diff --git a/MaxNifPlugins_Readme.txt b/MaxNifPlugins_Readme.txt
index 856575961a891c5f729f1d6cc9226b3371eff47a..f6b2a49d058fc408a191e43b2dd487e756938f7c 100644
--- a/MaxNifPlugins_Readme.txt
+++ b/MaxNifPlugins_Readme.txt
@@ -37,7 +37,24 @@
     o Importer/Exporter
       - Improved Bridge Commander support.
-      - Added more Collision support (bhkRigidBodyModifier, bhkCollisionShape)
+      - Added more Collision support
+        + Modifiers
+          * bhkRigidBody - Modifier
+             This is a modifier which converts a mesh into a collision mesh
+             and is a replacement for the Utility.
+        + Helper Objects (Find under Create | Helper | NifTools)
+          * bhkRigidBody
+            Rigid Body reference object.  Place all havok objects in this object.
+          * bhkBox
+            Primitive for a Havok Box
+          * bhkSphere
+            Primitive for a Havok Sphere
+          * bhkCapsule
+              Primitive for a Havok Capsule
+          * bhkCollProxy
+              Makes a collision object from an existing set of objects but does not make the root
+              objects collision objects.
diff --git a/NifCommon/NifQHull.cpp b/NifCommon/NifQHull.cpp
index 354fe195a58863de5ea07ed60caadc67d80a9b21..ff47ff9a9471b04d104ffdf9813aebe10165d456 100644
--- a/NifCommon/NifQHull.cpp
+++ b/NifCommon/NifQHull.cpp
@@ -156,6 +156,7 @@ void compute_convex_hull(Mesh& mesh, Mesh& outmesh)
 	delete[] points;
+	mn.FillInMesh();
diff --git a/NifCommon/niutils.cpp b/NifCommon/niutils.cpp
index 7326a6961bed3dcd9e46c2db51873ad44170d70c..ff3669fed663afc4137b295cf9a0c540eae0d8e0 100644
--- a/NifCommon/niutils.cpp
+++ b/NifCommon/niutils.cpp
@@ -1168,4 +1168,20 @@ Modifier *CreatebhkCollisionModifier(INode* node, int type, HavokMaterial materi
 TSTR GetNodeName(INode* node)
 	return node->GetName();
+Matrix3 GetLocalTM(INode *node)
+	if (INode *parent = node->GetParentNode())
+	{
+		Matrix3 parentTM, nodeTM;
+		nodeTM = node->GetNodeTM(0);
+		parent = node->GetParentNode();
+		parentTM = parent->GetNodeTM(0);
+		return nodeTM*Inverse(parentTM);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		return node->GetNodeTM(0);
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/NifCommon/niutils.h b/NifCommon/niutils.h
index f9b4e2754e9c0d1cdd240bb67f84903c2c858080..93e53bc2f7f4f16237cf1687babbfaae11a4fb97 100644
--- a/NifCommon/niutils.h
+++ b/NifCommon/niutils.h
@@ -428,4 +428,6 @@ Modifier *CreatebhkCollisionModifier(INode* node, int type, Niflib::HavokMateria
 void GetIniFileName(char *iniName);
+Matrix3 GetLocalTM(INode *node);
 #endif // _NIUTILS_H_
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/NifExport/Coll.cpp b/NifExport/Coll.cpp
index e007f43e6c5aa572242a359f2c8b35fe79358a41..fab3f73afcb41556763d933f94c40e6ac8713679 100755
--- a/NifExport/Coll.cpp
+++ b/NifExport/Coll.cpp
@@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
 #include "../NifProps/bhkRigidBodyInterface.h"
 #include "obj/bhkListShape.h"
 #include "obj/bhkConvexVerticesShape.h"
+#include "obj/bhkTransformShape.h"
+#include "obj/bhkSphereShape.h"
+#include "obj/bhkBoxShape.h"
+#include "obj/bhkCapsuleShape.h"
 #include "..\NifProps\bhkHelperFuncs.h"
 #include "..\NifProps\bhkHelperInterface.h"
@@ -427,10 +432,12 @@ bhkShapeRef Exporter::makeBoxShape(INode *node, Object *obj, Matrix3& tm)
 	float length = 0;
 	float height = 0;
 	float width = 0; 
-	IParamArray *params = obj->GetParamBlock();
-	params->GetValue(obj->GetParamBlockIndex(BOXOBJ_LENGTH), 0, length, FOREVER);
-	params->GetValue(obj->GetParamBlockIndex(BOXOBJ_HEIGHT), 0, height, FOREVER);
-	params->GetValue(obj->GetParamBlockIndex(BOXOBJ_WIDTH), 0, width, FOREVER);
+	if (IParamBlock2* pblock2 = obj->GetParamBlockByID(0))
+	{
+		pblock2->GetValue(BOXOBJ_LENGTH, 0, length, FOREVER);
+		pblock2->GetValue(BOXOBJ_HEIGHT, 0, height, FOREVER);
+		pblock2->GetValue(BOXOBJ_WIDTH, 0, width, FOREVER);
+	}
 	bhkBoxShapeRef box = new bhkBoxShape();
 	Vector3 dim(width * scale[0], length * scale[1], height * scale[2]);
@@ -454,8 +461,10 @@ bhkShapeRef Exporter::makeSphereShape(INode *node, Object *obj, Matrix3& tm)
    float s = (scale[0] + scale[1] + scale[2]) / 3.0;
 	float radius = 0;
-	IParamArray *params = obj->GetParamBlock();
-	params->GetValue(obj->GetParamBlockIndex(SPHERE_RADIUS), 0, radius, FOREVER);
+	if (IParamBlock2* pblock2 = obj->GetParamBlockByID(0))
+	{
+		pblock2->GetValue(SPHERE_RADIUS, 0, radius, FOREVER);
+	}
 	bhkSphereShapeRef sphere = new bhkSphereShape();
 	sphere->SetRadius(radius * s);
@@ -504,24 +513,38 @@ bhkShapeRef Exporter::makebhkBoxShape(INode *node, Object *obj, Matrix3& tm)
 		Point3 scale = GetScale(tm);
 		float s = (scale[0] + scale[1] + scale[2]) / 3.0;
-		int mtl = 0, length = 0, width = 0, height = 0;
+		int mtl = 0;
+		float length = 0, width = 0, height = 0;
 		pblock2->GetValue(PB_MATERIAL, 0, mtl, FOREVER, 0);
 		pblock2->GetValue(PB_LENGTH, 0, length, FOREVER, 0);
 		pblock2->GetValue(PB_WIDTH, 0, width, FOREVER, 0);
 		pblock2->GetValue(PB_HEIGHT, 0, height, FOREVER, 0);
 		bhkBoxShapeRef box = new bhkBoxShape();
 		Vector3 dim(width * scale[0], length * scale[1], height * scale[2]);
 		// Adjust translation for center of z axis in box
 		tm.Translate(Point3(0.0, 0.0, dim.z / 2.0));
-		dim /= (Exporter::bhkScaleFactor * 2);
+		//dim /= (Exporter::bhkScaleFactor * 2);
-		retval = StaticCast<bhkShape>(box);
+		Matrix3 tm = GetLocalTM(node);
+		if (tm.IsIdentity())
+		{
+			retval = StaticCast<bhkShape>(box);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			bhkTransformShapeRef transform = new bhkTransformShape();
+			transform->SetTransform(TOMATRIX4(tm).Transpose());
+			transform->SetShape(box);
+			transform->SetMaterial(HavokMaterial(mtl));
+			retval = StaticCast<bhkShape>(transform);
+		}
 	return retval;
@@ -531,6 +554,34 @@ bhkShapeRef	Exporter::makebhkSphereShape(INode *node, Object *obj, Matrix3& tm)
 	bhkShapeRef retval;
+	enum { sphere_params, };
