NifTools MaxPlugin ================== Change log ---------- 0.2.17 ------ o Importer - Add initial support for Freedom Force animation import o Exporter - Fix Binormal and Tangent export calculations 0.2.16 ----- o All - Add support for Loki, Pro Cycling Manager (version - Add support for Megami Tensei: Imagine (version - Add support for Emerge Demo (versions and o Importer - Add Weld Vertices option o Exporter - Remove veryrxv change because it breaks Oblivion export o Props - Add Clone Mesh button on Collision Modifier and bhk Proxy Object 0.2.15 ----- o Props - Resolve issue with bhkRigidBody object not saving and restoring data o Exporter/Importer - Resolve many issues with transforms and bhk shapes. o Exporter - Fix crash when exporting animations. - Fix issue with exporting Skin data causing missing vertexes in nifskope - Fix issue with exporting textkeys for morrowind and geomorph faces (Requires import to not ignore root node and selected export of that node) - Add animation export support for accumulate transforms (translation only) - Fix some issues with geometry Morpher exporter with bad UV data. o Importer - Fixed issue with not ignoring root node when option unchecked - Fixed issue of bhkRigidBody object not importing data properly - Set Accumulate Transforms to accumulate y-data by default 0.2.14 ----- o Exporter - Fix issues with bhkConvexShape and bhkRigidBody o Exporter/Importer - Introduce Morpher animation support ----- o Properties - Add Optimize option to proxy and modifier 0.2.13 ----- o Importer/Exporter - Improved Bridge Commander support. - Added more Collision support + Modifiers * bhkRigidBody - Modifier This is a modifier which converts a mesh into a collision mesh and is a replacement for the Utility. + Helper Objects (Find under Create | Helper | NifTools) * bhkRigidBody Rigid Body reference object. Place all havok objects in this object. * bhkBox Primitive for a Havok Box * bhkSphere Primitive for a Havok Sphere * bhkCapsule Primitive for a Havok Capsule * bhkCollProxy Makes a collision object from an existing set of objects but does not make the root objects collision objects. 0.2.12 ----- o Installer - Add nifgmax shortcut on desktop option o Props - Add bhkListObject utility to hold collision objects o Exporter - Controller parentage change in Animation export - Fix bug where child node has parent set twice resulting in error. o Importer - Add limited Collision import support 0.2.11 (Experimental Release) ----- o All - Please note that this is most an experimental release! - Update to latest version of Niflib - Introduce gmax importer/exporter - Introduce build for max 4.2 o Exporter - Fix bhkRigidBody export for Box 0.2.10 ----- o All - Compile with Max9 o Exporter - Fix naming bug when spliting multi-material meshes 0.2.9 ----- o Exporter - Add BSX flags for NIF exports when animation is involved for Oblivion. - Worked around what appears to be a bug in the Bezier Scale controller. - Change time intervals when exporting MW style animation. - Fixed bug with missing reference in Footer in MW exported .KF files. - Call routine to apply skin offsets to Skin data (required for MW?) o Importer - Invoke Max Script in Max 5 so that we can import Note Tracks 0.2.8 ----- o Exporter - Fix Collapse Transforms on dialog so that it actually triggers collapse - Change defaults for textures so Morrowind does not crash in CS - Fix export of animation for Morrowind - Introduce mechanism in Collapse Transforms so that poorly scaled models export better o Importer - Fix import of animation for Morrowind 0.2.7 ----- o All - Add options to disable certain parts of plug via INI o Added so people who only want importer can disable exporter. - Enhancements from NifLib including support for Freedom Force - Max 5 build is available but untested. o Exporter - Fix bug with NiTriShape export which created corrupted files. - Add option to Update Tangent Space (for Oblivion) - Add option to Collapse Transforms on meshes (mostly a debug aide) 0.2.6 ----- o All - Consolidate code to single plugin: NifPlugins.dlu - Started Wiki Documentation Project: o o Exporter - Fix bug in Skin Partitioning that would cause max to hang - Add links to website and wiki to dialog - Tag NIF files with Plugin version in first comment field. - Fix export of selected nodes. - Support Prn strings for Oblivion and Morrowind when selected mesh is bound to bone bug does not have skin modifier. - Change export to place all data in NonAccum nodes when available Plan to do proper support for