/*! @file TestCFHD.cpp * @brief Exerciser and example for using the CineForm SDK * * @version 1.0.0 * * (C) Copyright 2017 GoPro Inc (http://gopro.com/). * * Licensed under either: * - Apache License, Version 2.0, http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * - MIT license, http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * at your option. * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ #include "stdafx.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <memory.h> #include <emmintrin.h> // SSE2 intrinsics, _mm_malloc #ifdef __APPLE__ #include <sys/time.h> #else #include <time.h> #endif #include "CFHDDecoder.h" #include "CFHDEncoder.h" #include "CFHDMetadata.h" #include "mp4reader.h" #define QBIST_SEED 50 #define ENABLE_3D 0 //2D or 3D-stereoscope encodign #define QBIST_UNIQUE 1 //slower, but each frame get unique art to encode #define OUTPUT_CFHD 0 #define DO_DECODE 1 #define OUTPUT_3D_TYPE STEREO3D_TYPE_DEFAULT #if DO_DECODE #define DO_PSNR 1 #if DO_PSNR #define DECODE_FORMAT pixelFormat // Current encoding format, PSNR needs match pixel formats #define PPM_EXPORT_BELOW 30 // encoding 444 as 422 if a big PSNR hit #else #define DECODE_FORMAT pixelFormat //#define DECODE_FORMAT CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_RG48 // Specify a decode format, indepentent of encode type #define PPM_EXPORT_ALL 1 #endif #endif #define EXPORT_DECODES_PPM 0 #ifdef _DEBUG #define MAX_DEC_FRAMES 5 #define MAX_ENC_FRAMES 50 #define MAX_QUAL_FRAMES 1 #define POOL_THREADS 4 #define POOL_QUEUE_LENGTH 8 #define FRAME_WIDTH 1920 #define FRAME_HEIGHT 1080 #define BASENAME_IN "FRMD" #define BASENAME_OUT "OUTD" #else #define MAX_DEC_FRAMES 50 #define MAX_ENC_FRAMES 500 #define MAX_QUAL_FRAMES 10 #define POOL_THREADS 16 #define POOL_QUEUE_LENGTH 24 #define FRAME_WIDTH 1920 #define FRAME_HEIGHT 1080 #define BASENAME_IN "FRM" #define BASENAME_OUT "OUT" #endif unsigned int TestPixelFormat[] = { //8-bit YUV 422 - 0 CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_YUY2, CFHD_ENCODED_FORMAT_YUV_422, CFHD_ENCODING_QUALITY_FILMSCAN1, CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_2VUY, CFHD_ENCODED_FORMAT_YUV_422, CFHD_ENCODING_QUALITY_FILMSCAN1, //16-bit YUV 422 CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_YU64, CFHD_ENCODED_FORMAT_YUV_422, CFHD_ENCODING_QUALITY_FILMSCAN1, //8-bit RGB (inverted) CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_RG24, CFHD_ENCODED_FORMAT_YUV_422, CFHD_ENCODING_QUALITY_FILMSCAN1, // Lower PSNR due to 4:2:2 subampling a 4:4:4 input. CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_RG24, CFHD_ENCODED_FORMAT_RGB_444, CFHD_ENCODING_QUALITY_FILMSCAN1, //8-bit RGBA - 4 (inverted) CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRA, CFHD_ENCODED_FORMAT_YUV_422, CFHD_ENCODING_QUALITY_FILMSCAN1, // Lower PSNR due to 4:2:2 subampling a 4:4:4 input. CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRA, CFHD_ENCODED_FORMAT_RGB_444, CFHD_ENCODING_QUALITY_FILMSCAN1, CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRA, CFHD_ENCODED_FORMAT_RGBA_4444, CFHD_ENCODING_QUALITY_FILMSCAN1, //8-bit RGBA - 4 (not-inverted) CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRa, CFHD_ENCODED_FORMAT_YUV_422, CFHD_ENCODING_QUALITY_FILMSCAN1, // Lower PSNR due to 4:2:2 subampling a 4:4:4 input. CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRa, CFHD_ENCODED_FORMAT_RGB_444, CFHD_ENCODING_QUALITY_FILMSCAN1, CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRa, CFHD_ENCODED_FORMAT_RGBA_4444, CFHD_ENCODING_QUALITY_FILMSCAN1, //10-bit RGB - 7 - TODO 10-bit RGB CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_R210, CFHD_ENCODED_FORMAT_RGB_444, CFHD_ENCODING_QUALITY_FILMSCAN1, CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_DPX0, CFHD_ENCODED_FORMAT_RGB_444, CFHD_ENCODING_QUALITY_FILMSCAN1, CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_AB10, CFHD_ENCODED_FORMAT_RGB_444, CFHD_ENCODING_QUALITY_FILMSCAN1, CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_AR10, CFHD_ENCODED_FORMAT_RGB_444, CFHD_ENCODING_QUALITY_FILMSCAN1, //16-bit RGB - 15 CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_RG48, CFHD_ENCODED_FORMAT_YUV_422, CFHD_ENCODING_QUALITY_FILMSCAN1, // Lower PSNR due to 4:2:2 subampling a 4:4:4 input. CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_RG48, CFHD_ENCODED_FORMAT_RGB_444, CFHD_ENCODING_QUALITY_FILMSCAN1, //16-bit RGBA - 17 CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_B64A, CFHD_ENCODED_FORMAT_YUV_422, CFHD_ENCODING_QUALITY_FILMSCAN1, // Lower PSNR due to 4:2:2 subampling a 4:4:4 input. CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_B64A, CFHD_ENCODED_FORMAT_RGB_444, CFHD_ENCODING_QUALITY_FILMSCAN1, CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_B64A, CFHD_ENCODED_FORMAT_RGBA_4444, CFHD_ENCODING_QUALITY_FILMSCAN1, //10-bit YUV 422 - 2 - TODO support V210 in TestCFHD // CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_V210, CFHD_ENCODED_FORMAT_YUV_422, CFHD_ENCODING_QUALITY_FILMSCAN1, //12-bit(Packed) Bayer/Raw - TODO BYR4/5 in TestCFHD // CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_BYR5, CFHD_ENCODED_FORMAT_BAYER, CFHD_ENCODING_QUALITY_FILMSCAN1, // //16-bit Bayer/Raw // CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_BYR4, CFHD_ENCODED_FORMAT_BAYER, CFHD_ENCODING_QUALITY_FILMSCAN1, 0 }; CFHD_DecodedResolution TestResolution[] = { CFHD_DECODED_RESOLUTION_FULL, CFHD_DECODED_RESOLUTION_HALF, CFHD_DECODED_RESOLUTION_QUARTER, // CFHD_DECODED_RESOLUTION_THUMBNAIL, CFHD_DECODED_RESOLUTION_UNKNOWN // Stop at this }; CFHD_PixelFormat TestDecodeOnlyPixelFormat[] = { CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_RG24, CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRA, CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_YUY2, CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_YU64, CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_RG48, CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_B64A, CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_R210, CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_DPX0, CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_AB10, CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_AR10, //10-bit YUV 422 - 2 - TODO support // CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_V210, //12-bit(Packed) Bayer/Raw - TODO BY // CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_BYR5, // //16-bit Bayer/Raw // CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_BYR4, CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_UNKNOWN // Stop at this }; #define PRINTF_PIXELFORMAT(k) ((k) >> 24) & 0xff, ((k) >> 16) & 0xff, ((k) >> 8) & 0xff, ((k) >> 0) & 0xff double gettime(void) { #ifdef __APPLE__ timeval ts; gettimeofday(&ts, NULL); return (double)ts.tv_sec + (double)ts.tv_usec / 1000000.0; #else struct timespec ts; timespec_get(&ts, TIME_UTC); return (double)ts.tv_sec + (double)ts.tv_nsec / 1000000000.0; #endif } void SDKVerion(CFHD_DecoderRef decoderRef, void *sampleBuffer, int sampleSize) { int SDKverison = 0; int SAMPLEverison = 0; CFHD_GetSampleInfo(decoderRef, sampleBuffer, sampleSize, CFHD_SAMPLE_SDK_VERSION, (void *)&SDKverison, sizeof(SDKverison)); CFHD_GetSampleInfo(decoderRef, sampleBuffer, sampleSize, CFHD_SAMPLE_ENCODE_VERSION, (void *)&SAMPLEverison, sizeof(SAMPLEverison)); if (SDKverison) printf("SDK Version: %d.