+	if (IParamBlock2* pblock2 = obj->GetParamBlockByID(sphere_params))
+	{
+		float radius = 0.0f;
+		pblock2->GetValue(PB_RADIUS, 0, radius, FOREVER, 0);
+		pblock2->GetValue(PB_MATERIAL, 0, mtl, FOREVER, 0);
+		bhkSphereShapeRef shape = new bhkSphereShape();
+		shape->SetRadius(radius);
+		shape->SetMaterial(HavokMaterial(mtl));
+		Matrix3 tm = GetLocalTM(node);
+		if (tm.IsIdentity())
+		{
+			retval = StaticCast<bhkShape>(shape);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			bhkTransformShapeRef transform = new bhkTransformShape();
+			transform->SetTransform(TOMATRIX4(tm).Transpose());
+			transform->SetShape(shape);
+			transform->SetMaterial(HavokMaterial(mtl));
+			retval = StaticCast<bhkShape>(transform);
+		}
+	}
 	return retval;
@@ -538,6 +589,40 @@ bhkShapeRef	Exporter::makebhkCapsuleShape(INode *node, Object *obj, Matrix3& tm)
 	bhkShapeRef retval;
+	enum { cap_params, };
+	if (IParamBlock2* pblock2 = obj->GetParamBlockByID(cap_params))
+	{
+		float radius1 = 0.0f, radius2 = 0.0f, len = 0.0f;
+		pblock2->GetValue(PB_RADIUS1, 0, radius1, FOREVER, 0);
+		pblock2->GetValue(PB_RADIUS2, 0, radius2, FOREVER, 0);
+		pblock2->GetValue(PB_LENGTH, 0, len, FOREVER, 0);
+		pblock2->GetValue(PB_MATERIAL, 0, mtl, FOREVER, 0);
+		bhkCapsuleShapeRef shape = new bhkCapsuleShape();
+		shape->SetRadius((radius1 + radius2)/2.0f);
+		shape->SetRadius1(radius1);
+		shape->SetRadius2(radius2);
+		shape->SetMaterial(HavokMaterial(mtl));
+		Matrix3 tm = GetLocalTM(node);
+		Point3 center = tm.GetTrans();
+		Matrix3 rot = tm;
+		rot.NoTrans();
+		rot.NoScale();
+		float distFromCenter = len*Exporter::bhkScaleFactor/2.0f;
+		Point3 pt1 = ((TransMatrix(Point3(0.0f, 0.0f, +distFromCenter)) * rot).GetTrans() + center) / Exporter::bhkScaleFactor;
+		Point3 pt2 = ((TransMatrix(Point3(0.0f, 0.0f, -distFromCenter)) * rot).GetTrans() + center) / Exporter::bhkScaleFactor;
+		shape->SetFirstPoint(TOVECTOR3(pt1));
+		shape->SetSecondPoint(TOVECTOR3(pt2));
+		retval = StaticCast<bhkShape>(shape);
+	}
 	return retval;
@@ -754,20 +839,20 @@ bhkShapeRef Exporter::makeProxyShape(INode *node, Object *obj, Matrix3& tm)
 				switch (bvType)
 				case bv_type_box:
+					shape = makeProxyBoxShape(node, obj, mesh, tm);
+				//case bv_type_sphere:
+				//	shape = makeProxySphereShape(node, obj, mesh, tm);
+				//	break;
 				case bv_type_shapes:
 				case bv_type_packed:
+					shape = makeProxyTriStripShape(node, obj, mesh, tm);
 				case bv_type_convex: 
-					Matrix3 tm(true);
-					if (bhkConvexVerticesShapeRef convShape = makeConvexShape(mesh, tm))
-					{
-						int mtl = pblock2->GetInt(PB_MATERIAL, 0, 0);
-						convShape->SetMaterial(HavokMaterial(mtl));
-						shape = StaticCast<bhkShape>(convShape);
-					}
+					shape = makeProxyConvexShape(node, obj, mesh, tm);
@@ -776,6 +861,121 @@ bhkShapeRef Exporter::makeProxyShape(INode *node, Object *obj, Matrix3& tm)
 	return shape;
+bhkShapeRef	Exporter::makeProxyBoxShape(INode *node, Object *obj, Mesh& mesh, Matrix3& tm)
+	enum { list_params, bv_mesh, };  // pblock2 ID
+	enum { bv_type_none, bv_type_box, bv_type_shapes, bv_type_packed, bv_type_convex, };  // pblock ID
+	bhkShapeRef retval;
+	if (IParamBlock2* pblock2 = obj->GetParamBlockByID(list_params))
+	{
+		Box3 box; box.Init();
+		CalcAxisAlignedBox(mesh, box, NULL);
+		int mtl = 0;
+		float length = 0, width = 0, height = 0;
+		pblock2->GetValue(PB_MATERIAL, 0, mtl, FOREVER, 0);
+		bhkBoxShapeRef shape = new bhkBoxShape();
+		Vector3 dim(box.Max().x-box.Min().x, box.Max().y-box.Min().y, box.Max().z-box.Min().z);
+		dim /= (Exporter::bhkScaleFactor * 2);
+		shape->SetMaterial(HavokMaterial(mtl));
+		shape->SetDimensions(dim);
+		Matrix3 tm = /*GetLocalTM(node) * */TransMatrix(box.Center()/Exporter::bhkScaleFactor);
+		if (tm.IsIdentity())
+		{
+			retval = StaticCast<bhkShape>(shape);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			bhkTransformShapeRef transform = new bhkTransformShape();
+			transform->SetTransform(TOMATRIX4(tm).Transpose());
+			transform->SetShape(shape);
+			transform->SetMaterial(HavokMaterial(mtl));
+			retval = StaticCast<bhkShape>(transform);
+		}
+	}
+	return retval;
+bhkShapeRef	Exporter::makeProxySphereShape(INode *node, Object *obj, Mesh& mesh, Matrix3& tm)
+	enum { list_params, bv_mesh, };  // pblock2 ID
+	enum { bv_type_none, bv_type_box, bv_type_shapes, bv_type_packed, bv_type_convex, };  // pblock ID
+	bhkShapeRef shape;
+	if (IParamBlock2* pblock2 = obj->GetParamBlockByID(list_params))
+	{
+		//Matrix3 tm = GetLocalTM(node) * TransMatrix(box.Center());
+	}
+	return shape;
+bhkShapeRef	Exporter::makeProxyConvexShape(INode *node, Object *obj, Mesh& mesh, Matrix3& tm)
+	enum { list_params, bv_mesh, };  // pblock2 ID
+	enum { bv_type_none, bv_type_box, bv_type_shapes, bv_type_packed, bv_type_convex, };  // pblock ID
+	bhkShapeRef shape;
+	if (IParamBlock2* pblock2 = obj->GetParamBlockByID(list_params))
+	{
+		Matrix3 tm(true);
+		if (bhkConvexVerticesShapeRef convShape = makeConvexShape(mesh, tm))
+		{
+			int mtl = pblock2->GetInt(PB_MATERIAL, 0, 0);
+			convShape->SetMaterial(HavokMaterial(mtl));
+			shape = StaticCast<bhkShape>(convShape);
+		}
+	}
+	return shape;
+bhkShapeRef	Exporter::makeProxyTriStripShape(INode *node, Object *obj, Mesh& mesh, Matrix3& tm)
+	enum { list_params, bv_mesh, };  // pblock2 ID
+	enum { bv_type_none, bv_type_box, bv_type_shapes, bv_type_packed, bv_type_convex, };  // pblock ID
+	bhkShapeRef shape;
+	if (IParamBlock2* pblock2 = obj->GetParamBlockByID(list_params))
+	{
+		int mtl = pblock2->GetInt(PB_MATERIAL, 0, 0);
+		Matrix3 ident(true);
+		bhkNiTriStripsShapeRef trishape = makeTriStripsShape(mesh, ident);
+		trishape->SetMaterial(HavokMaterial(mtl));
+		shape = StaticCast<bhkShape>(trishape);
+	}
+	return shape;
+bhkShapeRef	Exporter::makeProxyPackedTriStripShape(INode *node, Object *obj, Mesh& mesh, Matrix3& tm)
+	enum { list_params, bv_mesh, };  // pblock2 ID
+	enum { bv_type_none, bv_type_box, bv_type_shapes, bv_type_packed, bv_type_convex, };  // pblock ID
