/********************************************************************** *< FILE: bhkProxyObj.cpp DESCRIPTION: Collision Proxy Object Implementation CREATED BY: tazpn (Theo) HISTORY: V1.0 - Derived from 3ds max prim box example *> Copyright (c) 2006, All Rights Reserved. **********************************************************************/ #pragma warning( disable:4800 ) #include <max.h> #include "MAX_Mem.h" #include <map> #include "NifProps.h" #include "iparamm.h" #include "Simpobj.h" #include "surf_api.h" #include "notify.h" #include "macroRec.h" #include "bhkRigidBodyInterface.h" #include "NifGui.h" #include "NifStrings.h" #include "bhkHelperFuncs.h" #include "meshdelta.h" #ifndef _countof #define _countof(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof((x)[0])) #endif extern void compute_convex_hull(Mesh& mesh, Mesh& outmesh); Class_ID BHKPROXYOBJECT_CLASS_ID = Class_ID(0x3f087788, BHKRIGIDBODYCLASS_DESC.PartB()); class ProxyPickObjectMode; class bhkProxyValidatorClass : public PBValidator { public: class bhkProxyObject *mod; private: BOOL Validate(PB2Value &v) { INode *node = (INode*) v.r; if (node->TestForLoop(FOREVER,(ReferenceMaker *) mod)!=REF_SUCCEED) return FALSE; ObjectState os = node->EvalWorldState(0); //Allow only tri object derived objects if (os.obj->CanConvertToType(triObjectClassID) && os.obj->SuperClassID() != SHAPE_CLASS_ID) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; }; }; class bhkProxyObject : public SimpleObject2 { typedef SimpleObject2 BaseClass; public: // Class vars IParamMap2 *pmapParam; IObjParam *ip; ProxyPickObjectMode *pickObMode; IParamMap2 *pbvParams[1]; //proxy Interface *mIP; bhkProxyValidatorClass validator; ICustButton *iPickButton; Mesh proxyMesh; Point3 proxyPos; bool forceRedraw; bhkProxyObject(BOOL loading); ~bhkProxyObject(); // From Object int CanConvertToType(Class_ID obtype); Object* ConvertToType(TimeValue t, Class_ID obtype); void GetCollapseTypes(Tab<Class_ID> &clist,Tab<TSTR*> &nlist); CreateMouseCallBack* GetCreateMouseCallBack(); void BeginEditParams( IObjParam *ip, ULONG flags,Animatable *prev); void EndEditParams( IObjParam *ip, ULONG flags,Animatable *next); RefTargetHandle Clone(RemapDir& remap); TCHAR *GetObjectName() { return GetString(IDS_RB_PROXY); } int NumParamBlocks() { return 1; } // return number of ParamBlocks in this instance IParamBlock2* GetParamBlock(int i) { return pblock2; } // return i'th ParamBlock IParamBlock2* GetParamBlockByID(BlockID id) { return (pblock2->ID() == id) ? pblock2 : NULL; } // return id'd ParamBlock // Animatable methods void DeleteThis() {delete this;} Class_ID ClassID() { return BHKPROXYOBJECT_CLASS_ID; } SClass_ID SuperClassID() { return HELPER_CLASS_ID; } // From SimpleObject void BuildMesh(TimeValue t); BOOL OKtoDisplay(TimeValue t); void InvalidateUI(); int Display(TimeValue t, INode* inode, ViewExp *vpt, int flags); void BuildEmpty(); void BuildColBox(); void BuildColStrips(); void BuildColPackedStrips(); void BuildColConvex(); void BuildColCapsule(); void BuildOptimize(Mesh&mesh); void