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Grant Kim
13 years ago
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==Version 0.2==
* Made NiSkinData and the bone nodes it references aware of each other so they
can be properly destroyed.
* Added BlocksInMemory() function to verify that all blocks are now dying when
the root block dies.
* Made the bone influence flag automatic.
* Changed NiNode Print() function to asString() as it should have been and
moved it to the cpp file.
* Added a readout of a list of skin data blocks that are connected to each
NiNode for testing.
* Fixed other functions that were still Print() instead of asString()
* Finished up NiSkinData block.
* Automated NiSkinInstance Skeleton Root attribute and AController Target Node
attribute. All back references should now be automatic.
* Fixed bug in Bounding Box attribute Write() function
* Added Write() Function for NiKeyFrameData, NiTextKeyExtraData, and
* Added AExtraData class with a proper index attribute. ExtraData blocks will
now be part of the tree as they should have been.
* Added IKeyframeData interface.
* Fixed a bug that was causing multiple copies of the same block to be written
by WriteNifTree()
* Fixed a bug that was causing the Skeleton Root in NiSkinInstance to be
calculated incorrectly.
* Added QueryKeyframeData() function.
* Finished support for NiTextKeyExtraData.
* Added Write() function for NiMoprhData
* Finished NiMorphData interface and functions.
* Added template directives for new key templates to pyniflib.i.
==Version 0.7.3==
==Version 0.2.1==
* AsQuaternion is now a const member function (contributed by Dragongeo2).
* Some math operators for TexCoord and Color4 (contributed by Dragongeo2).
* Make base_type field public (requested by DragoonWraith).
* Store block number in NiObject when reading a nif file (requested by DragoonWraith).
* Added cmake build script.
* GetTexture() now returns a TexDesc reference (requested by DragoonWraith).
* Type::Create() method (requested by DragoonWraith).
* Changed Float3, Matrix33, and Matrix44 from C arrays to structures that
mimic C arrays ensure accessibility from scripting languages.
* Made Get() functions for Matrix33, Matrix44, and Float3 return a value
instead of a reference.
* Fixed broken SWIG wrapper; still needs some more fixing...
* Added Makefile for building the python wrapper on linux/cygwin
* Some fixes to the SWIG wrapper file.
* Removed the idea of getting attributes by index, instead returning a vector
of attributes.
* Changed Set(float, float, float) to Set(Float3&) in IAttr and relevant
descendent classes.
* Added a Set(float, float, float) function to the Float3 struct to allow
setting all values in one call.
* Changed IBlock::GetAttrList() to GetAttrs() to be more consistent with other
* Made some changes to help Niflib work better with GCC.
* All the cpp files now seem to compile in GCC.
* Added list<blk_ref> template to SWIG file.
* Capitalized interface ID constants.
* Added support for [] operator to attr_ref in Python.
* Added Python support for [] to Matrix33, Matrix44, and Float3
* Added __setitem__ operators to blk_ref for Python.
* Un-commented attr_ref operator=(blk_ref) function.
* Changed MatrixRowN types to FloatN, merging MatrixRow3 and Float3.
* Added Matrix22 and Float2 types.
* Changed bump mapping members in Texture struct to use Matrix22.
* Changed members in BoundingBox struct to use Vector3 and Matrix33 types.
==Version 0.7.2==
==Version 0.3==
* Added some internal template functions for extracting flags and fields from
bitfields to NIF_IO.h.
* Finished new MatTexCollection helper class which makes it possible to
manipulate material properties and texture objects with the same classes
regardless of the intended NIF version.
* Implemented write for files of version <, so now old files can be
both read and written.
* Made some minor formatting improvements through alteration in the XML Python
* Pre-main initialization of objects was causing problems with both static and
DLL linking of the library. I fixed the DLL issues, but statically linking
the library caused none of the objects to register themselves, so I went
back to using a single function that registers all objects the first time
ReadNifTree is called. This fixes the issues with crashing and missing
* Moved Object Registration/Creation functionality into new ObjectRegistry
class. This allows users of the library to register new NIF object or
overwrite exiting ones without recompiling the library.
* Restored some missing function implementations.
* updated Makefile to compile the complete library
* fixed small error in NiStringExtraData asString() function
* Began work on multiple version support.
* Added NiParticleSystemController block and started on particlegroup
* Changed the type name of some attributes to match DocSys database.
* Changed IndexAttr to LinkAttr for consistency. Type name is now "link."
* Fixed inheritance of light blocks - didn't notice they didn't work since no
official file seems to use them.
* Finished basic version support - still need to implement new block reading
scheme for version 5 and up.
* Updated all basic blocks with correctly versioned attributes from DocSys
* Updated all data blocks except for NiSkinPartition and NiControllerSequence
to react correctly to known version differences up to
* All blocks but the above now have both a Read and a Write function.
* Sped up CreateBlock and AddAttr functions.
* Implemented the new header scheme for reading.
* Fixed up the new header scheme for reading. All files can now be
read as long as they don't contain unsupported block types.
* Updated the WriteNifTree function to write the correct version string and
hex number for the version requested. Still doesn't support the new header
* Made a few fixes as I updated the Maya importer to the changes.
* NiSkinPartition and NiLODNode are now read fully and can be examined by
calling the asString function or written back out to a file unchanged.
* NiTriStripsData has been given a public interface, ITriStripsData, so that
the triangle strips it contains can be extracted.
* added autoconf/automake files + small changes to make things GCC compatible
* libtool fix in automake for compilation of shared libraries under Cygwin
* Fixed GCC compilation issues.
* Decided to start putting generated files on CVS.
* automake small improvement (now only builds the python wrapper independent
of additional library files)
* Removed py_wrap.cpp and added a simple windows compilation script for use
with the MS Visual C++ Toolkit.
* Fixed bug in Matrix33.Set(...)
* Matrix22.Set(...) bugfix
* Python wrapper fixes & improvements.
* Python wrapper exception support fix.
* More Python wrapper fixes and upgrades.
* Fixed AShapeData::SetVertexCount to allow for zero normals and/or colors.