+	bhkShapeRef shape;
+	if (IParamBlock2* pblock2 = obj->GetParamBlockByID(list_params))
+	{
+		int mtl = pblock2->GetInt(PB_MATERIAL, 0, 0);
+		Matrix3 ident(true);
+		bhkNiTriStripsShapeRef trishape = makeTriStripsShape(mesh, ident);
+		trishape->SetMaterial(HavokMaterial(mtl));
+		shape = StaticCast<bhkShape>(trishape);
+	}
+	return shape;
 bhkShapeRef	Exporter::makeModifierShape(INode *node, Object* obj, Modifier* mod, Matrix3& tm)
 	enum { havok_params };
@@ -811,32 +1011,193 @@ bhkShapeRef	Exporter::makeModifierShape(INode *node, Object* obj, Modifier* mod,
 	case bv_type_box:
-		shape = makeBoxShape(node, obj, tm);
+		shape = makeModBoxShape(node, mod, const_cast<Mesh&>(*mesh), tm);
 	case bv_type_sphere:
-		shape = makeSphereShape(node, obj, tm);
+		shape = makeModSphereShape(node, mod, const_cast<Mesh&>(*mesh), tm);
 	case bv_type_capsule:
-		shape = makeCapsuleShape(node, obj, tm);
+		shape = makeModCapsuleShape(node, mod, const_cast<Mesh&>(*mesh), tm);
 	case bv_type_shapes:
-		if (bhkNiTriStripsShapeRef trishape = makeTriStripsShape(const_cast<Mesh&>(*mesh), tm))
-		{
-			trishape->SetMaterial(HavokMaterial(material));
-			shape = StaticCast<bhkShape>(trishape);
-		}
+		shape = makeModTriStripShape(node, mod, const_cast<Mesh&>(*mesh), tm);
 	case bv_type_convex:
-		if (bhkConvexVerticesShapeRef convShape = makeConvexShape(const_cast<Mesh&>(*mesh), tm))
+		shape = makeModConvexShape(node, mod, const_cast<Mesh&>(*mesh), tm);
+		break;
+	}
+	return shape;
+bhkShapeRef	Exporter::makeModBoxShape(INode *node, Modifier* mod, Mesh& mesh, Matrix3& tm)
+	enum { havok_params };
+	enum { bv_type_none, bv_type_box, bv_type_sphere, bv_type_capsule, bv_type_shapes, bv_type_convex, };  // pblock ID
+	int material = NP_DEFAULT_HVK_MATERIAL;
+	if (IParamBlock2* pblock2 = mod->GetParamBlockByID(havok_params))
+	{
+		pblock2->GetValue(PB_MATERIAL, 0, material, FOREVER, 0);
+	}
+	bhkShapeRef retval;
+	if (bhkBoxShapeRef shape = new bhkBoxShape())
+	{
+		Box3 box; box.Init();
+		CalcAxisAlignedBox(mesh, box, NULL);
+		Vector3 dim(box.Max().x-box.Min().x, box.Max().y-box.Min().y, box.Max().z-box.Min().z);
+		dim /= (Exporter::bhkScaleFactor * 2);
+		shape->SetDimensions(dim);
+		shape->SetMaterial(HavokMaterial(material));
+		Matrix3 tm = /*GetLocalTM(node) * */TransMatrix(box.Center()/Exporter::bhkScaleFactor);
+		if (tm.IsIdentity())
-			convShape->SetMaterial(HavokMaterial(material));
-			shape = StaticCast<bhkShape>(convShape);
+			retval = StaticCast<bhkShape>(shape);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			bhkTransformShapeRef transform = new bhkTransformShape();
+			transform->SetTransform(TOMATRIX4(tm).Transpose());
+			transform->SetShape(shape);
+			transform->SetMaterial(HavokMaterial(material));
+			retval = StaticCast<bhkShape>(transform);
+		}
+	}
+	return retval;
+bhkShapeRef	Exporter::makeModSphereShape(INode *node, Modifier* mod, Mesh& mesh, Matrix3& tm)
+	enum { havok_params };
+	enum { bv_type_none, bv_type_box, bv_type_sphere, bv_type_capsule, bv_type_shapes, bv_type_convex, };  // pblock ID
+	int material = NP_DEFAULT_HVK_MATERIAL;
+	if (IParamBlock2* pblock2 = mod->GetParamBlockByID(havok_params))
+	{
+		pblock2->GetValue(PB_MATERIAL, 0, material, FOREVER, 0);
+	}
+	bhkShapeRef retval;
+	Point3 center = Point3::Origin;
+	float radius = 0.0f;
+	CalcCenteredSphere(mesh, center, radius);
+	if (bhkSphereShapeRef shape = new bhkSphereShape())
+	{
+		shape->SetRadius(radius / Exporter::bhkScaleFactor);
+		shape->SetMaterial(HavokMaterial(material));
+		Matrix3 tm = /*GetLocalTM(node) * */TransMatrix(center/Exporter::bhkScaleFactor);
+		if (tm.IsIdentity())
+		{
+			retval = StaticCast<bhkShape>(shape);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			bhkTransformShapeRef transform = new bhkTransformShape();
+			transform->SetTransform(TOMATRIX4(tm).Transpose());
+			transform->SetShape(shape);
+			transform->SetMaterial(HavokMaterial(material));
+			retval = StaticCast<bhkShape>(transform);
-		break;
+	}
+	return retval;
+bhkShapeRef	Exporter::makeModCapsuleShape(INode *node, Modifier* mod, Mesh& mesh, Matrix3& tm)
+	enum { havok_params };
+	enum { bv_type_none, bv_type_box, bv_type_sphere, bv_type_capsule, bv_type_shapes, bv_type_convex, };  // pblock ID
+	int material = NP_DEFAULT_HVK_MATERIAL;
+	if (IParamBlock2* pblock2 = mod->GetParamBlockByID(havok_params))
+	{
+		pblock2->GetValue(PB_MATERIAL, 0, material, FOREVER, 0);
+	}
+	bhkShapeRef retval;
+	Point3 center = Point3::Origin;
+	float radius = 0.0f;
+	CalcCenteredSphere(mesh, center, radius);
+	if (bhkCapsuleShapeRef shape = new bhkCapsuleShape())
+	{
+		shape->SetRadius(radius / Exporter::bhkScaleFactor);
+		shape->SetRadius1(radius / Exporter::bhkScaleFactor);
+		shape->SetRadius2(radius / Exporter::bhkScaleFactor);
+		shape->SetFirstPoint(TOVECTOR3(center/Exporter::bhkScaleFactor));
+		shape->SetSecondPoint(TOVECTOR3(center/Exporter::bhkScaleFactor));
+		shape->SetMaterial(HavokMaterial(material));
+		Matrix3 tm = /*GetLocalTM(node) * */TransMatrix(center/Exporter::bhkScaleFactor);
+		if (tm.IsIdentity())
+		{
+			retval = StaticCast<bhkShape>(shape);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			bhkTransformShapeRef transform = new bhkTransformShape();
+			transform->SetTransform(TOMATRIX4(tm).Transpose());
+			transform->SetShape(shape);
+			transform->SetMaterial(HavokMaterial(material));
+			retval = StaticCast<bhkShape>(transform);
+		}
+	}
+	return retval;
+bhkShapeRef	Exporter::makeModConvexShape(INode *node, Modifier* mod, Mesh& mesh, Matrix3& tm)
+	enum { havok_params };
+	enum { bv_type_none, bv_type_box, bv_type_sphere, bv_type_capsule, bv_type_shapes, bv_type_convex, };  // pblock ID
+	int material = NP_DEFAULT_HVK_MATERIAL;
+	bhkShapeRef shape;
+	if (bhkConvexVerticesShapeRef convShape = makeConvexShape(mesh, tm))
+	{
+		if (IParamBlock2* pblock2 = mod->GetParamBlockByID(havok_params))
+		{
+			pblock2->GetValue(PB_MATERIAL, 0, material, FOREVER, 0);
