diff --git a/NifExport/NvTriStrip/NvTriStrip.cpp b/NifExport/NvTriStrip/NvTriStrip.cpp
deleted file mode 100755
index fb942c2c8bd762d6b4dbf6cc4141bfbedf010960..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NifExport/NvTriStrip/NvTriStrip.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,498 +0,0 @@
-#include "NvTriStripObjects.h"
-#include "NvTriStrip.h"
-//private data
-static unsigned int cacheSize    = CACHESIZE_GEFORCE1_2;
-static bool bStitchStrips         = true;
-static unsigned int minStripSize = 0;
-static bool bListsOnly            = false;
-static unsigned int restartVal   = 0;
-static bool bRestart              = false;
-void EnableRestart(const unsigned int _restartVal)
-	bRestart = true;
-	restartVal = _restartVal;
-void DisableRestart()
-	bRestart = false;
-// SetListsOnly()
-// If set to true, will return an optimized list, with no strips at all.
-// Default value: false
-void SetListsOnly(const bool _bListsOnly)
-	bListsOnly = _bListsOnly;
-// SetCacheSize()
-// Sets the cache size which the stripfier uses to optimize the data.
-// Controls the length of the generated individual strips.
-// This is the "actual" cache size, so 24 for GeForce3 and 16 for GeForce1/2
-// You may want to play around with this number to tweak performance.
-// Default value: 16
-void SetCacheSize(const unsigned int _cacheSize)
-	cacheSize = _cacheSize;
-// SetStitchStrips()
-// bool to indicate whether to stitch together strips into one huge strip or not.
-// If set to true, you'll get back one huge strip stitched together using degenerate
-//  triangles.
-// If set to false, you'll get back a large number of separate strips.
-// Default value: true
-void SetStitchStrips(const bool _bStitchStrips)
-	bStitchStrips = _bStitchStrips;
-// SetMinStripSize()
-// Sets the minimum acceptable size for a strip, in triangles.
-// All strips generated which are shorter than this will be thrown into one big, separate list.
-// Default value: 0
-void SetMinStripSize(const unsigned int _minStripSize)
-	minStripSize = _minStripSize;
-//Cleanup strips / faces, used by generatestrips
-void Cleanup(NvStripInfoVec& tempStrips, NvFaceInfoVec& tempFaces)
-	//delete strips
-	for(size_t i = 0; i < tempStrips.size(); i++)
-	{
-		for(size_t j = 0; j < tempStrips[i]->m_faces.size(); j++)
-		{
-			delete tempStrips[i]->m_faces[j];
-			tempStrips[i]->m_faces[j] = NULL;
-		}
-		tempStrips[i]->m_faces.resize(0);
-		delete tempStrips[i];
-		tempStrips[i] = NULL;
-	}
-	//delete faces
-	for(size_t i = 0; i < tempFaces.size(); i++)
-	{
-		delete tempFaces[i];
-		tempFaces[i] = NULL;
-	}
-//Returns true if the two triangles defined by firstTri and secondTri are the same
-// The "same" is defined in this case as having the same indices with the same winding order
-bool SameTriangle(unsigned short firstTri0, unsigned short firstTri1, unsigned short firstTri2, 
-				  unsigned short secondTri0, unsigned short secondTri1, unsigned short secondTri2)
-	bool isSame = false;
-	if (firstTri0 == secondTri0)
-	{
-		if (firstTri1 == secondTri1)
-		{
-			if (firstTri2 == secondTri2)
-				isSame = true;
-		}
-	}
-	else if (firstTri0 == secondTri1)
-	{
-		if (firstTri1 == secondTri2)
-		{
-			if (firstTri2 == secondTri0)
-				isSame = true;
-		}
-	}
-	else if (firstTri0 == secondTri2)
-	{
-		if (firstTri1 == secondTri0)
-		{
-			if (firstTri2 == secondTri1)
-				isSame = true;
-		}
-	}
-	return isSame;
-bool TestTriangle(const unsigned short v0, const unsigned short v1, const unsigned short v2, const std::vector<NvFaceInfo>* in_bins, const int NUMBINS)
-	//hash this triangle
-	bool isLegit = false;
-	int ctr = v0 % NUMBINS;
-	for (size_t k = 0; k < in_bins[ctr].size(); ++k)
-	{
-		//check triangles in this bin
-		if (SameTriangle(in_bins[ctr][k].m_v0, in_bins[ctr][k].m_v1, in_bins[ctr][k].m_v2, 
-			v0, v1, v2))
-		{
-			isLegit = true;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	if (!isLegit)
-	{
-		ctr = v1 % NUMBINS;
-		for (size_t k = 0; k < in_bins[ctr].size(); ++k)
-		{
-			//check triangles in this bin
-			if (SameTriangle(in_bins[ctr][k].m_v0, in_bins[ctr][k].m_v1, in_bins[ctr][k].m_v2, 
-				v0, v1, v2))
-			{
-				isLegit = true;
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		if (!isLegit)
-		{
-			ctr = v2 % NUMBINS;
-			for (size_t k = 0; k < in_bins[ctr].size(); ++k)
-			{
-				//check triangles in this bin
-				if (SameTriangle(in_bins[ctr][k].m_v0, in_bins[ctr][k].m_v1, in_bins[ctr][k].m_v2, 
-					v0, v1, v2))
-				{
-					isLegit = true;
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return isLegit;
-// GenerateStrips()
-// in_indices: input index list, the indices you would use to render
-// in_numIndices: number of entries in in_indices
-// primGroups: array of optimized/stripified PrimitiveGroups
-// numGroups: number of groups returned
-// Be sure to call delete[] on the returned primGroups to avoid leaking mem
-bool GenerateStrips(const unsigned short* in_indices, const unsigned int in_numIndices,
-					PrimitiveGroup** primGroups, unsigned short* numGroups, bool validateEnabled)
-	//put data in format that the stripifier likes
-	WordVec tempIndices;
-	tempIndices.resize(in_numIndices);
-	unsigned short maxIndex = 0;
-	unsigned short minIndex = 0xFFFF;
-	for(size_t i = 0; i < in_numIndices; i++)
-	{
-		tempIndices[i] = in_indices[i];
-		if (in_indices[i] > maxIndex)
-			maxIndex = in_indices[i];
-		if (in_indices[i] < minIndex)
-			minIndex = in_indices[i];
-	}
-	NvStripInfoVec tempStrips;
-	NvFaceInfoVec tempFaces;
-	NvStripifier stripifier;
-	//do actual stripification
-	stripifier.Stripify(tempIndices, cacheSize, minStripSize, maxIndex, tempStrips, tempFaces);
-	//stitch strips together
-	IntVec stripIndices;
-	unsigned int numSeparateStrips = 0;
-	if(bListsOnly)
-	{
-		//if we're outputting only lists, we're done
-		*numGroups = 1;
-		(*primGroups) = new PrimitiveGroup[*numGroups];
-		PrimitiveGroup* primGroupArray = *primGroups;
-		//count the total number of indices
-		unsigned int numIndices = 0;
-		for(size_t i = 0; i < tempStrips.size(); i++)
-		{
-			numIndices += tempStrips[i]->m_faces.size() * 3;
-		}
-		//add in the list
-		numIndices += tempFaces.size() * 3;
-		primGroupArray[0].type       = PT_LIST;
-		primGroupArray[0].numIndices = numIndices;
-		primGroupArray[0].indices    = new unsigned short[numIndices];
-		//do strips
-		unsigned int indexCtr = 0;
-		for(size_t i = 0; i < tempStrips.size(); i++)
-		{
-			for(size_t j = 0; j < tempStrips[i]->m_faces.size(); j++)
-			{
-				//degenerates are of no use with lists
-				if(!NvStripifier::IsDegenerate(tempStrips[i]->m_faces[j]))
-				{
-					primGroupArray[0].indices[indexCtr++] = tempStrips[i]->m_faces[j]->m_v0;
-					primGroupArray[0].indices[indexCtr++] = tempStrips[i]->m_faces[j]->m_v1;
-					primGroupArray[0].indices[indexCtr++] = tempStrips[i]->m_faces[j]->m_v2;
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					//we've removed a tri, reduce the number of indices
-					primGroupArray[0].numIndices -= 3;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		//do lists
-		for(size_t i = 0; i < tempFaces.size(); i++)
-		{			
-			primGroupArray[0].indices[indexCtr++] = tempFaces[i]->m_v0;
-			primGroupArray[0].indices[indexCtr++] = tempFaces[i]->m_v1;
-			primGroupArray[0].indices[indexCtr++] = tempFaces[i]->m_v2;
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		stripifier.CreateStrips(tempStrips, stripIndices, bStitchStrips, numSeparateStrips, bRestart, restartVal);
-		//if we're stitching strips together, we better get back only one strip from CreateStrips()
-		assert( (bStitchStrips && (numSeparateStrips == 1)) || !bStitchStrips);
-		//convert to output format
-		*numGroups = numSeparateStrips; //for the strips
-		if(tempFaces.size() != 0)
-			(*numGroups)++;  //we've got a list as well, increment
-		(*primGroups) = new PrimitiveGroup[*numGroups];
-		PrimitiveGroup* primGroupArray = *primGroups;
-		//first, the strips
-		int startingLoc = 0;
-   		for(size_t stripCtr = 0; stripCtr < numSeparateStrips; stripCtr++)
-		{
-			int stripLength = 0;
-			if(!bStitchStrips)
-			{
-				//if we've got multiple strips, we need to figure out the correct length
-				size_t i;
-				for(i = startingLoc; i < stripIndices.size(); i++)
-				{
-					if(stripIndices[i] == -1)
-						break;
-				}
-				stripLength = i - startingLoc;
-			}
-			else
-				stripLength = stripIndices.size();
-			primGroupArray[stripCtr].type       = PT_STRIP;
-			primGroupArray[stripCtr].indices    = new unsigned short[stripLength];
-			primGroupArray[stripCtr].numIndices = stripLength;
-			int indexCtr = 0;
-			for(int i = startingLoc; i < stripLength + startingLoc; i++)
-				primGroupArray[stripCtr].indices[indexCtr++] = stripIndices[i];
-			//we add 1 to account for the -1 separating strips
-			//this doesn't break the stitched case since we'll exit the loop
-			startingLoc += stripLength + 1; 
-		}
-		//next, the list
-		if(tempFaces.size() != 0)
-		{
-			int faceGroupLoc = (*numGroups) - 1;    //the face group is the last one
-			primGroupArray[faceGroupLoc].type       = PT_LIST;
-			primGroupArray[faceGroupLoc].indices    = new unsigned short[tempFaces.size() * 3];
-			primGroupArray[faceGroupLoc].numIndices = tempFaces.size() * 3;
-			int indexCtr = 0;
-			for(size_t i = 0; i < tempFaces.size(); i++)
-			{
-				primGroupArray[faceGroupLoc].indices[indexCtr++] = tempFaces[i]->m_v0;
-				primGroupArray[faceGroupLoc].indices[indexCtr++] = tempFaces[i]->m_v1;
-				primGroupArray[faceGroupLoc].indices[indexCtr++] = tempFaces[i]->m_v2;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	//validate generated data against input
-	if (validateEnabled)
-	{
-		const int NUMBINS = 100;
-		std::vector<NvFaceInfo> in_bins[NUMBINS];
-		//hash input indices on first index
-		for (size_t i = 0; i < in_numIndices; i += 3)
-		{
-			NvFaceInfo faceInfo(in_indices[i], in_indices[i + 1], in_indices[i + 2]);
-			in_bins[in_indices[i] % NUMBINS].push_back(faceInfo);
-		}
-		for (int i = 0; i < *numGroups; ++i)
-		{
-			switch ((*primGroups)[i].type)
-			{
-				case PT_LIST:
-				{
-					for (size_t j = 0; j < (*primGroups)[i].numIndices; j += 3)
-					{
-						unsigned short v0 = (*primGroups)[i].indices[j];
-						unsigned short v1 = (*primGroups)[i].indices[j + 1];
-						unsigned short v2 = (*primGroups)[i].indices[j + 2];
-						//ignore degenerates
-						if (NvStripifier::IsDegenerate(v0, v1, v2))
-							continue;
-						if (!TestTriangle(v0, v1, v2, in_bins, NUMBINS))
-						{
-							Cleanup(tempStrips, tempFaces);
-							return false;
-						}
-					}
-					break;
-				}
-				case PT_STRIP:
-				{
-					//int brokenCtr = 0;
-					bool flip = false;
-					for (size_t j = 2; j < (*primGroups)[i].numIndices; ++j)
-					{
-						unsigned short v0 = (*primGroups)[i].indices[j - 2];
-						unsigned short v1 = (*primGroups)[i].indices[j - 1];
-						unsigned short v2 = (*primGroups)[i].indices[j];
-						if (flip)
-						{
-							//swap v1 and v2
-							unsigned short swap = v1;
-							v1 = v2;
-							v2 = swap;
-						}
-						//ignore degenerates
-						if (NvStripifier::IsDegenerate(v0, v1, v2))
-						{
-							flip = !flip;
-							continue;
-						}
-						if (!TestTriangle(v0, v1, v2, in_bins, NUMBINS))
-						{
-							Cleanup(tempStrips, tempFaces);
-							return false;
-						}
-						flip = !flip;
-					}
-					break;
-				}
-				case PT_FAN:
-				default:
-					break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	//clean up everything
-	Cleanup(tempStrips, tempFaces);
-	return true;
-// RemapIndices()
-// Function to remap your indices to improve spatial locality in your vertex buffer.
-// in_primGroups: array of PrimitiveGroups you want remapped
-// numGroups: number of entries in in_primGroups
-// numVerts: number of vertices in your vertex buffer, also can be thought of as the range
-//  of acceptable values for indices in your primitive groups.
-// remappedGroups: array of remapped PrimitiveGroups
-// Note that, according to the remapping handed back to you, you must reorder your 
-//  vertex buffer.
-void RemapIndices(const PrimitiveGroup* in_primGroups, const unsigned short numGroups,
-				  const unsigned short numVerts, PrimitiveGroup** remappedGroups)
-	(*remappedGroups) = new PrimitiveGroup[numGroups];
-	//caches oldIndex --> newIndex conversion
-	int *indexCache;
-	indexCache = new int[numVerts];
-	memset(indexCache, -1, sizeof(int)*numVerts);
-	//loop over primitive groups
-	unsigned int indexCtr = 0;
-	for(int i = 0; i < numGroups; i++)
-	{
-		unsigned int numIndices = in_primGroups[i].numIndices;
-		//init remapped group
-		(*remappedGroups)[i].type       = in_primGroups[i].type;
-		(*remappedGroups)[i].numIndices = numIndices;
-		(*remappedGroups)[i].indices    = new unsigned short[numIndices];
-		for(size_t j = 0; j < numIndices; j++)
-		{
-			int cachedIndex = indexCache[in_primGroups[i].indices[j]];
-			if(cachedIndex == -1) //we haven't seen this index before
-			{
-				//point to "last" vertex in VB
-				(*remappedGroups)[i].indices[j] = indexCtr;
-				//add to index cache, increment
-				indexCache[in_primGroups[i].indices[j]] = indexCtr++;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				//we've seen this index before
-				(*remappedGroups)[i].indices[j] = cachedIndex;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	delete[] indexCache;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/NifExport/NvTriStrip/NvTriStrip.h b/NifExport/NvTriStrip/NvTriStrip.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 3e17c473293a63162325152e4d98de099271971c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NifExport/NvTriStrip/NvTriStrip.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef NULL
-#define NULL 0
-// Public interface for stripifier
-//GeForce1 and 2 cache size
-#define CACHESIZE_GEFORCE1_2 16
-//GeForce3 cache size
-#define CACHESIZE_GEFORCE3   24
-enum PrimType
-struct PrimitiveGroup
-	PrimType type;
-	unsigned int numIndices;
-	unsigned short* indices;
-	PrimitiveGroup() : type(PT_STRIP), numIndices(0), indices(NULL) {}
-	~PrimitiveGroup()
-	{
-		if(indices)
-			delete[] indices;
-		indices = NULL;
-	}
-// EnableRestart()
-// For GPUs that support primitive restart, this sets a value as the restart index
-// Restart is meaningless if strips are not being stitched together, so enabling restart
-//  makes NvTriStrip forcing stitching.  So, you'll get back one strip.