UpdateUI(); void CreateMesh(); Modifier *CreateWSMMod(INode *) { return NULL; } }; //--- ClassDescriptor and class vars --------------------------------- // The class descriptor for box class bhkProxyObjClassDesc : public ClassDesc2 { public: bhkProxyObjClassDesc(); int IsPublic() { return 1; } void * Create(BOOL loading = FALSE) { return new bhkProxyObject(loading); } const TCHAR * ClassName() { return GetString(IDS_RB_PROXY_CLASS); } SClass_ID SuperClassID() { return HELPER_CLASS_ID; } Class_ID ClassID() { return BHKPROXYOBJECT_CLASS_ID; } const TCHAR* Category() { return "NifTools"; } const TCHAR* InternalName() { return _T("bhkProxyShape"); } // returns fixed parsable name (scripter-visible name) HINSTANCE HInstance() { return hInstance; } // returns owning module handle }; extern ClassDesc2* GetbhkProxyObjDesc(); // in prim.cpp - The dll instance handle extern HINSTANCE hInstance; //--- Parameter map/block descriptors ------------------------------- // Parameter and ParamBlock IDs enum { list_params, opt_params, clone_params }; // pblock2 ID enum { PB_MATERIAL, PB_MESHLIST, PB_BOUND_TYPE, PB_CENTER, PB_OPT_ENABLE, PB_MAXEDGE, PB_FACETHRESH, PB_EDGETHRESH, PB_BIAS, }; enum { bv_type_none, bv_type_box, bv_type_shapes, bv_type_packed, bv_type_convex, bv_type_capsule }; // pblock ID static ParamBlockDesc2 param_blk ( list_params, _T("parameters"), 0, NULL, P_AUTO_CONSTRUCT + P_AUTO_UI + P_MULTIMAP, 0, //rollout 3, list_params, IDD_PROXYPARAM1, IDS_PARAMS, 0, 0, NULL, opt_params, IDD_RB_MOD_PANEL1, IDS_OPT_PARAMS, 0, 0, NULL, clone_params, IDD_CLONE_PANEL, IDS_CLONE_PARAMS, 0, 0, NULL, // params PB_MATERIAL, _T("material"), TYPE_INT, P_ANIMATABLE, IDS_DS_MATERIAL, p_default, NP_DEFAULT_HVK_MATERIAL, end, PB_BOUND_TYPE, _T("boundType"), TYPE_INT, 0, IDS_BV_BOUNDING_TYPE, p_default, 0, p_range, 0, 5, p_ui, list_params, TYPE_RADIO, 6, IDC_RDO_NO_COLL, IDC_RDO_AXIS_ALIGNED_BOX, IDC_RDO_STRIPS_SHAPE, IDC_RDO_PACKED_STRIPS, IDC_RDO_CONVEX, IDC_RDO_CAPSULE, end, PB_MESHLIST, _T("meshProxy"), TYPE_INODE_TAB, 0, P_AUTO_UI|P_VARIABLE_SIZE, IDS_MESHLIST, p_ui, list_params, TYPE_NODELISTBOX, IDC_LIST1,IDC_ADD,0,IDC_REMOVE, end, PB_CENTER, _T("center"), TYPE_POINT3, P_TRANSIENT, IDS_CENTER, end, PB_OPT_ENABLE, _T("enableOptimize"), TYPE_BOOL, 0, IDS_OPT_ENABLE, p_default, FALSE, p_ui, opt_params, TYPE_SINGLECHEKBOX, IDC_OPT_ENABLE, end, PB_FACETHRESH, _T("faceThresh"), TYPE_FLOAT, P_RESET_DEFAULT, IDS_OPT_FACETHRESH, p_default, 0.1f, p_range, 0.0f, 90.0f, p_ui, opt_params, TYPE_SPINNER, EDITTYPE_FLOAT, IDC_OPT_FACETHRESH, IDC_OPT_FACETHRESHSPIN, 0.01f, p_uix, opt_params, end, PB_EDGETHRESH, _T("edgeThresh"), TYPE_FLOAT, 0, IDS_OPT_EDGETHRESH, p_default, 0.1f, p_range, 0.0f, 90.0f, p_ui, opt_params, TYPE_SPINNER, EDITTYPE_FLOAT, IDC_OPT_EDGETHRESH, IDC_OPT_EDGETHRESHSPIN, 0.01f, p_uix, opt_params, end, PB_BIAS, _T("bias"), TYPE_FLOAT, 0, IDS_OPT_BIAS, p_default, 0.1f, p_range, 0.0f, 1.0f, p_ui, opt_params, TYPE_SPINNER, EDITTYPE_FLOAT, IDC_OPT_BIAS, IDC_OPT_BIASSPIN, 0.01f, p_uix, opt_params, end, PB_MAXEDGE, _T("maxEdge"), TYPE_FLOAT, 