* Removed some other recent changes.
* Suppressed all the warnings except one.
* Changed attr_nodeancestor to attr_controllertarget and fixed it so it
recognizes any controllable block, not just nodes.
* Made all struct types consistent with proper constructors.
* Cleaned up the attributes a bit, inheriting some from others so that code
isn't duplicated and special arguments are no longer needed to create any
type of attribute.
* "Name" is an attribute again; special functions to set it have been
* Synced supported blocks to the DocSys, adopting the new position of the
AParticleModifier block.
* SetTriangles() bugfix and added range checking on vertex & triangle counts.
* Fix writing NIF header + small fix in AShapeData
* Python SWIG support for strings in structure members
* Starting to write code for exporting x*.kf and x*.nif files. (unfinished)
* Fixed a bug in TargetControllerAttr.
* Added IsController function.
* Added ParentAttr for use in the AParticleModifier block.
* Minor fixes for the Python wrapper. Initial try to write XKf and XNif
* Rewrote children of AKeyedData using NifStream function, and added public
interfaces for them.
* Added some const qualifiers.
* Fixed NiTextKeyExtraData read & write.
* Finished code that creates XNif & XKf files; fixed bug in
* Fixed a bug I introduced yesterday.
* Killed a zombie.
* Added const correctness; fixed a few GCC compilation problems.
* Fixed a few bugs I introduced because I forgot to add a few consts. :oops:
* Added a function to calculate an X-aligned bone matrix from the bone vector
and the bone roll, which is convenient to have for the Blender exporter.
* Attempted to fix NiSkinData to be const friendly.
* Fixed a bug that was introduced in the reference bone reference tracking.
* Bone matrix calculation function (Blender helper function) fixed.
* Removed BoneToMatrix44 helper functions. (They will be implemented in
Python in the Blender exporter.)
* Fixed a little bug I introduced earlier. :oops:
* Corrected default state of node flags.
* Added SCons support for building niflib.
* Corrected skeleton root calculation.
* Fixed error that caused an invalid number to be written in the unknown 4
floats within NiSkinData. Now simply write 4 zeros.
* Re-implemented NiMorphData with NifStream function, fixing a bug in its
Write function at the same time.
* Changed several of the attributes of NiPixelData to attributes in
preparation for creating an interface for it.
* Fixed a bug in AExtraData for version
* Started adding Doxygen format documentation comments to niflib.h.
* Renamed Color structure to Color4.
* More documentation comments added.
* Renamed TextureSource to TexSource and Texture to TexDesc.
* Fixed overall transformation in NiSkinData.
* Added more documentation.
* Renamed INode functions dealing with bind position so that each function
clearly expresses the type of matrix its dealing with - local or world.
* Removed the GNU buildsystem; SCons supersedes it.
==Version 0.7==
==Version 0.4==
* Deleted redundant autoconf macro file.
* Zombie killed.
* Improved compiler flags for windows build.
* fixed key type in NiMorphData
* Started work on 10.x compatibility.
* Added GetMorphKeyType, and SetMorphKeyType to IMorphData interface.
* Supported new header formats for version to version in
WriteNifTree function.
* Updated texsource and texdesc attributes to the latest DocSys info.
* Finished updating all existing blocks to the latest DocSys info.
* Added NiBoolData and APSysData blocks.
* Fixed new attr_bool and attr_unk292bytes attributes so that they can be
used by blocks.
* added -fPIC to cppflags to resolve amd64 compilation issue under linux
* fixed GCC compilation issue
* removed linux library prefix for the python wrapper
* Made internal cross-reference system more general.
* Implemented NiControllerSequence block and interface.
* Implemented NiBoneLODController. Problems with writing connected NiSkinData
blocks, however.
* Some internal changes.
* Fixed destructor of NiControllerSequence to remove itself as the parent of
blocks it points to if it is destroyed.
* Implemented NiLookAtInterpolator.
* Several fixes to blocks that didn't have arrays expanded in the DocSys.
* DocSys is now fully implemented, so all versions 4.x and 10.x files that
it supports are now supported.
* Fixed one warning in GCC.
* Implemented GetLinks() functions for NiBoneLODController and
NiControllerSequence blocks so that their internal links will be followed
when writing files.
* scons example program compilation (see comments in SConstruct)
* Merged NiKeyframeData and NiTransformData under AKeyframeData.
* Implemented most of the IPixelData interface.
* adding cygwin support
* Attempted to implement IPixelData and IPalette interfaces. Yet to be
thoroughly tested.
* Debugged and tested IPixelData functions.
* Fixed a bug that was causing a Segmentation Fault when Nif files that
had NiSourceTexture blocks were read by code compiled with GCC.
* updated python wrapper interface
* niftexture workaround
* CPPFLAGS fix in compile examples.
* Removed two more memset calls just in case.
* fixed NiPixelData bugs
* fixed GCC warnings, fixed NIF footer
* Fixed a few more bugs in IPixelData.
==Version 0.5==
* Niflib can now operate on most or all files from the following games:
Oblivion, Civilization IV, Zoo Tycoon 2, Dark Ages of Camelot,
and Morrowind
* Cloning support for both single NIF classes and entire NIF trees.
* Major API redesign featuring:
- Type-aware smart pointers instead of a single generic blk_ref.
- Direct access to functions of all classes instead of interfaces.
- Ability to test whether one class is derived from another and do dynamic
and static casting between compatible types.
- No more attributes, values are accessed directly with functions in the
classes that hold them instead.
- Math structures now feature operations such as matrix inverse, as well
as operators such as multiplying matrices and vertices.
- Much faster operation overall due to hard-coded read and write functions
generated from the XML and no sting look-ups when accessing attributes.
- New skin API which makes skin morphed vertices availiable and makes
moving the mesh to the bind position optional.
- All symbols are now enclosed in the Niflib namespace
- Most old interfaces transitioned directly to new equivalents to reduce
code re-writing when upgrading from previous versions.
==Version 0.5.4==
* Added a != operator to Vector3.
