@echo on IF EXIST "setbuildenv.bat" call setbuildenv.bat pushd "%~dp0" REM using delayed expansion ! instead of % as it just works better with ProgramFiles(x86) env variable IF EXIST "%ProgramFiles(x86)%" set Program_32=%ProgramFiles(x86)% IF EXIST "%ProgramFiles(x86)%" set Program_64=%ProgramFiles% IF NOT EXIST "%ProgramFiles(x86)%" set Program_32=%ProgramFiles% IF NOT EXIST "%ProgramFiles(x86)%" set Program_64= if "%GMAXINSTALLPATH12%" == "" set GMAXINSTALLPATH12=%SystemDrive%\gmax12 if "%MAXINSTALLPATH40%" == "" set MAXINSTALLPATH40=%SystemDrive%\3dsmax4 if "%MAXINSTALLPATH42%" == "" set MAXINSTALLPATH42=%SystemDrive%\3dsmax42 if "%MAXINSTALLPATH50%" == "" set MAXINSTALLPATH50=%SystemDrive%\3dsmax5 if "%MAXINSTALLPATH60%" == "" set MAXINSTALLPATH60=%SystemDrive%\3dsmax6 if "%MAXINSTALLPATH70%" == "" set MAXINSTALLPATH70=%SystemDrive%\3dsmax7 if "%MAXINSTALLPATH80%" == "" set MAXINSTALLPATH80=%SystemDrive%\3dsmax8 if "%MAXINSTALLPATH90%" == "" set MAXINSTALLPATH90=%Program_32%\AutoDesk\3ds Max 9 if "%MAXINSTALLPATH2008%" == "" set MAXINSTALLPATH2008=%Program_32%\AutoDesk\3ds Max 2008 if "%MAXINSTALLPATH2009%" == "" set MAXINSTALLPATH2009=%Program_32%\AutoDesk\3ds Max 2009 if "%MAXINSTALLPATH2010%" == "" set MAXINSTALLPATH2010=%Program_32%\AutoDesk\3ds Max 2010 if "%MAXINSTALLPATH2011%" == "" set MAXINSTALLPATH2011=%Program_32%\AutoDesk\Autodesk 3ds Max 2011 SDK if "%ADSK_3DSMAX_SDK_2012%" == "" set MAXINSTALLPATH2012=%ADSK_3DSMAX_SDK_2012% if "%MAXINSTALLPATH2012%" == "" set MAXINSTALLPATH2012=%Program_32%\AutoDesk\3ds Max 2012 SDK REM svn update call makeconfig.bat IF EXIST "%GMAXINSTALLPATH12%" msbuild NifPlugins_VC2008.sln "/p:Configuration=Release - gmax" /p:Platform=Win32 IF EXIST "%MAXINSTALLPATH42%" msbuild NifPlugins_VC2008.sln "/p:Configuration=Release - Max 4.2" /p:Platform=Win32 IF EXIST "%MAXINSTALLPATH50%" msbuild NifPlugins_VC2008.sln "/p:Configuration=Release - Max 5" /p:Platform=Win32 IF EXIST "%MAXINSTALLPATH60%" msbuild NifPlugins_VC2008.sln "/p:Configuration=Release - Max 6" /p:Platform=Win32 IF EXIST "%MAXINSTALLPATH70%" msbuild NifPlugins_VC2008.sln "/p:Configuration=Release - Max 7" /p:Platform=Win32 IF EXIST "%MAXINSTALLPATH80%" msbuild NifPlugins_VC2008.sln "/p:Configuration=Release - Max 8" /p:Platform=Win32 IF EXIST "%MAXINSTALLPATH90%" ( msbuild NifPlugins_VC2008.sln "/p:Configuration=Release - Max 9" /p:Platform=Win32 IF EXIST "%Program_64%" msbuild NifPlugins_VC2008.sln "/p:Configuration=Release - Max 9" /p:Platform=x64 ) IF EXIST "%MAXINSTALLPATH2008%" ( msbuild NifPlugins_VC2008.sln "/p:Configuration=Release - Max 2008" /p:Platform=Win32 IF EXIST "%Program_64%" msbuild NifPlugins_VC2008.sln "/p:Configuration=Release - Max 2008" /p:Platform=x64 ) IF EXIST "%MAXINSTALLPATH2009%" ( msbuild NifPlugins_VC2008.sln "/p:Configuration=Release - Max 2009" /p:Platform=Win32 IF EXIST "%Program_64%" msbuild NifPlugins_VC2008.sln "/p:Configuration=Release - Max 2009" /p:Platform=x64 ) IF EXIST "%MAXINSTALLPATH2010%" ( msbuild NifPlugins_VC2008.sln "/p:Configuration=Release - Max 2010" /p:Platform=Win32 IF EXIST "%Program_64%" msbuild NifPlugins_VC2008.sln "/p:Configuration=Release - Max 2010" /p:Platform=x64 ) IF EXIST "%MAXINSTALLPATH2011%" ( msbuild NifPlugins_VC2008.sln "/p:Configuration=Release - Max 2011" /p:Platform=Win32 IF EXIST "%Program_64%" msbuild NifPlugins_VC2008.sln "/p:Configuration=Release - Max 2011" /p:Platform=x64 ) IF EXIST "%MAXINSTALLPATH2012%" ( msbuild NifPlugins_VC2008.sln "/p:Configuration=Release - Max 2012" /p:Platform=Win32 IF EXIST "%Program_64%" msbuild NifPlugins_VC2008.sln "/p:Configuration=Release - Max 2012" /p:Platform=x64 ) endlocal popd