0, IDS_OPT_MAXEDGE, p_default, 0.0f, p_range, 0.0f, 1000.0f, p_ui, opt_params, TYPE_SPINNER, EDITTYPE_FLOAT, IDC_OPT_MAXEDGE, IDC_OPT_MAXEDGESPIN, SPIN_AUTOSCALE, p_uix, opt_params, end, end ); // bug in pb desc? forces us to use this rather than in inline version static bhkProxyObjClassDesc listDesc; extern ClassDesc2* GetbhkProxyObjDesc() { return &listDesc; } bhkProxyObjClassDesc::bhkProxyObjClassDesc() { param_blk.SetClassDesc(this); } class ProxyPickObjectMode : public PickModeCallback, public PickNodeCallback { public: bhkProxyObject *mod; BOOL HitTest(IObjParam *ip,HWND hWnd,ViewExp *vpt,IPoint2 m,int flags); BOOL Pick(IObjParam *ip,ViewExp *vpt); void EnterMode(IObjParam *ip); void ExitMode(IObjParam *ip); BOOL RightClick(IObjParam *ip,ViewExp *vpt) {return TRUE;} BOOL Filter(INode *node); PickNodeCallback *GetFilter() {return this;} }; //--- ProxyPickObjectMode ------------------------------------------------ BOOL ProxyPickObjectMode::Filter(INode *node) { if (node) { node->BeginDependencyTest(); mod->NotifyDependents(FOREVER,0,REFMSG_TEST_DEPENDENCY); if (node->EndDependencyTest()) { return FALSE; } ////added code for looptest //if (node->TestForLoop(FOREVER,(ReferenceMaker *) mod)!=REF_SUCCEED) // return FALSE; for (int i = 0;i < mod->pblock2->Count(PB_MESHLIST); i++) { INode *tnode = NULL; mod->pblock2->GetValue(PB_MESHLIST,0,tnode,FOREVER,i); if (node == tnode) return FALSE; } ObjectState os = node->EvalWorldState(0); //added code such that lines are not selected if ( (os.obj->IsSubClassOf(triObjectClassID) || os.obj->CanConvertToType(triObjectClassID)) && (os.obj->SuperClassID() != SHAPE_CLASS_ID) ) { return TRUE; } if (os.obj->SuperClassID() == HELPER_CLASS_ID && os.obj->ClassID().PartB() == BHKRIGIDBODYCLASS_DESC.PartB() ) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } BOOL ProxyPickObjectMode::HitTest( IObjParam *ip,HWND hWnd,ViewExp *vpt,IPoint2 m,int flags) { INode *node = mod->mIP->PickNode(hWnd,m, this); //added "this" argument such that the Filter above is used return node?TRUE:FALSE; } BOOL ProxyPickObjectMode::Pick(IObjParam *ip,ViewExp *vpt) { BOOL rv = FALSE; if (INode *node = vpt->GetClosestHit()) { theHold.Begin(); ObjectState os = node->EvalWorldState(0); if (os.obj->CanConvertToType(triObjectClassID)) { mod->pblock2->Append(PB_MESHLIST,1,&node,1); rv = TRUE; } theHold.Accept(GetString(IDS_ADD_MESH)); } return rv; } void ProxyPickObjectMode::EnterMode(IObjParam *ip) {mod->iPickButton->SetCheck(TRUE);} void ProxyPickObjectMode::ExitMode(IObjParam *ip) {mod->iPickButton->SetCheck(FALSE);} static ProxyPickObjectMode thePickMode; class ProxyParamDlgProc : public ParamMap2UserDlgProc { public: bhkProxyObject *so; HWND thishWnd; NpComboBox mCbMaterial; ProxyParamDlgProc(bhkProxyObject *s) {so=s;thishWnd=NULL;} INT_PTR DlgProc(TimeValue t,IParamMap2 *map,HWND hWnd,UINT msg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam); void Update(TimeValue t); void DeleteThis() {delete this;} //--- ParamDlgProc -------------------------------- void