+		}
+		convShape->SetMaterial(HavokMaterial(material));
+		shape = StaticCast<bhkShape>(convShape);
+	}
+	return shape;
+bhkShapeRef	Exporter::makeModTriStripShape(INode *node, Modifier* mod, Mesh& mesh, Matrix3& tm)
+	enum { havok_params };
+	enum { bv_type_none, bv_type_box, bv_type_sphere, bv_type_capsule, bv_type_shapes, bv_type_convex, };  // pblock ID
+	int material = NP_DEFAULT_HVK_MATERIAL;
+	bhkShapeRef shape;
+	if (bhkNiTriStripsShapeRef trishape = makeTriStripsShape(mesh, tm))
+	{
+		trishape->SetMaterial(HavokMaterial(material));
+		if (IParamBlock2* pblock2 = mod->GetParamBlockByID(havok_params))
+		{
+			pblock2->GetValue(PB_MATERIAL, 0, material, FOREVER, 0);
+		}
+		shape = StaticCast<bhkShape>(trishape);
 	return shape;
\ No newline at end of file
+bhkShapeRef	Exporter::makeModPackedTriStripShape(INode *node, Modifier* mod, Mesh& mesh, Matrix3& tm)
+	return makeModTriStripShape(node, mod, mesh, tm);
diff --git a/NifExport/Exporter.h b/NifExport/Exporter.h
index 1f2c12d6984d72766c7cd3a0360c19c2c52f4008..7b103da49b0d8f881ecd048430aabce20c99f38c 100755
--- a/NifExport/Exporter.h
+++ b/NifExport/Exporter.h
@@ -238,13 +238,26 @@ public:
 	bhkShapeRef				makebhkBoxShape(INode *node, Object *obj, Matrix3& tm);
 	bhkShapeRef				makebhkSphereShape(INode *node, Object *obj, Matrix3& tm);
 	bhkShapeRef				makebhkCapsuleShape(INode *node, Object *obj, Matrix3& tm);
-	bhkShapeRef				makeProxyShape(INode *node, Object *obj, Matrix3& tm);
 	bhkShapeRef				makeConvexShape(INode *node, Object* obj, Matrix3& tm);
-	bhkShapeRef				makeModifierShape(INode *node, Object* obj, Modifier* mod, Matrix3& tm);
 	Ref<bhkConvexVerticesShape> makeConvexShape(Mesh& mesh, Matrix3& tm);
 	Ref<bhkNiTriStripsShape>	makeTriStripsShape(Mesh& mesh, Matrix3& sm);
+	bhkShapeRef				makeProxyShape(INode *node, Object *obj, Matrix3& tm);
+	bhkShapeRef				makeProxyBoxShape(INode *node, Object *obj, Mesh& mesh, Matrix3& tm);
+	bhkShapeRef				makeProxySphereShape(INode *node, Object *obj, Mesh& mesh, Matrix3& tm);
+	bhkShapeRef				makeProxyConvexShape(INode *node, Object *obj, Mesh& mesh, Matrix3& tm);
+	bhkShapeRef				makeProxyTriStripShape(INode *node, Object *obj, Mesh& mesh, Matrix3& tm);
+	bhkShapeRef				makeProxyPackedTriStripShape(INode *node, Object *obj, Mesh& mesh, Matrix3& tm);
+	bhkShapeRef				makeModifierShape(INode *node, Object* obj, Modifier* mod, Matrix3& tm);
+	bhkShapeRef				makeModBoxShape(INode *node, Modifier* mod, Mesh& mesh, Matrix3& tm);
+	bhkShapeRef				makeModSphereShape(INode *node, Modifier* mod, Mesh& mesh, Matrix3& tm);
+	bhkShapeRef				makeModCapsuleShape(INode *node, Modifier* mod, Mesh& mesh, Matrix3& tm);
+	bhkShapeRef				makeModConvexShape(INode *node, Modifier* mod, Mesh& mesh, Matrix3& tm);
+	bhkShapeRef				makeModTriStripShape(INode *node, Modifier* mod, Mesh& mesh, Matrix3& tm);
+	bhkShapeRef				makeModPackedTriStripShape(INode *node, Modifier* mod, Mesh& mesh, Matrix3& tm);
 	/* skin export */
 	bool makeSkin(NiTriBasedGeomRef shape, INode *node, FaceGroup &grp, TimeValue t);
 	bool exportSkin();
diff --git a/NifImport/ImportCollision.cpp b/NifImport/ImportCollision.cpp
index f6078597613a7702083d1f177c045c7764b575cf..d36cc4d10ff97a5593a3393f230446e6e5fb5386 100644
--- a/NifImport/ImportCollision.cpp
+++ b/NifImport/ImportCollision.cpp
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ HISTORY:
 #include "obj\bhkPackedNiTriStripsShape.h"
 #include "obj\hkPackedNiTriStripsData.h"
 #include "obj\bhkListShape.h"
+#include "obj\bhkTransformShape.h"
 #include "..\NifProps\bhkRigidBodyInterface.h"
 #include "NifPlugins.h"
@@ -30,6 +31,9 @@ using namespace Niflib;
+extern Class_ID bhkBoxObject_CLASS_ID;
+extern Class_ID bhkSphereObject_CLASS_ID;
 static Class_ID SCUBA_CLASS_ID(0x6d3d77ac, 0x79c939a9);
@@ -50,16 +54,17 @@ struct CollisionImport
    bool ImportRigidBody(bhkRigidBodyRef rb, INode* node);
    INode *CreateRigidBody(bhkRigidBodyRef body, INode* parent);
-   bool ImportBase(bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkShapeRef shape, INode* parent, INode *shapeNode);
-   bool ImportShape(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkShapeRef shape, INode* parent);
-   bool ImportBox(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkBoxShapeRef shape, INode *parent);
-   bool ImportSphere(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkSphereShapeRef shape, INode *parent);
-   bool ImportCapsule(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkCapsuleShapeRef shape, INode *parent);
-   bool ImportConvexVertices(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkConvexVerticesShapeRef shape, INode *parent);
-   bool ImportTriStripsShape(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkNiTriStripsShapeRef shape, INode *parent);
-   bool ImportMoppBvTreeShape(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkMoppBvTreeShapeRef shape, INode *parent);   
-   bool ImportPackedNiTriStripsShape(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkPackedNiTriStripsShapeRef shape, INode *parent);   
-   bool ImportListShape(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkListShapeRef shape, INode *parent);   
+   bool ImportBase(bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkShapeRef shape, INode* parent, INode *shapeNode, Matrix3& tm);
+   bool ImportShape(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkShapeRef shape, INode* parent, Matrix3& tm);
+   bool ImportBox(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkBoxShapeRef shape, INode *parent, Matrix3& tm);
+   bool ImportSphere(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkSphereShapeRef shape, INode *parent, Matrix3& tm);
+   bool ImportCapsule(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkCapsuleShapeRef shape, INode *parent, Matrix3& tm);
+   bool ImportConvexVertices(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkConvexVerticesShapeRef shape, INode *parent, Matrix3& tm);
