return horizon facet for a merge facet and its opposite vertex
       - merge_r.c/qh_reducevertices: qh_merge_degenredundant if qh_remove_extravertices or qh_rename_sharedvertex
       - merge_r.c/qh_remove_mergetype: remove mergetype merges from mergeset
       - merge_r.c/qh_rename_adjacentvertex: rename oldvertex as newvertex, must be adjacent (i.e., in the same subridge)
       - merge_r.c/qh_test_cemtrum_merge: split out test centrum convexity from qh_test_appendmerge
       - merge_r.c/qh_test_simplex_merge: test simplex convexity and append non-convex facets to qh.facet_mergeset
       - merge_r.c/qh_test_nonsimplicial_merge: test nonsimplicial convexity and append non-convex facets to qh.facet_mergeset
       - merge_r.h/FOREACHmergeA_,FOREACHmerge_i_: add macros for mergeset iteration
       - poly_r.c/qh_getreplacement: split out new facet for visible facet from qh_partitionvisible and qh_merge_degenredunant
       - poly2_r.c/qh_addfacetvertex: split out add newvertex to f.vertices if not already there from qh_merge_simplex
       - poly2_r.c/qh_matchdupridge_coplanarhorizon: match duplicate ridges with the same coplanar horizon, instead of qh_matchdupridge
       - poly2_r.c/qh_opposite_vertex: return the opposite vertex in facetA to neighbor
       - poly2_r.c/qh_replacefacetvertex: replace oldvertex with newvertex in f.vertices
       - user_r.h/qh_RATIOconcavehorizon: ratio of horizon vertex distance to qh.max_outside for concave, twisted new facets in qh_test_nonsimplicial_merge
       - user_r.h/qh_RATIOconvexmerge: ratio of vertex distance to qh.min_vertex for clearly convex new facets in qh_test_nonsimplicial_merge
       - user_r.h/qh_RATIOcoplanarapex: ratio of best distance for coplanar apex vs. vertex merge in qh_getpinchedmerges
       - user_r.h/qh_RATIOcoplanaroutside: ratio to repartition a coplanar point as an outside point in qh_partitioncoplanar and qh_check_maxout
       - user_r.h/qh_RATIOpinchedsubridge: ratio to qh.ONEmerge to accept vertices in qh_findbest_pinchedvertex
       - user_r.h/qh_RATIOtrypinched: ratio to qh.ONEmerge to merge twisted facets in qh_merge_twisted
       - user_r.h/qh_RATIOtwisted: maximum ratio to qh.ONEmerge to merge twisted facets in qh_merge_twisted
       - user_r.h/qh_WIDEmaxoutside: precision ratio for maximum increase for qh.max_outside in qh_check_maxout
       - user_r.h/qh_WIDEmaxoutside2: precision ratio for maximum qh.max_outside in qh_check_maxout
       - user_r.h/qh_WIDEpinched: merge ratio for distance between pinched vertices compared to current facet width for qh_getpinchedmerges and qh_next_vertexmerge
      Source code changes
       - Change " = " to "= " (avoid confusion with " == ")
       - Improved error messages, tracing, and code comments throughout
       - Moved qh_check_dupridge from poly2_r.c to merge_r.c.  It is used for merging
       - Moved qh_printlists from poly2_r.c to io_r.c.  Useful for debugging
       - Removed qh_compareangle and qh_comparemerge.  Replaced by qh_next_facetmerge
       - Renamed 'qh_precision' to 'qh_joggle_restart'.  It restarts qhull to avoid a precision error.
       - Renamed 'Qhull internal error' to 'qhull internal error' for consistency
       - Renamed mergeT.type to mergetype.  Same as parameters and local variables
       - Renamed vertexT.newlist to newfacet. True if on a new facet
       - Renamed qh_matchduplicates to qh_matchdupridge (poly2_r.c).  A 'duplicates' is ridges with duplicate vertices
       - Use coordT for distances instead of realT.  Needs further review.
       - qh_NOmerge: include comments in #ifndef
       - global_r.c/qh_freebuffers: use the same order as qh_initbuffers
       - global_r.c/qh_freebuild: free the global sets, qh.degen_mergeset,etc.
