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Add the nifdebug utility script

parent af5390d3
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version ##
Written for 3dsmax r8
Written by AUTHOR_NAME
- To view settings when debugging options to the standard
-- format:".8g"
-- format:".6f"
-- <<< S C R I P T S T A R T S H E R E >>>
global nifToolsFloater = undefined
global nifdbg_utl_up = undefined
--<< F U N C T I O N S >>
-- FUNCTION (NifDebug)
-- This function uses the standard 'Unhide By Name' dialog, PLUS adds options to select objects on
-- unhide; to add objects to current selection on unhide; and to zoom the active viewport
-- or all viewports to the selected objects.
fn toEuler m = (
local x, y, z
if ( m[1][3] < 1.0 ) then
if ( m[1][3] > - 1.0 ) then
x = atan2 -m[2][3] m[3][3]
y = asin m[1][3]
z = atan2 -m[1][2] m[1][1]
return eulerAngles x y z
x = - atan2 -m[2][1] m[2][2]
y = -pi/2
z = 0.0
return eulerAngles x y z
x = atan2 m[2][1] m[2][2] ;
y = pi/2
z = 0.0
return eulerAngles x y z
fn getTransform node = (
if (node == undefined) then (
return Matrix3 1
) else (
if (classOf node as string) == "Biped_Object" then (
local pos = biped.getTransform node #pos
local rot = biped.getTransform node #rotation
local scl = biped.getTransform node #scale
return (scaleMatrix scl) * (Inverse (rot as Matrix3)) * (transMatrix pos)
) else (
return node.transform
fn getObjectTransform node = (
if (node == undefined) then (
return Matrix3 1
) else (
return node.objecttransform
fn nifDebug =
if (nifToolsFloater != undefined) then
nifDebugUtil nifToolsFloater.rollouts[1]
if ( nifdbg_utl_up != null ) then
nifDebugUtil nifdbg_utl_up
fn svNifDbgSelectionChange =
-- Get schematic view index
-- svIndex = callbacks.notificationParam()
-- end functions.
rollout nifTransformTools "Nif Transform Tools" width:220 height:312
edittext edt_Name "Name:" readOnly:true
checkbox chk_local "Show Local Transform"
checkbox chk_object "Show Object Transform"
group "Position"
edittext edt_posx "X:" readOnly:true
edittext edt_posy "Y:" readOnly:true
edittext edt_posz "Z:" readOnly:true
checkbox chk_invrot "Invert Rotation"
group "Rotation Quat"
edittext edt_rotw "W:" readOnly:true
edittext edt_rotx "X:" readOnly:true
edittext edt_roty "Y:" readOnly:true
edittext edt_rotz "Z:" readOnly:true
group "Rotation Euler"
label labEuler "Order:" align:#left
dropdownlist ddEuler "" items:#("NifSkope","1 - XYZ","2 - XZY","3 - YZX","4 - YXZ","5 - ZXY","6 - ZYX","7 - XYX","8 - YZY","9 - ZXZ") selection:10 width:90 offset:[40,-20]
checkbox chk_showrad "Show in Radians"
edittext edt_rotex "X:" readOnly:true
edittext edt_rotey "Y:" readOnly:true
edittext edt_rotez "Z:" readOnly:true
group "Rotation Matrix"
checkbox chk_showlh "Show Transpose"
edittext edt_rotmat height:50 readOnly:true offset:[-10,-5] width:200
group "Scale"
edittext edt_sclx "X:" readOnly:true
edittext edt_scly "Y:" readOnly:true
edittext edt_sclz "Z:" readOnly:true
group "Other"
edittext edt_len "Length:" readOnly:true
checkbox chk_parity "Parity" enabled:false
button btnRefresh "Refresh" -- pos:[114,60] width:77 height:17
on btnRefresh pressed do
on chk_local changed theState do
on chk_object changed theState do
on chk_invrot changed theState do
on chk_showrad changed theState do
on chk_showlh changed theState do
on ddEuler selected theState do
on nifTransformTools open do
try ( nifTransformTools.ddEuler.selection = 1 ) catch ()
try ( nifTransformTools.chk_local.checked = true ) catch ()
try ( nifTransformTools.chk_invrot.checked = true ) catch ()
try ( nifTransformTools.chk_showrad.checked = true ) catch ()
callbacks.addScript #selectionSetChanged "nifTransformTools.nifDebugUpdate()" id:#nidbg
registerTimeCallback nifTransformTools.nifDebugUpdate
--nifdbg_utl_up = utl_up
on nifTransformTools close do
--nifdbg_utl_up = undefined
callbacks.removeScripts #selectionSetChanged id:#nidbg
unRegisterTimeCallback nifDebug
fn nifDebugUpdate =
local utl_up = nifTransformTools
try (
if (utl_up != undefined) then
if (selection.count == 1 and utl_up.chk_local != undefined and utl_up.chk_object != undefined) then (
local obj = selection[1]
local pos, rot, scl, ppos, prot, pscl, len
local parent = obj.parent
local parity = false;
if (parent != undefined) then (
