From 2ae228f260a8ed5ade1ad8902fa1c72f455eda0d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tazpn <>
Date: Sun, 6 Aug 2006 15:41:25 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] made a copy

 MaxNifTools.ini | 135 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 135 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 MaxNifTools.ini

diff --git a/MaxNifTools.ini b/MaxNifTools.ini
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ec1a55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MaxNifTools.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+; Niftools Max tools configuration file
+; ShortDescription used in the 
+; KnownApplications - Used to indicate which sections in the ini file point 
+;    to "Applications" which have their own settings in a section below.
+; Reparse the Applications (and therefore Texture directory cache) on every import/export
+; Current Application to get setting/directory information from.  Should match KnownApps above or Auto.
+;   Auto will check the import file against the known root paths use that app if a directory match is found.
+; Wildcard to use on all NiNodes to test whether a biped may be used. Default: Bip*
+; Use Bones or Biped.  Biped is broken right now so use bones or nothing.  Default: 0
+; Flip the V coordinate. Default: 1
+; Show Textures in the Viewport. Default: 1
+; Enable AutoSmooth on meshes. Default: 1
+; AutoSmooth angle. Default: 30
+; Remove Double/Illegal faces on meshes on import
+; EnableSkinSupport attempt to skin the mesh if bones are available
+; Top level bone import setting. Default:1
+; Biped Height. Default: 131.90
+; Biped initial rotation. Default: 90.0
+; Biped Ankle Attach. Default: 0.2
+; Use Triangle Pelvis.  Default: 0
+; Remove unused bones from the biped on import of a mesh. Default: 0
+; Minimum Bone Width / Maximum Bone Width / Ratio of Width to Length
+; Force nub to point back to parent at expense of loss of rotation data. Default: 1
+; Browse for skeleton on import. Default: 1
+; DefaultName for Skeletons (use if in same directory as imported nif)
+; Create Dummy nodes for bones that appear to be helper objects. Default: 0
+; Dummy nodes wildcard matching. (Hide these when not created as Dummy) Default: Bip??;Bip* NonAccum
+DummyNodeMatches=Bip??;* NonAccum
+; Make Billboard nodes to Dummy nodes rather than bones. Default: 1
+; Add Bones not controlled by a controller as dummy. Default: 1
+; Enable Animation Import.  Default: 1
+; Require Multiple Keys to be present to before importing animation. (Kludge to workaround DOaC issues.) Default: 1
+; Replace TCB Rotation with Bezier (workaround for unexpected behavior with TCB rotations)
+; Apply the overall transform to skin and bones. Default: 1
+; [Applications]
+; RootPaths - Semicolon separated list of base directories to use when determining which app the imported file is from
+; TextureRootPaths - Semicolon separated list of base directories to look for texturefiles
+; TextureExtensions - Extensions to scan for when using TextureSearchPaths
+; TextureSeachPaths - Semicolon separated list of directories to look recursively for files in
+; UseSkeleton - Whether to use skeleton. Default: 0
+; Skeleton - Default Skeleton to use when importing oblivion meshes
+; GoToSkeletonBindPosition - Morrowind trishape data is not in the correct bind position for import. Default: 1
+; Installation Folder
+InstallPath=[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion]=@"Installed Path"
+MeshRootPath=${ExtractFolder}\Oblivion - Meshes
+TextureRootPath=${ExtractFolder}\Oblivion - Textures - Compressed
+InstallPath=[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Bethesda Softworks\Morrowind]=@"Installed Path"
+RootPath=${InstallPath}\Data Files
+ExtractFolder=E:\Nifs\Morrowind\Data Files
+InstallPath=[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4]=@"INSTALLDIR"
+RootPaths=${ExtractFolder};${InstallPath}\Assets;${InstallPath}\Mods;%USERPROFILE%\My Documents\My Games\Civilization 4\CustomAssets;%USERPROFILE%\My Documents\My Games\Civilization 4\Mods
+DummyNodeMatches=MD;Bip;Bip??;* NonAccum;Effect*;Sound*;Dummy*
+Isles_InstallPath=[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Dark Age of Camelot - Shrouded Isles_is1]=@"InstallLocation"
\ No newline at end of file