* Initialized TexCoord values to 0.0f.
* Added Visibility flag functions to NiAVObject.cpp
* Fixed NiTexturingProperty::SetTexture to set the internal hasXTexture
variables correctly.
* Fix DAoC bug with kob_m_head01.nif
* Cycle type is now set correctly on controllers created or modified by
MergeNifTrees function.
* Changed default for new controllers to 12; Active/Clamped. Should get
cycle type from NiControllerSequence.
* Add a default value for the new controller so that its active.
* Update niflib with bspline interpolation abilities
* Change mergeniftrees to default phase to 0.0f instead of 1.0f as its a
better default value.
* Determined that there are references to NiBSplineData and
NiBSplineBasisData in all NiBSplineInterpolator derived classes.
Consolidated the various references from the derived classes to the
NiBSplineInterpolator class in the XML and in Niflib.
* We can't have functions on compounds as all files for them are generated. Removed CalcNumTriangles so Niflib programs will link.
* Applied latest XML changes.
* Split some things that were previously part of NIF_IO.h into their own
files to make SWIG wrapping work better.
* Made the MergeNifTree function set the start time, stop time, and
frequency of the controller it attaches an interpolator to.
* Made the MergeNifTree function create a controller of the right type and
attach it to the specified node if one does not already exist.
* Fixed an include statement to be relative.
* Add extra targets getter/setter for multitargeter controller. Probably
need to fix GetRefs() at some point get return weak pointer references as
well as strong ones.
* Fix Math so that it decomposes rotations back to stored rotation and not
the inverse. Fix Scale so that it returns the correct value rather than
x+y + (z/3).
* Add helper methods for useful flags for importing data in avobject and
controller sequence.
* Suppressed most SWIG warnings.
* Tried to implement MergeNifTrees for KF files with a NiControllerSequence
root. Untested.
* Minor change to Python wrapper file.
==Version 0.5.6==
* Added code to ensure that bones have their flag set properly, even if they
are not so in the original NIF file.
* Added SendNifTreeToBindPos function to set a whole file to the bind
* NiTriStripsData::GetTriangles no longer returns triangles that have
matching vertices and, thus, no surface area.
* Added a SetBoneWeights function to NiTriBasedGeom which automatically
calculates the correct bone center and radius.
* The NiSkinData::SetBoneWeights function now requires the radius and center
as arguments.
* Removed lingering cout statements except those within debug defines.
* NiNode flags now default to 8 for "Not a skin influence."
* The code I added to make NiTriBasedGeom select the correct skeleton root
was wrong and has been re-written and tested. It now seems to select the
same skeleton root as real NIF files.
* The NiTriBasedGeomData::SetUVSetCount function now sets the hasUVs bool
value correctly.
* Fixed some skin related bugs in ComplexShape::Split.
* Created a new ComplexShape class which can currently be used to
automatically split the sort of complicated mesh that contains
per-point-per-face attributes into NiTriShape classes. Should support
skinning as well, but has not been tested.
* Added TexCoord == operator.
* Changed type of Triangle members to unsigned short.
* Color4 now defaults to all zeros.
* NiAVObject::AddProperty now takes a const argument.
* Fixed exception in NiTexturingProperty to throw a runtime_error instead of
a string.
* NiTriBasedGeom::BindSkin should now automatically finds the skeleton root
by itself. The skeleton_root argument has been removed.
* Removed predefines from Doxyfile since they are no longer needed with the
new Python generation method.
* Disabled Whole Program Optimization in project settings. This makes a full
recompile take longer, but makes compiling after small changes to a few
files much much faster.
* Niflib is now using a new XML update method. This means:
- There are no longer any defines, things like inheritance class name, NIF
attribute variables, and default constructor code are all visible without
looking at another file.
- All non-custom parts of the Object files are now totally identical and in
the same order, so it will be easier to compare them.
- NiObjects are now completely self-contained. To remove them from Niflib,
you have only to exclude their CPP file from the build. To add new ones,
you only have to include their new CPP file.
- Making a change to a NiObject implementation file only causes that one
file to be re-compiled, which is generally much quicker than before since
the large obj_define and obj_impl files do not have to be parsed or
- There are no longer any "Internal" versions of the Read, Write, asString,
FixLinks, or GetRefs functions. Now there is just one function for each
of these with pre and post custom code areas (except for GetRefs which I
didn't think needed it.)
- Updates to the hierarchy in the XML should now be almost completely
automatic. All that should be necessary to make an update is to add any
new NiObject CPP files to the build.
- Changes to the generated parts of the NiObject files can now be made at
any time, and immediately applied to all NiObjects without editing each
existing one.
* Moved FixLink template file from obj_impl.cpp to its own file.
* Moving array template to nif_basic_types so that NIF_IO won't need to be
* Removed erroneous bhkMeshShape object.
* Added support in the version parsing functions for versions such as "3.03"
which were being parsed as "" before. These will now be parsed as
* All Bridge Commander demo NIF files other than those that contain voxel 3D
textures can now be read.
* All DAoC demo NIF files except those of version 2.3 and those that do not
appear to store NIF data can now be read.
* Updated user's guide.
* Added functions to NiImage and NiTextureProperty to allow texture name to be
manipulated in <= 3.1 files.
* Updated ComplexShape to take the above objects into account when deciding
whether to include UV coordinates.
* Fixed one more bug that allows files to work again.
* Added to the list of "supported" versions.
* Added version 3.1 to list of "supported" versions.
* Fixed several bugs that were preventing support for old 3.1 and below files
from working. Many of these can now be loaded.
* Updated Niflib to the latest XML which adds support for: bhkMeshShape,
NiMultiTextureProperty, NiRawImageData, NiRollController, NiSequence,
NiBinaryVoxelExtraData, NiBinaryVoxelData, NiPSysCollider, NiBone,
NiPSysSphericalCollider, BSWindModifier, NiTriShapeSkinController objects,
and possibly more. This also significantly improves the class hierarchy.
* Objects now have a Create methods and register themselves in the global
object map with pre-main initialization, making obj_factories.cpp obsolete.
