- Apr 29, 2015
neomonkeus authored
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Ghost authored
- Aug 30, 2013
neomonkeus authored
- Feb 16, 2008
Amorilia authored
- Feb 11, 2008
- Feb 09, 2008
Hreheh authored
- Aug 07, 2007
Amorilia authored
Details: -------- Source files with conflicts (marked with "C" in the log below): resolved manually. Conflicts in nifskope/resources: simply reverted to trunk/resources (in other words, they have been left unchanged). Skipped files: manually copied with "svn cp" (except for nifskope/kfm.xml, which is a copy of the docsys/kfm.xml). Missing targets: ignored. nifskope/widgets/uvedit.cpp: reverted (i.e. no changes); something went wrong during merge, I think nothing was really changed in the file but for some reason svn failed to recognize that and applied the patch wrongly Compiler fixes: gl/glnode.cpp:889: tm &Matrix4 ... -> tm Matrix4 = ... Merge log: ---------- svn merge -r 2124:2522 https://niftools.svn.sf.net/svnroot/niftools/branches/ver_20_1 . U docsys/gen_niflib.py U docsys/nifxml.py C docsys/nif.xml U docsys/kfm.xml A nifskope/options.h C nifskope/nifvalue.cpp A nifskope/LICENSE.TXT U nifskope/spells/texture.cpp A nifskope/spells/headerstring.cpp U nifskope/spells/animation.cpp Skipped 'nifskope/kfm.xml' U nifskope/basemodel.cpp A nifskope/options.cpp U nifskope/nifxml.cpp U nifskope/kfmxml.cpp U nifskope/nifmodel.h Skipped 'nifskope/glcontroller.cpp' U nifskope/nifvalue.h Skipped missing target: 'nifskope/gl/options.h' Skipped missing target: 'nifskope/gl/FurnitureMarkers.h' Skipped missing target: 'nifskope/gl/options.cpp' A nifskope/gl/glmarker.cpp U nifskope/gl/glproperty.cpp U nifskope/gl/glnode.cpp A nifskope/gl/glmarker.h Skipped 'nifskope/gltex.cpp' A nifskope/CHANGELOG.TXT U nifskope/widgets/uvedit.cpp U nifskope/widgets/valuedit.cpp U nifskope/importex/obj.cpp C nifskope/resources/button_view_front.png A nifskope/resources/img_update.png C nifskope/resources/button_view_user.png C nifskope/resources/button_view_walk.png A nifskope/resources/img_flag.png C nifskope/resources/button_view_top.png C nifskope/resources/button_view_side.png A nifskope/resources/img_link.png A nifskope/gllight.cpp U nifskope/NifSkope.pro U nifskope/nifmodel.cpp
- Jun 11, 2006
Amorilia authored
- Mar 22, 2006
m4444x authored
- Oct 08, 2005
Amorilia authored
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