+   bool ImportTriStripsShape(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkNiTriStripsShapeRef shape, INode *parent, Matrix3& tm);
+   bool ImportMoppBvTreeShape(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkMoppBvTreeShapeRef shape, INode *parent, Matrix3& tm);
+   bool ImportPackedNiTriStripsShape(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkPackedNiTriStripsShapeRef shape, INode *parent, Matrix3& tm);   
+   bool ImportListShape(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkListShapeRef shape, INode *parent, Matrix3& tm);
+   bool ImportTransform(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkTransformShapeRef shape, INode *parent, Matrix3& tm);
    INode* ImportCollisionMesh(
 	   const vector<Vector3>& verts, 
@@ -89,15 +94,19 @@ bool NifImporter::ImportCollision(NiNodeRef node)
 		   if (bhkShapeRef shape = rbody->GetShape()) {
 			   INode *node = NULL;
 			   NiNodeRef target = collObj->GetTarget();
-			   if (strmatch(target->GetName(), "Scene Root"))
+			   if (mergeNonAccum && target && wildmatch("* NonAccum", target->GetName()) ) {
+				   node = FindNode(target->GetParent());
+			   } else if (target && strmatch(target->GetName(), "Scene Root")) {
 				   node = gi->GetRootNode();
-			   else
+			   } else {
 				   node = FindNode(target);
+			   }
 			   CollisionImport ci(*this);
 			   if (INode *body = ci.CreateRigidBody(rbody, node))
-				   if (!ci.ImportShape(body, rbody, shape, node))
+				   Matrix3 tm(true);
+				   if (!ci.ImportShape(body, rbody, shape, node, tm))
 					   body->Delete(0, 1);
@@ -214,7 +223,7 @@ void CollisionImport::AddShape(INode *rbody, INode *shapeNode)
-bool CollisionImport::ImportBase(bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkShapeRef shape, INode* parent, INode *shapeNode)
+bool CollisionImport::ImportBase(bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkShapeRef shape, INode* parent, INode *shapeNode, Matrix3& tm)
 	// Now do common post processing for the node
 	if (shapeNode != NULL)
@@ -227,6 +236,12 @@ bool CollisionImport::ImportBase(bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkShapeRef shape, INode*
 		//Quat rot = TOQUAT(body->GetRotation());
 		//PosRotScaleNode(shapeNode, pos, rot, 1.0, prsDefault);
+		if (!tm.IsIdentity())
+		{
+			Point3 pos = tm.GetTrans();
+			Quat rot(tm);
+			PosRotScaleNode(shapeNode, pos, rot, 1.0, prsDefault);
+		}
 		// Wireframe Red color
 		StdMat2 *collMat = NewDefaultStdMat();
@@ -242,46 +257,51 @@ bool CollisionImport::ImportBase(bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkShapeRef shape, INode*
 		shapeNode->SetWireColor( RGB(255,0,0) );
-		parent->AttachChild(shapeNode);
+		if (parent)
+			parent->AttachChild(shapeNode);
 		return true;
 	return false;
-bool CollisionImport::ImportShape(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkShapeRef shape, INode* parent)
+bool CollisionImport::ImportShape(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkShapeRef shape, INode* parent, Matrix3& tm)
 	bool ok = false;
 	if (shape->IsDerivedType(bhkBoxShape::TYPE))
-		ok |= ImportBox(rbody, body, bhkBoxShapeRef(shape), parent);
+		ok |= ImportBox(rbody, body, bhkBoxShapeRef(shape), parent, tm);
 	else if (shape->IsDerivedType(bhkCapsuleShape::TYPE))
-		ok |= ImportCapsule(rbody, body, bhkCapsuleShapeRef(shape), parent);
+		ok |= ImportCapsule(rbody, body, bhkCapsuleShapeRef(shape), parent, tm);
 	else if (shape->IsDerivedType(bhkSphereShape::TYPE))
-		ok |= ImportSphere(rbody, body, bhkSphereShapeRef(shape), parent);
+		ok |= ImportSphere(rbody, body, bhkSphereShapeRef(shape), parent, tm);
 	else if (shape->IsDerivedType(bhkConvexVerticesShape::TYPE))
-		ok |= ImportConvexVertices(rbody, body, bhkConvexVerticesShapeRef(shape), parent);
+		ok |= ImportConvexVertices(rbody, body, bhkConvexVerticesShapeRef(shape), parent, tm);
 	else if (shape->IsDerivedType(bhkNiTriStripsShape::TYPE))
-		ok |= ImportTriStripsShape(rbody, body, bhkNiTriStripsShapeRef(shape), parent);
+		ok |= ImportTriStripsShape(rbody, body, bhkNiTriStripsShapeRef(shape), parent, tm);
 	else if (shape->IsDerivedType(bhkMoppBvTreeShape::TYPE))
-		ok |= ImportMoppBvTreeShape(rbody, body, bhkMoppBvTreeShapeRef(shape), parent);
+		ok |= ImportMoppBvTreeShape(rbody, body, bhkMoppBvTreeShapeRef(shape), parent, tm);
 	else if (shape->IsDerivedType(bhkPackedNiTriStripsShape::TYPE))
-		ok |= ImportPackedNiTriStripsShape(rbody, body, bhkPackedNiTriStripsShapeRef(shape), parent);
+		ok |= ImportPackedNiTriStripsShape(rbody, body, bhkPackedNiTriStripsShapeRef(shape), parent, tm);
 	else if (shape->IsDerivedType(bhkListShape::TYPE))
-		ok |= ImportListShape(rbody, body, bhkListShapeRef(shape), parent);
+		ok |= ImportListShape(rbody, body, bhkListShapeRef(shape), parent, tm);
+	}
+	else if (shape->IsDerivedType(bhkTransformShape::TYPE))
+	{
+		ok |= ImportTransform(rbody, body, bhkTransformShapeRef(shape), parent, tm);
 	return ok;
@@ -333,8 +353,32 @@ INode *CollisionImport::ImportCollisionMesh(
 	return returnNode;
-bool CollisionImport::ImportSphere(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkSphereShapeRef shape, INode *parent)
+bool CollisionImport::ImportSphere(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkSphereShapeRef shape, INode *parent, Matrix3& tm)
+	bhkShapeRef retval;
+	enum { sphere_params, };
+	if (SimpleObject *obj = (SimpleObject *)ni.gi->CreateInstance(HELPER_CLASS_ID, bhkSphereObject_CLASS_ID)) {
+		if (IParamBlock2* pblock2 = obj->GetParamBlockByID(sphere_params))
+		{
+			float radius = shape->GetRadius();
+			int mtl = shape->GetMaterial();
+			pblock2->SetValue(PB_RADIUS, 0, radius, 0);
+			pblock2->SetValue(PB_MATERIAL, 0, mtl, 0);
+			if (INode *n = ni.CreateImportNode(shape->GetType().GetTypeName().c_str(), obj, parent)) {
+				ImportBase(body, shape, parent, n, tm);
+				AddShape(rbody, n);
+				return true;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+#if 0
    if (SimpleObject *ob = (SimpleObject *)ni.gi->CreateInstance(GEOMOBJECT_CLASS_ID, Class_ID(SPHERE_CLASS_ID, 0))) {
