- Oct 05, 2015
figment authored
- Oct 04, 2015
figment authored
- Sep 27, 2015
figment authored
Update to 3DS Max 2016 (minimal effort taken to preserve compatibility with prior editions)
- Jan 07, 2012
figment authored
- Feb 14, 2009
Tazpn authored
- Oct 24, 2008
Tazpn authored
- Oct 19, 2008
Tazpn authored
max: Support MW animation frames better. Correct biped animation export to avoid drastic rotations.
- Aug 23, 2008
Tazpn authored
- Jul 13, 2008
Tazpn authored
- Correct project so Max 2008 is properly supported. - Update license to reflect that its a BSD license o Importer - Add support for importing Collision as Packed TriStrip as appropriate - Remove code which was causing collision to be imported twice in some models o Exporter - Add support for exporting Collision as Packed TriStrips as appropriate - Packed TriStrips will now also export bhkMoppBvTreeShape as well bhkMoppBvTreeShape uses the Havok SDK to generate efficient collision models which is supperior to bhkNiTriStripsShape. This feature will not be available for max x64 builds.
- Oct 28, 2007
Tazpn authored
- Jun 18, 2007
Tazpn authored
Tazpn authored
----- o Importer/Exporter - Improved Bridge Commander support. - Added more Collision support + Modifiers * bhkRigidBody - Modifier This is a modifier which converts a mesh into a collision mesh and is a replacement for the Utility. + Helper Objects (Find under Create | Helper | NifTools) * bhkRigidBody Rigid Body reference object. Place all havok objects in this object. * bhkBox Primitive for a Havok Box * bhkSphere Primitive for a Havok Sphere * bhkCapsule Primitive for a Havok Capsule * bhkCollProxy Makes a collision object from an existing set of objects but does not make the root objects collision objects.
- Jun 17, 2007
- May 28, 2007
Tazpn authored
- Oct 12, 2006
Tazpn authored
----- o Exporter - Fix Collapse Transforms on dialog so that it actually triggers collapse - Change defaults for textures so Morrowind does not crash in CS - Fix export of animation for Morrowind - Introduce mechanism in Collapse Transforms so that poorly scaled models export better o Importer - Fix import of animation for Morrowind
- Sep 26, 2006
Tazpn authored
- Consolidate code to single plugin: NifPlugins.dlu - Please remove the following when upgrading to this release. o MaxNifImport.dli, NifExport.dle, NifProps.dlu, NifFurniture.dlu - Started Wiki Documentation Project: o http://www.niftools.org/wiki/index.php/3ds_Max o Exporter - Fix bug in Skin Partitioning that would cause max to hang - Add links to website and wiki to dialog - Tag NIF files with Plugin version in first comment field. - Fix export of selected nodes. - Support Prn strings for Oblivion and Morrowind when selected mesh is bound to bone bug does not have skin modifier. - Change export to place all data in NonAccum nodes when available Plan to do proper support for NonAccum nodes in the future. - Add progress bar updates while exporting o Importer - Add links to website and wiki to dialog - Add support for Prn string imports for Oblivion and Morrowind
- Sep 11, 2006
Tazpn authored
----- o Exporter - Add animation export. o Importer - Add option to ignore UPB buffers. * Useful in preventing LOD Bone warnings from the Civ4 Exporter - Fixed problem with Animation Note Tracks not being cleared - Fixed issue with BSpline animation when too much data was present * Specifically the Civ4 Leaderheads now import animation very well - Import Animation Priority into user prop buffer o NifProps Utility - Added Animation Priority - Removed unused Globals
- Sep 10, 2006
Tazpn authored
----- o Exporter - Fix issue when exporting a mesh with a skin modifier that had bones that were not used. - Fix bug with normals introduced in 0.2.2 when fixing previous problem - Changed code to scale the mesh so that Reset XForm is not required - Added support for Bone LOD code. Works with Civ4 Bone LOD Manager. - Added support for Lights and Cameras o Importer - Alter code to create Camera nodes when name begins with Camera. - Initial pass at Lights - Fixed issues with skin modifier on Civ4 Units and Leaderheads - Added support for Bone LOD code. Works with Civ4 Bone LOD Manager. - Added support for Lights and Cameras - Fixed issues with Textures with muliple UV Sets
- Aug 31, 2006
Tazpn authored
Importer - Alter code to create Camera nodes when name begins with Camera.
- Aug 27, 2006
Tazpn authored
- Aug 20, 2006
Tazpn authored
1. Fix issue with exporting with user version specified. Oblivion CS will crash if not set correctly. 2. Fix issues with nif export in general around bhk ordering (ported over from gundalfs changes) 3. Civ4 Shader support for max 4. Numerous bug fixes to max.
- Aug 17, 2006
Tazpn authored
- Added Vertex Color modifier support - Fixed issue with static animation import - Fixed issue with skin vertex weight count import o Exporter - Dropped registry support in favor of INI file. - Dropped Official Max6 support because I do not have SDK to compile it with (try the max 7 files). - Fixed issue with importing glossiness setting on textures. - Fixed issues with export of vertex color. Alpha map is now exported as part of the normal color map. - No longer exports meshes associated with bone or biped nodes. - No longer exports extra NiNode when exporting NiTriGeom-based objects (can be reset in ini file) - Mass, Restitution(Ellasticity), and Friction now share values with Reactor(Havok) - Modified UPB export to actually export the values in the UserPropBuffer not just a fixed list. - Added Skin Modifier export o NifProps Utility - Mass, Restitution(Ellasticity), and Friction now share values with Reactor(Havok)
- Aug 06, 2006
Tazpn authored
2. Start adding Collision import in to max importer 3. Fix bug with Glossiness in Exporter 4. Alter Exporter to use ini file instead of Registry if ini is present 5. Alter Exporter to share UPB values with Reactor 6. Remove duplicate niflib directory
- Jul 16, 2006
Tazpn authored
Fixed rotation issue with animation import Added biped "support" for max 7 (still cannot test properly but it compiles.)
- Jul 08, 2006
Tazpn authored
Commit Max 7 (ie no biped) changes since I have an old max7 demo floating around and can use the sdk off that cd to build.
- Jul 02, 2006
Tazpn authored
- Jul 01, 2006
Tazpn authored
- Jun 30, 2006
Tazpn authored
Added initial animation support for embedded NIF controller data. External files are suspect at the moment.