-// Default value: disabled
-void EnableRestart(const unsigned int restartVal);
-// DisableRestart()
-// For GPUs that support primitive restart, this disables using primitive restart
-void DisableRestart();
-// SetCacheSize()
-// Sets the cache size which the stripfier uses to optimize the data.
-// Controls the length of the generated individual strips.
-// This is the "actual" cache size, so 24 for GeForce3 and 16 for GeForce1/2
-// You may want to play around with this number to tweak performance.
-// Default value: 16
-void SetCacheSize(const unsigned int cacheSize);
-// SetStitchStrips()
-// bool to indicate whether to stitch together strips into one huge strip or not.
-// If set to true, you'll get back one huge strip stitched together using degenerate
-//  triangles.
-// If set to false, you'll get back a large number of separate strips.
-// Default value: true
-void SetStitchStrips(const bool bStitchStrips);
-// SetMinStripSize()
-// Sets the minimum acceptable size for a strip, in triangles.
-// All strips generated which are shorter than this will be thrown into one big, separate list.
-// Default value: 0
-void SetMinStripSize(const unsigned int minSize);
-// SetListsOnly()
-// If set to true, will return an optimized list, with no strips at all.
-// Default value: false
-void SetListsOnly(const bool bListsOnly);
-// GenerateStrips()
-// in_indices: input index list, the indices you would use to render
-// in_numIndices: number of entries in in_indices
-// primGroups: array of optimized/stripified PrimitiveGroups
-// numGroups: number of groups returned
-// Be sure to call delete[] on the returned primGroups to avoid leaking mem
-bool GenerateStrips(const unsigned short* in_indices, const unsigned int in_numIndices,
-					PrimitiveGroup** primGroups, unsigned short* numGroups, bool validateEnabled = false);
-// RemapIndices()
-// Function to remap your indices to improve spatial locality in your vertex buffer.
-// in_primGroups: array of PrimitiveGroups you want remapped
-// numGroups: number of entries in in_primGroups
-// numVerts: number of vertices in your vertex buffer, also can be thought of as the range
-//  of acceptable values for indices in your primitive groups.
-// remappedGroups: array of remapped PrimitiveGroups
-// Note that, according to the remapping handed back to you, you must reorder your 
-//  vertex buffer.
-// Credit goes to the MS Xbox crew for the idea for this interface.
-void RemapIndices(const PrimitiveGroup* in_primGroups, const unsigned short numGroups, 
-				  const unsigned short numVerts, PrimitiveGroup** remappedGroups);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/NifExport/NvTriStrip/NvTriStripObjects.cpp b/NifExport/NvTriStrip/NvTriStripObjects.cpp
deleted file mode 100755
index 474d5309881ea2276a30ad3349e01fcf6c4b6dc5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NifExport/NvTriStrip/NvTriStripObjects.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1769 +0,0 @@
-#pragma warning( disable : 4786 )  
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <set>
-#include "NvTriStripObjects.h"
-#include "VertexCache.h"
-// FindEdgeInfo()
-// find the edge info for these two indices
-NvEdgeInfo * NvStripifier::FindEdgeInfo(NvEdgeInfoVec &edgeInfos, int v0, int v1){
-	// we can get to it through either array
-	// because the edge infos have a v0 and v1
-	// and there is no order except how it was
-	// first created.
-	NvEdgeInfo *infoIter = edgeInfos[v0];
-	while (infoIter != NULL){
-		if (infoIter->m_v0 == v0){
-			if (infoIter->m_v1 == v1)
-				return infoIter;
-			else
-				infoIter = infoIter->m_nextV0;
-		}
-		else {
-			assert(infoIter->m_v1 == v0);
-			if (infoIter->m_v0 == v1)
-				return infoIter;
-			else
-				infoIter = infoIter->m_nextV1;
-		}
-	}
-	return NULL;
-// FindOtherFace
-// find the other face sharing these vertices
-// exactly like the edge info above
-NvFaceInfo * NvStripifier::FindOtherFace(NvEdgeInfoVec &edgeInfos, int v0, int v1, NvFaceInfo *faceInfo){
-	NvEdgeInfo *edgeInfo = FindEdgeInfo(edgeInfos, v0, v1);
-	if( (edgeInfo == NULL) && (v0 == v1))
-	{
-		//we've hit a degenerate
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	assert(edgeInfo != NULL);
-	return (edgeInfo->m_face0 == faceInfo ? edgeInfo->m_face1 : edgeInfo->m_face0);
-bool NvStripifier::AlreadyExists(NvFaceInfo* faceInfo, NvFaceInfoVec& faceInfos)
-	for(size_t i = 0; i < faceInfos.size(); ++i)
-	{
-		if( (faceInfos[i]->m_v0 == faceInfo->m_v0) &&
-			(faceInfos[i]->m_v1 == faceInfo->m_v1) &&
-			(faceInfos[i]->m_v2 == faceInfo->m_v2) )
-			return true;
-	}
-	return false;
-// BuildStripifyInfo()
-// Builds the list of all face and edge infos
-void NvStripifier::BuildStripifyInfo(NvFaceInfoVec &faceInfos, NvEdgeInfoVec &edgeInfos,
-									 const unsigned short maxIndex)
-	// reserve space for the face infos, but do not resize them.
-	int numIndices = indices.size();
-	faceInfos.reserve(numIndices / 3);
-	// we actually resize the edge infos, so we must initialize to NULL
-	edgeInfos.resize(maxIndex + 1);
-	for (int i = 0; i < maxIndex + 1; i++)
-		edgeInfos[i] = NULL;
-	// iterate through the triangles of the triangle list
-	int numTriangles = numIndices / 3;
-	int index        = 0;
-	bool bFaceUpdated[3];
-	for (int i = 0; i < numTriangles; i++)
-	{	
-		bool bMightAlreadyExist = true;
-		bFaceUpdated[0] = false;
-		bFaceUpdated[1] = false;
-		bFaceUpdated[2] = false;
-		// grab the indices
-		int v0 = indices[index++];
-		int v1 = indices[index++];
-		int v2 = indices[index++];
-		//we disregard degenerates
-		if(IsDegenerate(v0, v1, v2))
-			continue;
-		// create the face info and add it to the list of faces, but only if this exact face doesn't already 
-		//  exist in the list
-		NvFaceInfo *faceInfo = new NvFaceInfo(v0, v1, v2);
-		// grab the edge infos, creating them if they do not already exist
-		NvEdgeInfo *edgeInfo01 = FindEdgeInfo(edgeInfos, v0, v1);
-		if (edgeInfo01 == NULL)
-		{
-			//since one of it's edges isn't in the edge data structure, it can't already exist in the face structure
-			bMightAlreadyExist = false;
-			// create the info
-			edgeInfo01 = new NvEdgeInfo(v0, v1);
-			// update the linked list on both 
-			edgeInfo01->m_nextV0 = edgeInfos[v0];
-			edgeInfo01->m_nextV1 = edgeInfos[v1];
-			edgeInfos[v0] = edgeInfo01;
-			edgeInfos[v1] = edgeInfo01;
-			// set face 0
-			edgeInfo01->m_face0 = faceInfo;
-		}
-		else 
-		{
-			if (edgeInfo01->m_face1 != NULL)
-			{
-				printf("BuildStripifyInfo: > 2 triangles on an edge... uncertain consequences\n");
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				edgeInfo01->m_face1 = faceInfo;
-				bFaceUpdated[0] = true;
-			}
-		}
-		// grab the edge infos, creating them if they do not already exist
-		NvEdgeInfo *edgeInfo12 = FindEdgeInfo(edgeInfos, v1, v2);
-		if (edgeInfo12 == NULL)
-		{
-			bMightAlreadyExist = false;
-			// create the info
-			edgeInfo12 = new NvEdgeInfo(v1, v2);
-			// update the linked list on both 
-			edgeInfo12->m_nextV0 = edgeInfos[v1];
-			edgeInfo12->m_nextV1 = edgeInfos[v2];
-			edgeInfos[v1] = edgeInfo12;
-			edgeInfos[v2] = edgeInfo12;
-			// set face 0
-			edgeInfo12->m_face0 = faceInfo;
-		}
-		else 
-		{
-			if (edgeInfo12->m_face1 != NULL)
-			{
-				printf("BuildStripifyInfo: > 2 triangles on an edge... uncertain consequences\n");
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				edgeInfo12->m_face1 = faceInfo;
-				bFaceUpdated[1] = true;
-			}
-		}
-		// grab the edge infos, creating them if they do not already exist
-		NvEdgeInfo *edgeInfo20 = FindEdgeInfo(edgeInfos, v2, v0);
-		if (edgeInfo20 == NULL)
-		{
-			bMightAlreadyExist = false;
-			// create the info
-			edgeInfo20 = new NvEdgeInfo(v2, v0);
-			// update the linked list on both 
-			edgeInfo20->m_nextV0 = edgeInfos[v2];
-			edgeInfo20->m_nextV1 = edgeInfos[v0];
-			edgeInfos[v2] = edgeInfo20;
-			edgeInfos[v0] = edgeInfo20;
-			// set face 0
-			edgeInfo20->m_face0 = faceInfo;
-		}
-		else 
-		{
-			if (edgeInfo20->m_face1 != NULL)
-			{
-				printf("BuildStripifyInfo: > 2 triangles on an edge... uncertain consequences\n");
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				edgeInfo20->m_face1 = faceInfo;
-				bFaceUpdated[2] = true;
-			}
-		}
-		if(bMightAlreadyExist)
-		{
-			if(!AlreadyExists(faceInfo, faceInfos))
-				faceInfos.push_back(faceInfo);
-			else
-			{
-				delete faceInfo;
-				//cleanup pointers that point to this deleted face
-				if(bFaceUpdated[0])
-					edgeInfo01->m_face1 = NULL;
-				if(bFaceUpdated[1])
-					edgeInfo12->m_face1 = NULL;
-				if(bFaceUpdated[2])
-					edgeInfo20->m_face1 = NULL;
-			}
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			faceInfos.push_back(faceInfo);
-		}
-	}
-// FindStartPoint()
-// Finds a good starting point, namely one which has only one neighbor
-int NvStripifier::FindStartPoint(NvFaceInfoVec &faceInfos, NvEdgeInfoVec &edgeInfos)
-	int bestCtr = -1;
-	int bestIndex = -1;
-	for(size_t i = 0; i < faceInfos.size(); i++)
-	{
-		int ctr = 0;
-		if(FindOtherFace(edgeInfos, faceInfos[i]->m_v0, faceInfos[i]->m_v1, faceInfos[i]) == NULL)
-			ctr++;
-		if(FindOtherFace(edgeInfos, faceInfos[i]->m_v1, faceInfos[i]->m_v2, faceInfos[i]) == NULL)
-			ctr++;
-		if(FindOtherFace(edgeInfos, faceInfos[i]->m_v2, faceInfos[i]->m_v0, faceInfos[i]) == NULL)
-			ctr++;
-		if(ctr > bestCtr)
-		{
-			bestCtr = ctr;
-			bestIndex = i;
-			//return i;
-		}
-	}
-	//return -1;
-	if(bestCtr == 0)
-		return -1;
-	else
-		return bestIndex;
-// FindGoodResetPoint()
-// A good reset point is one near other commited areas so that
-// we know that when we've made the longest strips its because
-// we're stripifying in the same general orientation.
-NvFaceInfo* NvStripifier::FindGoodResetPoint(NvFaceInfoVec &faceInfos, NvEdgeInfoVec &edgeInfos){
-	// we hop into different areas of the mesh to try to get
-	// other large open spans done.  Areas of small strips can
-	// just be left to triangle lists added at the end.
-	NvFaceInfo *result = NULL;
-	if(result == NULL)
-	{
-		int numFaces   = faceInfos.size();
-      if (numFaces == 0)
-         return NULL;
-		int startPoint;
-		if(bFirstTimeResetPoint)
-		{
-			//first time, find a face with few neighbors (look for an edge of the mesh)
-			startPoint = FindStartPoint(faceInfos, edgeInfos);
-			bFirstTimeResetPoint = false;
-		}
-		else
-			startPoint = (int)(((float) numFaces - 1) * meshJump);
-		if(startPoint == -1)
-		{
-			startPoint = (int)(((float) numFaces - 1) * meshJump);
-			//meshJump += 0.1f;
-			//if (meshJump > 1.0f)
-			//	meshJump = .05f;
-		}
-		int i = startPoint;
-		do {
-			// if this guy isn't visited, try him
-			if (faceInfos[i]->m_stripId < 0){
-				result = faceInfos[i];
-				break;
-			}
-			// update the index and clamp to 0-(numFaces-1)
-			if (++i >= numFaces)
-				i = 0;
-		} while (i != startPoint);
-		// update the meshJump
-		meshJump += 0.1f;
-		if (meshJump > 1.0f)
-			meshJump = .05f;
-	}
-	// return the best face we found
-	return result;
-// GetUniqueVertexInB()
-// Returns the vertex unique to faceB
-int NvStripifier::GetUniqueVertexInB(NvFaceInfo *faceA, NvFaceInfo *faceB){
-	int facev0 = faceB->m_v0;
-	if (facev0 != faceA->m_v0 &&
-		facev0 != faceA->m_v1 &&
-		facev0 != faceA->m_v2)
-		return facev0;
-	int facev1 = faceB->m_v1;
-	if (facev1 != faceA->m_v0 &&
-		facev1 != faceA->m_v1 &&
-		facev1 != faceA->m_v2)
-		return facev1;
-	int facev2 = faceB->m_v2;
-	if (facev2 != faceA->m_v0 &&
-		facev2 != faceA->m_v1 &&
-		facev2 != faceA->m_v2)
-		return facev2;
-	// nothing is different
-	return -1;
-// GetSharedVertices()
-// Returns the (at most) two vertices shared between the two faces
-void NvStripifier::GetSharedVertices(NvFaceInfo *faceA, NvFaceInfo *faceB, int* vertex0, int* vertex1)
-	*vertex0 = -1;
-	*vertex1 = -1;
-	int facev0 = faceB->m_v0;
-	if (facev0 == faceA->m_v0 ||
-		facev0 == faceA->m_v1 ||
-		facev0 == faceA->m_v2)
-	{
-		if(*vertex0 == -1)
-			*vertex0 = facev0;
-		else
-		{
-			*vertex1 = facev0;
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	int facev1 = faceB->m_v1;
-	if (facev1 == faceA->m_v0 ||
-		facev1 == faceA->m_v1 ||
-		facev1 == faceA->m_v2)
-	{
-		if(*vertex0 == -1)
-			*vertex0 = facev1;
-		else
-		{
-			*vertex1 = facev1;
-			return;
-		}
-	}	
-	int facev2 = faceB->m_v2;
-	if (facev2 == faceA->m_v0 ||
-		facev2 == faceA->m_v1 ||
-		facev2 == faceA->m_v2)
-	{
-		if(*vertex0 == -1)
-			*vertex0 = facev2;
-		else
-		{
-			*vertex1 = facev2;
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-// GetNextIndex()
-// Returns vertex of the input face which is "next" in the input index list
-inline int NvStripifier::GetNextIndex(const WordVec &indices, NvFaceInfo *face){
-	int numIndices = indices.size();
-	assert(numIndices >= 2);
-	int v0  = indices[numIndices-2];
-	int v1  = indices[numIndices-1];
-	int fv0 = face->m_v0;
-	int fv1 = face->m_v1;
-	int fv2 = face->m_v2;
-	if (fv0 != v0 && fv0 != v1){
-		if ((fv1 != v0 && fv1 != v1) || (fv2 != v0 && fv2 != v1)){
-			printf("GetNextIndex: Triangle doesn't have all of its vertices\n");
-			printf("GetNextIndex: Duplicate triangle probably got us derailed\n");
-		}
-		return fv0;
-	}
-	if (fv1 != v0 && fv1 != v1){
-		if ((fv0 != v0 && fv0 != v1) || (fv2 != v0 && fv2 != v1)){
-			printf("GetNextIndex: Triangle doesn't have all of its vertices\n");
-			printf("GetNextIndex: Duplicate triangle probably got us derailed\n");
-		}
-		return fv1;
-	}
-	if (fv2 != v0 && fv2 != v1){
-		if ((fv0 != v0 && fv0 != v1) || (fv1 != v0 && fv1 != v1)){
-			printf("GetNextIndex: Triangle doesn't have all of its vertices\n");
-			printf("GetNextIndex: Duplicate triangle probably got us derailed\n");
-		}
-		return fv2;
-	}
-	// shouldn't get here, but let's try and fail gracefully
-	if( (fv0 == fv1) || (fv0 == fv2) )
-		return fv0;
-	else if( (fv1 == fv0) || (fv1 == fv2) )
-		return fv1;
-	else if( (fv2 == fv0) || (fv2 == fv1) )
-		return fv2;
-	else
-		return -1;
-// IsMarked()
-// If either the faceInfo has a real strip index because it is
-// already assign to a committed strip OR it is assigned in an
-// experiment and the experiment index is the one we are building
-// for, then it is marked and unavailable
-inline bool NvStripInfo::IsMarked(NvFaceInfo *faceInfo){
-	return (faceInfo->m_stripId >= 0) || (IsExperiment() && faceInfo->m_experimentId == m_experimentId);
-// MarkTriangle()
-// Marks the face with the current strip ID
-inline void NvStripInfo::MarkTriangle(NvFaceInfo *faceInfo){
-	assert(!IsMarked(faceInfo));
-	if (IsExperiment()){
-		faceInfo->m_experimentId = m_experimentId;
-		faceInfo->m_testStripId  = m_stripId;
-    }
-	else{
-		assert(faceInfo->m_stripId == -1);
-		faceInfo->m_experimentId = -1;
-		faceInfo->m_stripId      = m_stripId;
-	}
-bool NvStripInfo::Unique(NvFaceInfoVec& faceVec, NvFaceInfo* face)
-	bool bv0, bv1, bv2; //bools to indicate whether a vertex is in the faceVec or not
-	bv0 = bv1 = bv2 = false;
-	for(size_t i = 0; i < faceVec.size(); i++)
-	{
-		if(!bv0)
-		{
-			if( (faceVec[i]->m_v0 == face->m_v0) || 
-				(faceVec[i]->m_v1 == face->m_v0) ||
-				(faceVec[i]->m_v2 == face->m_v0) )
-				bv0 = true;
-		}
-		if(!bv1)
-		{
-			if( (faceVec[i]->m_v0 == face->m_v1) || 
-				(faceVec[i]->m_v1 == face->m_v1) ||
-				(faceVec[i]->m_v2 == face->m_v1) )
-				bv1 = true;
-		}
-		if(!bv2)
-		{
-			if( (faceVec[i]->m_v0 == face->m_v2) || 
-				(faceVec[i]->m_v1 == face->m_v2) ||
-				(faceVec[i]->m_v2 == face->m_v2) )
-				bv2 = true;
-		}
-		//the face is not unique, all it's vertices exist in the face vector
-		if(bv0 && bv1 && bv2)
-			return false;
-	}
-	//if we get out here, it's unique
-	return true;
-// Build()
-// Builds a strip forward as far as we can go, then builds backwards, and joins the two lists
-void NvStripInfo::Build(NvEdgeInfoVec &edgeInfos, NvFaceInfoVec &faceInfos)
-	// used in building the strips forward and backward
-	WordVec scratchIndices;
-	// build forward... start with the initial face
-	NvFaceInfoVec forwardFaces, backwardFaces;
-	forwardFaces.push_back(m_startInfo.m_startFace);
-	MarkTriangle(m_startInfo.m_startFace);
-	int v0 = (m_startInfo.m_toV1 ? m_startInfo.m_startEdge->m_v0 : m_startInfo.m_startEdge->m_v1);
-	int v1 = (m_startInfo.m_toV1 ? m_startInfo.m_startEdge->m_v1 : m_startInfo.m_startEdge->m_v0);
-	// easiest way to get v2 is to use this function which requires the
-	// other indices to already be in the list.