       float radius = shape->GetRadius();
@@ -348,22 +392,82 @@ bool CollisionImport::ImportSphere(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkSphere
 		 CreatebhkCollisionModifier(n, bv_type_sphere, shape->GetMaterial());
-		 ImportBase(body, shape, parent, n);
+		 ImportBase(body, shape, parent, n, tm);
 		 AddShape(rbody, n);
          return true;
    return false;
-bool CollisionImport::ImportBox(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkBoxShapeRef shape, INode *parent)
+bool CollisionImport::ImportBox(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkBoxShapeRef shape, INode *parent, Matrix3& tm)
-	//CreatebhkCollisionModifier(inode, bv_type_box, shape->GetMaterial());
+	enum { box_params, };
+	bhkShapeRef retval;
+	if (SimpleObject *obj = (SimpleObject *)ni.gi->CreateInstance(HELPER_CLASS_ID, bhkBoxObject_CLASS_ID)) {
+		if (IParamBlock2* pblock2 = obj->GetParamBlockByID(box_params))
+		{
+			float radius = shape->GetRadius();
+			int mtl = shape->GetMaterial();
+			Vector3 dim = shape->GetDimensions();
+			pblock2->SetValue(PB_MATERIAL, 0, mtl, 0);
+			pblock2->SetValue(PB_WIDTH, 0, dim.x, 0);
+			pblock2->SetValue(PB_LENGTH, 0, dim.y, 0);
+			pblock2->SetValue(PB_HEIGHT, 0, dim.z, 0);
+			if (INode *n = ni.CreateImportNode(shape->GetType().GetTypeName().c_str(), obj, parent)) {
+				ImportBase(body, shape, parent, n, tm);
+				AddShape(rbody, n);
+				return true;
+			}
+		}
+	}
 	return false;
-bool CollisionImport::ImportCapsule(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkCapsuleShapeRef shape, INode *parent)
+bool CollisionImport::ImportCapsule(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkCapsuleShapeRef shape, INode *parent, Matrix3& tm)
+	enum { cap_params, };
+	bhkShapeRef retval;
+	if (SimpleObject *obj = (SimpleObject *)ni.gi->CreateInstance(HELPER_CLASS_ID, BHKCAPSULEOBJECT_CLASS_ID)) {
+		if (IParamBlock2* pblock2 = obj->GetParamBlockByID(cap_params))
+		{
+			float radius = shape->GetRadius();
+			int mtl = shape->GetMaterial();
+			float radius1 = shape->GetRadius1();
+			float radius2 = shape->GetRadius2();
+			Vector3 pt1 = shape->GetFirstPoint();
+			Vector3 pt2 = shape->GetSecondPoint();
+			float len = (pt2 - pt1).Magnitude();
+			Point3 center = (TOPOINT3(pt2 + pt1) / 2.0f) * ni.bhkScaleFactor;
+			Point3 norm = Normalize(TOPOINT3(pt2 - pt1));
+			Matrix3 mat;
+			MatrixFromNormal(norm,mat);
+			Matrix3 newTM = tm * mat * TransMatrix(center);
+			pblock2->SetValue(PB_MATERIAL, 0, mtl, 0);
+			pblock2->SetValue(PB_LENGTH, 0, len, 0);
+			pblock2->SetValue(PB_RADIUS1, 0, radius1, 0);
+			pblock2->SetValue(PB_RADIUS2, 0, radius2, 0);
+			if (INode *n = ni.CreateImportNode(shape->GetType().GetTypeName().c_str(), obj, parent)) {
+				ImportBase(body, shape, parent, n, newTM);
+				AddShape(rbody, n);
+				return true;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return false;
+#if 0
    if (SimpleObject *ob = (SimpleObject *)ni.gi->CreateInstance(GEOMOBJECT_CLASS_ID, SCUBA_CLASS_ID)) {
       float radius = shape->GetRadius();
       float radius1 = shape->GetRadius1();
@@ -374,10 +478,12 @@ bool CollisionImport::ImportCapsule(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkCapsu
       int heighttype = 1;
       RefTargetHandle t = ob->GetReference(0);
-      IParamArray *params = ob->GetParamBlock();
-      params->SetValue(ob->GetParamBlockIndex(CAPSULE_RADIUS), 0, radius);
-      params->SetValue(ob->GetParamBlockIndex(CAPSULE_HEIGHT), 0, height);
-      params->SetValue(ob->GetParamBlockIndex(CAPSULE_CENTERS), 0, heighttype);
+      if (IParamBlock2* pblock2 = ob->GetParamBlockByID(0))
+	  {
+		  pblock2->SetValue(CAPSULE_RADIUS, 0, radius);
+		  pblock2->SetValue(CAPSULE_HEIGHT, 0, height);
+		  pblock2->SetValue(CAPSULE_CENTERS, 0, heighttype);
+	  }
 	  if (INode *n = ni.CreateImportNode(shape->GetType().GetTypeName().c_str(), ob, parent)) {
 		  // Need to "Affect Pivot Only" and "Center to Object" first
@@ -386,23 +492,20 @@ bool CollisionImport::ImportCapsule(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkCapsu
 		  // Need to reposition the Capsule so that caps are rotated correctly for pts given
 		  CreatebhkCollisionModifier(n, bv_type_capsule, shape->GetMaterial());
-		  ImportBase(body, shape, parent, n);
+		  ImportBase(body, shape, parent, n, tm);
 		  AddShape(rbody, n);
 		  return true;
    return true;
 extern vector<Triangle> compute_convex_hull(const vector<Vector3>& verts);
-bool CollisionImport::ImportConvexVertices(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkConvexVerticesShapeRef shape, INode *parent)
+bool CollisionImport::ImportConvexVertices(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkConvexVerticesShapeRef shape, INode *parent, Matrix3& tm)
 	INode *returnNode = NULL;
-	//Vector3 trans = body->GetTranslation();
-	//QuaternionXYZW quat = body->GetRotation();
-	//Matrix3 tm = TOMATRIX3(trans, quat, 1.0f);
-	Matrix3 tm(true);
 	vector<Vector3> verts = shape->GetVertices();
 	//vector<Triangle> tris = shape->GetTriangles();
 	vector<Vector3> norms = shape->GetNormals();
@@ -410,12 +513,12 @@ bool CollisionImport::ImportConvexVertices(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body, b
 	returnNode = ImportCollisionMesh(verts, tris, norms, tm, parent);
 	CreatebhkCollisionModifier(returnNode, bv_type_convex, shape->GetMaterial());
-	ImportBase(body, shape, parent, returnNode);
+	ImportBase(body, shape, parent, returnNode, tm);
 	AddShape(rbody, returnNode);
 	return true;
-bool CollisionImport::ImportTriStripsShape(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkNiTriStripsShapeRef shape, INode *parent)
+bool CollisionImport::ImportTriStripsShape(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkNiTriStripsShapeRef shape, INode *parent, Matrix3& tm)
 	if (shape->GetNumStripsData() != 1)
 		return NULL;
@@ -451,16 +554,16 @@ bool CollisionImport::ImportTriStripsShape(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body, b
