MaxPlugins 0.2.17 ================= This plugin currently consists of an exporter, importer and a utility plugin for 3ds max and gmax for read and writing Gamebryo/Netimmerse related files. Report problems and ask questions here: A wiki for the 3ds Max plugins is available at: Enjoy! Requirements ------------ Plugins: 3D Studio Max 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 2008, 2009 gmax 1.2 Installation ------------ Installer: The installer will configure the plugins for whichever releases you have available on your machine. It will also optionally configure texture paths for various games that we know there settings for. Copy NifPlugins.dlu, to your 3dsmax\plugins directory. Copy MaxNifTools.ini to your 3dsmax\plugcfg directory. gmax notes: NifPlugins.dlu goes in gmax\plugin folder MaxNifTools.ini goes in gmax\plugCFG folder nifgmax.exe goes in gmax folder where gmax.exe is located. You must start gmax with the nifgmax.exe, NOT the gmax.exe. Usage ----- Collision: Add bhkRigidBody from Create | Helpers | Niftools to represent a rigid body in havok. Add bhkCollProxy or bhkRigidBody Modifier to represent shapes and then link them to the bhkRigidBody. Exporter: Export files using "File->Export->Gambryo File (*.nif)". Importer: Import files using "File->Import->Netimmerse/Gamebryo(*.NIF)" Settings: Its recommended that you edit the MaxNifTools.ini file to adjust paths and other settings to your machine to make it easier to work with. 1. Remove irrelevant applications from the KnownApplications list 2. Fix the RootPaths, TexturePaths and TextureSearchPaths in the Applications for your machine. Additional Notes ---------------- If your collision mesh comes out deformed, go to the utilities tab, choose "Reset XForm" and click "Reset Selected". This should fix it.
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