       - io_r.c/qh_printfacetheader: print 'MERGEridge' instead of 'MERGE' to match name of flag
       - io_r.c/qh_printfacetheader: print 'DUPLICATEridge' instead of 'DUP' to match name of flag
       - libqhull_r.c/qh_partitioncoplanar: change qh.findbestnew to a parameter (search all new facets)
       - libqhull_r.c/qh_partitioncoplanar: repartition a coplanar point if far outside
                      typically due to a twisted facet in D4+ with almost coincident vertices
       - libqhull_r.c/qh_partitionpoint: if outside set is empty, set f.newfacet and adjust qh.facet_next
       - libqhull_r.c/qh_partitionvisible: prevent duplicate partitions of deleted vertices
       - libqhull_r.c/qh_partitionvisible: test against ! instead of qh.facet_tail.  Both indicate sentinel
       - mrege_r.h/mergeType: reordered mergetypes is preference order
       - merge_r.c: identify MRGconcavecoplanar facets that are above and coplanar with their neighbors
       - merge_r.c/mergetypes: string names for mergeType
       - merge_r.c/qh_all_merges: clear wasmerge and othermerge on qh_reducevertices.  Avoids extra calls
       - merge_r.c/qh_appendmergeset: add parameters for m.dist and m.angle
       - merge_r.c/qh_appendmergeset: initialize all fields of mergeT
       - merge_r.c/qh_copynonconvex: clear old r.nonconvex for consistency.  Ridge will be deleted soon
       - merge_r.c/qh_degen_redundant_neighbors: check neighbors of delfacet instead of facet.  Faster and it matches definition
       - merge_r.c/qh_mark_dupridges: add 'allmerges' parameter for dupridges vs. pinched vertices
       - merge_r.c/qh_mark_dupridges: test for duplicate vertices to avoid duplicate MRGridge
       - merge_r.c/qh_merge_cycle_all: test for duplicate ridges at end of merge_cycle_all (qh_maybe_duplicateridges)
       - merge_r.c/qh_merge_dupridges: clear mergeridge/mergeridge2 flags (not needed on first call)
       - merge_r.c/qh_merge_facet: test for qh_degen_redundant_facet and qh_maybe_duplicateridges
       - merge_r.c/qh_merge_facet: add mergeType parameter for logging
       - merge_r.c/qh_merge_facet: rename 'apex' to 'opposite' (not always apex)
       - merge_r.c/qh_merge_simplex: identify 'isnew' instead of 'issame' (more accurate)
       - merge_r.c/qh_remove_extravertices: skip for simplicial facets
       - merge_r.c/qh_renamevertex: test qh_maybe_duplicateridge if qh_renameridgevertex
       - merge_r.c/qh_renamevertex: test qh_degen_redundant_facet for oldvertex neighbors
       - merge_r.c/qh_renamevertex: test qh_degen_redundant_neighbors for oldvertex nonsimplicial neighbors
       - merge_r.c/qh_renamevertex: test qh_maybe_duplicateridge if qh_renameridgevertex
       - merge_r.c/qh_renamevertex: test qh_degen_redundant_facet oldfacet
       - merge_r.c/qh_tracemerge: add mergeType parameter for logging
       - merge_r.c/qh_test_appendmerge: calls qh_test_simplex_merge, qh_test_centrum_merge, or qh_test_nonsimplicial_merge as needed
       - merge_r.c/qh_vertexridges: add 'allneighbors' parameter to test all neighbors of a vertex
       - merge_r.c/qh_vertexridges_facet: optimize qh_setin by common cases
       - poly_r.c/qh_checkflipped: move call from qh_matchnewfacets to qh_setfacetplane.  Allow call of qh_setfacetplane from qh_initialhull to reverse orientation
       - poly_r.c/qh_matchneighbor: call qh_setfacetplane/qh_checkflipped on-demand to support qh.NEWtentative
       - poly_r.c/qh_matchnewfacets: returns maxdupdist for duplicate ridges
       - poly_r.c/qh_matchnewfacets: move qh_joggle_restart from qh_matchduplicates ("ridge with multiple neighbors")
       - poly_r.c/qh_matchnewfacets: try to match ridges with coplanar horizon (qh_matchdupridge_coplanarhorizon)
       - poly_r.c/qh_updatevertices: use qh_setunique to pdate vertex neighbors (due to pinched vertex merge)
       - poly2_r.c/qh_checkfacet: optimize qh_setequal of ridges with the same vertices
       - poly2_r.c/qh_checkpolygon: do not include visible facets in totvertices
       - poly2_r.c/qh_initialhull: use f.flipped instead of qh_distplane/qh_checkflipped (qh_checkflipped called from qh_setfacetplane)
       - poly2_r.c/qh_matchdupridge: was qh_matchduplicates in qhull 2015.2
       - poly2_r.c/qh_matchdupridge: detect duplicate facets/ridges and force vertex merge
       - poly2_r.c/qh_matchdupridge: separate code for qh_DUPLICATEridge/f.tricoplanar for improved logging
       - poly2_r.c/qh_matchdupridge: if !makematch, collect best match via flipped and qh_getdistance between facets
       - poly2_r.c/qh_resetlists: clear f.dupridge
       - poly2_r.c/qh_triangulate: clear f.degenerate at end (degenerate tricoplanar facets)
       - poly2_r.c/qh_triangulate_link: skip duplicate MRGmirror merges
       - poly2_r.c/qh_triangulate_mirror: skip duplicate MRGmirror merges and previously deleted MRGmirror facets
  2. Dec 28, 2018
  3. Sep 26, 2018
    • Antony Lee's avatar
      Fix some apparently missing braces. · 33ace207
      Antony Lee authored
      Caught by gcc's -Wmisleading-indentation.