-	scratchIndices.push_back(v0);
-	scratchIndices.push_back(v1);
-	int v2 = NvStripifier::GetNextIndex(scratchIndices, m_startInfo.m_startFace);
-	scratchIndices.push_back(v2);
-	//
-	// build the forward list
-	//
-	int nv0 = v1;
-	int nv1 = v2;
-	NvFaceInfo *nextFace = NvStripifier::FindOtherFace(edgeInfos, nv0, nv1, m_startInfo.m_startFace);
-	while (nextFace != NULL && !IsMarked(nextFace))
-	{
-		//check to see if this next face is going to cause us to die soon
-		int testnv0 = nv1;
-		int testnv1 = NvStripifier::GetNextIndex(scratchIndices, nextFace);
-		NvFaceInfo* nextNextFace = NvStripifier::FindOtherFace(edgeInfos, testnv0, testnv1, nextFace);
-		if( (nextNextFace == NULL) || (IsMarked(nextNextFace)) )
-		{
-			//uh, oh, we're following a dead end, try swapping
-			NvFaceInfo* testNextFace = NvStripifier::FindOtherFace(edgeInfos, nv0, testnv1, nextFace);
-			if( ((testNextFace != NULL) && !IsMarked(testNextFace)) )
-			{
-				//we only swap if it buys us something
-				//add a "fake" degenerate face
-				NvFaceInfo* tempFace = new NvFaceInfo(nv0, nv1, nv0, true);
-				forwardFaces.push_back(tempFace);
-				MarkTriangle(tempFace);
-				scratchIndices.push_back(nv0);
-				testnv0 = nv0;
-				++m_numDegenerates;
-			}
-		}
-		// add this to the strip
-		forwardFaces.push_back(nextFace);
-		MarkTriangle(nextFace);
-		// add the index
-		//nv0 = nv1;
-		//nv1 = NvStripifier::GetNextIndex(scratchIndices, nextFace);
-		scratchIndices.push_back(testnv1);
-		// and get the next face
-		nv0 = testnv0;
-		nv1 = testnv1;
-		nextFace = NvStripifier::FindOtherFace(edgeInfos, nv0, nv1, nextFace);
-	}
-	// tempAllFaces is going to be forwardFaces + backwardFaces
-	// it's used for Unique()
-	NvFaceInfoVec tempAllFaces;
-	for(size_t i = 0; i < forwardFaces.size(); i++)
-		tempAllFaces.push_back(forwardFaces[i]);
-	//
-	// reset the indices for building the strip backwards and do so
-	//
-	scratchIndices.resize(0);
-	scratchIndices.push_back(v2);
-	scratchIndices.push_back(v1);
-	scratchIndices.push_back(v0);
-	nv0 = v1;
-	nv1 = v0;
-	nextFace = NvStripifier::FindOtherFace(edgeInfos, nv0, nv1, m_startInfo.m_startFace);
-	while (nextFace != NULL && !IsMarked(nextFace))
-	{
-		//this tests to see if a face is "unique", meaning that its vertices aren't already in the list
-		// so, strips which "wrap-around" are not allowed
-		if(!Unique(tempAllFaces, nextFace))
-			break;
-		//check to see if this next face is going to cause us to die soon
-		int testnv0 = nv1;
-		int testnv1 = NvStripifier::GetNextIndex(scratchIndices, nextFace);
-		NvFaceInfo* nextNextFace = NvStripifier::FindOtherFace(edgeInfos, testnv0, testnv1, nextFace);
-		if( (nextNextFace == NULL) || (IsMarked(nextNextFace)) )
-		{
-			//uh, oh, we're following a dead end, try swapping
-			NvFaceInfo* testNextFace = NvStripifier::FindOtherFace(edgeInfos, nv0, testnv1, nextFace);
-			if( ((testNextFace != NULL) && !IsMarked(testNextFace)) )
-			{
-				//we only swap if it buys us something
-				//add a "fake" degenerate face
-				NvFaceInfo* tempFace = new NvFaceInfo(nv0, nv1, nv0, true);
-				backwardFaces.push_back(tempFace);
-				MarkTriangle(tempFace);
-				scratchIndices.push_back(nv0);
-				testnv0 = nv0;
-				++m_numDegenerates;
-			}
-		}
-		// add this to the strip
-		backwardFaces.push_back(nextFace);
-		//this is just so Unique() will work
-		tempAllFaces.push_back(nextFace);
-		MarkTriangle(nextFace);
-		// add the index
-		//nv0 = nv1;
-		//nv1 = NvStripifier::GetNextIndex(scratchIndices, nextFace);
-		scratchIndices.push_back(testnv1);
-		// and get the next face
-		nv0 = testnv0;
-		nv1 = testnv1;
-		nextFace = NvStripifier::FindOtherFace(edgeInfos, nv0, nv1, nextFace);
-	}
-	// Combine the forward and backwards stripification lists and put into our own face vector
-	Combine(forwardFaces, backwardFaces);
-// Combine()
-// Combines the two input face vectors and puts the result into m_faces
-void NvStripInfo::Combine(const NvFaceInfoVec &forward, const NvFaceInfoVec &backward){
-	// add backward faces
-	int numFaces = backward.size();
-	for (int i = numFaces - 1; i >= 0; i--)
-		m_faces.push_back(backward[i]);
-	// add forward faces
-	numFaces = forward.size();
-	for (int i = 0; i < numFaces; i++)
-		m_faces.push_back(forward[i]);
-// SharesEdge()
-// Returns true if the input face and the current strip share an edge
-bool NvStripInfo::SharesEdge(const NvFaceInfo* faceInfo, NvEdgeInfoVec &edgeInfos)
-	//check v0->v1 edge
-	NvEdgeInfo* currEdge = NvStripifier::FindEdgeInfo(edgeInfos, faceInfo->m_v0, faceInfo->m_v1);
-	if(IsInStrip(currEdge->m_face0) || IsInStrip(currEdge->m_face1))
-		return true;
-	//check v1->v2 edge
-	currEdge = NvStripifier::FindEdgeInfo(edgeInfos, faceInfo->m_v1, faceInfo->m_v2);
-	if(IsInStrip(currEdge->m_face0) || IsInStrip(currEdge->m_face1))
-		return true;
-	//check v2->v0 edge
-	currEdge = NvStripifier::FindEdgeInfo(edgeInfos, faceInfo->m_v2, faceInfo->m_v0);
-	if(IsInStrip(currEdge->m_face0) || IsInStrip(currEdge->m_face1))
-		return true;
-	return false;
-// CommitStrips()
-// "Commits" the input strips by setting their m_experimentId to -1 and adding to the allStrips
-//  vector
-void NvStripifier::CommitStrips(NvStripInfoVec &allStrips, const NvStripInfoVec &strips)
-	// Iterate through strips
-	int numStrips = strips.size();
-	for (int i = 0; i < numStrips; i++){
-		// Tell the strip that it is now real
-		NvStripInfo *strip = strips[i];
-		strip->m_experimentId = -1;
-		// add to the list of real strips
-		allStrips.push_back(strip);
-		// Iterate through the faces of the strip
-		// Tell the faces of the strip that they belong to a real strip now
-		const NvFaceInfoVec &faces = strips[i]->m_faces;
-		int numFaces = faces.size();
-		for (int j = 0; j < numFaces; j++)
-		{
-			strip->MarkTriangle(faces[j]);
-		}
-	}
-// FindTraversal()
-// Finds the next face to start the next strip on.
-bool NvStripifier::FindTraversal(NvFaceInfoVec &faceInfos,
-								 NvEdgeInfoVec    &edgeInfos,
-								 NvStripInfo      *strip,
-								 NvStripStartInfo &startInfo){
-	// if the strip was v0->v1 on the edge, then v1 will be a vertex in the next edge.
-	int v = (strip->m_startInfo.m_toV1 ? strip->m_startInfo.m_startEdge->m_v1 : strip->m_startInfo.m_startEdge->m_v0);
-	NvFaceInfo *untouchedFace = NULL;
-	NvEdgeInfo *edgeIter      = edgeInfos[v];
-	while (edgeIter != NULL){
-		NvFaceInfo *face0 = edgeIter->m_face0;
-		NvFaceInfo *face1 = edgeIter->m_face1;
-		if ((face0 != NULL && !strip->IsInStrip(face0)) && face1 != NULL && !strip->IsMarked(face1))
-		{
-			untouchedFace = face1;
-			break;
-		}
-		if ((face1 != NULL && !strip->IsInStrip(face1)) && face0 != NULL && !strip->IsMarked(face0)){
-			untouchedFace = face0;
-			break;
-		}
-		// find the next edgeIter
-		edgeIter = (edgeIter->m_v0 == v ? edgeIter->m_nextV0 : edgeIter->m_nextV1);
-	}
-	startInfo.m_startFace = untouchedFace;
-	startInfo.m_startEdge = edgeIter;
-	if (edgeIter != NULL)
-	{
-		if(strip->SharesEdge(startInfo.m_startFace, edgeInfos))
-			startInfo.m_toV1 = (edgeIter->m_v0 == v);  //note! used to be m_v1
-		else
-			startInfo.m_toV1 = (edgeIter->m_v1 == v);
-	}
-	return (startInfo.m_startFace != NULL);
-// RemoveSmallStrips()
-// allStrips is the whole strip vector...all small strips will be deleted from this list, to avoid leaking mem
-// allBigStrips is an out parameter which will contain all strips above minStripLength
-// faceList is an out parameter which will contain all faces which were removed from the striplist
-void NvStripifier::RemoveSmallStrips(NvStripInfoVec& allStrips, NvStripInfoVec& allBigStrips, NvFaceInfoVec& faceList)
-	faceList.clear();
-	allBigStrips.clear();  //make sure these are empty
-	NvFaceInfoVec tempFaceList;
-	for(size_t i = 0; i < allStrips.size(); i++)
-	{
-		if(allStrips[i]->m_faces.size() < size_t(minStripLength))
-		{
-			//strip is too small, add faces to faceList
-			for(size_t j = 0; j < allStrips[i]->m_faces.size(); j++)
-				tempFaceList.push_back(allStrips[i]->m_faces[j]);
-			//and free memory
-			delete allStrips[i];
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			allBigStrips.push_back(allStrips[i]);
-		}
-	}
-	if(tempFaceList.size())
-	{
-		bool *bVisitedList = new bool[tempFaceList.size()];
-		memset(bVisitedList, 0, tempFaceList.size()*sizeof(bool));
-		VertexCache* vcache = new VertexCache(cacheSize);
-		int bestNumHits = -1;
-		int numHits;
-		int bestIndex = -1;
-		while(1)
-		{
-			bestNumHits = -1;
-			//find best face to add next, given the current cache
-			for(size_t i = 0; i < tempFaceList.size(); i++)
-			{
-				if(bVisitedList[i])
-					continue;
-				numHits = CalcNumHitsFace(vcache, tempFaceList[i]);
-				if(numHits > bestNumHits)
-				{
-					bestNumHits = numHits;
-					bestIndex = i;
-				}
-			}
-			if(bestNumHits == -1.0f)
-				break;
-			bVisitedList[bestIndex] = true;
-			UpdateCacheFace(vcache, tempFaceList[bestIndex]);
-			faceList.push_back(tempFaceList[bestIndex]);
-		}
-		delete vcache;
-		delete[] bVisitedList;
-	}
-// NextIsCW()
-// Returns true if the next face should be ordered in CW fashion
-bool NvStripifier::NextIsCW(const int numIndices)
-	return ((numIndices % 2) == 0);
-// IsCW()
-// Returns true if the face is ordered in CW fashion
-bool NvStripifier::IsCW(NvFaceInfo *faceInfo, int v0, int v1)
-	if (faceInfo->m_v0 == v0)
-		return (faceInfo->m_v1 == v1);
-	else if (faceInfo->m_v1 == v0)
-		return (faceInfo->m_v2 == v1);
-	else 
-		return (faceInfo->m_v0 == v1);
-	// shouldn't get here
-	assert(0);
-	return false;
-bool NvStripifier::FaceContainsIndex(const NvFaceInfo& face, const unsigned int index)
-	return ( (size_t(face.m_v0) == index) || (size_t(face.m_v1) == index) || (size_t(face.m_v2) == index) );
-bool NvStripifier::IsMoneyFace(const NvFaceInfo& face)
-	if(FaceContainsIndex(face, 800) &&
-	   FaceContainsIndex(face, 812) &&
-	   FaceContainsIndex(face, 731))
-	   return true;
-	return false;
-// CreateStrips()
-// Generates actual strips from the list-in-strip-order.