 		ni.ImportMesh(node, triObject, triShape, triShapeData, tris);
 		CreatebhkCollisionModifier(inode, bv_type_shapes, shape->GetMaterial());
-		ImportBase(body, shape, parent, inode);
+		ImportBase(body, shape, parent, inode, tm);
 		AddShape(rbody, inode);
 		return true;
 	return false;
-bool CollisionImport::ImportMoppBvTreeShape(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkMoppBvTreeShapeRef shape, INode *parent)
+bool CollisionImport::ImportMoppBvTreeShape(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkMoppBvTreeShapeRef shape, INode *parent, Matrix3& tm)
-	bool retval = ImportShape(rbody, body, shape->GetShape(), parent);
+	bool retval = ImportShape(rbody, body, shape->GetShape(), parent, tm);
 	//if (shapes.Count() > 0) {
 	//	for (int i=0, n=shapes.Count(); i<n; ++i)
 	//	{
@@ -470,7 +573,7 @@ bool CollisionImport::ImportMoppBvTreeShape(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body,
 	return retval;
-bool CollisionImport::ImportPackedNiTriStripsShape(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkPackedNiTriStripsShapeRef shape, INode *parent)
+bool CollisionImport::ImportPackedNiTriStripsShape(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkPackedNiTriStripsShapeRef shape, INode *parent, Matrix3& tm)
 	if (hkPackedNiTriStripsDataRef data = shape->GetData())
@@ -485,7 +588,7 @@ bool CollisionImport::ImportPackedNiTriStripsShape(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef
 		INode *inode = ImportCollisionMesh(verts, tris, norms, tm, parent);
 		CreatebhkCollisionModifier(inode, bv_type_shapes, HavokMaterial(NP_DEFAULT_HVK_MATERIAL));
-		ImportBase(body, shape, parent, inode);
+		ImportBase(body, shape, parent, inode, tm);
 		AddShape(rbody, inode);
 		return true;
@@ -493,7 +596,7 @@ bool CollisionImport::ImportPackedNiTriStripsShape(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef
 	return false;
-bool CollisionImport::ImportListShape(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkListShapeRef shape, INode *parent)
+bool CollisionImport::ImportListShape(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkListShapeRef shape, INode *parent, Matrix3& tm)
 	bool ok = false;
 	HavokMaterial material = shape->GetMaterial();
@@ -506,7 +609,7 @@ bool CollisionImport::ImportListShape(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkLis
 	vector<Ref<bhkShape > > bhkshapes = shape->GetSubShapes();
 	for (int i = 0, n = bhkshapes.size(); i<n; ++i) {
-		ok |= ImportShape(rbody, body, bhkshapes[i], parent);
+		ok |= ImportShape(rbody, body, bhkshapes[i], parent, tm);
 		//if (shapes.Count() > 0) {
 		//	for (int i=0, n=shapes.Count(); i<n; ++i) {
 		//		npSetProp(shapes[i], NP_HVK_MATERIAL, shape->GetMaterial());
@@ -514,4 +617,17 @@ bool CollisionImport::ImportListShape(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkLis
 	return ok;
+bool CollisionImport::ImportTransform(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkTransformShapeRef shape, INode *parent, Matrix3& tm)
+	Matrix44 m4 = shape->GetTransform().Transpose();
+	Vector3 trans; Matrix33 rot; float scale;
+	m4.Decompose(trans, rot, scale);
+	Matrix3 wm = tm 
+		* TransMatrix(TOPOINT3(trans * ni.bhkScaleFactor))
+		* TOMATRIX3(rot)
+		* ScaleMatrix(Point3(scale, scale, scale))
+		;
+	return ImportShape(rbody, body, shape->GetShape(), parent, wm);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/NifImport/ImportSkeleton.cpp b/NifImport/ImportSkeleton.cpp
index 99c42fc0ba0efe40219dbbee2538ba6af85168c9..60d709156dfe77c368c5bbb8559a5e972eb1ebbf 100644
--- a/NifImport/ImportSkeleton.cpp
+++ b/NifImport/ImportSkeleton.cpp
@@ -227,21 +227,6 @@ static float CalcLength(NiNodeRef node, vector<NiAVObjectRef>& children)
    return len;
-Matrix3 GetLocalTM(INode *node)
-   if (INode *parent = node->GetParentNode())
-   {
-      Matrix3 parentTM, nodeTM;
-      nodeTM = node->GetNodeTM(0);
-      parent = node->GetParentNode();
-      parentTM = parent->GetNodeTM(0);
-      return nodeTM*Inverse(parentTM);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      return node->GetNodeTM(0);
-   }
 static float CalcLength(INode *bone)
@@ -527,7 +512,8 @@ INode *NifImporter::CreateCamera(const string& name)
       ob->SetFOV(0, TORAD(75.0f));
-      if (INode *n = CreateImportNode(name.c_str(), ob, NULL)) {
+	  if (INode *n = gi->CreateObjectNode(ob)) {
+      //if (INode *n = CreateImportNode(name.c_str(), ob, NULL)) {
          return n;
@@ -609,7 +595,7 @@ void NifImporter::ImportBones(NiNodeRef node, bool recurse)
             Matrix44 tm = parent->GetLocalTransform() * node->GetLocalTransform();
             name = realname;
             len += tm.GetTranslation().Magnitude();
-            parent = parent->GetParent();
+			parent = parent->GetParent();
diff --git a/NifImport/MaxNifImport.h b/NifImport/MaxNifImport.h
index 83fff4b18ff6d436ab41605acea6abdf43e31a52..01cafcd4e7892766a33c5d6c6baa03948c5eaad8 100644
--- a/NifImport/MaxNifImport.h
+++ b/NifImport/MaxNifImport.h
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 #ifdef USE_BIPED
 #  include <cs/BipedApi.h>
+#include <meshadj.h>
 //#include <scenetraversal.h> 
 #include <plugapi.h>
 #include <triobj.h> 
diff --git a/NifPlugins/DllEntry.cpp b/NifPlugins/DllEntry.cpp
index 732cf6b80880b12b9c4e61857995d2945fc0660a..e7f01f370e66ef71145a468bb69a71a0dfe09140 100644
--- a/NifPlugins/DllEntry.cpp
+++ b/NifPlugins/DllEntry.cpp
@@ -90,12 +90,10 @@ void InitializeLibSettings()
       classDescriptions[nClasses++] = GetNifPropsDesc();
 	  classDescriptions[nClasses++] = GetbhkListObjDesc();
 	  classDescriptions[nClasses++] = GetbhkProxyObjDesc();
       classDescriptions[nClasses++] = GetbhkRigidBodyModifierDesc();
       classDescriptions[nClasses++] = GetbhkSphereDesc();
       classDescriptions[nClasses++] = GetbhkCapsuleDesc();
       classDescriptions[nClasses++] = GetbhkBoxDesc();
    if ( GetIniValue<bool>("NifFurniture", "Enable", true, iniName) ) {