      Note: Technically this changes the execution flow at that point; I
      haven't checked whether this is desired but it looks like the previous
      version was a incorrect...
  4. Jan 21, 2017
  5. Jan 18, 2017
  6. Jun 17, 2016
  7. Jun 15, 2016
  8. Feb 07, 2016
  9. Jan 23, 2016
  10. Jan 20, 2016
    • Chuck Atkins's avatar
      Make C headers safe for C++ inclusion. · 2681baa6
      Chuck Atkins authored
      This commit moves the extern "C" { ... } logic into headers themselves.
      This way, it's the headers responsibility to define it's linkage
      appropriately and the consuming C and C++ code can both use "#include"
      without ifdef guards.
  11. Jan 19, 2016
    • Brad Barber's avatar
      Qhull 2015.2 2016/01/18 (7.2.0) · 5a79a000
      Brad Barber authored
       - Fixed memory leak in ~QhullQh [M. Sandim]
         QhullQh.cpp: call checkAndFreeQhullMemory() in the destructor.  Otherwise memT is not freed.
         Remove checkAndFreeQhullMemory() from Qhull.h.  It is not needed.
         Remove calls to checkAndFreeQhullMemory in qhulltest.  It is called by ~QhullQh()
         libqhull_r.h: Document qh_ASvornoi and
         qh_freeqhull: if qh_NOmem, use qh_ALL
         qh_memalloc: short memory is freed by qh_memfreeshort unless qh_NOmem
         qh_memstatistics (mem.c): call qh_memcheck() as done in mem_r.c
         qh_new_qhull calls qh_memcheck
         qh_newvertex: free vertex on error
         qh_projectinput: Free memory allocations on error
         qh_rboxpoints: free simplex on error
         qh_sethalfspace_all: Fixed memory leak on error QH8032 feasible not inside halfspace
         qh_triangulate_facet: For TRInormals ('Q11') replace qh_copypoints with qh_memalloc
         qh_triangulate_facet: Document qh.TRInormals
         qh_voronoi_center: Free center on error
         qhulltest: Fixed memory leak of s_testcases by calling RoadTest::deleteTests()
         qhulltest: The 'add_*_test' functions append the test object to RoadTest::s_testcases
         ~RoadTest: declare virtual for Q_OBJECT, removeAll not needed
         user_eg2: Check memory at end of each run
         user_r.h: Add QHULL_CRTDBG for invoking Microsoft's memory leak detector
         use _MSC_VER instead of QHULL_OS_WIN for QHULL_CRTDBG
         Call qh_freeqhull with qh_ALL/!qh_ALL instead of 'True/False'
         Include user_r.h with RoadError,h for QHULL_CRTDBG
         Invoke _CrtSetDbgFlag... at beginning of program
         Moved user_r.h/libqhull_r.h/qhull_ra.h as first include (for QHULL_CRTDBG)
         Moved QHULL_OS_WIN from qhull_ra.h to user_r.h
         Removed __CYGWIN__ from QHULL_OS_WIN (same as Qt's qglobal.h)
       - check_dupridge: A bounding box is not sufficient to avoid dupridge errors
       - qh_findbestneighor: Error if qh.CENTERtype is qh_ASvoronoi (i.e., no merging now)
       - qh_printstatlevel: Remove unused parameter, 'start'
       - QhullLinkedList::last() and back(): Return T instead of T& (T is computed)
       - qh-code.htm: "How to convert code to reentrant Qhull"
         Update "Nearly coincident points on an edge"
         Add 2012 size of data structures to "Qhull on 64-bit computers"
       - html/index.htm: Add CGAL to "When to use"
       - qh-optq.htm: Add documentation for option 'Q12'
       - Move suggestions from Changes.txt to qh-code.htm#enhance
       - user_r.h: Fixed qh-us_r.html links
       - Fixed links in html pages
       - QhullIterator and QhullLinkedList: Include <iterator> [B. Boeckel]
       - Moved include file for each C++ source file to the top of the includes
       - Prepend cpp includes with "libqhullcpp/"
       - RoadLogEvent includes RoadLogEvent.h
       - QhullIterator.h: Only QHULL_DECLARE_SEQUENTIAL_ITERATOR is used.