-void NvStripifier::CreateStrips(const NvStripInfoVec& allStrips, IntVec& stripIndices, 
-								const bool bStitchStrips, unsigned int& numSeparateStrips, 
-								const bool bRestart, const unsigned int restartVal)
-	assert(numSeparateStrips == 0);
-	NvFaceInfo tLastFace(0, 0, 0);
-	NvFaceInfo tPrevStripLastFace(0, 0, 0);
-	int nStripCount = allStrips.size();
-	assert(nStripCount > 0);
-	//we infer the cw/ccw ordering depending on the number of indices
-	//this is screwed up by the fact that we insert -1s to denote changing strips
-	//this is to account for that
-	int accountForNegatives = 0;
-	for (int i = 0; i < nStripCount; i++)
-	{
-		NvStripInfo *strip = allStrips[i];
-		int nStripFaceCount = strip->m_faces.size();
-		assert(nStripFaceCount > 0);
-		// Handle the first face in the strip
-		{
-			NvFaceInfo tFirstFace(strip->m_faces[0]->m_v0, strip->m_faces[0]->m_v1, strip->m_faces[0]->m_v2);
-			// If there is a second face, reorder vertices such that the
-			// unique vertex is first
-			if (nStripFaceCount > 1)
-			{
-				int nUnique = NvStripifier::GetUniqueVertexInB(strip->m_faces[1], &tFirstFace);
-				if (nUnique == tFirstFace.m_v1)
-				{
-					SWAP(tFirstFace.m_v0, tFirstFace.m_v1);
-				}
-				else if (nUnique == tFirstFace.m_v2)
-				{
-					SWAP(tFirstFace.m_v0, tFirstFace.m_v2);
-				}
-				// If there is a third face, reorder vertices such that the
-				// shared vertex is last
-				if (nStripFaceCount > 2)
-				{
-					if(IsDegenerate(strip->m_faces[1]))
-					{
-						int pivot = strip->m_faces[1]->m_v1;
-						if(tFirstFace.m_v1 == pivot)
-						{
-							SWAP(tFirstFace.m_v1, tFirstFace.m_v2);
-						}
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						int nShared0, nShared1;
-						GetSharedVertices(strip->m_faces[2], &tFirstFace, &nShared0, &nShared1);
-						if ( (nShared0 == tFirstFace.m_v1) && (nShared1 == -1) )
-						{
-							SWAP(tFirstFace.m_v1, tFirstFace.m_v2);
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if( (i == 0) || !bStitchStrips || bRestart)
-			{
-				if(!IsCW(strip->m_faces[0], tFirstFace.m_v0, tFirstFace.m_v1))
-					stripIndices.push_back(tFirstFace.m_v0);
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				// Double tap the first in the new strip
-				stripIndices.push_back(tFirstFace.m_v0);
-				// Check CW/CCW ordering
-				if (NextIsCW(stripIndices.size() - accountForNegatives) != IsCW(strip->m_faces[0], tFirstFace.m_v0, tFirstFace.m_v1))
-				{
-					stripIndices.push_back(tFirstFace.m_v0);
-				}
-			}
-			stripIndices.push_back(tFirstFace.m_v0);
-			stripIndices.push_back(tFirstFace.m_v1);
-			stripIndices.push_back(tFirstFace.m_v2);
-			// Update last face info
-			tLastFace = tFirstFace;
-		}
-		for (int j = 1; j < nStripFaceCount; j++)
-		{
-			int nUnique = GetUniqueVertexInB(&tLastFace, strip->m_faces[j]);
-			if (nUnique != -1)
-			{
-				stripIndices.push_back(nUnique);
-				// Update last face info
-				tLastFace.m_v0 = tLastFace.m_v1;
-				tLastFace.m_v1 = tLastFace.m_v2;
-				tLastFace.m_v2 = nUnique;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				//we've hit a degenerate
-				stripIndices.push_back(strip->m_faces[j]->m_v2);
-				tLastFace.m_v0 = strip->m_faces[j]->m_v0;//tLastFace.m_v1;
-				tLastFace.m_v1 = strip->m_faces[j]->m_v1;//tLastFace.m_v2;
-				tLastFace.m_v2 = strip->m_faces[j]->m_v2;//tLastFace.m_v1;
-			}
-		}
-		// Double tap between strips.
-		if (bStitchStrips && !bRestart) 
-		{
-			if (i != nStripCount - 1)
-				stripIndices.push_back(tLastFace.m_v2);
-		} 
-		else if (bRestart) 
-		{
-			stripIndices.push_back(restartVal);
-		} 
-		else 
-		{
-			//-1 index indicates next strip
-			stripIndices.push_back(-1);
-			accountForNegatives++;
-			numSeparateStrips++;
-		}
-		// Update last face info
-		tLastFace.m_v0 = tLastFace.m_v1;
-		tLastFace.m_v1 = tLastFace.m_v2;
-		tLastFace.m_v2 = tLastFace.m_v2;
-	}
-	if(bStitchStrips || bRestart)
-		numSeparateStrips = 1;
-// Stripify()
-// in_indices are the input indices of the mesh to stripify
-// in_cacheSize is the target cache size 
-void NvStripifier::Stripify(const WordVec &in_indices, const int in_cacheSize, 
-							const int in_minStripLength, const unsigned short maxIndex, 
-							NvStripInfoVec &outStrips, NvFaceInfoVec& outFaceList)
-	meshJump = 0.0f;
-	bFirstTimeResetPoint = true; //used in FindGoodResetPoint()
-	//the number of times to run the experiments
-	int numSamples = 10;
-	//the cache size, clamped to one
-	if ( in_cacheSize - CACHE_INEFFICIENCY < 1 ) cacheSize = 1;
-	else cacheSize = in_cacheSize - CACHE_INEFFICIENCY;
-	minStripLength = in_minStripLength;  //this is the strip size threshold below which we dump the strip into a list
-	indices = in_indices;
-	// build the stripification info
-	NvFaceInfoVec allFaceInfos;
-	NvEdgeInfoVec allEdgeInfos;
-	BuildStripifyInfo(allFaceInfos, allEdgeInfos, maxIndex);
-	NvStripInfoVec allStrips;
-	// stripify
-	FindAllStrips(allStrips, allFaceInfos, allEdgeInfos, numSamples);
-	//split up the strips into cache friendly pieces, optimize them, then dump these into outStrips
-	SplitUpStripsAndOptimize(allStrips, outStrips, allEdgeInfos, outFaceList);
-	//clean up
-	for(size_t i = 0; i < allStrips.size(); i++)
-	{
-		delete allStrips[i];
-	}
-	for (size_t i = 0; i < allEdgeInfos.size(); i++)
-	{
-		NvEdgeInfo *info = allEdgeInfos[i];
-		while (info != NULL)
-		{
-			NvEdgeInfo *next = (size_t(info->m_v0) == i ? info->m_nextV0 : info->m_nextV1);
-			info->Unref();
-			info = next;
-		}
-	}
-bool NvStripifier::IsDegenerate(const NvFaceInfo* face)
-	if(face->m_v0 == face->m_v1)
-		return true;
-	else if(face->m_v0 == face->m_v2)
-		return true;
-	else if(face->m_v1 == face->m_v2)
-		return true;
-	else
-		return false;
-bool NvStripifier::IsDegenerate(const unsigned short v0, const unsigned short v1, const unsigned short v2)
-	if(v0 == v1)
-		return true;
-	else if(v0 == v2)
-		return true;
-	else if(v1 == v2)
-		return true;
-	else
-		return false;
-// SplitUpStripsAndOptimize()
-// Splits the input vector of strips (allBigStrips) into smaller, cache friendly pieces, then
-//  reorders these pieces to maximize cache hits
-// The final strips are output through outStrips
-void NvStripifier::SplitUpStripsAndOptimize(NvStripInfoVec &allStrips, NvStripInfoVec &outStrips,
-                                            NvEdgeInfoVec& edgeInfos, NvFaceInfoVec& outFaceList)
-	int threshold = cacheSize;
-	NvStripInfoVec tempStrips;
-	//split up strips into threshold-sized pieces
-	for(size_t i = 0; i < allStrips.size(); i++)
-	{
-		NvStripInfo* currentStrip;
-		NvStripStartInfo startInfo(NULL, NULL, false);
-		int actualStripSize = 0;
-		for(size_t j = 0; j < allStrips[i]->m_faces.size(); ++j)
-		{
-			if( !IsDegenerate(allStrips[i]->m_faces[j]) )
-				actualStripSize++;
-		}
-		if(actualStripSize /*allStrips[i]->m_faces.size()*/ > threshold)
-		{
-			int numTimes    = actualStripSize /*allStrips[i]->m_faces.size()*/ / threshold;
-			int numLeftover = actualStripSize /*allStrips[i]->m_faces.size()*/ % threshold;
-			int degenerateCount = 0;
-			int j;
-			for(j = 0; j < numTimes; j++)
-			{
-				currentStrip = new NvStripInfo(startInfo, 0, -1);
-				int faceCtr = j*threshold + degenerateCount;
-				bool bFirstTime = true;
-				while(faceCtr < threshold+(j*threshold)+degenerateCount)
-				{
-					if(IsDegenerate(allStrips[i]->m_faces[faceCtr]))
-					{
-						degenerateCount++;
-						//last time or first time through, no need for a degenerate
-						if( (((faceCtr + 1) != threshold+(j*threshold)+degenerateCount) ||
-							 ((j == numTimes - 1) && (numLeftover < 4) && (numLeftover > 0))) && 
-							 !bFirstTime)
-						{
-							currentStrip->m_faces.push_back(allStrips[i]->m_faces[faceCtr++]);
-						}
-						else
-						{
-							//but, we do need to delete the degenerate, if it's marked fake, to avoid leaking
-							if(allStrips[i]->m_faces[faceCtr]->m_bIsFake)
-							{
-								delete allStrips[i]->m_faces[faceCtr], allStrips[i]->m_faces[faceCtr] = NULL;
-							}
-							++faceCtr;
-						}
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						currentStrip->m_faces.push_back(allStrips[i]->m_faces[faceCtr++]);
-						bFirstTime = false;
-					}
-				}
-				/*
-				for(int faceCtr = j*threshold; faceCtr < threshold+(j*threshold); faceCtr++)
-				{
-					currentStrip->m_faces.push_back(allStrips[i]->m_faces[faceCtr]);
-				}
-				*/
-				if(j == numTimes - 1) //last time through
-				{
-					if( (numLeftover < 4) && (numLeftover > 0) ) //way too small
-					{
-						//just add to last strip
-						int ctr = 0;
-						while(ctr < numLeftover)
-						{
-							IsDegenerate( allStrips[i]->m_faces[faceCtr] ) ? ++degenerateCount : ++ctr;
-							currentStrip->m_faces.push_back(allStrips[i]->m_faces[faceCtr++]);
-						}
-						numLeftover = 0;
-					}
-				}
-				tempStrips.push_back(currentStrip);
-			}
-			int leftOff = j * threshold + degenerateCount;
-			if(numLeftover != 0)
-			{
-				currentStrip = new NvStripInfo(startInfo, 0, -1);   
-				int ctr = 0;
-				bool bFirstTime = true;
-				while(ctr < numLeftover)
-				{
-					if( !IsDegenerate(allStrips[i]->m_faces[leftOff]) )
-					{
-						ctr++;
-						bFirstTime = false;
-						currentStrip->m_faces.push_back(allStrips[i]->m_faces[leftOff++]);
-					}
-					else if(!bFirstTime)
-						currentStrip->m_faces.push_back(allStrips[i]->m_faces[leftOff++]);
-					else
-					{
-						//don't leak
-						if(allStrips[i]->m_faces[leftOff]->m_bIsFake)
-						{
-							delete allStrips[i]->m_faces[leftOff], allStrips[i]->m_faces[leftOff] = NULL;
-						}
-						leftOff++;
-					}
-				}
-				/*
-				for(int k = 0; k < numLeftover; k++)
-				{
-					currentStrip->m_faces.push_back(allStrips[i]->m_faces[leftOff++]);
-				}
-				*/
-				tempStrips.push_back(currentStrip);
-			}
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			//we're not just doing a tempStrips.push_back(allBigStrips[i]) because
-			// this way we can delete allBigStrips later to free the memory
-			currentStrip = new NvStripInfo(startInfo, 0, -1);
-			for(size_t j = 0; j < allStrips[i]->m_faces.size(); j++)
-				currentStrip->m_faces.push_back(allStrips[i]->m_faces[j]);
-			tempStrips.push_back(currentStrip);
-		}
-	}
-	//add small strips to face list
-	NvStripInfoVec tempStrips2;
-	RemoveSmallStrips(tempStrips, tempStrips2, outFaceList);
-	outStrips.clear();
-	//screw optimization for now
-//	for(i = 0; i < tempStrips.size(); ++i)
-//    outStrips.push_back(tempStrips[i]);
-	if(tempStrips2.size() != 0)
-	{
-		//Optimize for the vertex cache
-		VertexCache* vcache = new VertexCache(cacheSize);
-		float bestNumHits = -1.0f;
-		float numHits;
-		int bestIndex = -1;
-		//bool done = false;
-		int firstIndex = 0;
-		float minCost = 10000.0f;
-		for(size_t i = 0; i < tempStrips2.size(); i++)
-		{
-			int numNeighbors = 0;
-			//find strip with least number of neighbors per face
-			for(size_t j = 0; j < tempStrips2[i]->m_faces.size(); j++)
-			{
-				numNeighbors += NumNeighbors(tempStrips2[i]->m_faces[j], edgeInfos);
-			}
-			float currCost = (float)numNeighbors / (float)tempStrips2[i]->m_faces.size();
-			if(currCost < minCost)
-			{
-				minCost = currCost;
-				firstIndex = i;
-			}
-		}
-		UpdateCacheStrip(vcache, tempStrips2[firstIndex]);
-		outStrips.push_back(tempStrips2[firstIndex]);
-		tempStrips2[firstIndex]->visited = true;
-		bool bWantsCW = (tempStrips2[firstIndex]->m_faces.size() % 2) == 0;
-		//this n^2 algo is what slows down stripification so much....
-		// needs to be improved
-		while(1)
-		{
-			bestNumHits = -1.0f;
-			//find best strip to add next, given the current cache
-			for(size_t i = 0; i < tempStrips2.size(); i++)
-			{
-				if(tempStrips2[i]->visited)
-					continue;
-				numHits = CalcNumHitsStrip(vcache, tempStrips2[i]);
-				if(numHits > bestNumHits)
-				{
-					bestNumHits = numHits;
-					bestIndex = i;
-				}
-				else if(numHits >= bestNumHits)
-				{
-					//check previous strip to see if this one requires it to switch polarity
-					NvStripInfo *strip = tempStrips2[i];
-					int nStripFaceCount = strip->m_faces.size();
-					NvFaceInfo tFirstFace(strip->m_faces[0]->m_v0, strip->m_faces[0]->m_v1, strip->m_faces[0]->m_v2);
-					// If there is a second face, reorder vertices such that the
-					// unique vertex is first
-					if (nStripFaceCount > 1)
-					{
-						int nUnique = NvStripifier::GetUniqueVertexInB(strip->m_faces[1], &tFirstFace);
-						if (nUnique == tFirstFace.m_v1)
-						{
-							SWAP(tFirstFace.m_v0, tFirstFace.m_v1);
-						}
-						else if (nUnique == tFirstFace.m_v2)
-						{
-							SWAP(tFirstFace.m_v0, tFirstFace.m_v2);
-						}
-						// If there is a third face, reorder vertices such that the
-						// shared vertex is last
-						if (nStripFaceCount > 2)
-						{
-							int nShared0, nShared1;
-							GetSharedVertices(strip->m_faces[2], &tFirstFace, &nShared0, &nShared1);
-							if ( (nShared0 == tFirstFace.m_v1) && (nShared1 == -1) )
-							{
-								SWAP(tFirstFace.m_v1, tFirstFace.m_v2);
-							}
-						}
-					}
-					// Check CW/CCW ordering
-					if (bWantsCW == IsCW(strip->m_faces[0], tFirstFace.m_v0, tFirstFace.m_v1))
-					{
-						//I like this one!