* Re-exposed TYPE constants and marked them NIFLIB_API, making the TypeConst
function obsolete. You now must use NiObject::TYPE instead of
NiObject::TypeConst() again.
* Re-exposed IDENTITY constants and marked then NIFLIB_API. Now you must use
MatrixXX::IDENTITY instead of MatrixXX::Identity() again.
* Changed the default linkage to DLL. You now have to define
NIFLIB_STATIC_LINK if you want to use static linking instead of having to
define USE_NIFLIB_DLL if you want to use the DLL.
* Added a new Debug - DLL configuration.
* Static configurations now create either niflib_static.lib or
niflib_static_debug.lib, while DLL configurations create niflib_dll.lib and
niflib_dll_debug.lib along with niflib.dll and niflib_debug.dll.
* Added ClearHardareSkinInfo function to NiTriBasedGeom so that
SetSkinPartition functions could be made NIFLIB_HIDDEN.
* Removed access to unknown data in NiPSysEmitterCtlrData.
* Some function and enum name changes in NiAlphaProperty and
NiStencilProperty to be more consistent with OpenGL and the rest of Niflib.
* Removed access to unknown parameters in NiSourceTexture and merged file name
access functions.
* Removed redundant Get/SetHidden functions from NiAVObject, use
Get/SetVisibility instead.
* Renamed Get/SetCollision to Get/SetCollisionMode in NiAVObject.
* Made sure all classes fell into 3 namespaces: Niflib, triangle_stripper,
and NvTriStrip.
* Removed some functions from NiObject that did nothing.
* Moved structures contained within the ComplexShape class outside of it so
they're easier to reference.
* Moved ListAncestors and FindCommonAncestor helper functions from inside of
NiGeometry to public interface.
* Added IsAnimated function to NiObjectNET.
* Implemented experimental endian support which means that Niflib may be able
to work on PowrePC Macs and other big-endian CPUs, however support is not
complete. Theoretically it should be possible to read a big-endian file on
a little-endian system, but it is not possible to do the opposite, or to
create a little-endian file due to issues with the header needing to switch
endian types int he middle of the generated code and always read the bytes
that make up the NIF version in the same order.
* DLL files built with the MSVC project will now appear in the niflib/bin
folder instead of the common ../bin folder. This should make it easier to
find the files if only the niflib folder is checked out.
* Added warning comments to generated files advising the user not to edit them
* Changed NiNode AddChild function to keep NiTriBasedGeom-derived objects at
the top of the list. Fixes issue with Oblivion flattened skin file
hierarchies where the NiTriBasedGeom skin was appearing after the NiNode
bones that it used in the child list of their mutual parent.
* Project file now properly uses "Multithreaded DLL" runtime library for
"Release - DLL" configuration.
* Removed old SWIG-related code as SWIG will no longer be suppoted.
* Fixed GetIDString virtual function missmatch that was causing the name not
to show up when the function was called from a NiObjectRef.
* Removed precompiled header file stuff from project files that is no longer
* Fixed Niflib DLL compile. All public functions should now be marked with
either NIFLIB_API or NIFLIB_HIDDEN. May have missed a few here or there
but they should be noticed eventually.
* All public functions are now documented with Doxygen comments.
* Changed all occurrences of uint and ushort to unsigned int and unsigned
* Fixed many GCC compile problems. Niflib should compile in GCC now:
- Replaced array template with a simpler one that works with GCC.
- Replaced "unsigned" with "unsigned int" GCC doesn't like this.
- Changed C++ style unsigned int casts so GCC will be able to understand
- Properly capitalized include file names in niflib.cpp.
* Changed as many functions as possible to take pointer arguments instead of
Ref template arguments.
* Prevented the link map from being copied unnecessarily, improving
performance and memory usage.
==Version 0.6.2==
* Improved support for Freedom Force games thanks to Symon.
* Change NodeGroup to use pointers instead of Refs.
* NiGeometry::BindSkin now throws an exception if one of the passed in bone
references is NULL.
* NiNode::IsSplitMeshProxy now returns false if it is a skin influence.
* NiTriShapeData::GetTriangles now only returns valid triangles.
* Fixed a bug in ComplexShape::Merge that occurred when a shape had no UV set,
but, for some reason, had a texture referencing UV set zero.
* Added NiGeometry::NormalizeSkinWeights function to ensure all skin weights
add up to 1.0 on export.
* ComplexShape::Split now cuts out weights below 0.1 and normalizes the
* Fixed a bug which could cause NiSkinInstance to try to call a function on a
NiNode that was in the midst of destruction.
* Added NiGeometry::ApplySkinOffset function to clear nodes between skins and
the skeleton root.
* Added some new object types for NIF version 3.1, but most files still can't
be opened.
* Fixed object auto-destruct. Niflib is now destroying objects properly and
reporting the right number of Objects from NiObject::NumObjectsInMemory.
* Generated array code now prints 20 items per 2D array in total when verbose
is off.
* Fixed duplicated Read call. All FFvt3R demo files can now be read by
* Added NiGeometry::ApplyTransforms function to automatically zero out the
transforms of a mesh and apply them to its vertices.
* Added NiGeometryData::Transform function to apply an arbitrary transform
to all vertices and normals of a mesh (used by above).
* Added NiNode::PropagateTransform function to apply a NiNode's local
transform to its children and then zero it out.
* Fixed NiTriShapeData to properly set numTriangles when SetTriangles is
* Removed "set root to scene root" option from NiGeometry::BindSkin.
* Replaced GetSkinInfluencedVertices function with GetSkinDeformation
function which takes in references to two vectors and fills them with the
skin deformed vertices and normals
* Added constructor to Matrix44 to convert from Matrix33.
* Change default to little endian instead of big endian.
* Added NiClodSkinInstance and fixed NiClodData. Niflib can now open all
Freedom Force demo NIF files.
* Corrected Shape/particle hierarchy by adding NiGeometry and NiGeometryData.
