# Contributing to heatshrink Thanks for taking time to contribute to heatshrink! Some issues may be tagged with `beginner` in the issue tracker, those should be particularly approachable. Please send patches or pull requests against the `develop` branch. Changes need to be carefully checked for reverese compatibility before merging to `master`, since heatshrink is running on devices that may not be easily recalled and updated. Sending changes via patch or pull request acknowledges that you are willing and able to contribute it under this project's license. (Please don't contribute code you aren't legally able to share.) ## Documentation Improvements to the documentation are welcome. So are requests for clarification -- if the docs are unclear or misleading, that's a potential source of bugs. ## Embedded & Portability Constraints heatshrink primarily targets embedded / real-time / memory-constrained systems, so enhancements that significantly increase memory or code space (ROM) requirements are probably out of scope. Changes that improve portability are welcome, and feedback from running on different embedded platforms is appreciated. ## Versioning & Compatibility The versioning format is MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH. Performance improvements or minor bug fixes that do not break compatibility with past releases lead to patch version increases. API changes that do not break compatibility lead to minor version increases and reset the patch version, and changes that do break compatibility lead to a major version increase. Since heatshrink's compression and decompression sides may be used and updated independently, any change to the encoder that cannot be correctly decoded by earlier releases (or vice versa) is considered a breaking change. Changes to the encoder that lead to different output that earlier decoder releases handle correctly (such as pattern detection improvements) are *not* breaking changes. Essentially, improvements to the compression process that older releases can't decode correctly will need to wait until the next major release. ## LZSS Algorithm heatshrink uses the [Lempel-Ziv-Storer-Szymanski][LZSS] algorithm for compression, with a few important implementation details: 1. The compression and decompression state machines have been designed to run incrementally - processing can work a few bytes at a time, suspending and resuming as additional data / buffer space becomes available. 2. The optional [indexing technique][index] used to speed up compression is unique to heatshrink, as far as I know. 3. In general, implementation trade-offs have favored low memory usage. [index]: http://spin.atomicobject.com/2014/01/13/lightweight-indexing-for-embedded-systems/ [LZSS]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lempel-Ziv-Storer-Szymanski ## Testing The unit tests are based on [greatest][g], with additional property-based tests using [theft][t] (which are currently not built by default). greatest tests are preferred for specific new functionality and for regression tests, while theft tests are preferred for integration tests (e.g. "for any input, compressing and uncompressing it should match the original"). Bugs found by theft make for great regression tests. Contributors are encouraged to add tests for any new functionality, and in particular to add regression tests for any bugs found. [g]: https://github.com/silentbicycle/greatest [t]: https://github.com/silentbicycle/theft