-						bestIndex = i;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if(bestNumHits == -1.0f)
-				break;
-			tempStrips2[bestIndex]->visited = true;
-			UpdateCacheStrip(vcache, tempStrips2[bestIndex]);
-			outStrips.push_back(tempStrips2[bestIndex]);
-			bWantsCW = (tempStrips2[bestIndex]->m_faces.size() % 2 == 0) ? bWantsCW : !bWantsCW;
-		}
-		delete vcache;	
-	}
-// UpdateCacheStrip()
-// Updates the input vertex cache with this strip's vertices
-void NvStripifier::UpdateCacheStrip(VertexCache* vcache, NvStripInfo* strip)
-	for(size_t i = 0; i < strip->m_faces.size(); ++i)
-	{
-		if(!vcache->InCache(strip->m_faces[i]->m_v0))
-			vcache->AddEntry(strip->m_faces[i]->m_v0);
-		if(!vcache->InCache(strip->m_faces[i]->m_v1))
-			vcache->AddEntry(strip->m_faces[i]->m_v1);
-		if(!vcache->InCache(strip->m_faces[i]->m_v2))
-			vcache->AddEntry(strip->m_faces[i]->m_v2);
-	}
-// UpdateCacheFace()
-// Updates the input vertex cache with this face's vertices
-void NvStripifier::UpdateCacheFace(VertexCache* vcache, NvFaceInfo* face)
-	if(!vcache->InCache(face->m_v0))
-		vcache->AddEntry(face->m_v0);
-	if(!vcache->InCache(face->m_v1))
-		vcache->AddEntry(face->m_v1);
-	if(!vcache->InCache(face->m_v2))
-		vcache->AddEntry(face->m_v2);
-// CalcNumHitsStrip()
-// returns the number of cache hits per face in the strip
-float NvStripifier::CalcNumHitsStrip(VertexCache* vcache, NvStripInfo* strip)
-	int numHits = 0;
-	int numFaces = 0;
-	for(size_t i = 0; i < strip->m_faces.size(); i++)
-	{
-		if(vcache->InCache(strip->m_faces[i]->m_v0))
-			++numHits;
-		if(vcache->InCache(strip->m_faces[i]->m_v1))
-			++numHits;
-		if(vcache->InCache(strip->m_faces[i]->m_v2))
-			++numHits;
-		numFaces++;
-	}
-	return ((float)numHits / (float)numFaces);
-// CalcNumHitsFace()
-// returns the number of cache hits in the face
-int NvStripifier::CalcNumHitsFace(VertexCache* vcache, NvFaceInfo* face)
-	int numHits = 0;
-	if(vcache->InCache(face->m_v0))
-		numHits++;
-	if(vcache->InCache(face->m_v1))
-		numHits++;
-	if(vcache->InCache(face->m_v2))
-		numHits++;
-	return numHits;
-// NumNeighbors()
-// Returns the number of neighbors that this face has
-int NvStripifier::NumNeighbors(NvFaceInfo* face, NvEdgeInfoVec& edgeInfoVec)
-	int numNeighbors = 0;
-	if(FindOtherFace(edgeInfoVec, face->m_v0, face->m_v1, face) != NULL)
-	{
-		numNeighbors++;
-	}
-	if(FindOtherFace(edgeInfoVec, face->m_v1, face->m_v2, face) != NULL)
-	{
-		numNeighbors++;
-	}
-	if(FindOtherFace(edgeInfoVec, face->m_v2, face->m_v0, face) != NULL)
-	{
-		numNeighbors++;
-	}
-	return numNeighbors;
-// AvgStripSize()
-// Finds the average strip size of the input vector of strips
-float NvStripifier::AvgStripSize(const NvStripInfoVec &strips){
-	int sizeAccum = 0;
-	int numStrips = strips.size();
-	for (int i = 0; i < numStrips; i++){
-		NvStripInfo *strip = strips[i];
-		sizeAccum += strip->m_faces.size();
-		sizeAccum -= strip->m_numDegenerates;
-	}
-	return ((float)sizeAccum) / ((float)numStrips);
-// FindAllStrips()
-// Does the stripification, puts output strips into vector allStrips
-// Works by setting runnning a number of experiments in different areas of the mesh, and
-//  accepting the one which results in the longest strips.  It then accepts this, and moves
-//  on to a different area of the mesh.  We try to jump around the mesh some, to ensure that
-//  large open spans of strips get generated.
-void NvStripifier::FindAllStrips(NvStripInfoVec &allStrips,
-								 NvFaceInfoVec &allFaceInfos,
-								 NvEdgeInfoVec &allEdgeInfos,
-								 int numSamples){
-	// the experiments
-	int experimentId = 0;
-	int stripId      = 0;
-	bool done        = false;
-	int loopCtr = 0;
-	while (!done)
-	{
-		loopCtr++;
-		//
-		// PHASE 1: Set up numSamples * numEdges experiments
-		//
-		NvStripInfoVec *experiments = new NvStripInfoVec [numSamples * 6];
-		int experimentIndex = 0;
-		std::set   <NvFaceInfo*>  resetPoints;
-		for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; i++)
-		{
-			// Try to find another good reset point.
-			// If there are none to be found, we are done
-			NvFaceInfo *nextFace = FindGoodResetPoint(allFaceInfos, allEdgeInfos);
-			if (nextFace == NULL){
-				done = true;
-				break;
-			}
-			// If we have already evaluated starting at this face in this slew
-			// of experiments, then skip going any further
-			else if (resetPoints.find(nextFace) != resetPoints.end()){
-				continue;
-			}
-			// trying it now...
-			resetPoints.insert(nextFace);
-			// otherwise, we shall now try experiments for starting on the 01,12, and 20 edges
-			assert(nextFace->m_stripId < 0);
-			// build the strip off of this face's 0-1 edge
-			NvEdgeInfo *edge01 = FindEdgeInfo(allEdgeInfos, nextFace->m_v0, nextFace->m_v1);
-			NvStripInfo *strip01 = new NvStripInfo(NvStripStartInfo(nextFace, edge01, true), stripId++, experimentId++);
-			experiments[experimentIndex++].push_back(strip01);
-			// build the strip off of this face's 1-0 edge
-			NvEdgeInfo *edge10 = FindEdgeInfo(allEdgeInfos, nextFace->m_v0, nextFace->m_v1);
-			NvStripInfo *strip10 = new NvStripInfo(NvStripStartInfo(nextFace, edge10, false), stripId++, experimentId++);
-			experiments[experimentIndex++].push_back(strip10);
-			// build the strip off of this face's 1-2 edge
-			NvEdgeInfo *edge12 = FindEdgeInfo(allEdgeInfos, nextFace->m_v1, nextFace->m_v2);
-			NvStripInfo *strip12 = new NvStripInfo(NvStripStartInfo(nextFace, edge12, true), stripId++, experimentId++);
-			experiments[experimentIndex++].push_back(strip12);
-			// build the strip off of this face's 2-1 edge
-			NvEdgeInfo *edge21 = FindEdgeInfo(allEdgeInfos, nextFace->m_v1, nextFace->m_v2);
-			NvStripInfo *strip21 = new NvStripInfo(NvStripStartInfo(nextFace, edge21, false), stripId++, experimentId++);
-			experiments[experimentIndex++].push_back(strip21);
-			// build the strip off of this face's 2-0 edge
-			NvEdgeInfo *edge20 = FindEdgeInfo(allEdgeInfos, nextFace->m_v2, nextFace->m_v0);
-			NvStripInfo *strip20 = new NvStripInfo(NvStripStartInfo(nextFace, edge20, true), stripId++, experimentId++);
-			experiments[experimentIndex++].push_back(strip20);
-			// build the strip off of this face's 0-2 edge
-			NvEdgeInfo *edge02 = FindEdgeInfo(allEdgeInfos, nextFace->m_v2, nextFace->m_v0);
-			NvStripInfo *strip02 = new NvStripInfo(NvStripStartInfo(nextFace, edge02, false), stripId++, experimentId++);
-			experiments[experimentIndex++].push_back(strip02);
-		}
-		//
-		// PHASE 2: Iterate through that we setup in the last phase
-		// and really build each of the strips and strips that follow to see how
-		// far we get
-		//
-		int numExperiments = experimentIndex;
-		for (int i = 0; i < numExperiments; i++){
-			// get the strip set
-			// build the first strip of the list
-			experiments[i][0]->Build(allEdgeInfos, allFaceInfos);
-			int experimentId = experiments[i][0]->m_experimentId;
-			NvStripInfo *stripIter = experiments[i][0];
-			NvStripStartInfo startInfo(NULL, NULL, false);
-			while (FindTraversal(allFaceInfos, allEdgeInfos, stripIter, startInfo)){
-				// create the new strip info
-				stripIter = new NvStripInfo(startInfo, stripId++, experimentId);
-				// build the next strip
-				stripIter->Build(allEdgeInfos, allFaceInfos);
-				// add it to the list
-				experiments[i].push_back(stripIter);
-			}
-		}
-		//
-		// Phase 3: Find the experiment that has the most promise
-		//
-		int bestIndex = 0;
-		double bestValue = 0;
-		for (int i = 0; i < numExperiments; i++)
-		{
-			const float avgStripSizeWeight = 1.0f;
-			//const float numTrisWeight      = 0.0f;
-			const float numStripsWeight    = 0.0f;
-			float avgStripSize = AvgStripSize(experiments[i]);
-			float numStrips    = (float) experiments[i].size();
-			float value        = avgStripSize * avgStripSizeWeight + (numStrips * numStripsWeight);
-			//float value = 1.f / numStrips;
-			//float value = numStrips * avgStripSize;
-			if (value > bestValue)
-			{
-				bestValue = value;
-				bestIndex = i;
-			}
-		}
-		//
-		// Phase 4: commit the best experiment of the bunch
-		//
-		CommitStrips(allStrips, experiments[bestIndex]);
-		// and destroy all of the others
-		for (int i = 0; i < numExperiments; i++)
-		{
-			if (i != bestIndex)
-			{
-				int numStrips = experiments[i].size();
-				for (int j = 0; j < numStrips; j++)
-				{
-					NvStripInfo* currStrip = experiments[i][j];
-					//delete all bogus faces in the experiments
-					for (size_t k = 0; k < currStrip->m_faces.size(); ++k)
-					{
-						if(currStrip->m_faces[k]->m_bIsFake)
-						{
-							delete currStrip->m_faces[k], currStrip->m_faces[k] = NULL;
-						}
-					}
-					delete currStrip, currStrip = NULL, experiments[i][j] = NULL;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// delete the array that we used for all experiments
-		delete [] experiments;
-  }
-// CountRemainingTris()
-// This will count the number of triangles left in the
-// strip list starting at iter and finishing up at end
-int NvStripifier::CountRemainingTris(std::list<NvStripInfo*>::iterator iter,
-											std::list<NvStripInfo*>::iterator  end){
-	int count = 0;
-	while (iter != end){
-		count += (*iter)->m_faces.size();
-		iter++;
-	}
-	return count;
diff --git a/NifExport/NvTriStrip/NvTriStripObjects.h b/NifExport/NvTriStrip/NvTriStripObjects.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 3b0e66df3a9361bbdbd70095c6969fddaf9ac53e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NifExport/NvTriStrip/NvTriStripObjects.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <list>
-#include "VertexCache.h"
-// Types defined for stripification
-struct MyVertex {
-	float x, y, z;
-	float nx, ny, nz;
-typedef MyVertex MyVector;
-struct MyFace {
-	int v1, v2, v3;
-	float nx, ny, nz;
-class NvFaceInfo {
-	// vertex indices
-	NvFaceInfo(int v0, int v1, int v2, bool bIsFake = false){
-		m_v0 = v0; m_v1 = v1; m_v2 = v2;
-		m_stripId      = -1;
-		m_testStripId  = -1;
-		m_experimentId = -1;
-		m_bIsFake = bIsFake;
-	}
-	// data members are left public
-	int   m_v0, m_v1, m_v2;
-	int   m_stripId;      // real strip Id
-	int   m_testStripId;  // strip Id in an experiment
-	int   m_experimentId; // in what experiment was it given an experiment Id?