       - Compared src/libqhull/* to src/libqhull_r/* and resolved differences
       - qh_printpoint in io.c skips qh_IDnone like io_r.c
       - qhull_p-exports.def: Added three missing exports
       - set_r.h: Removed countT. Too many issues
       - libqhull_r/Makefile: Add help prompts to 'make qtest'
       - Add '../libqhull/' to sources and headers
       - libqhull/Makefile: Fixed -I,./,,/src
       - Add CMakeModules to tarball [C. Rosenvik]
       - CMakeLists.txt: Add targets qhullp and user_egp for qh_QHpointer and libqhull_p
       - Reorganized 'make help'
       - Makefile cleanall: Delete testqset and qhulltest from bin/
       - Fix filetype of Unix-only files
       - Fix Unix line endings for Makefile and check in
       - Fix Windows line-endings and check in
       - Check for Unix text files
  12. Jan 09, 2016
  13. Jan 07, 2016
    • Brad Barber's avatar
    • Brad Barber's avatar
      Qhull 2015.1 2016/01/03 (7.1.0) · 41cb4fc8
      Brad Barber authored
       - Add Rbox option 'Cn,r,m' to add nearly coincident points.  Trigger for duplicate ridges
       - Add Qhull option 'Q12' to ignore error on wide merge due to duplicate ridge
       - qh_findbestlower: Call qh_findfacet_all to fix rare "flipped or upper Delaunay" error QH6228.
         QH6228 input provided by J. Metz.  Reported (date order): L. Fiaschi, N. Bowler, A. Liebscher, V. Vieira, N. Rhinehart, N. Vance, P. Shafer
       - qh_check_dupridge: Check if wide merge due to duplicate ridge from nearly coincident points
       - qh_initialhull: Fix error messages for initial simplex is flat
       - qh_determinant: increased 2-d and 3-d nearzero by 10x due to a counter-example
       - rbox: Add qh_outcoord() to output coordinates w/ or w/o iscdd
       - qh_meminit (mem.c): Add call to qh_memcheck
       - Compare libqhull/... to libqhull_r/... and resolve differences
       - Update builds for DevStudio (qhull.sln for msdev 2005..2009, qhull-32.sln and qhull-64.sln for recent releases)
       - qh-impre.htm: Add a section about precision errors for 'Nearly coincident points on an edge'
       - html/index.htm#geomview: Document how to install, build, and use Geomview.
       - html/index.htm: Emphasize program links and move related urls to end
       - qhull/index.htm: Emphasize manual, geomview, and imprecision
       - Fix documentation links in libqhull_r/index.htm
       - Add 'Functions' link to documentation headers
       - Change '<A>...</A>' to '<a>...</a>'
       - libqhull_r/index.htm -- Add instructions for configuring web browsers for source links.
       - libqhull_r/ -- Fix source links for ..._r.htm files
  14. Jan 02, 2016
    • Brad Barber's avatar
      Add rbox option 'Cn,r,m'. It may trigger wide facets due to nearly coincident points. · 0b7fda5b
      Brad Barber authored
      If this occurs, Qhull 2015.1 will report an error.  For Delaunay triangulations a
      workaround is to add a bounding box to the input set.
        Add a section about precision errors for 'Nearly coincident points on an edge'
        Add instructions for building Geomview on Windows.
        Add instructions for using Geomview to view Qhull examples.