==Version 0.6.0==
* Fixed ComplexShape::Merge and ComplexShape::Split to properly take new uvSet
@@ -438,206 +329,315 @@
* Added IsSplitMeshProxy function to NiNode.
* Fixed some include problems.
==Version 0.6.2==
* Improved support for Freedom Force games thanks to Symon.
* Change NodeGroup to use pointers instead of Refs.
* NiGeometry::BindSkin now throws an exception if one of the passed in bone
references is NULL.
* NiNode::IsSplitMeshProxy now returns false if it is a skin influence.
* NiTriShapeData::GetTriangles now only returns valid triangles.
* Fixed a bug in ComplexShape::Merge that occurred when a shape had no UV set,
but, for some reason, had a texture referencing UV set zero.
* Added NiGeometry::NormalizeSkinWeights function to ensure all skin weights
add up to 1.0 on export.
* ComplexShape::Split now cuts out weights below 0.1 and normalizes the
* Fixed a bug which could cause NiSkinInstance to try to call a function on a
NiNode that was in the midst of destruction.
* Added NiGeometry::ApplySkinOffset function to clear nodes between skins and
the skeleton root.
* Added some new object types for NIF version 3.1, but most files still can't
be opened.
* Fixed object auto-destruct. Niflib is now destroying objects properly and
reporting the right number of Objects from NiObject::NumObjectsInMemory.
* Generated array code now prints 20 items per 2D array in total when verbose
is off.
* Fixed duplicated Read call. All FFvt3R demo files can now be read by
* Added NiGeometry::ApplyTransforms function to automatically zero out the
transforms of a mesh and apply them to its vertices.
* Added NiGeometryData::Transform function to apply an arbitrary transform
to all vertices and normals of a mesh (used by above).
* Added NiNode::PropagateTransform function to apply a NiNode's local
transform to its children and then zero it out.
* Fixed NiTriShapeData to properly set numTriangles when SetTriangles is
* Removed "set root to scene root" option from NiGeometry::BindSkin.
* Replaced GetSkinInfluencedVertices function with GetSkinDeformation
function which takes in references to two vectors and fills them with the
skin deformed vertices and normals
* Added constructor to Matrix44 to convert from Matrix33.
* Change default to little endian instead of big endian.
* Added NiClodSkinInstance and fixed NiClodData. Niflib can now open all
Freedom Force demo NIF files.
* Corrected Shape/particle hierarchy by adding NiGeometry and NiGeometryData.
==Version 0.5.6==
* Added code to ensure that bones have their flag set properly, even if they
are not so in the original NIF file.
* Added SendNifTreeToBindPos function to set a whole file to the bind
* NiTriStripsData::GetTriangles no longer returns triangles that have
matching vertices and, thus, no surface area.
* Added a SetBoneWeights function to NiTriBasedGeom which automatically
calculates the correct bone center and radius.
* The NiSkinData::SetBoneWeights function now requires the radius and center
as arguments.
* Removed lingering cout statements except those within debug defines.
* NiNode flags now default to 8 for "Not a skin influence."
* The code I added to make NiTriBasedGeom select the correct skeleton root
was wrong and has been re-written and tested. It now seems to select the
same skeleton root as real NIF files.
* The NiTriBasedGeomData::SetUVSetCount function now sets the hasUVs bool
value correctly.
* Fixed some skin related bugs in ComplexShape::Split.
* Created a new ComplexShape class which can currently be used to
automatically split the sort of complicated mesh that contains
per-point-per-face attributes into NiTriShape classes. Should support
skinning as well, but has not been tested.
* Added TexCoord == operator.
* Changed type of Triangle members to unsigned short.
* Color4 now defaults to all zeros.
* NiAVObject::AddProperty now takes a const argument.
* Fixed exception in NiTexturingProperty to throw a runtime_error instead of
a string.
* NiTriBasedGeom::BindSkin should now automatically finds the skeleton root
by itself. The skeleton_root argument has been removed.
==Version 0.5.4==
* Added a != operator to Vector3.
* Initialized TexCoord values to 0.0f.
* Added Visibility flag functions to NiAVObject.cpp
* Fixed NiTexturingProperty::SetTexture to set the internal hasXTexture
variables correctly.
* Fix DAoC bug with kob_m_head01.nif
* Cycle type is now set correctly on controllers created or modified by
MergeNifTrees function.
* Changed default for new controllers to 12; Active/Clamped. Should get
cycle type from NiControllerSequence.
* Add a default value for the new controller so that its active.
* Update niflib with bspline interpolation abilities
* Change mergeniftrees to default phase to 0.0f instead of 1.0f as its a
better default value.
* Determined that there are references to NiBSplineData and
NiBSplineBasisData in all NiBSplineInterpolator derived classes.
Consolidated the various references from the derived classes to the
NiBSplineInterpolator class in the XML and in Niflib.
* We can't have functions on compounds as all files for them are generated. Removed CalcNumTriangles so Niflib programs will link.
* Applied latest XML changes.
* Split some things that were previously part of NIF_IO.h into their own
files to make SWIG wrapping work better.
* Made the MergeNifTree function set the start time, stop time, and
frequency of the controller it attaches an interpolator to.
* Made the MergeNifTree function create a controller of the right type and
attach it to the specified node if one does not already exist.
* Fixed an include statement to be relative.
* Add extra targets getter/setter for multitargeter controller. Probably
need to fix GetRefs() at some point get return weak pointer references as
well as strong ones.
* Fix Math so that it decomposes rotations back to stored rotation and not
the inverse. Fix Scale so that it returns the correct value rather than
x+y + (z/3).
* Add helper methods for useful flags for importing data in avobject and
controller sequence.
* Suppressed most SWIG warnings.
* Tried to implement MergeNifTrees for KF files with a NiControllerSequence
root. Untested.
* Minor change to Python wrapper file.
==Version 0.7==
==Version 0.5==
* Niflib can now operate on most or all files from the following games:
Oblivion, Civilization IV, Zoo Tycoon 2, Dark Ages of Camelot,
and Morrowind
* Cloning support for both single NIF classes and entire NIF trees.