-	bool  m_bIsFake;      //if true, will be deleted when the strip it's in is deleted
-// nice and dumb edge class that points knows its
-// indices, the two faces, and the next edge using
-// the lesser of the indices
-class NvEdgeInfo {
-	// constructor puts 1 ref on us
-	NvEdgeInfo (int v0, int v1){
-		m_v0       = v0;
-		m_v1       = v1;
-		m_face0    = NULL;
-		m_face1    = NULL;
-		m_nextV0   = NULL;
-		m_nextV1   = NULL;
-		// we will appear in 2 lists.  this is a good
-		// way to make sure we delete it the second time
-		// we hit it in the edge infos
-		m_refCount = 2;    
-	}
-	// ref and unref
-	void Unref () { if (--m_refCount == 0) delete this; }
-	// data members are left public
-	unsigned int m_refCount;
-	NvFaceInfo  *m_face0, *m_face1;
-	int          m_v0, m_v1;
-	NvEdgeInfo  *m_nextV0, *m_nextV1;
-// This class is a quick summary of parameters used
-// to begin a triangle strip.  Some operations may
-// want to create lists of such items, so they were
-// pulled out into a class
-class NvStripStartInfo {
-	NvStripStartInfo(NvFaceInfo *startFace, NvEdgeInfo *startEdge, bool toV1){
-		m_startFace    = startFace;
-		m_startEdge    = startEdge;
-		m_toV1         = toV1;
-	}
-	NvFaceInfo    *m_startFace;
-	NvEdgeInfo    *m_startEdge;
-	bool           m_toV1;      
-typedef std::vector<NvFaceInfo*>     NvFaceInfoVec;
-typedef std::list  <NvFaceInfo*>     NvFaceInfoList;
-typedef std::list  <NvFaceInfoVec*>  NvStripList;
-typedef std::vector<NvEdgeInfo*>     NvEdgeInfoVec;
-typedef std::vector<short> WordVec;
-typedef std::vector<int> IntVec;
-typedef std::vector<MyVertex> MyVertexVec;
-typedef std::vector<MyFace> MyFaceVec;
-template<class T> 
-inline void SWAP(T& first, T& second) 
-	T temp = first;
-	first = second;
-	second = temp;
-// This is a summary of a strip that has been built
-class NvStripInfo {
-	// A little information about the creation of the triangle strips
-	NvStripInfo(const NvStripStartInfo &startInfo, int stripId, int experimentId = -1) :
-	  m_startInfo(startInfo)
-	{
-		m_stripId      = stripId;
-		m_experimentId = experimentId;
-		visited = false;
-		m_numDegenerates = 0;
-	}
-	// This is an experiment if the experiment id is >= 0
-	inline bool IsExperiment () const { return m_experimentId >= 0; }
-	inline bool IsInStrip (const NvFaceInfo *faceInfo) const 
-	{
-		if(faceInfo == NULL)
-			return false;
-		return (m_experimentId >= 0 ? faceInfo->m_testStripId == m_stripId : faceInfo->m_stripId == m_stripId);
-	}
-	bool SharesEdge(const NvFaceInfo* faceInfo, NvEdgeInfoVec &edgeInfos);
-	// take the given forward and backward strips and combine them together
-	void Combine(const NvFaceInfoVec &forward, const NvFaceInfoVec &backward);
-	//returns true if the face is "unique", i.e. has a vertex which doesn't exist in the faceVec
-	bool Unique(NvFaceInfoVec& faceVec, NvFaceInfo* face);
-	// mark the triangle as taken by this strip
-	bool IsMarked    (NvFaceInfo *faceInfo);
-	void MarkTriangle(NvFaceInfo *faceInfo);
-	// build the strip
-	void Build(NvEdgeInfoVec &edgeInfos, NvFaceInfoVec &faceInfos);
-	// public data members
-	NvStripStartInfo m_startInfo;
-	NvFaceInfoVec    m_faces;
-	int              m_stripId;
-	int              m_experimentId;
-	bool visited;
-	int m_numDegenerates;
-typedef std::vector<NvStripInfo*>    NvStripInfoVec;
-//The actual stripifier
-class NvStripifier {
-	// Constructor
-	NvStripifier();
-	~NvStripifier();
-	//the target vertex cache size, the structure to place the strips in, and the input indices
-	void Stripify(const WordVec &in_indices, const int in_cacheSize, const int in_minStripLength, 
-				  const unsigned short maxIndex, NvStripInfoVec &allStrips, NvFaceInfoVec &allFaces);
-	void CreateStrips(const NvStripInfoVec& allStrips, IntVec& stripIndices, const bool bStitchStrips, unsigned int& numSeparateStrips, const bool bRestart, const unsigned int restartVal);
-	static int GetUniqueVertexInB(NvFaceInfo *faceA, NvFaceInfo *faceB);
-	//static int GetSharedVertex(NvFaceInfo *faceA, NvFaceInfo *faceB);
-	static void GetSharedVertices(NvFaceInfo *faceA, NvFaceInfo *faceB, int* vertex0, int* vertex1);
-	static bool IsDegenerate(const NvFaceInfo* face);
-	static bool IsDegenerate(const unsigned short v0, const unsigned short v1, const unsigned short v2);
-	WordVec indices;
-	int cacheSize;
-	int minStripLength;
-	float meshJump;
-	bool bFirstTimeResetPoint;
-	/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	//
-	// Big mess of functions called during stripification
-	//
-	/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	//********************
-	bool IsMoneyFace(const NvFaceInfo& face);
-	bool FaceContainsIndex(const NvFaceInfo& face, const unsigned int index);
-	bool IsCW(NvFaceInfo *faceInfo, int v0, int v1);
-	bool NextIsCW(const int numIndices);
-	static int  GetNextIndex(const WordVec &indices, NvFaceInfo *face);
-	static NvEdgeInfo *FindEdgeInfo(NvEdgeInfoVec &edgeInfos, int v0, int v1);
-	static NvFaceInfo *FindOtherFace(NvEdgeInfoVec &edgeInfos, int v0, int v1, NvFaceInfo *faceInfo);
-	NvFaceInfo *FindGoodResetPoint(NvFaceInfoVec &faceInfos, NvEdgeInfoVec &edgeInfos);
-	void FindAllStrips(NvStripInfoVec &allStrips, NvFaceInfoVec &allFaceInfos, NvEdgeInfoVec &allEdgeInfos, int numSamples);
-	void SplitUpStripsAndOptimize(NvStripInfoVec &allStrips, NvStripInfoVec &outStrips, NvEdgeInfoVec& edgeInfos, NvFaceInfoVec& outFaceList);
-	void RemoveSmallStrips(NvStripInfoVec& allStrips, NvStripInfoVec& allBigStrips, NvFaceInfoVec& faceList);
-	bool FindTraversal(NvFaceInfoVec &faceInfos, NvEdgeInfoVec &edgeInfos, NvStripInfo *strip, NvStripStartInfo &startInfo);
-	int  CountRemainingTris(std::list<NvStripInfo*>::iterator iter, std::list<NvStripInfo*>::iterator  end);
-	void CommitStrips(NvStripInfoVec &allStrips, const NvStripInfoVec &strips);
-	float AvgStripSize(const NvStripInfoVec &strips);
-	int FindStartPoint(NvFaceInfoVec &faceInfos, NvEdgeInfoVec &edgeInfos);
-	void UpdateCacheStrip(VertexCache* vcache, NvStripInfo* strip);
-	void UpdateCacheFace(VertexCache* vcache, NvFaceInfo* face);
-	float CalcNumHitsStrip(VertexCache* vcache, NvStripInfo* strip);
-	int CalcNumHitsFace(VertexCache* vcache, NvFaceInfo* face);
-	int NumNeighbors(NvFaceInfo* face, NvEdgeInfoVec& edgeInfoVec);
-	void BuildStripifyInfo(NvFaceInfoVec &faceInfos, NvEdgeInfoVec &edgeInfos, const unsigned short maxIndex);
-	bool AlreadyExists(NvFaceInfo* faceInfo, NvFaceInfoVec& faceInfos);
-	// let our strip info classes and the other classes get
-	// to these protected stripificaton methods if they want
-	friend class NvStripInfo;
diff --git a/NifExport/NvTriStrip/VertexCache.cpp b/NifExport/NvTriStrip/VertexCache.cpp
deleted file mode 100755
index a89548d056355b878c4f1162812fd29ff6da54c7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NifExport/NvTriStrip/VertexCache.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-#include "VertexCache.h"
-  VertexCache(16);
-VertexCache::VertexCache(int size)
-  numEntries = size;
-  entries = new int[numEntries];
-  for(int i = 0; i < numEntries; i++)
-    entries[i] = -1;
-  delete[] entries;
-int VertexCache::At(int index)
-  return entries[index];
-void VertexCache::Set(int index, int value)
-  entries[index] = value;
-void VertexCache::Clear()
-  for(int i = 0; i < numEntries; i++)
-    entries[i] = -1;
-void VertexCache::Copy(VertexCache* inVcache)
-  for(int i = 0; i < numEntries; i++)
-  {
-    inVcache->Set(i, entries[i]);
-  }
-bool VertexCache::InCache(int entry)
-  bool returnVal = false;
-  for(int i = 0; i < numEntries; i++)
-  {
-    if(entries[i] == entry)
-    {
-      returnVal = true;
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  return returnVal;
-int VertexCache::AddEntry(int entry)
-  int removed;
-  removed = entries[numEntries - 1];
-  //push everything right one
-  for(int i = numEntries - 2; i >= 0; i--)
-  {
-    entries[i + 1] = entries[i];
-  }
-  entries[0] = entry;
-  return removed;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/NifExport/NvTriStrip/VertexCache.h b/NifExport/NvTriStrip/VertexCache.h
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index 0d3066b18c71081cc9413c44320e3acafefaca5c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NifExport/NvTriStrip/VertexCache.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-class VertexCache
-	VertexCache(int size);
-	VertexCache();
-	~VertexCache();	
-	bool InCache(int entry);
-	int AddEntry(int entry);
-	void Clear();
-	void Copy(VertexCache* inVcache) ;
-	int At(int index);
-	void Set(int index, int value);
-  int *entries;
-  int numEntries;
diff --git a/NifExport/TriStripper/connectivity_graph.cpp b/NifExport/TriStripper/connectivity_graph.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d0b3898a7b137f51e856381f54cd3b7b100bd0c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NifExport/TriStripper/connectivity_graph.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2004 Tanguy Fautré.
-// For conditions of distribution and use,
-// see copyright notice in tri_stripper.h
-// SVN: $Id: connectivity_graph.cpp 86 2005-06-08 17:47:27Z gpsnoopy $
-#include "detail/connectivity_graph.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-namespace triangle_stripper {
-	namespace detail {
-	class tri_edge : public triangle_edge
-	{
-	public:
-		tri_edge(index A, index B, size_t TriPos)
-			: triangle_edge(A, B), m_TriPos(TriPos) { }
-		size_t TriPos() const { return m_TriPos; }
-	private:
-		size_t	m_TriPos;
-	};
-	class cmp_tri_edge_lt
-	{
-	public:
-		bool operator() (const tri_edge & a, const tri_edge & b) const;
-	};
-	typedef std::vector<tri_edge> edge_map;
-	void LinkNeighbours(graph_array<triangle> & Triangles, const edge_map & EdgeMap, const tri_edge Edge);
-void make_connectivity_graph(graph_array<triangle> & Triangles, const indices & Indices)
-	assert(Triangles.size() == (Indices.size() / 3));
-	// Fill the triangle data
-	for (size_t i = 0; i < Triangles.size(); ++i)
-		Triangles[i] = triangle(Indices[i * 3 + 0], Indices[i * 3 + 1], Indices[i * 3 + 2]);
-	// Build an edge lookup table
-	edge_map EdgeMap;
-	EdgeMap.reserve(Triangles.size() * 3);
-	for (size_t i = 0; i < Triangles.size(); ++i) {
-		const triangle & Tri = * Triangles[i];
-		EdgeMap.push_back(tri_edge(Tri.A(), Tri.B(), i)); 
-		EdgeMap.push_back(tri_edge(Tri.B(), Tri.C(), i)); 
-		EdgeMap.push_back(tri_edge(Tri.C(), Tri.A(), i)); 
-	}
-	std::sort(EdgeMap.begin(), EdgeMap.end(), cmp_tri_edge_lt());
-	// Link neighbour triangles together using the lookup table
-	for (size_t i = 0; i < Triangles.size(); ++i) {
-		const triangle & Tri = * Triangles[i];
-		LinkNeighbours(Triangles, EdgeMap, tri_edge(Tri.B(), Tri.A(), i)); 
-		LinkNeighbours(Triangles, EdgeMap, tri_edge(Tri.C(), Tri.B(), i)); 
-		LinkNeighbours(Triangles, EdgeMap, tri_edge(Tri.A(), Tri.C(), i)); 
-	}
-	inline bool cmp_tri_edge_lt::operator() (const tri_edge & a, const tri_edge & b) const
-	{
-		const index A1 = a.A();
-		const index B1 = a.B();
-		const index A2 = b.A();
-		const index B2 = b.B();
-		if ((A1 < A2) || ((A1 == A2) && (B1 < B2)))
-			return true;
-		else
-			return false;
-	}
-	void LinkNeighbours(graph_array<triangle> & Triangles, const edge_map & EdgeMap, const tri_edge Edge)
-	{
-		// Find the first edge equal to Edge
-		edge_map::const_iterator it = std::lower_bound(EdgeMap.begin(), EdgeMap.end(), Edge, cmp_tri_edge_lt());
-		// See if there are any other edges that are equal
-		// (if so, it means that more than 2 triangles are sharing the same edge,
-		//  which is unlikely but not impossible)
-		for (; (it != EdgeMap.end()) && (Edge == (* it)); ++it)
-			Triangles.insert_arc(Edge.TriPos(), it->TriPos());
-		// Note: degenerated triangles will also point themselves as neighbour triangles
-	}
-	} // namespace detail
-} // namespace detail
diff --git a/NifExport/TriStripper/detail/cache_simulator.h b/NifExport/TriStripper/detail/cache_simulator.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1281d5104c23c00d4b0cd9610460b9e79ef0bf21..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NifExport/TriStripper/detail/cache_simulator.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2004 Tanguy Fautré.
-// For conditions of distribution and use,
-// see copyright notice in tri_stripper.h
-// SVN: $Id: cache_simulator.h 86 2005-06-08 17:47:27Z gpsnoopy $
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <limits>
-#include <deque>
-namespace triangle_stripper {
-	namespace detail {
-class cache_simulator
-	cache_simulator();
-	void clear();
-	void resize(size_t Size);
-	void reset();
-	void push_cache_hits(bool Enabled = true);
-	size_t size() const;
-	void push(index i, bool CountCacheHit = false);
-	void merge(const cache_simulator & Backward, size_t PossibleOverlap);
-	void reset_hitcount();
-	size_t hitcount() const;
-	typedef std::deque<index> indices_deque;
-	indices_deque	m_Cache;
-	size_t			m_NbHits;
-	bool			m_PushHits;
-// cache_simulator inline functions
-inline cache_simulator::cache_simulator()
-	: m_NbHits(0),
-	  m_PushHits(true)
-inline void cache_simulator::clear()
-	reset_hitcount();
-	m_Cache.clear();
-inline void cache_simulator::resize(const size_t Size)
-	m_Cache.resize(Size, std::numeric_limits<index>::max());
-inline void cache_simulator::reset()
-	std::fill(m_Cache.begin(), m_Cache.end(), std::numeric_limits<index>::max());
-	reset_hitcount();
-inline void cache_simulator::push_cache_hits(bool Enabled)
-	m_PushHits = Enabled;
-inline size_t cache_simulator::size() const
-	return m_Cache.size();
-inline void cache_simulator::push(const index i, const bool CountCacheHit)
-	if (CountCacheHit || m_PushHits) {
-		if (std::find(m_Cache.begin(), m_Cache.end(), i) != m_Cache.end()) {
-			// Should we count the cache hits?
-			if (CountCacheHit)
-				++m_NbHits;
-			// Should we not push the index into the cache if it's a cache hit?
-			if (! m_PushHits)
-				return;
-		}
-	}
-	// Manage the indices cache as a FIFO structure
-	m_Cache.push_front(i);
-	m_Cache.pop_back();
-inline void cache_simulator::merge(const cache_simulator & Backward, const size_t PossibleOverlap)
-	const size_t Overlap = std::min(PossibleOverlap, size());
-	for (size_t i = 0; i < Overlap; ++i)
-		push(Backward.m_Cache[i], true);
-	m_NbHits += Backward.m_NbHits;
-inline void cache_simulator::reset_hitcount()
-	m_NbHits = 0;
-inline size_t cache_simulator::hitcount() const
-	return m_NbHits;
-	} // namespace detail
-} // namespace triangle_stripper
diff --git a/NifExport/TriStripper/detail/connectivity_graph.h b/NifExport/TriStripper/detail/connectivity_graph.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e5cbc4638a97466c8c54ab3372a207828717118d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NifExport/TriStripper/detail/connectivity_graph.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2004 Tanguy Fautré.
-// For conditions of distribution and use,
-// see copyright notice in tri_stripper.h
-// SVN: $Id: connectivity_graph.h 86 2005-06-08 17:47:27Z gpsnoopy $
-#include "public_types.h"
-#include "graph_array.h"
-#include "types.h"
-namespace triangle_stripper
-	namespace detail
-	{
-		void make_connectivity_graph(graph_array<triangle> & Triangles, const indices & Indices);
-	}
diff --git a/NifExport/TriStripper/detail/graph_array.h b/NifExport/TriStripper/detail/graph_array.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 764998ee938d62aff10a0d45381efebebb1965a6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NifExport/TriStripper/detail/graph_array.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,460 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2004 Tanguy Fautré.