local PM = getTransform parent
local M = getTransform obj
len = (length (M.translationpart - PM.translationpart))
if (utl_up.chk_object.checked) then (
if (utl_up.chk_local.checked) then (
-- local coordinates
local LT = (getObjectTransform obj) * (Inverse M)
pos = LT.translationpart
rot = (Inverse LT.rotationpart)
scl = LT.scalepart
parity = (LT.determinantsign != 0)
) else (
local M = getObjectTransform obj
pos = M.translationpart
rot = (Inverse M.rotationpart)
scl = M.scalepart
parity = (M.determinantsign != 0)
) else (
if (utl_up.chk_local.checked) then (
-- local coordinates
local LT = M * (Inverse PM)
pos = LT.translationpart
rot = (Inverse LT.rotationpart)
scl = LT.scalepart
parity = (LT.determinantsign != 0)
) else (
local M = getTransform obj
pos = M.translationpart
rot = (Inverse M.rotationpart)
scl = M.scalepart
parity = (M.determinantsign != 0)
) else (
local M = getTransform obj
pos = M.translationpart
rot = (Inverse M.rotationpart)
scl = M.scalepart
parity = (M.determinantsign != 0)
len = length pos
utl_up.chk_parity.checked = parity
utl_up.edt_Name.text = as string
utl_up.edt_posx.text = formattedPrint pos.x format:".6f"
utl_up.edt_posy.text = formattedPrint pos.y format:".6f"
utl_up.edt_posz.text = formattedPrint pos.z format:".6f"
local fix = (matrix3 [1,0,0] [0,0,1] [0,1,0] [0,0,0])
local lh = (rot as Matrix3) * fix
if ( utl_up.chk_showlh.checked ) then (
rot = lh
if (utl_up.chk_invrot.checked) then (
rot = inverse rot
local rotmat = rot as Matrix3
local qrot = rot as Quat
local esel = utl_up.ddEuler.selection
local erot = undefined
if (esel == 1) then (
erot = toEuler rotmat
) else (
erot = quatToEuler qrot order:(esel-1)
--local erot = rot as EulerAngles
utl_up.edt_rotx.text = formattedPrint qrot.x format:".6f"
utl_up.edt_roty.text = formattedPrint qrot.y format:".6f"
utl_up.edt_rotz.text = formattedPrint qrot.z format:".6f"
utl_up.edt_rotw.text = formattedPrint qrot.w format:".6f"
if (utl_up.chk_showrad.checked) then (
utl_up.edt_rotex.text = formattedPrint (degToRad erot.x) format:".6f"
utl_up.edt_rotey.text = formattedPrint (degToRad erot.y) format:".6f"
utl_up.edt_rotez.text = formattedPrint (degToRad erot.z) format:".6f"
) else (
utl_up.edt_rotex.text = formattedPrint erot.x format:".6f"
utl_up.edt_rotey.text = formattedPrint erot.y format:".6f"
utl_up.edt_rotez.text = formattedPrint erot.z format:".6f"
if (utl_up.chk_showlh.checked) then (
local tmp = formattedPrint lh[1] format:".6f" + "\r\n" + formattedPrint lh[2] format:".6f" + "\r\n" + formattedPrint lh[3] format:".6f" + "\r\n"
utl_up.edt_rotmat.text = tmp
) else (
local tmp = formattedPrint rotmat[1] format:".6f" + "\r\n" + formattedPrint rotmat[2] format:".6f" + "\r\n" + formattedPrint rotmat[3] format:".6f" + "\r\n"
--local tmp = (rotmat[1] as string) + "\r\n" + (rotmat[2] as string) + "\r\n" + (rotmat[3] as string) + "\r\n"
utl_up.edt_rotmat.text = tmp
utl_up.edt_sclx.text = formattedPrint scl.x format:".6f"
utl_up.edt_scly.text = formattedPrint scl.y format:".6f"
utl_up.edt_sclz.text = formattedPrint pos.z format:".6f"
utl_up.edt_len.text = formattedPrint len format:".6f"
) else (
for obj in utl_up.controls do (
try (
if ( (classOf obj as string) == "EditTextControl") then (
obj.text = ""
) catch ()
)catch ()
function nifDebug_openTools =
if (nifToolsFloater == undefined) or (not then
nifToolsFloater = newRolloutFloater "NifTools Toolbox" 225 745
-- cui.RegisterDialogBar nifToolsFloater style:#(#cui_dock_left, #cui_dock_right, #cui_floatable, #cui_handles, #cui_max_sized) minSize:[230,-1] maxSize:[230,-1]
addRollout nifTransformTools nifToolsFloater rolledUp:false
Utility utl_up "NifDebug Tools" silentErrors:true
-- None
-- Notice, these are outside the Rollout clause, but still inside the Utility clause.
on utl_up open do
-- callbacks.addScript #selectionSetChanged "nifDebug()" id:#nidbg
-- registerTimeCallback nifDebug
-- try ( utl_up.ddEuler.selection = 1 ) catch ()
-- nifdbg_utl_up = utl_up
-- nifDebug()
on utl_up close do
-- nifdbg_utl_up = undefined
-- callbacks.removeScripts #selectionSetChanged id:#nidbg
-- unRegisterTimeCallback nifDebug
)--end utl_up.
-- Note: A Utility is 180 pixels wide. Sometimes this limits the UI design.
-- end script.
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