  15. Nov 10, 2015
    • Brad Barber's avatar
      Qhull 2015.0.7 2015/11/09 (7.0.7) · 9f0abe77
      Brad Barber authored
       - Fix return type of operator-> in QhullLinkedList and other collection classes [F. Jares]
       - Fix return types for QhullLinkedList
       - Fix return types for QhullPoints
       - Simplify return type for Coordinates::operator[] (same as QList)
       - Add const to operators for QhullSet::iterator and add documentation
       - Coordinates.h: Fix return types for operations of iterator and const_iterator
       - Drop use of Perforce changelist number in qhull_VERSION of CMakeLists.txt
       - Rename the md5sum files as *.tgz.md5sum instead of *-tgz.md5sum
       - Fix build dependency for testqset_r [asekez]
       - rbox.c depends on Qhull due to qh_lib_check which uses qh_version2 for error messages
       - QhullFacet_test.cpp: Annotate Qhull invocations.   Allows their repetition.
       - QhullFacet_test.cpp: Adjust epsilon on distance tests
       - Do not create libqhullcpp as a shared library.  Qhull C++ classes may change layout and size.
       - qhull-cpp.xml: Make a relative path to road-faq.xsl
  16. Nov 04, 2015
  17. Oct 23, 2015
    • Brad Barber's avatar
      Qhull 2015.0.6 2015/10/20 ( · 8d4c7240
      Brad Barber authored
       - In the libraries, exit() is only called from qh_exit().  qh_exit may be redefined.
       - Add qh_fprintf_stderr to usermem.c.  May be overridden to avoid use of stderr [D. Sterratt]
         Add usermem to testqset builds
       - Remove most instances of stderr/stdout from libqhull, libqhull_r, and libqhullcpp [D. Sterratt]
         qh_fprintf_stderr may be redefined.  qh_meminit and qh_new_qhull use stderr as the default ferr
       - qh_initflags: Use qh.fout instead of stdout for 'TO file'.  A library caller may define a different qh.fout.
       - qh_settemppush: Call qh_fprintf() instead of fprintf() on error.
       - Rename qh_call_qhull as "Qhull-template" from user.c.  Updated its references.
       - qh-code.htm: "How to avoid</a> exit(), fprintf(), stderr, and stdout"
       - html/index.htm: Fix table of contents for qh-code
       - libqhull_r/index.htm: Rewrite introduction to Reentrant Qhull
       - qh-faq.htm: Rewrite "Can Qhull use coordinates without placing  them in a data file?"
       - qh-get.html: Link to github
       - Remove qhull_interface.cpp from the documentation
  18. Oct 15, 2015
    • Brad Barber's avatar
      Qhull 2015.0.5 2015/10/12 ( · b3f9da21
      Brad Barber authored
      - qh_new_qhull: default 'errfile' is 'stderr'.  outfile and errfile are optional [B. Pearlmutter]
      - qh_new_qhull: returns qh_ERRinput instead of exit() if qhull_cmd is not "qhull ..." [B. Pearlmutter]
      - qhalf_r.c,etc: Add clear of qh.NOerrexit
      - global.c: gcc 4.4.0 mingw32 segfault cleared by adding comment
      - usermem_r-cpp.cpp: Optional file to redefine qh_exit() as throw "QH10003.." [B. Pearlmutter]
        qh_exit() is called by qhull_r when qh_errexit() is not available.
      - html/index.htm:  Add bibliographic reference to Golub & van Loan and annotated the source references
      - qhalf.htm: A halfspace is the points on or below a hyperplane [D. Strawn]
      - qh-opto.htm#n: Defined inside, outside, on, above, and below a hyperplane [D. Strawn]
      - qhalf.htm#notes: Recast the linear program using negative halfspaces (as used by Qhull) [D. Strawn]
      - qhull_a.h: Fix comment '#include "libqhull/qhull_a.h" [fe rew]
      - build/qhull* Add templates for pkg-config (derived from Fedorra) [P. McMunn]
      - Makefile: Remove user_eg3.o from LIBQHULLCPP_OBJS
      - Makefile: Add .h dependencies for unix_r.o, etc.