-// For conditions of distribution and use,
-// see copyright notice in tri_stripper.h
-// SVN: $Id: graph_array.h 86 2005-06-08 17:47:27Z gpsnoopy $
-#include <cassert>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <functional>
-#include <limits>
-#include <vector>
-namespace triangle_stripper {
-	namespace detail {
-// graph_array main class
-template <class nodetype>
-class graph_array 
-	class arc;
-	class node;
-	// New types
-	typedef size_t											nodeid;
-	typedef nodetype										value_type;
-	typedef std::vector<node>								node_vector;
-	typedef typename node_vector::iterator					node_iterator;
-	typedef typename node_vector::const_iterator			const_node_iterator;
-	typedef typename node_vector::reverse_iterator			node_reverse_iterator;
-	typedef typename node_vector::const_reverse_iterator	const_node_reverse_iterator;
-	typedef graph_array<nodetype> graph_type;
-	// graph_array::arc class
-	class arc
-	{
-	public:
-		node_iterator terminal() const;
-	protected:
-		friend class graph_array<nodetype>;
-		arc(node_iterator Terminal);
-		node_iterator	m_Terminal;
-	};
-	// New types
-	typedef std::vector<arc>					arc_list;
-	typedef typename arc_list::iterator			out_arc_iterator;
-	typedef typename arc_list::const_iterator	const_out_arc_iterator;
-	// graph_array::node class
-	class node
-	{
-	public:
-		void mark();
-		void unmark();
-		bool marked() const;
-		bool out_empty() const;
-		size_t out_size() const;
-		out_arc_iterator out_begin();
-		out_arc_iterator out_end();
-		const_out_arc_iterator out_begin() const;
-		const_out_arc_iterator out_end() const;
-		value_type & operator * ();
-		value_type * operator -> ();
-		const value_type & operator * () const;
-		const value_type * operator -> () const;
-		value_type & operator = (const value_type & Elem);
-	protected:
-		friend class graph_array<nodetype>;
-		friend class std::vector<node>;
-		node(arc_list & Arcs);
-		arc_list &		m_Arcs;
-		size_t			m_Begin;
-		size_t			m_End;
-		value_type		m_Elem;
-		bool			m_Marker;
-	};
-	graph_array();
-	explicit graph_array(size_t NbNodes);
-	// Node related member functions
-	bool empty() const;
-	size_t size() const;
-	node & operator [] (nodeid i);
-	const node & operator [] (nodeid i) const;
-	node_iterator begin();
-	node_iterator end();
-	const_node_iterator begin() const;
-	const_node_iterator end() const;
-	node_reverse_iterator rbegin();
-	node_reverse_iterator rend();
-	const_node_reverse_iterator rbegin() const;
-	const_node_reverse_iterator rend() const;
-	// Arc related member functions
-	out_arc_iterator insert_arc(nodeid Initial, nodeid Terminal);
-	out_arc_iterator insert_arc(node_iterator Initial, node_iterator Terminal);
-	// Optimized (overloaded) functions
-	void swap(graph_type & Right);
-	friend void swap(graph_type & Left, graph_type & Right)										{ Left.swap(Right); }
-	graph_array(const graph_type &);
-	graph_type & operator = (const graph_type &);
-	node_vector		m_Nodes;
-	arc_list		m_Arcs;
-// Additional "low level", graph related, functions
-template <class nodetype>
-void unmark_nodes(graph_array<nodetype> & G);
-// graph_array::arc inline functions
-template <class N>
-inline graph_array<N>::arc::arc(node_iterator Terminal)
-	: m_Terminal(Terminal) { }
-template <class N>
-inline typename graph_array<N>::node_iterator graph_array<N>::arc::terminal() const
-	return m_Terminal;
-// graph_array::node inline functions
-template <class N>
-inline graph_array<N>::node::node(arc_list & Arcs)
-	: m_Arcs(Arcs),
-	  m_Begin(std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()),
-	  m_End(std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()),
-	  m_Marker(false)
-template <class N>
-inline void graph_array<N>::node::mark()
-	m_Marker = true;
-template <class N>
-inline void graph_array<N>::node::unmark()
-	m_Marker = false;
-template <class N>
-inline bool graph_array<N>::node::marked() const
-	return m_Marker;
-template <class N>
-inline bool graph_array<N>::node::out_empty() const
-	return (m_Begin == m_End);
-template <class N>
-inline size_t graph_array<N>::node::out_size() const
-	return (m_End - m_Begin);
-template <class N>
-inline typename graph_array<N>::out_arc_iterator graph_array<N>::node::out_begin()
-	return (m_Arcs.begin() + m_Begin);
-template <class N>
-inline typename graph_array<N>::out_arc_iterator graph_array<N>::node::out_end()
-	return (m_Arcs.begin() + m_End);
-template <class N>
-inline typename graph_array<N>::const_out_arc_iterator graph_array<N>::node::out_begin() const
-	return (m_Arcs.begin() + m_Begin);
-template <class N>
-inline typename graph_array<N>::const_out_arc_iterator graph_array<N>::node::out_end() const
-	return (m_Arcs.begin() + m_End);
-template <class N>
-inline N & graph_array<N>::node::operator * ()
-	return m_Elem;
-template <class N>
-inline N * graph_array<N>::node::operator -> ()
-	return &m_Elem;
-template <class N>
-inline const N & graph_array<N>::node::operator * () const
-	return m_Elem;
-template <class N>
-inline const N * graph_array<N>::node::operator -> () const
-	return &m_Elem;
-template <class N>
-inline N & graph_array<N>::node::operator = (const N & Elem)
-	return (m_Elem = Elem);
-// graph_array inline functions
-template <class N>
-inline graph_array<N>::graph_array() { }
-template <class N>
-inline graph_array<N>::graph_array(const size_t NbNodes)
-	: m_Nodes(NbNodes, node(m_Arcs))
-	// optimisation: we consider that, averagely, a triangle may have at least 2 neighbours
-	// otherwise we are just wasting a bit of memory, but not that much
-	m_Arcs.reserve(NbNodes * 2);
-template <class N>
-inline bool graph_array<N>::empty() const
-	return m_Nodes.empty();
-template <class N>
-inline size_t graph_array<N>::size() const 
-	return m_Nodes.size();
-template <class N>
-inline typename graph_array<N>::node & graph_array<N>::operator [] (const nodeid i)
-	assert(i < size());
-	return m_Nodes[i];
-template <class N>
-inline const typename graph_array<N>::node & graph_array<N>::operator [] (const nodeid i) const
-	assert(i < size());
-	return m_Nodes[i];
-template <class N>
-inline typename graph_array<N>::node_iterator graph_array<N>::begin()
-	return m_Nodes.begin();
-template <class N>
-inline typename graph_array<N>::node_iterator graph_array<N>::end()
-	return m_Nodes.end();
-template <class N>
-inline typename graph_array<N>::const_node_iterator graph_array<N>::begin() const
-	return m_Nodes.begin();
-template <class N>
-inline typename graph_array<N>::const_node_iterator graph_array<N>::end() const
-	return m_Nodes.end();
-template <class N>
-inline typename graph_array<N>::node_reverse_iterator graph_array<N>::rbegin()
-	return m_Nodes.rbegin();
-template <class N>
-inline typename graph_array<N>::node_reverse_iterator graph_array<N>::rend()
-	return m_Nodes.rend();
-template <class N>
-inline typename graph_array<N>::const_node_reverse_iterator graph_array<N>::rbegin() const
-	return m_Nodes.rbegin();
-template <class N>
-inline typename graph_array<N>::const_node_reverse_iterator graph_array<N>::rend() const
-	return m_Nodes.rend();
-template <class N>
-inline typename graph_array<N>::out_arc_iterator graph_array<N>::insert_arc(const nodeid Initial, const nodeid Terminal)
-	assert(Initial < size());
-	assert(Terminal < size());
-	return insert_arc(m_Nodes.begin() + Initial, m_Nodes.begin() + Terminal);
-template <class N>
-inline typename graph_array<N>::out_arc_iterator graph_array<N>::insert_arc(const node_iterator Initial, const node_iterator Terminal)
-	assert((Initial >= begin()) && (Initial < end()));
-	assert((Terminal >= begin()) && (Terminal < end()));
-	node & Node = * Initial;
-	if (Node.out_empty()) {
-		Node.m_Begin = m_Arcs.size();
-		Node.m_End = m_Arcs.size() + 1;
-	} else {
-		// we optimise here for make_connectivity_graph()
-		// we know all the arcs for a given node are successively and sequentially added
-		assert(Node.m_End == m_Arcs.size());
-		++(Node.m_End);
-	}
-	m_Arcs.push_back(arc(Terminal));
-	out_arc_iterator it = m_Arcs.end();
-	return (--it);
-template <class N>
-inline void graph_array<N>::swap(graph_type & Right)
-	std::swap(m_Nodes, Right.m_Nodes);
-	std::swap(m_Arcs, Right.m_Arcs);
-// additional functions
-template <class N>
-inline void unmark_nodes(graph_array<N> & G)
-	std::for_each(G.begin(), G.end(), std::mem_fun_ref(&graph_array<N>::node::unmark));
-	} // namespace detail
-} // namespace triangle_stripper
diff --git a/NifExport/TriStripper/detail/heap_array.h b/NifExport/TriStripper/detail/heap_array.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 598d40bfd64af93faccc2d8ffaa3a340ade13236..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NifExport/TriStripper/detail/heap_array.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2004 Tanguy Fautré.
-// For conditions of distribution and use,
-// see copyright notice in tri_stripper.h
-// SVN: $Id: heap_array.h 86 2005-06-08 17:47:27Z gpsnoopy $
-#include <vector>
-namespace triangle_stripper {
-	namespace detail {
-// mutable heap
-// can be interfaced pretty muck like an array
-template <class T, class CmpT = std::less<T> > 
-class heap_array
-	// Pre = PreCondition, Post = PostCondition 
-	heap_array() : m_Locked(false) { }		// Post: ((size() == 0) && ! locked())
-	void clear();							// Post: ((size() == 0) && ! locked())
-	void reserve(size_t Size);
-	size_t size() const;
-	bool empty() const;
-	bool locked() const;
-	bool removed(size_t i) const;			// Pre: (valid(i))
-	bool valid(size_t i) const;
-	size_t position(size_t i) const;		// Pre: (valid(i))
-	const T & top() const;					// Pre: (! empty())
-	const T & peek(size_t i) const;			// Pre: (! removed(i))
-	const T & operator [] (size_t i) const;	// Pre: (! removed(i))
-	void lock();							// Pre: (! locked())   Post: (locked())
-	size_t push(const T & Elem);			// Pre: (! locked())
-	void pop();								// Pre: (locked() && ! empty())
-	void erase(size_t i);					// Pre: (locked() && ! removed(i))
-	void update(size_t i, const T & Elem);	// Pre: (locked() && ! removed(i))
-	heap_array(const heap_array &);
-	heap_array & operator = (const heap_array &);
-	class linker
-	{
-	public:
-		linker(const T & Elem, size_t i)
-			: m_Elem(Elem), m_Index(i) { }
-		T		m_Elem;
-		size_t	m_Index;
-	};
-	typedef std::vector<linker> linked_heap;
-	typedef std::vector<size_t> finder;
-	void Adjust(size_t i);
-	void Swap(size_t a, size_t b);
-	bool Less(const linker & a, const linker & b) const;
-	linked_heap	m_Heap;
-	finder		m_Finder;
-	CmpT		m_Compare;
-	bool		m_Locked;
-// heap_indexed inline functions
-template <class T, class CmpT> 
-inline void heap_array<T, CmpT>::clear()
-	m_Heap.clear();
-	m_Finder.clear();
-	m_Locked = false;
-template <class T, class CmpT> 
-inline bool heap_array<T, CmpT>::empty() const
-	return m_Heap.empty();
-template <class T, class CmpT>
-inline bool heap_array<T, CmpT>::locked() const
-	return m_Locked;
-template <class T, class CmpT>
-inline void heap_array<T, CmpT>::reserve(const size_t Size)
-	m_Heap.reserve(Size);
-	m_Finder.reserve(Size);
-template <class T, class CmpT> 
-inline size_t heap_array<T, CmpT>::size() const
-	return m_Heap.size();
-template <class T, class CmpT> 
-inline const T & heap_array<T, CmpT>::top() const
-	assert(! empty());
-	return m_Heap.front().m_Elem;
-template <class T, class CmpT> 
-inline const T & heap_array<T, CmpT>::peek(const size_t i) const
-	assert(! removed(i));
-	return (m_Heap[m_Finder[i]].m_Elem);
-template <class T, class CmpT> 
-inline const T & heap_array<T, CmpT>::operator [] (const size_t i) const
-	return peek(i);
-template <class T, class CmpT> 
-inline void heap_array<T, CmpT>::pop()
-	assert(locked());
-	assert(! empty());
-	Swap(0, size() - 1);
-	m_Heap.pop_back();
-	if (! empty())
-		Adjust(0);
-template <class T, class CmpT>
-inline void heap_array<T, CmpT>::lock()
-	assert(! locked());
-	m_Locked =true;
-template <class T, class CmpT> 
-inline size_t heap_array<T, CmpT>::push(const T & Elem)
-	assert(! locked());
-	const size_t Id = size();
-	m_Finder.push_back(Id);
-	m_Heap.push_back(linker(Elem, Id));
-	Adjust(Id);
-	return Id;
-template <class T, class CmpT>
-inline void heap_array<T, CmpT>::erase(const size_t i)
-	assert(locked());
-	assert(! removed(i));
-	const size_t j = m_Finder[i];
-	Swap(j, size() - 1);
-	m_Heap.pop_back();
-	if (j != size())
-		Adjust(j);
-template <class T, class CmpT>
-inline bool heap_array<T, CmpT>::removed(const size_t i) const
-	assert(valid(i));
-	return (m_Finder[i] >= m_Heap.size());
-template <class T, class CmpT>
-inline bool heap_array<T, CmpT>::valid(const size_t i) const
-	return (i < m_Finder.size());
-template <class T, class CmpT>
-inline size_t heap_array<T, CmpT>::position(const size_t i) const
-	assert(valid(i));
-	return (m_Heap[i].m_Index);
-template <class T, class CmpT> 
-inline void heap_array<T, CmpT>::update(const size_t i, const T & Elem)
-	assert(locked());
-	assert(! removed(i));
-	const size_t j = m_Finder[i];
-	m_Heap[j].m_Elem = Elem;
-	Adjust(j);
-template <class T, class CmpT> 
-inline void heap_array<T, CmpT>::Adjust(size_t i)
-	assert(i < m_Heap.size());
-	size_t j;
-	// Check the upper part of the heap
-	for (j = i; (j > 0) && (Less(m_Heap[(j - 1) / 2], m_Heap[j])); j = ((j - 1) / 2))
-		Swap(j, (j - 1) / 2);
-	// Check the lower part of the heap
-	for (i = j; (j = 2 * i + 1) < size(); i = j) {
- 		if ((j + 1 < size()) && (Less(m_Heap[j], m_Heap[j + 1])))
-			++j;
-		if (Less(m_Heap[j], m_Heap[i]))
-			return;
-		Swap(i, j);
-	}
-template <class T, class CmpT> 
-inline void heap_array<T, CmpT>::Swap(const size_t a, const size_t b)
-	std::swap(m_Heap[a], m_Heap[b]);
-	m_Finder[(m_Heap[a].m_Index)] = a;
-	m_Finder[(m_Heap[b].m_Index)] = b;
-template <class T, class CmpT>
-inline bool heap_array<T, CmpT>::Less(const linker & a, const linker & b) const
-	return m_Compare(a.m_Elem, b.m_Elem);
-	} // namespace detail
-} // namespace triangle_stripper
diff --git a/NifExport/TriStripper/detail/policy.h b/NifExport/TriStripper/detail/policy.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c1a7c0a71eaf9485c2d8ee7113309d8526a85cfc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NifExport/TriStripper/detail/policy.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2004 Tanguy Fautré.
-// For conditions of distribution and use,
-// see copyright notice in tri_stripper.h
-// SVN: $Id: policy.h 86 2005-06-08 17:47:27Z gpsnoopy $
-#include "public_types.h"
-#include "types.h"
-namespace triangle_stripper {
-	namespace detail {
-class policy
-	policy(size_t MinStripSize, bool Cache);
-	strip BestStrip() const;
-	void Challenge(strip Strip, size_t Degree, size_t CacheHits);
-	strip	m_Strip;
-	size_t	m_Degree;
-	size_t	m_CacheHits;
-	const size_t	m_MinStripSize;
-	const bool		m_Cache;
-inline policy::policy(size_t MinStripSize, bool Cache)
-: m_Degree(0), m_CacheHits(0), m_MinStripSize(MinStripSize), m_Cache(Cache) { }
-inline strip policy::BestStrip() const
-	return m_Strip;
-	} // namespace detail
-} // namespace triangle_stripper
diff --git a/NifExport/TriStripper/detail/types.h b/NifExport/TriStripper/detail/types.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b0419f08ed683c204ae322a2fbc04e1030bb949..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NifExport/TriStripper/detail/types.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2004 Tanguy Fautré.
-// For conditions of distribution and use,
-// see copyright notice in tri_stripper.h
-// SVN: $Id: types.h 86 2005-06-08 17:47:27Z gpsnoopy $
-namespace triangle_stripper {
-	namespace detail {
-class triangle
-	triangle() { }
-	triangle(index A, index B, index C)
-		: m_A(A), m_B(B), m_C(C), m_StripID(0) { }
-	void ResetStripID()							{ m_StripID = 0; }
-	void SetStripID(size_t StripID)				{ m_StripID = StripID; }	
-	size_t StripID() const						{ return m_StripID; }
-	index A() const								{ return m_A; }
-	index B() const								{ return m_B; }
-	index C() const								{ return m_C; }
-	index	m_A;
-	index	m_B;
-	index	m_C;
-	size_t	m_StripID;
-class triangle_edge
-	triangle_edge(index A, index B)
-		: m_A(A), m_B(B) { }
-	index A() const								{ return m_A; }
-	index B() const								{ return m_B; }
-	bool operator == (const triangle_edge & Right) const {
-		return ((A() == Right.A()) && (B() == Right.B()));
-	}
-	index	m_A;
-	index	m_B;
-enum triangle_order { ABC, BCA, CAB };
-class strip
-	strip()
-		: m_Start(0), m_Order(ABC), m_Size(0) { }
-	strip(size_t Start, triangle_order Order, size_t Size)
-		: m_Start(Start), m_Order(Order), m_Size(Size) { }
-	size_t Start() const						{ return m_Start; }
-	triangle_order Order() const				{ return m_Order; }
-	size_t Size() const							{ return m_Size; }
-	size_t			m_Start;
-	triangle_order	m_Order;
-	size_t			m_Size;
-	} // namespace detail
-} // namespace triangle_stripper
diff --git a/NifExport/TriStripper/policy.cpp b/NifExport/TriStripper/policy.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index cd62563ac80d4ef1ac6f75bac5ec0acdc8d2eb16..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NifExport/TriStripper/policy.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2004 Tanguy Fautré.