TurnSpinner(HWND hWnd,int SpinNum,BOOL ison) { ISpinnerControl *spin2 = GetISpinner(GetDlgItem(hWnd,SpinNum)); if (ison) spin2->Enable();else spin2->Disable(); ReleaseISpinner(spin2); }; }; void ProxyParamDlgProc::Update(TimeValue t) { if (!thishWnd) return; return; } INT_PTR ProxyParamDlgProc::DlgProc(TimeValue t,IParamMap2 *map,HWND hWnd,UINT msg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { thishWnd=hWnd; switch (msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { mCbMaterial.init(GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_CB_MATERIAL)); for (const char **str = NpHvkMaterialNames; *str; ++str) mCbMaterial.add(*str); int sel = NP_DEFAULT_HVK_MATERIAL; Interval valid; so->pblock2->GetValue( PB_MATERIAL, 0, sel, valid); mCbMaterial.select( sel ); // Disable all types not currently implemented EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_RDO_CAPSULE), FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_RDO_PACKED_STRIPS), FALSE); Update(t); break; } case WM_DESTROY: if (so && so->iPickButton != NULL) { ReleaseICustButton(so->iPickButton); so->iPickButton = NULL; } break; case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_CB_MATERIAL: if (HIWORD(wParam)==CBN_SELCHANGE) { so->pblock2->SetValue( PB_MATERIAL, 0, mCbMaterial.selection() ); } break; case IDC_BTN_CLONE: so->CreateMesh(); break; } break; } return FALSE; } namespace { class CloneMeshDlgProc : public ParamMap2UserDlgProc { public: bhkProxyObject *mod; CloneMeshDlgProc(bhkProxyObject* m) {mod = m;} void DeleteThis() {delete this;} INT_PTR DlgProc (TimeValue t,IParamMap2 *map,HWND hWnd,UINT msg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { switch (msg) { case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_BTN_CLONE: mod->CreateMesh(); return TRUE; default: return FALSE; } } return FALSE; } }; } //--- Proxy methods ------------------------------- bhkProxyObject::bhkProxyObject(BOOL loading) { pmapParam = NULL; ip = NULL; pickObMode = NULL; pbvParams[0] = NULL; mIP = NULL; iPickButton = NULL; validator.mod = this; forceRedraw = false; SetAFlag(A_PLUGIN1); listDesc.MakeAutoParamBlocks(this); assert(pblock2); } bhkProxyObject::~bhkProxyObject() { param_blk.SetUserDlgProc(); if (pmapParam) { pmapParam = NULL; } } void bhkProxyObject::BeginEditParams(IObjParam *ip,ULONG flags,Animatable *prev) { BaseClass::BeginEditParams(ip,flags,prev); mIP = ip; listDesc.BeginEditParams(ip,this,flags,prev); param_blk.SetUserDlgProc(new ProxyParamDlgProc(this)); param_blk.SetUserDlgProc(clone_params, new CloneMeshDlgProc(this)); pmapParam = pblock2->GetMap(list_params); this->ip = ip; } void bhkProxyObject::EndEditParams( IObjParam *ip, ULONG flags,Animatable *next ) { param_blk.SetUserDlgProc(); BaseClass::EndEditParams(ip,flags,next); this->ip = NULL; pmapParam = NULL; if (iPickButton != NULL) { ReleaseICustButton(iPickButton); iPickButton = NULL; } // tear down the appropriate auto-rollouts listDesc.EndEditParams(ip, this, flags, next); mIP = NULL; } void bhkProxyObject::UpdateUI() { if (ip == NULL) return; ProxyParamDlgProc* dlg = static_cast<ProxyParamDlgProc*>(pmapParam->GetUserDlgProc()); dlg->Update(ip->GetTime()); } enum { POSX = 0, // right POSY = 1, // back POSZ = 2, // top NEGX = 3, // left NEGY = 4, // front NEGZ = 5, // bottom }; void bhkProxyObject::BuildMesh(TimeValue t) { ivalid = FOREVER; int bvType = 0; pblock2->GetValue(PB_BOUND_TYPE, 0, bvType, FOREVER, 0); BuildEmpty(); switch (bvType) { default: case bv_type_none: // Delete mesh. break; case bv_type_box: // box BuildColBox(); break; case bv_type_shapes: // Shapes BuildColStrips(); //BuildBox(mesh,,,) break; case bv_type_packed: // Packed BuildColPackedStrips(); //BuildSphere(); break; case bv_type_convex: BuildColConvex(); //BuildScubaMesh(); break; case bv_type_capsule: BuildColCapsule(); break; } } Object* bhkProxyObject::ConvertToType(TimeValue t, Class_ID obtype) { if (obtype == triObjectClassID) { int bvType = 0; pblock2->GetValue(PB_BOUND_TYPE, 0, bvType, FOREVER, 0); if (bvType != 0) { TriObject *ob = CreateNewTriObject(); #if VERSION_3DSMAX >= ((5000<<16)+(15<<8)+0) // Version 5+ ob->GetMesh().CopyBasics(proxyMesh); #else ob->GetMesh() = proxyMesh; #endif ob->SetChannelValidity(TOPO_CHAN_NUM,ObjectValidity(t)); ob->SetChannelValidity(GEOM_CHAN_NUM,ObjectValidity(t)); return ob; } } return 0; } int bhkProxyObject::CanConvertToType(Class_ID obtype) { if (obtype == triObjectClassID) { int bvType = 0; pblock2->GetValue(PB_BOUND_TYPE, 0, bvType, FOREVER, 0); return (bvType != 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; } return FALSE; } void bhkProxyObject::GetCollapseTypes(Tab<Class_ID> &clist,Tab<TSTR*> &nlist) { Object::GetCollapseTypes(clist, nlist); } class ProxyObjCreateCallBack: public CreateMouseCallBack { bhkProxyObject *ob; Point3 p0,p1; IPoint2 sp0, sp1; BOOL square; public: int proc( ViewExp *vpt,int msg, int point, int flags, IPoint2 m, Matrix3& mat ); void SetObj(bhkProxyObject *obj) { ob = obj; } }; int ProxyObjCreateCallBack::proc(ViewExp *vpt,int msg, int point, int flags, IPoint2 m, Matrix3& mat ) { Point3 d; if (msg == MOUSE_FREEMOVE) { vpt->SnapPreview(m,m,NULL, SNAP_IN_3D); } else if (msg==MOUSE_POINT||msg==MOUSE_MOVE) { switch(point) { case 0: // Find the node and plug in the wire color { ULONG handle; ob->NotifyDependents(FOREVER, (PartID)&handle, REFMSG_GET_NODE_HANDLE); INode *node = GetCOREInterface()->GetINodeByHandle(handle); if (node) node->SetWireColor(RGB(255, 0, 0)); } sp0 = m; //ob->suspendSnap = TRUE; p0 = vpt->SnapPoint(m,m,NULL,SNAP_IN_3D); p1 = p0 + Point3(.01,.01,.01); mat.SetTrans(float(.5)*(p0+p1)); ob->pmapParam->Invalidate(); if (msg==MOUSE_POINT) { //ob->suspendSnap = FALSE; return CREATE_STOP; } break; } } else if (msg == MOUSE_ABORT) { return CREATE_ABORT; } return TRUE; } static ProxyObjCreateCallBack listCreateCB; CreateMouseCallBack* bhkProxyObject::GetCreateMouseCallBack() { listCreateCB.SetObj(this); return(&listCreateCB); } BOOL bhkProxyObject::OKtoDisplay(TimeValue t) { return TRUE; } void bhkProxyObject::InvalidateUI() { param_blk.InvalidateUI(pblock2->LastNotifyParamID()); if (pmapParam) pmapParam->Invalidate(); } RefTargetHandle bhkProxyObject::Clone(RemapDir& remap) { bhkProxyObject* newob = new bhkProxyObject(FALSE); newob->ReplaceReference(0,remap.CloneRef(pblock2)); newob->ivalid.SetEmpty(); BaseClone(this, newob, remap); return(newob); } int bhkProxyObject::Display(TimeValue t, INode* inode, ViewExp *vpt, int flags) { if (forceRedraw) { Interface *gi = GetCOREInterface(); gi->ForceCompleteRedraw(); } Matrix3 m; Color color = Color(inode->GetWireColor()); GraphicsWindow *gw = vpt->getGW(); Material *mtl = gw->getMaterial(); m = inode->GetObjectTM(t); gw->setTransform(m); DWORD rlim = gw->getRndLimits(); DWORD newrlim = GW_WIREFRAME|GW_Z_BUFFER; #if VERSION_3DSMAX >= ((5000<<16)+(15<<8)+0) // Version 5+ newrlim |= GW_EDGES_ONLY; #endif gw->setRndLimits(newrlim); if (inode->Selected()) gw->setColor( LINE_COLOR, GetSelColor()); else if(!inode->IsFrozen() && !inode->Dependent()) gw->setColor( LINE_COLOR, color); Matrix3 m3(true); float size = 20.0f; Point3 pts[5]; // X pts[0] = Point3(-size, 0.0f, 0.0f); pts[1] = Point3(size, 0.0f, 0.0f); vpt->getGW()->polyline(2, pts, NULL, NULL, FALSE, NULL); // Y pts[0] = Point3(0.0f, -size, 0.0f); pts[1] = Point3(0.0f, size, 0.0f); vpt->getGW()->polyline(2, pts, NULL, NULL, FALSE, NULL); // Z pts[0] = Point3(0.0f, 0.0f, -size); pts[1] = Point3(0.0f, 0.0f, size); vpt->getGW()->polyline(2, pts, NULL, NULL, FALSE, NULL); //UpdateMesh(t); int bvType = 0; pblock2->GetValue(PB_BOUND_TYPE, 0, bvType, FOREVER, 0); if (bvType != 0) { Matrix3 tm = gw->getTransform(); Matrix3 proxyTM(true); proxyTM.SetTranslate(proxyPos); gw->setTransform(proxyTM); proxyMesh.render( gw, mtl, NULL, COMP_ALL); gw->setTransform(tm); } gw->setRndLimits(rlim); return 0; } void bhkProxyObject::BuildEmpty() { BuildBox(mesh, 10.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f); proxyMesh.FreeAll(); proxyPos = Point3::Origin; forceRedraw = true; } void bhkProxyObject::BuildColBox() { Box3 box; box.Init(); for (int i = 0;i < pblock2->Count(PB_MESHLIST); i++) { INode *tnode = NULL; pblock2->GetValue(PB_MESHLIST,0,tnode,FOREVER,i); if (tnode) { ObjectState os = tnode->EvalWorldState(0); Matrix3 wm = tnode->GetNodeTM(0); TriObject *tri = (TriObject *)os.obj->ConvertToType(0, Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0)); if (tri) { Box3 box2; box2.Init(); Mesh& mesh = tri->GetMesh(); CalcAxisAlignedBox(mesh, box2, &wm); box += box2; } } } BuildBox(proxyMesh, box.Max().y-box.Min().y, box.Max().x-box.Min().x, box.Max().z-box.Min().z); MNMesh mn(proxyMesh); Matrix3 tm(true); tm.SetTranslate(box.Center()); mn.Transform(tm); mn.OutToTri(proxyMesh); //proxyPos = box.Center(); proxyPos = Point3::Origin; forceRedraw = true; } void bhkProxyObject::BuildColStrips() { proxyMesh.FreeAll(); MeshDelta md(proxyMesh); for (int i = 0;i < pblock2->Count(PB_MESHLIST); i++) { INode *tnode = NULL; pblock2->GetValue(PB_MESHLIST,0,tnode,FOREVER,i); if (tnode) { ObjectState os = tnode->EvalWorldState(0); Matrix3 wm = tnode->GetNodeTM(0); TriObject *tri = (TriObject *)os.obj->ConvertToType(0, Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0)); if (tri) { Mesh& mesh = tri->GetMesh(); MeshDelta tmd (mesh); md.AttachMesh(proxyMesh, mesh, wm, 0); md.Apply(proxyMesh); } } } BuildOptimize(proxyMesh); proxyPos = Point3::Origin; forceRedraw = true; } void bhkProxyObject::BuildColPackedStrips() { BuildColStrips(); } void bhkProxyObject::BuildColConvex() { proxyMesh.FreeAll(); MeshDelta md(proxyMesh); for (int i = 0;i < pblock2->Count(PB_MESHLIST); i++) { INode *tnode = NULL; pblock2->GetValue(PB_MESHLIST,0,tnode,FOREVER,i); if (tnode) { ObjectState os = tnode->EvalWorldState(0); Matrix3 wm = tnode->GetNodeTM(0); TriObject *tri = (TriObject *)os.obj->ConvertToType(0, Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0)); if (tri) { Mesh& mesh = tri->GetMesh(); MeshDelta tmd (mesh); md.AttachMesh(proxyMesh, mesh, wm, 0); md.Apply(proxyMesh); } } } compute_convex_hull(proxyMesh, proxyMesh); BuildOptimize(proxyMesh); proxyPos = Point3::Origin; forceRedraw = true; } void bhkProxyObject::BuildColCapsule() { proxyMesh.FreeAll(); MeshDelta md(proxyMesh); for (int i = 0;i < pblock2->Count(PB_MESHLIST); i++) { INode *tnode = NULL; pblock2->GetValue(PB_MESHLIST,0,tnode,FOREVER,i); if (tnode) { ObjectState os = tnode->EvalWorldState(0); Matrix3 wm = tnode->GetNodeTM(0); TriObject *tri = (TriObject *)os.obj->ConvertToType(0, Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0)); if (tri) { Mesh& mesh = tri->GetMesh(); MeshDelta tmd (mesh); md.AttachMesh(proxyMesh, mesh, wm, 0); md.Apply(proxyMesh); } } } Point3 pt1 = Point3::Origin; Point3 pt2 = Point3::Origin; float r1 = 0.0; float r2 = 0.0; CalcCapsule(proxyMesh, pt1, pt2, r1, r2); BuildCapsule(proxyMesh, pt1, pt2, r1, r2); proxyPos = Point3::Origin; forceRedraw = true; } void bhkProxyObject::BuildOptimize(Mesh& mesh) { BOOL enable = FALSE; pblock2->GetValue(PB_OPT_ENABLE, 0, enable, FOREVER, 0); if (enable) { float maxedge, facethresh, edgethresh, bias; pblock2->GetValue(PB_MAXEDGE, 0, maxedge, FOREVER, 0); pblock2->GetValue(PB_FACETHRESH, 0, facethresh, FOREVER, 0); pblock2->GetValue(PB_EDGETHRESH, 0, edgethresh, FOREVER, 0); pblock2->GetValue(PB_BIAS, 0, bias, FOREVER, 0); DWORD flags = OPTIMIZE_AUTOEDGE; mesh.Optimize(facethresh, edgethresh, bias, maxedge, flags, NULL); } } void bhkProxyObject::CreateMesh() { if (Interface *gi = this->mIP) { if (const Mesh* pMesh = &this->proxyMesh) { if (TriObject *triObject = CreateNewTriObject()) { MNMesh mnmesh(*pMesh); Mesh& mesh = triObject->GetMesh(); mnmesh.OutToTri(mesh); INode *node = gi->CreateObjectNode(triObject); // Wireframe Red color StdMat2 *collMat = NewDefaultStdMat(); collMat->SetDiffuse(Color(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 0); collMat->SetWire(TRUE); collMat->SetFaceted(TRUE); gi->GetMaterialLibrary().Add(collMat); node->SetMtl(collMat); node->SetPrimaryVisibility(FALSE); node->SetSecondaryVisibility(FALSE); node->BoneAsLine(TRUE); node->SetRenderable(FALSE); node->SetWireColor( RGB(255,0,0) ); gi->SelectNode(node); } } } }