* Major API redesign featuring:
- Type-aware smart pointers instead of a single generic blk_ref.
- Direct access to functions of all classes instead of interfaces.
- Ability to test whether one class is derived from another and do dynamic
and static casting between compatible types.
- No more attributes, values are accessed directly with functions in the
classes that hold them instead.
- Math structures now feature operations such as matrix inverse, as well
as operators such as multiplying matrices and vertices.
- Much faster operation overall due to hard-coded read and write functions
generated from the XML and no sting look-ups when accessing attributes.
- New skin API which makes skin morphed vertices availiable and makes
moving the mesh to the bind position optional.
- All symbols are now enclosed in the Niflib namespace
- Most old interfaces transitioned directly to new equivalents to reduce
code re-writing when upgrading from previous versions.
==Version 0.4==
* Deleted redundant autoconf macro file.
* Zombie killed.
* Improved compiler flags for windows build.
* fixed key type in NiMorphData
* Started work on 10.x compatibility.
* Added GetMorphKeyType, and SetMorphKeyType to IMorphData interface.
* Supported new header formats for version to version in
WriteNifTree function.
* Updated texsource and texdesc attributes to the latest DocSys info.
* Finished updating all existing blocks to the latest DocSys info.
* Added NiBoolData and APSysData blocks.
* Fixed new attr_bool and attr_unk292bytes attributes so that they can be
used by blocks.
* added -fPIC to cppflags to resolve amd64 compilation issue under linux
* fixed GCC compilation issue
* removed linux library prefix for the python wrapper
* Made internal cross-reference system more general.
* Implemented NiControllerSequence block and interface.
* Implemented NiBoneLODController. Problems with writing connected NiSkinData
blocks, however.
* Some internal changes.
* Fixed destructor of NiControllerSequence to remove itself as the parent of
blocks it points to if it is destroyed.
* Implemented NiLookAtInterpolator.
* Several fixes to blocks that didn't have arrays expanded in the DocSys.
* DocSys is now fully implemented, so all versions 4.x and 10.x files that
it supports are now supported.
* Fixed one warning in GCC.
* Implemented GetLinks() functions for NiBoneLODController and
NiControllerSequence blocks so that their internal links will be followed
when writing files.
* scons example program compilation (see comments in SConstruct)
* Merged NiKeyframeData and NiTransformData under AKeyframeData.
* Implemented most of the IPixelData interface.
* adding cygwin support
* Attempted to implement IPixelData and IPalette interfaces. Yet to be
thoroughly tested.
* Debugged and tested IPixelData functions.
* Fixed a bug that was causing a Segmentation Fault when Nif files that
had NiSourceTexture blocks were read by code compiled with GCC.
* updated python wrapper interface
* niftexture workaround
* CPPFLAGS fix in compile examples.
* Removed two more memset calls just in case.
* fixed NiPixelData bugs
* fixed GCC warnings, fixed NIF footer
* Fixed a few more bugs in IPixelData.
==Version 0.3==
* updated Makefile to compile the complete library
* fixed small error in NiStringExtraData asString() function
* Began work on multiple version support.
* Added NiParticleSystemController block and started on particlegroup
* Changed the type name of some attributes to match DocSys database.
* Changed IndexAttr to LinkAttr for consistency. Type name is now "link."
* Fixed inheritance of light blocks - didn't notice they didn't work since no
official file seems to use them.
* Finished basic version support - still need to implement new block reading
scheme for version 5 and up.
* Updated all basic blocks with correctly versioned attributes from DocSys
* Updated all data blocks except for NiSkinPartition and NiControllerSequence
to react correctly to known version differences up to
* All blocks but the above now have both a Read and a Write function.
* Sped up CreateBlock and AddAttr functions.
* Implemented the new header scheme for reading.
* Fixed up the new header scheme for reading. All files can now be
read as long as they don't contain unsupported block types.
* Updated the WriteNifTree function to write the correct version string and
hex number for the version requested. Still doesn't support the new header
* Made a few fixes as I updated the Maya importer to the changes.
* NiSkinPartition and NiLODNode are now read fully and can be examined by
calling the asString function or written back out to a file unchanged.
* NiTriStripsData has been given a public interface, ITriStripsData, so that
the triangle strips it contains can be extracted.
* added autoconf/automake files + small changes to make things GCC compatible
* libtool fix in automake for compilation of shared libraries under Cygwin
* Fixed GCC compilation issues.
* Decided to start putting generated files on CVS.
* automake small improvement (now only builds the python wrapper independent
of additional library files)
* Removed py_wrap.cpp and added a simple windows compilation script for use
with the MS Visual C++ Toolkit.
* Fixed bug in Matrix33.Set(...)
* Matrix22.Set(...) bugfix
* Python wrapper fixes & improvements.
* Python wrapper exception support fix.
* More Python wrapper fixes and upgrades.
* Fixed AShapeData::SetVertexCount to allow for zero normals and/or colors.
* Removed some other recent changes.
* Suppressed all the warnings except one.
* Changed attr_nodeancestor to attr_controllertarget and fixed it so it
recognizes any controllable block, not just nodes.
* Made all struct types consistent with proper constructors.
* Cleaned up the attributes a bit, inheriting some from others so that code
isn't duplicated and special arguments are no longer needed to create any
type of attribute.
* "Name" is an attribute again; special functions to set it have been
* Synced supported blocks to the DocSys, adopting the new position of the
AParticleModifier block.
* SetTriangles() bugfix and added range checking on vertex & triangle counts.
* Fix writing NIF header + small fix in AShapeData
* Python SWIG support for strings in structure members
* Starting to write code for exporting x*.kf and x*.nif files. (unfinished)
* Fixed a bug in TargetControllerAttr.
* Added IsController function.
* Added ParentAttr for use in the AParticleModifier block.
* Minor fixes for the Python wrapper. Initial try to write XKf and XNif
* Rewrote children of AKeyedData using NifStream function, and added public
interfaces for them.
* Added some const qualifiers.
* Fixed NiTextKeyExtraData read & write.