-// For conditions of distribution and use,
-// see copyright notice in tri_stripper.h
-// SVN: $Id: policy.cpp 86 2005-06-08 17:47:27Z gpsnoopy $
-#include "detail/policy.h"
-namespace triangle_stripper {
-	namespace detail {
-void policy::Challenge(strip Strip, size_t Degree, size_t CacheHits)
-	if (Strip.Size() < m_MinStripSize)
-		return;
-	// Cache is disabled, take the longest strip
-	if (! m_Cache) {
-		if (Strip.Size() > m_Strip.Size())
-			m_Strip = Strip;
-	// Cache simulator enabled
-	} else {
-		// Priority 1: Keep the strip with the best cache hit count
-		if (CacheHits > m_CacheHits) {
-			m_Strip = Strip;
-			m_Degree = Degree;
-			m_CacheHits = CacheHits;
-		} else if (CacheHits == m_CacheHits) {
-			// Priority 2: Keep the strip with the loneliest start triangle
-			if ((m_Strip.Size() != 0) && (Degree < m_Degree)) {
-				m_Strip = Strip;
-				m_Degree = Degree;
-			// Priority 3: Keep the longest strip 
-			} else if (Strip.Size() > m_Strip.Size()) {
-				m_Strip = Strip;
-				m_Degree = Degree;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	} // namespace detail
-} // namespace triangle_stripper
diff --git a/NifExport/TriStripper/tri_stripper.cpp b/NifExport/TriStripper/tri_stripper.cpp
deleted file mode 100755
index feb17ac49db3c33cd7d19bd89ce5f0ec4a20beee..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NifExport/TriStripper/tri_stripper.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,554 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2004 Tanguy Fautré.
-// For conditions of distribution and use,
-// see copyright notice in tri_stripper.h
-// SVN: $Id: tri_stripper.cpp 86 2005-06-08 17:47:27Z gpsnoopy $
-#include "tri_stripper.h"
-#include "detail/connectivity_graph.h"
-#include "detail/policy.h"
-#include <cassert>
-namespace triangle_stripper {
-	using namespace detail;
-tri_stripper::tri_stripper(const indices & TriIndices)
-	: m_Triangles(TriIndices.size() / 3), // Silently ignore extra indices if (Indices.size() % 3 != 0)
-	  m_StripID(0),
-	  m_FirstRun(true)
-	SetCacheSize();
-	SetMinStripSize();
-	SetBackwardSearch();
-	SetPushCacheHits();
-	make_connectivity_graph(m_Triangles, TriIndices);
-void tri_stripper::Strip(primitive_vector * out_pPrimitivesVector)
-	assert(out_pPrimitivesVector);
-	if (! m_FirstRun) {
-		unmark_nodes(m_Triangles);
-		ResetStripIDs();
-		m_Cache.reset();
-		m_TriHeap.clear();
-		m_Candidates.clear();
-		m_StripID = 0;
-		m_FirstRun = false;
-	}
-	out_pPrimitivesVector->clear();
-	InitTriHeap();
-	Stripify();
-	AddLeftTriangles();
-	std::swap(m_PrimitivesVector, (* out_pPrimitivesVector));
-void tri_stripper::InitTriHeap()
-	m_TriHeap.reserve(m_Triangles.size());
-	// Set up the triangles priority queue
-	// The lower the number of available neighbour triangles, the higher the priority.
-	for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Triangles.size(); ++i)
-		m_TriHeap.push(m_Triangles[i].out_size());
-	// We're not going to add new elements anymore
-	m_TriHeap.lock();
-	// Remove useless triangles
-	// Note: we had to put all of them into the heap before to ensure coherency of the heap_array object
-	while ((! m_TriHeap.empty()) && (m_TriHeap.top() == 0))
-		m_TriHeap.pop();
-void tri_stripper::ResetStripIDs()
-	for (triangle_graph::node_iterator it = m_Triangles.begin(); it != m_Triangles.end(); ++it)
-		(**it).ResetStripID();
-void tri_stripper::Stripify()
-	while (! m_TriHeap.empty()) {
-		// There is no triangle in the candidates list, refill it with the loneliest triangle
-		const size_t HeapTop = m_TriHeap.position(0);
-		m_Candidates.push_back(HeapTop);
-		while (! m_Candidates.empty()) {
-			// Note: FindBestStrip empties the candidate list, while BuildStrip refills it
-			const strip TriStrip = FindBestStrip();
-			if (TriStrip.Size() >= m_MinStripSize)
-				BuildStrip(TriStrip);
-		}
-		if (! m_TriHeap.removed(HeapTop))
-			m_TriHeap.erase(HeapTop);
-		// Eliminate all the triangles that have now become useless
-		while ((! m_TriHeap.empty()) && (m_TriHeap.top() == 0))
-			m_TriHeap.pop();
-	}
-inline strip tri_stripper::FindBestStrip()
-	// Allow to restore the cache (modified by ExtendTriToStrip) and implicitly reset the cache hit count
-	const cache_simulator CacheBackup = m_Cache;
-	policy Policy(m_MinStripSize, Cache());
-	while (! m_Candidates.empty()) {
-		const size_t Candidate = m_Candidates.back();
-		m_Candidates.pop_back();
-		// Discard useless triangles from the candidate list
-		if ((m_Triangles[Candidate].marked()) || (m_TriHeap[Candidate] == 0))
-			continue;		
-		// Try to extend the triangle in the 3 possible forward directions
-		for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
-			const strip Strip = ExtendToStrip(Candidate, triangle_order(i));
-			Policy.Challenge(Strip, m_TriHeap[Strip.Start()], m_Cache.hitcount());
-			m_Cache = CacheBackup;
-		}
-		// Try to extend the triangle in the 6 possible backward directions
-		if (m_BackwardSearch) {
-			for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
-				const strip Strip = BackExtendToStrip(Candidate, triangle_order(i), false);
-				Policy.Challenge(Strip, m_TriHeap[Strip.Start()], m_Cache.hitcount());
-				m_Cache = CacheBackup;
-			}
-			for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
-				const strip Strip = BackExtendToStrip(Candidate, triangle_order(i), true);
-				Policy.Challenge(Strip, m_TriHeap[Strip.Start()], m_Cache.hitcount());
-				m_Cache = CacheBackup;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return Policy.BestStrip();
-strip tri_stripper::ExtendToStrip(const size_t Start, triangle_order Order)
-	const triangle_order StartOrder = Order;
-	// Begin a new strip
-	m_Triangles[Start]->SetStripID(++m_StripID);
-	AddTriangle(* m_Triangles[Start], Order, false);
-	size_t Size = 1;
-	bool ClockWise = false;
-	// Loop while we can further extend the strip
-	for (tri_iterator Node = (m_Triangles.begin() + Start); 
-		(Node != m_Triangles.end()) && (!Cache() || ((Size + 2) < CacheSize()));
-		++Size) {
-		const const_link_iterator Link = LinkToNeighbour(Node, ClockWise, Order, false);
-		// Is it the end of the strip?
-		if (Link == Node->out_end()) {
-			Node = m_Triangles.end();
-			--Size;
-		} else {
-			Node = Link->terminal();
-			(* Node)->SetStripID(m_StripID);
-			ClockWise = ! ClockWise;
-		}
-	}
-	return strip(Start, StartOrder, Size);
-strip tri_stripper::BackExtendToStrip(size_t Start, triangle_order Order, bool ClockWise)
-	// Begin a new strip
-	m_Triangles[Start]->SetStripID(++m_StripID);
-	BackAddIndex(LastEdge(* m_Triangles[Start], Order).B());
-	size_t Size = 1;
-	tri_iterator Node;
-	// Loop while we can further extend the strip
-	for (Node = (m_Triangles.begin() + Start); 
-		!Cache() || ((Size + 2) < CacheSize());
-		++Size) {
-		const const_link_iterator Link = BackLinkToNeighbour(Node, ClockWise, Order);
-		// Is it the end of the strip?
-		if (Link == Node->out_end())
-			break;
-		else {
-			Node = Link->terminal();
-			(* Node)->SetStripID(m_StripID);
-			ClockWise = ! ClockWise;
-		}
-	}
-	// We have to start from a counterclockwise triangle.
-	// Simply return an empty strip in the case where the first triangle is clockwise.
-	// Even though we could discard the first triangle and start from the next counterclockwise triangle,
-	// this often leads to more lonely triangles afterward.
-	if (ClockWise)
-		return strip();
-	if (Cache()) {
-		m_Cache.merge(m_BackCache, Size);
-		m_BackCache.reset();
-	}
-	return strip(Node - m_Triangles.begin(), Order, Size);
-void tri_stripper::BuildStrip(const strip Strip)
-	const size_t Start = Strip.Start();
-	bool ClockWise = false;
-	triangle_order Order = Strip.Order();
-	// Create a new strip
-	m_PrimitivesVector.push_back(primitive_group());
-	m_PrimitivesVector.back().Type = TRIANGLE_STRIP;
-	AddTriangle(* m_Triangles[Start], Order, true);
-	MarkTriAsTaken(Start);
-	// Loop while we can further extend the strip
-	tri_iterator Node = (m_Triangles.begin() + Start);
-	for (size_t Size = 1; Size < Strip.Size(); ++Size) {
-		const const_link_iterator Link = LinkToNeighbour(Node, ClockWise, Order, true);
-		assert(Link != Node->out_end());
-		// Go to the next triangle
-		Node = Link->terminal();
-		MarkTriAsTaken(Node - m_Triangles.begin());
-		ClockWise = ! ClockWise;
-	}
-inline tri_stripper::const_link_iterator tri_stripper::LinkToNeighbour(const const_tri_iterator Node, const bool ClockWise, triangle_order & Order, const bool NotSimulation)
-	const triangle_edge Edge = LastEdge(** Node, Order);
-	for (const_link_iterator Link = Node->out_begin(); Link != Node->out_end(); ++Link) {
-		// Get the reference to the possible next triangle
-		const triangle & Tri = ** Link->terminal();
-		// Check whether it's already been used
-		if (NotSimulation || (Tri.StripID() != m_StripID)) {
-			if (! Link->terminal()->marked()) {
-				// Does the current candidate triangle match the required position for the strip?
-				if ((Edge.B() == Tri.A()) && (Edge.A() == Tri.B())) {
-					Order = (ClockWise) ? ABC : BCA;
-					AddIndex(Tri.C(), NotSimulation);
-					return Link;
-				}
-				else if ((Edge.B() == Tri.B()) && (Edge.A() == Tri.C())) {
-					Order = (ClockWise) ? BCA : CAB;
-					AddIndex(Tri.A(), NotSimulation);
-					return Link;
-				}
-				else if ((Edge.B() == Tri.C()) && (Edge.A() == Tri.A())) {
-					Order = (ClockWise) ? CAB : ABC;
-					AddIndex(Tri.B(), NotSimulation);
-					return Link;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return Node->out_end();
-inline tri_stripper::const_link_iterator tri_stripper::BackLinkToNeighbour(const_tri_iterator Node, bool ClockWise, triangle_order & Order)
-	const triangle_edge Edge = FirstEdge(** Node, Order);
-	for (const_link_iterator Link = Node->out_begin(); Link != Node->out_end(); ++Link) {
-		// Get the reference to the possible previous triangle
-		const triangle & Tri = ** Link->terminal();
-		// Check whether it's already been used
-		if ((Tri.StripID() != m_StripID) && ! Link->terminal()->marked()) {
-			// Does the current candidate triangle match the required position for the strip?
-			if ((Edge.B() == Tri.A()) && (Edge.A() == Tri.B())) {
-				Order = (ClockWise) ? CAB : BCA;
-				BackAddIndex(Tri.C());
-				return Link;
-			}
-			else if ((Edge.B() == Tri.B()) && (Edge.A() == Tri.C())) {
-				Order = (ClockWise) ? ABC : CAB;
-				BackAddIndex(Tri.A());
-				return Link;
-			}
-			else if ((Edge.B() == Tri.C()) && (Edge.A() == Tri.A())) {
-				Order = (ClockWise) ? BCA : ABC;
-				BackAddIndex(Tri.B());
-				return Link;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return Node->out_end();
-void tri_stripper::MarkTriAsTaken(const size_t i)
-	typedef triangle_graph::node_iterator tri_node_iter;
-	typedef triangle_graph::out_arc_iterator tri_link_iter;
-	// Mark the triangle node
-	m_Triangles[i].mark();
-	// Remove triangle from priority queue if it isn't yet
-	if (! m_TriHeap.removed(i))
-		m_TriHeap.erase(i);
-	// Adjust the degree of available neighbour triangles
-	for (tri_link_iter Link = m_Triangles[i].out_begin(); Link != m_Triangles[i].out_end(); ++Link) {
-		const size_t j = Link->terminal() - m_Triangles.begin();
-		if ((! m_Triangles[j].marked()) && (! m_TriHeap.removed(j))) {
-			size_t NewDegree = m_TriHeap.peek(j);
-			NewDegree = NewDegree - 1;
-			m_TriHeap.update(j, NewDegree);
-			// Update the candidate list if cache is enabled
-			if (Cache() && (NewDegree > 0))
-				m_Candidates.push_back(j);
-		}
-	}
-inline triangle_edge tri_stripper::FirstEdge(const triangle & Triangle, const triangle_order Order)
-	switch (Order)
-	{
-	case ABC:
-		return triangle_edge(Triangle.A(), Triangle.B());
-	case BCA:
-		return triangle_edge(Triangle.B(), Triangle.C());
-	case CAB:
-		return triangle_edge(Triangle.C(), Triangle.A());
-	default:
-		assert(false);
-		return triangle_edge(0, 0);
-	}
-inline triangle_edge tri_stripper::LastEdge(const triangle & Triangle, const triangle_order Order)
-	switch (Order)
-	{
-	case ABC:
-		return triangle_edge(Triangle.B(), Triangle.C());
-	case BCA:
-		return triangle_edge(Triangle.C(), Triangle.A());
-	case CAB:
-		return triangle_edge(Triangle.A(), Triangle.B());
-	default:
-		assert(false);
-		return triangle_edge(0, 0);
-	}
-inline void tri_stripper::AddIndex(const index i, const bool NotSimulation)
-	if (Cache())
-		m_Cache.push(i, ! NotSimulation);
-	if (NotSimulation)
-		m_PrimitivesVector.back().Indices.push_back(i);
-inline void tri_stripper::BackAddIndex(const index i)
-	if (Cache())
-		m_BackCache.push(i, true);
-inline void tri_stripper::AddTriangle(const triangle & Tri, const triangle_order Order, const bool NotSimulation)
-	switch (Order)
-	{
-	case ABC:
-		AddIndex(Tri.A(), NotSimulation);
-		AddIndex(Tri.B(), NotSimulation);
-		AddIndex(Tri.C(), NotSimulation);
-		break;
-	case BCA:
-		AddIndex(Tri.B(), NotSimulation);
-		AddIndex(Tri.C(), NotSimulation);
-		AddIndex(Tri.A(), NotSimulation);
-		break;
-	case CAB:
-		AddIndex(Tri.C(), NotSimulation);
-		AddIndex(Tri.A(), NotSimulation);
-		AddIndex(Tri.B(), NotSimulation);
-		break;
-	}
-inline void tri_stripper::BackAddTriangle(const triangle & Tri, const triangle_order Order)
-	switch (Order)
-	{
-	case ABC:
-		BackAddIndex(Tri.C());
-		BackAddIndex(Tri.B());
-		BackAddIndex(Tri.A());
-		break;
-	case BCA:
-		BackAddIndex(Tri.A());
-		BackAddIndex(Tri.C());
-		BackAddIndex(Tri.B());
-		break;
-	case CAB:
-		BackAddIndex(Tri.B());
-		BackAddIndex(Tri.A());
-		BackAddIndex(Tri.C());
-		break;
-	}
-void tri_stripper::AddLeftTriangles()
-	// Create the last indices array and fill it with all the triangles that couldn't be stripped
-	primitive_group Primitives;
-	Primitives.Type = TRIANGLES;
-	m_PrimitivesVector.push_back(Primitives);
-	indices & Indices = m_PrimitivesVector.back().Indices;
-	for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Triangles.size(); ++i)
-		if (! m_Triangles[i].marked()) {
-			Indices.push_back(m_Triangles[i]->A());
-			Indices.push_back(m_Triangles[i]->B());
-			Indices.push_back(m_Triangles[i]->C());
-		}
-	// Undo if useless
-	if (Indices.size() == 0)
-		m_PrimitivesVector.pop_back();
-inline bool tri_stripper::Cache() const
-	return (m_Cache.size() != 0);
-inline size_t tri_stripper::CacheSize() const
-	return m_Cache.size();
-} // namespace triangle_stripper