       classDescEnabled[CD_Furniture] = true;
diff --git a/NifProps/NifProps.rc b/NifProps/NifProps.rc
index 270745a862eaf99f5227c7980a2dd52b3daff65d..cb2eeeeccd71add75a764c60353ed8a52df7858a 100755
--- a/NifProps/NifProps.rc
+++ b/NifProps/NifProps.rc
@@ -1158,10 +1158,10 @@ BEGIN
     IDS_RB_MOD_PANEL2       "Sphere"
     IDS_RB_MOD_PANEL3       "Capsule"
     IDS_RB_MOD_PANEL4       "Proxy Mesh"
-    IDS_RB_LIST             "bhkListShape"
-    IDS_RB_LIST_CLASS       "bhkListShape"
-    IDS_RB_PROXY            "bhkCollisionProxy"
-    IDS_RB_PROXY_CLASS      "bhkCollisionProxy"
+    IDS_RB_LIST             "bhkRigidBody"
+    IDS_RB_LIST_CLASS       "bhkRigidBody"
+    IDS_RB_PROXY            "bhkCollProxy"
+    IDS_RB_PROXY_CLASS      "bhkCollProxy"
diff --git a/NifProps/bhkBoxObj.cpp b/NifProps/bhkBoxObj.cpp
index d7aff148374c4782eb7e25c957544a8893e6e8cc..2b5858534413e397ffa682cea0bbfca68d31210f 100644
--- a/NifProps/bhkBoxObj.cpp
+++ b/NifProps/bhkBoxObj.cpp
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ HISTORY:
 #ifndef _countof
 #define _countof(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof((x)[0]))
+const float bhkScaleFactor = 7.0f;
 Class_ID bhkBoxObject_CLASS_ID = Class_ID(0x86e19816, BHKRIGIDBODYCLASS_DESC.PartB());
 static ParamBlockDesc2* GetbhkBoxParamBlockDesc();
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ void bhkBoxObject::BuildMesh(TimeValue t)
-	BuildBox(mesh, l, w, h);
+	BuildBox(mesh, (l * bhkScaleFactor * 2), (w * bhkScaleFactor * 2), (h * bhkScaleFactor * 2));
@@ -373,9 +373,9 @@ int BoxObjCreateCallBack::proc(ViewExp *vpt,int msg, int point, int flags, IPoin
                square = TRUE;
-            ob->pblock2->SetValue(PB_WIDTH,0,float(fabs(d.x)));
-            ob->pblock2->SetValue(PB_LENGTH,0,float(fabs(d.y)));
-            ob->pblock2->SetValue(PB_HEIGHT,0,float(fabs(d.z)));
+            ob->pblock2->SetValue(PB_WIDTH,0,float(fabs(d.x / bhkScaleFactor / 2.0f)));
+            ob->pblock2->SetValue(PB_LENGTH,0,float(fabs(d.y / bhkScaleFactor / 2.0f)));
+            ob->pblock2->SetValue(PB_HEIGHT,0,float(fabs(d.z / bhkScaleFactor / 2.0f)));
             if (msg==MOUSE_POINT && (Length(sp1-sp0)<3 || Length(d)<0.1f)) {
@@ -401,9 +401,9 @@ int BoxObjCreateCallBack::proc(ViewExp *vpt,int msg, int point, int flags, IPoin
                d.x = d.y = 2.0f * len;					
-            ob->pblock2->SetValue(PB_WIDTH,0,float(fabs(d.x)));
-            ob->pblock2->SetValue(PB_LENGTH,0,float(fabs(d.y)));
-            ob->pblock2->SetValue(PB_HEIGHT,0,float(d.z));
+            ob->pblock2->SetValue(PB_WIDTH,0,float(fabs(d.x / bhkScaleFactor / 2.0f)));
+            ob->pblock2->SetValue(PB_LENGTH,0,float(fabs(d.y / bhkScaleFactor / 2.0f)));
+            ob->pblock2->SetValue(PB_HEIGHT,0,float(d.z / bhkScaleFactor / 2.0f));
             if (msg==MOUSE_POINT) 
diff --git a/NifProps/bhkCapsuleObj.cpp b/NifProps/bhkCapsuleObj.cpp
index 3e90a355def0c02092f5f21ae2590f79e9da5bf9..236334fcf8610043813fb47c575c81f9a22dbbed 100644
--- a/NifProps/bhkCapsuleObj.cpp
+++ b/NifProps/bhkCapsuleObj.cpp
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ HISTORY:
 #ifndef _countof
 #define _countof(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof((x)[0]))
+const float bhkScaleFactor = 7.0f;
 class bhkCapsuleObject : public SimpleObject2
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ void bhkCapsuleObject::BuildMesh(TimeValue t)
-      BuildScubaMesh(mesh, segs, smooth, hsegs, radius2, radius1, length);
+      BuildScubaMesh(mesh, segs, smooth, hsegs, radius2*bhkScaleFactor, radius1*bhkScaleFactor, length*bhkScaleFactor);
diff --git a/NifProps/bhkHelperFuncs.cpp b/NifProps/bhkHelperFuncs.cpp
index 1233c680d8ad44676c46f66a96b2b87cc5d49e94..883fd0d2119942faf2a9e9bb07fa8090349c1d4d 100644
--- a/NifProps/bhkHelperFuncs.cpp
+++ b/NifProps/bhkHelperFuncs.cpp
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ void CalcAxisAlignedSphere(Mesh& mesh, Point3& center, float& radius)
 void CalcCenteredSphere(Mesh& mesh, Point3& center, float& radius)
 	int nv = mesh.getNumVerts();
-	Point3 sum;
+	Point3 sum(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
 	for (int i=0; i<nv; ++i)
 		sum += mesh.getVert(i);
 	center = sum / float(nv);
@@ -753,4 +753,4 @@ void BuildScubaMesh(Mesh &mesh, int segs, int smooth, int llsegs,
 	//	assert(nv==mesh.numVerts);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/NifProps/bhkListObj.cpp b/NifProps/bhkListObj.cpp
index 10c583519d8485591d86847938ad4c6c536175f7..56c7cdc4e5ffdf48f85b257acd4809501d20acde 100644
--- a/NifProps/bhkListObj.cpp
+++ b/NifProps/bhkListObj.cpp
@@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ int bhkListObject::Display(TimeValue t, INode* inode, ViewExp *vpt, int flags)
    Matrix3 m3(true);
-   float size = 20.0f;
+   float size = 5.0f;
    Point3 pts[5];
    // X
    pts[0] = Point3(-size, 0.0f, 0.0f); pts[1] = Point3(size, 0.0f, 0.0f);
diff --git a/NifProps/bhkSphereObj.cpp b/NifProps/bhkSphereObj.cpp
index 7a6c48cbcb0c642b413c4d795ded2954f6104b41..f2a5d1e08804cf4342d9f1804456271db9ebfe90 100644
--- a/NifProps/bhkSphereObj.cpp
+++ b/NifProps/bhkSphereObj.cpp
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ static ParamBlockDesc2 param_blk (
-       p_default,	   32,
+       p_default,	   16,
        p_range,		MIN_SEGMENTS, MAX_SEGMENTS,
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ void bhkSphereObject::BuildMesh(TimeValue t)
    pblock2->GetValue(PB_RADIUS, t, radius, ivalid);
    pblock2->GetValue(PB_SEGS, t, segs, ivalid);
    pblock2->GetValue(PB_SMOOTH, t, smooth, ivalid);
-   BuildSphere(mesh, radius, segs, smooth, startAng);
+   BuildSphere(mesh, (radius * 7.0f), segs, smooth, startAng);
@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ int SphereObjCreateCallBack::proc(ViewExp *vpt,int msg, int point, int flags, IP
          p1 = vpt->SnapPoint(m,m,NULL,SNAP_IN_3D);
-         r = Length(p1-p0);
+         r = Length(p1-p0) / 7.0f;