      - libqhull/Makefile: Fix build of rbox
      - libqhull_r/Makefile: Fix build -I
      - qhull.sln/user_eg3:  Add dependency on libcpp
  19. Oct 01, 2015
    • Brad Barber's avatar
      Updates for · 3487377b
      Brad Barber authored
    • Brad Barber's avatar
      Qhull 2015.0.4 2015/9/30 ( · 3c8360bf
      Brad Barber authored
        Preliminary Qhull release available at
       - Visual Studio builds for VS-2010+ 32-bit and 64-bit
       - Unix tarball includes version number (e.g., qhull-2015-src- [Hauptman]
       - qhull -V -- Display Unix version number for qhull [Hauptman]
       - Update eg/ for vcxproj Visual Studio builds
       - README.txt: updated builds and reentrant Qhull
       - Add documentation for QHULL_LIB_CHECK
       - qh_lib_check: Check for unknown QHULL_LIB_TYPE
       - qh-code.htm: Add memory requirements for 32- and 64-bit
  20. Sep 23, 2015
    • Brad Barber's avatar
      Update $Id:$ · b16589eb
      Brad Barber authored
    • Brad Barber's avatar
      Merge branch 'next' · f25c294a
      Brad Barber authored
    • Brad Barber's avatar
      Revert "Revert "Merge branch 'next'"" · 859eebca
      Brad Barber authored
      Accidently reverted merge from next
      This reverts commit c27f1515.
    • Brad Barber's avatar
      Revert "Revert "Merge branch 'next'"" · bfbde0c6
      Brad Barber authored
      This reverts commit c27f1515.
    • Brad Barber's avatar
      Revert "Merge branch 'next'" · c27f1515
      Brad Barber authored
      This reverts commit f06e487a, reversing
      changes made to db490523.
    • Brad Barber's avatar
      Merge branch 'next' · f06e487a
      Brad Barber authored
      Minor Conflicts:
    • Brad Barber's avatar
      Qhull 2015.0.3 · 4092ac3a
      Brad Barber authored
       - qh_mem, qh_merge: Log before 'delete' instead of afterwards [Coverity, K. Schwehr]
       - qh_merge: Test for NULL horizon in qh_checkzero [Coverity, K. Schwehr]
       - qh_matchneighbor: Check for matchfacet not a neighbor of facet [Coverity, K. Schwehr]
       - qh_triangulate: Explicit check for visible==NULL [Coverity, K. Schwehr]
       - qh_findbestfacet (unused by qhull): Fix test of isoutside [Coverity, K. Schwehr]
       - qh_check_maxout: Check bestfacet!=0 for logging its id [Coverity, K. Schwehr]
       - qh_nearvertex: Check for bestvertex not found [Coverity, K. Schwehr]
       - qh_checkfacet: Check for missing neighbors of simplicial facets [Coverity, K. Schwehr]
       - qh_setdelnth: Check 'nth' before using it [Coverity, K. Schwehr]
       - Annotate code for Coverity warnings (most of these protected by qh_errexit) [K. Schwehr]
       - qh_printfacet3math: explicit format string (duplicates change to io.c) [B. Pearlmutter]
       - libqhull_r.h: fix spelling error (duplicates change to libqhull.h) [B. Pearlmutter]
       - unix_r.c: fix spelling error (duplicates change to unix.c) [B. Pearlmutter]
       - qhull_a.h: define qhullUnused() only if defined(__cplusplus) [R. Stogner]
       - qh_version: Use const char str[]= "string" instead of const char * str= "string" [U. Drepper, p. 27]
       - qh_newvertex: Use UINT_MAX instead of 0xFFFFFFFF
       - qh_newridge: Use UINT_MAX instead of 0xFFFFFFFF
       - Reviewed FIXUP notes
       - QhullRidge_test: t_foreach use 'foreach(const QhullVertex &v, vertices)
       - Made '#include "RoadTest.h" consistent across all C++ tests
       - qh-code.htm: May also use libqhull_r (e.g., FOREACHfacet_(...))
       - qh-get.htm: Add list of download build repositories
       - Add CMakeModules/CheckLFS.cmake: Enables Large File Support [B. Pearlmutter]
       - Makefile: Use -fpic at all times instead of -fPIC, [U. Drepper p. 15]
  21. Sep 19, 2015
  22. Sep 02, 2015
    • Brad Barber's avatar
      Replaced Gitorious with GitHub · a638c042
      Brad Barber authored
      Moved 'to do' comments into Changes.txt
      global_r.c: Fixed spelling of /* duplicated in...qh_clear_outputflags */ [K. Schwehr]
  23. Sep 01, 2015