<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE niftoolsxml> <niftoolsxml version=""> <version num="1.0">?</version> <version num="1.2.4b">Oblivion</version><!--16927488--> <version num="">Civilization IV</version> <version num="">?</version> <version num="">Emerge</version><!--33685515--> <compound name="Animation"> <add name="Event Code" type="int" /> <add name="Name" type="sizedstring" ver2="16927488" /> <add name="KF File Name" type="sizedstring" /> <add name="Index" type="int">An index?</add> <add name="Num Transitions" type="int" /> <add name="Transitions" type="Transition" arr1="Num Transitions">Max = Num Animations -1? No transition from animation to itself.</add> </compound> <compound name="Intermediate Anim"> <add name="Unknown Int" type="int" /> <add name="Event" type="sizedstring" /> </compound> <compound name="Transition"> <add name="Animation" type="int">Refers to another animation</add> <add name="Type" type="int" /> <add name="Duration" type="float" cond="Type != 5" /> <add name="Num Intermediate Anims" type="int" cond="Type != 5" /> <add name="Intermediate Anims" type="Intermediate Anim" arr1="Num Intermediate Anims" cond="Type != 5" /> <add name="Num TextKeyPairs" type="int" cond="Type != 5" /> </compound> <compound name="Kfm"> <add name="Header String" type="headerstring" /> <add name="Unknown Byte" type="byte" ver1="33554432" /> <add name="NIF File Name" type="sizedstring" ver1="16909312" /> <add name="Master" type="sizedstring" ver1="16909312" /> <add name="Unknown Int 1" type="int" ver1="16909312" /> <add name="Unknown Int 2" type="int" ver1="16909312" /> <add name="Unknown Float 1" type="float" ver1="16909312" /> <add name="Unknown Float 2" type="float" ver1="16909312" /> <add name="Num Animations" type="int" ver1="16909312" /> <add name="Animations" type="Animation" arr1="Num Animations" ver1="16909312" /> <add name="Unknown Int 3" type="int" ver1="16909312" /> </compound> </niftoolsxml>