* Finished code that creates XNif & XKf files; fixed bug in
* Fixed a bug I introduced yesterday.
* Killed a zombie.
* Added const correctness; fixed a few GCC compilation problems.
* Fixed a few bugs I introduced because I forgot to add a few consts. :oops:
* Added a function to calculate an X-aligned bone matrix from the bone vector
and the bone roll, which is convenient to have for the Blender exporter.
* Attempted to fix NiSkinData to be const friendly.
* Fixed a bug that was introduced in the reference bone reference tracking.
* Bone matrix calculation function (Blender helper function) fixed.
* Removed BoneToMatrix44 helper functions. (They will be implemented in
Python in the Blender exporter.)
* Fixed a little bug I introduced earlier. :oops:
* Corrected default state of node flags.
* Added SCons support for building niflib.
* Corrected skeleton root calculation.
* Fixed error that caused an invalid number to be written in the unknown 4
floats within NiSkinData. Now simply write 4 zeros.
* Re-implemented NiMorphData with NifStream function, fixing a bug in its
Write function at the same time.
* Changed several of the attributes of NiPixelData to attributes in
preparation for creating an interface for it.
* Fixed a bug in AExtraData for version
* Started adding Doxygen format documentation comments to niflib.h.
* Renamed Color structure to Color4.
* More documentation comments added.
* Renamed TextureSource to TexSource and Texture to TexDesc.
* Fixed overall transformation in NiSkinData.
* Added more documentation.
* Renamed INode functions dealing with bind position so that each function
clearly expresses the type of matrix its dealing with - local or world.
* Removed the GNU buildsystem; SCons supersedes it.
* Removed predefines from Doxyfile since they are no longer needed with the
new Python generation method.
* Disabled Whole Program Optimization in project settings. This makes a full
recompile take longer, but makes compiling after small changes to a few
files much much faster.
* Niflib is now using a new XML update method. This means:
- There are no longer any defines, things like inheritance class name, NIF
attribute variables, and default constructor code are all visible without
looking at another file.
- All non-custom parts of the Object files are now totally identical and in
the same order, so it will be easier to compare them.
- NiObjects are now completely self-contained. To remove them from Niflib,
you have only to exclude their CPP file from the build. To add new ones,
you only have to include their new CPP file.
- Making a change to a NiObject implementation file only causes that one
file to be re-compiled, which is generally much quicker than before since
the large obj_define and obj_impl files do not have to be parsed or
- There are no longer any "Internal" versions of the Read, Write, asString,
FixLinks, or GetRefs functions. Now there is just one function for each
of these with pre and post custom code areas (except for GetRefs which I
didn't think needed it.)
- Updates to the hierarchy in the XML should now be almost completely
automatic. All that should be necessary to make an update is to add any
new NiObject CPP files to the build.
- Changes to the generated parts of the NiObject files can now be made at
any time, and immediately applied to all NiObjects without editing each
existing one.
* Moved FixLink template file from obj_impl.cpp to its own file.
* Moving array template to nif_basic_types so that NIF_IO won't need to be
* Removed erroneous bhkMeshShape object.
* Added support in the version parsing functions for versions such as "3.03"
which were being parsed as "" before. These will now be parsed as
* All Bridge Commander demo NIF files other than those that contain voxel 3D
textures can now be read.
* All DAoC demo NIF files except those of version 2.3 and those that do not
appear to store NIF data can now be read.
* Updated user's guide.
* Added functions to NiImage and NiTextureProperty to allow texture name to be
manipulated in <= 3.1 files.
* Updated ComplexShape to take the above objects into account when deciding
whether to include UV coordinates.
* Fixed one more bug that allows files to work again.
* Added to the list of "supported" versions.
* Added version 3.1 to list of "supported" versions.
* Fixed several bugs that were preventing support for old 3.1 and below files
from working. Many of these can now be loaded.
* Updated Niflib to the latest XML which adds support for: bhkMeshShape,
NiMultiTextureProperty, NiRawImageData, NiRollController, NiSequence,
NiBinaryVoxelExtraData, NiBinaryVoxelData, NiPSysCollider, NiBone,
NiPSysSphericalCollider, BSWindModifier, NiTriShapeSkinController objects,
and possibly more. This also significantly improves the class hierarchy.
* Objects now have a Create methods and register themselves in the global
object map with pre-main initialization, making obj_factories.cpp obsolete.
* Re-exposed TYPE constants and marked them NIFLIB_API, making the TypeConst
function obsolete. You now must use NiObject::TYPE instead of
NiObject::TypeConst() again.
* Re-exposed IDENTITY constants and marked then NIFLIB_API. Now you must use
MatrixXX::IDENTITY instead of MatrixXX::Identity() again.
* Changed the default linkage to DLL. You now have to define
NIFLIB_STATIC_LINK if you want to use static linking instead of having to
define USE_NIFLIB_DLL if you want to use the DLL.
* Added a new Debug - DLL configuration.
* Static configurations now create either niflib_static.lib or
niflib_static_debug.lib, while DLL configurations create niflib_dll.lib and
niflib_dll_debug.lib along with niflib.dll and niflib_debug.dll.
* Added ClearHardareSkinInfo function to NiTriBasedGeom so that
SetSkinPartition functions could be made NIFLIB_HIDDEN.
* Removed access to unknown data in NiPSysEmitterCtlrData.
* Some function and enum name changes in NiAlphaProperty and
NiStencilProperty to be more consistent with OpenGL and the rest of Niflib.
* Removed access to unknown parameters in NiSourceTexture and merged file name
access functions.
* Removed redundant Get/SetHidden functions from NiAVObject, use
Get/SetVisibility instead.
* Renamed Get/SetCollision to Get/SetCollisionMode in NiAVObject.
* Made sure all classes fell into 3 namespaces: Niflib, triangle_stripper,
and NvTriStrip.
* Removed some functions from NiObject that did nothing.
* Moved structures contained within the ComplexShape class outside of it so
they're easier to reference.
* Moved ListAncestors and FindCommonAncestor helper functions from inside of
NiGeometry to public interface.