NonAccum nodes in the future. - Add progress bar updates while exporting o Importer - Add links to website and wiki to dialog - Add support for Prn string imports for Oblivion and Morrowind 0.2.5 ----- o Exporter - Rewrote animation export dialogs and procedures to write files similar to Civilation exporter. - Removed seperate *.kf and merged with *.nif like Civ4 - Fixed issues with NiStencilProperty (via niflib) for Morrowind - Add option to optionally export accum nodes - Add options for exporting skin partition in different ways - Expose the Auto detect parameter to allow game to be saved o Importer - Add option to ignore root - Expose the Time Tag and Key Note params on nif dialog - Expose the Auto detect parameter to allow game to be saved 0.2.4 ----- o Exporter - Add animation export. o Importer - Add option to ignore UPB buffers. * Useful in preventing LOD Bone warnings from the Civ4 Exporter - Fixed problem with Animation Note Tracks not being cleared - Fixed issue with BSpline animation when too much data was present * Specifically the Civ4 Leaderheads now import animation very well - Import Animation Priority into user prop buffer o NifProps Utility - Added Animation Priority - Removed unused Globals 0.2.3 ----- o Exporter - Fix issue when exporting a mesh with a skin modifier that had bones that were not used. - Fix bug with normals introduced in 0.2.2 when fixing previous problem - Changed code to scale the mesh so that Reset XForm is not required - Added support for Bone LOD code. Works with Civ4 Bone LOD Manager. - Added support for Lights and Cameras o Importer - Alter code to create Camera nodes when name begins with Camera. - Initial pass at Lights - Fixed issues with skin modifier on Civ4 Units and Leaderheads - Added support for Bone LOD code. Works with Civ4 Bone LOD Manager. - Added support for Lights and Cameras - Fixed issues with Textures with muliple UV Sets 0.2.2 ----- o Exporter - Fix Export of Normal values o Importer - Fix Import of Normal values - Change Import of Bones to merge NonAccum nodes with parent - Change Import of Animation to merge NonAccum nodes with parent node - Add Option to Clear Animation on Import 0.2.1 ----- o Exporter - Replace the Tri Stripper with a new version. o The old version had some bugs which came when compiled with VS 2005. - Fix issues with transforms on exporting with extra nodes and for collision meshes 0.2 ----- o Importer - Added Vertex Color modifier support - Fixed issue with static animation import - Fixed issue with skin vertex weight count import - Added support for more material/texture properties - Added support for Civilization IV Shader, if installed o holds much of the material data in nif compatible form o Exporter - Upgraded to Visual Studio 2005 - Dropped registry support in favor of INI file. - Fixed issue with importing glossiness setting on textures. - Fixed issues with export of vertex color. Alpha map is now exported as part of the normal color map. - No longer exports meshes associated with bone or biped nodes. - No longer exports extra NiNode when exporting NiTriGeom-based objects (can be reset in ini file) - Mass, Restitution(Ellasticity), and Friction now share values with Reactor(Havok) - Modified UPB export to actually export the values in the UserPropBuffer not just a fixed list. - Added Skin Modifier export - Added support for more material/texture properties - Added support for Civilization IV Shader, if installed o holds much of the material data in nif compatible form - Fixed issue with UV map needing to be flipped o NifProps Utility - Mass, Restitution(Ellasticity), and Friction now share values with Reactor(Havok) 0.1.5 ----- o Importer - Updated with latest version NifLib + Fixes stray empty triangles when importing NiTriStrip meshes 0.1.4 ----- o Importer - Fixed UV values when flipping so they align properly in UVW window - Fixed issues with DAoC mesh import (in NifLib) - Fixed rotation issue with animation import 0.1.3 ----- o Importer - Fixed alignment issues when importing Morrowind Armor nifs - Added initial animation support (only for animations internal to nif, no kf file support yet) - Fixed numerous issues with bone system (biped is still broken) - Fixed issues with skin and doac nifs 0.1.2 ----- - Introduced the importer - Fixed collision generation, turned out that Oblivion doesn't like NvTriStrip's strips. Thanks to Razorwing for discovering the bug and Tanguy Fautr� for his stripper ( - Fixed materials with transforms, flipped UV coords and objects without mapping.