* Added IsAnimated function to NiObjectNET.
* Implemented experimental endian support which means that Niflib may be able
to work on PowrePC Macs and other big-endian CPUs, however support is not
complete. Theoretically it should be possible to read a big-endian file on
a little-endian system, but it is not possible to do the opposite, or to
create a little-endian file due to issues with the header needing to switch
endian types int he middle of the generated code and always read the bytes
that make up the NIF version in the same order.
* DLL files built with the MSVC project will now appear in the niflib/bin
folder instead of the common ../bin folder. This should make it easier to
find the files if only the niflib folder is checked out.
* Added warning comments to generated files advising the user not to edit them
* Changed NiNode AddChild function to keep NiTriBasedGeom-derived objects at
the top of the list. Fixes issue with Oblivion flattened skin file
hierarchies where the NiTriBasedGeom skin was appearing after the NiNode
bones that it used in the child list of their mutual parent.
* Project file now properly uses "Multithreaded DLL" runtime library for
"Release - DLL" configuration.
* Removed old SWIG-related code as SWIG will no longer be suppoted.
* Fixed GetIDString virtual function missmatch that was causing the name not
to show up when the function was called from a NiObjectRef.
* Removed precompiled header file stuff from project files that is no longer
* Fixed Niflib DLL compile. All public functions should now be marked with
either NIFLIB_API or NIFLIB_HIDDEN. May have missed a few here or there
but they should be noticed eventually.
* All public functions are now documented with Doxygen comments.
* Changed all occurrences of uint and ushort to unsigned int and unsigned
* Fixed many GCC compile problems. Niflib should compile in GCC now:
- Replaced array template with a simpler one that works with GCC.
- Replaced "unsigned" with "unsigned int" GCC doesn't like this.
- Changed C++ style unsigned int casts so GCC will be able to understand
- Properly capitalized include file names in niflib.cpp.
* Changed as many functions as possible to take pointer arguments instead of
Ref template arguments.
* Prevented the link map from being copied unnecessarily, improving
performance and memory usage.
==Version 0.7.2==
==Version 0.2.1==
* Added some internal template functions for extracting flags and fields from
bitfields to NIF_IO.h.
* Finished new MatTexCollection helper class which makes it possible to
manipulate material properties and texture objects with the same classes
regardless of the intended NIF version.
* Implemented write for files of version <, so now old files can be
both read and written.
* Made some minor formatting improvements through alteration in the XML Python
* Pre-main initialization of objects was causing problems with both static and
DLL linking of the library. I fixed the DLL issues, but statically linking
the library caused none of the objects to register themselves, so I went
back to using a single function that registers all objects the first time
ReadNifTree is called. This fixes the issues with crashing and missing
* Moved Object Registration/Creation functionality into new ObjectRegistry
class. This allows users of the library to register new NIF object or
overwrite exiting ones without recompiling the library.
* Restored some missing function implementations.
* Changed Float3, Matrix33, and Matrix44 from C arrays to structures that
mimic C arrays ensure accessibility from scripting languages.
* Made Get() functions for Matrix33, Matrix44, and Float3 return a value
instead of a reference.
* Fixed broken SWIG wrapper; still needs some more fixing...
* Added Makefile for building the python wrapper on linux/cygwin
* Some fixes to the SWIG wrapper file.
* Removed the idea of getting attributes by index, instead returning a vector
of attributes.
* Changed Set(float, float, float) to Set(Float3&) in IAttr and relevant
descendent classes.
* Added a Set(float, float, float) function to the Float3 struct to allow
setting all values in one call.
* Changed IBlock::GetAttrList() to GetAttrs() to be more consistent with other
* Made some changes to help Niflib work better with GCC.
* All the cpp files now seem to compile in GCC.
* Added list<blk_ref> template to SWIG file.
* Capitalized interface ID constants.
* Added support for [] operator to attr_ref in Python.
* Added Python support for [] to Matrix33, Matrix44, and Float3
* Added __setitem__ operators to blk_ref for Python.
* Un-commented attr_ref operator=(blk_ref) function.
* Changed MatrixRowN types to FloatN, merging MatrixRow3 and Float3.
* Added Matrix22 and Float2 types.
* Changed bump mapping members in Texture struct to use Matrix22.
* Changed members in BoundingBox struct to use Vector3 and Matrix33 types.
==Version 0.
==Version 0.
* AsQuaternion is now a const member function (contributed by Dragongeo2).
* Some math operators for TexCoord and Color4 (contributed by Dragongeo2).
* Make base_type field public (requested by DragoonWraith).
* Store block number in NiObject when reading a nif file (requested by DragoonWraith).
* Added cmake build script.
* GetTexture() now returns a TexDesc reference (requested by DragoonWraith).
* Type::Create() method (requested by DragoonWraith).
* Made NiSkinData and the bone nodes it references aware of each other so they
can be properly destroyed.
* Added BlocksInMemory() function to verify that all blocks are now dying when
the root block dies.
* Made the bone influence flag automatic.
* Changed NiNode Print() function to asString() as it should have been and
moved it to the cpp file.
* Added a readout of a list of skin data blocks that are connected to each
NiNode for testing.
* Fixed other functions that were still Print() instead of asString()
* Finished up NiSkinData block.
* Automated NiSkinInstance Skeleton Root attribute and AController Target Node
attribute. All back references should now be automatic.
* Fixed bug in Bounding Box attribute Write() function
* Added Write() Function for NiKeyFrameData, NiTextKeyExtraData, and
* Added AExtraData class with a proper index attribute. ExtraData blocks will
now be part of the tree as they should have been.
* Added IKeyframeData interface.
* Fixed a bug that was causing multiple copies of the same block to be written
by WriteNifTree()
* Fixed a bug that was causing the Skeleton Root in NiSkinInstance to be
calculated incorrectly.
* Added QueryKeyframeData() function.
* Finished support for NiTextKeyExtraData.
* Added Write() function for NiMoprhData
* Finished NiMorphData interface and functions.
* Added template directives for new key templates to pyniflib.i.
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