%d.%d\n", SDKverison >> 16, (SDKverison >> 8) & 0xff, SDKverison & 0xff); if (SAMPLEverison) printf("Encoder Vers: %d.%d.%d\n", SAMPLEverison >> 16, (SAMPLEverison >> 8) & 0xff, SAMPLEverison & 0xff); } // Decode a single frame of a raw CineForm sample CFHD_Error DecodeFrame(void **frameDecBuffer, CFHD_DecoderRef decoderRef, CFHD_MetadataRef metadataDecRef, void *sampleBuffer, int sampleSize, CFHD_EncodedFormat encodedFormat, CFHD_PixelFormat pixelFormat, CFHD_DecodedResolution resolution, char *outputname, // for PPM Export int *dec_us // Decode time in microseconds ) { CFHD_Error error = CFHD_ERROR_OKAY; static CFHD_DecodedResolution lastres = CFHD_DECODED_RESOLUTION_UNKNOWN; static int actualWidth = 0; static int actualHeight = 0; static int actualPitch = 0; static uint32_t actualPixelSize = 0; static uint32_t actualOutputBufSize = 0; static uint32_t allocSize = 0; static CFHD_PixelFormat actualFormat = CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_UNKNOWN; static CFHD_PixelFormat lastpixelFormat = CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_UNKNOWN; static CFHD_EncodedFormat lastencFormat = CFHD_ENCODED_FORMAT_UNKNOWN; CFHD_VideoSelect videoselect = VIDEO_SELECT_BOTH_EYES; CFHD_Stereo3DType stereo3Dtype = OUTPUT_3D_TYPE; CFHD_StereoFlags stereoFlags = STEREO_FLAGS_DEFAULT; int videochannel = 1; //1 = 2D, 2 = 3D int scaleHeight = 1; //1 = 2D, 2 = 3D *dec_us = 0; if (*frameDecBuffer == NULL || lastres != resolution || lastencFormat != encodedFormat || lastpixelFormat != pixelFormat) { lastencFormat = encodedFormat; lastres = resolution; lastpixelFormat = pixelFormat; // Initialize the decoder error = CFHD_PrepareToDecode(decoderRef, 0, 0, pixelFormat, resolution, CFHD_DECODING_FLAGS_NONE, sampleBuffer, 512,//sampleSize>>4, &actualWidth, &actualHeight, &actualFormat); if (error) return error; // Allocate a buffer for the decoded frame error = CFHD_GetPixelSize(actualFormat, &actualPixelSize); // Note: v210 will return 0 as it has not directly accessable pixel size. if (error) return error; error = CFHD_GetImagePitch(actualWidth, actualFormat, &actualPitch); if (error) return error; printf("\nDecode Res.: %dx%d\n", actualWidth, actualHeight*scaleHeight); if (CFHD_ERROR_OKAY == CFHD_GetSampleInfo(decoderRef, sampleBuffer, sampleSize, CFHD_SAMPLE_INFO_CHANNELS, (void *)&videochannel, sizeof(videochannel))) { if (videochannel < 1) videochannel = 1; if (videochannel >= 2) { if (stereo3Dtype != STEREO3D_TYPE_DEFAULT) videoselect = VIDEO_SELECT_BOTH_EYES; } else { videoselect = VIDEO_SELECT_DEFAULT; } if (stereo3Dtype == STEREO3D_TYPE_DEFAULT && videoselect == VIDEO_SELECT_BOTH_EYES) scaleHeight = 2; } error = CFHD_GetImageSize(actualWidth, actualHeight, actualFormat, videoselect, stereo3Dtype, &actualOutputBufSize); if (error) return error; #ifdef __APPLE__ if (allocSize < actualOutputBufSize && *frameDecBuffer) free(*frameDecBuffer); if (allocSize < actualOutputBufSize || *frameDecBuffer == NULL) { *frameDecBuffer = malloc(actualOutputBufSize);; if (*frameDecBuffer == NULL) return CFHD_ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; allocSize = actualOutputBufSize; } #else if(allocSize < actualOutputBufSize && *frameDecBuffer) _mm_free(*frameDecBuffer); if (allocSize < actualOutputBufSize || *frameDecBuffer == NULL) { *frameDecBuffer = _mm_malloc(actualOutputBufSize, 16); if (*frameDecBuffer == NULL) return CFHD_ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; allocSize = actualOutputBufSize; } #endif CFHD_MetadataTrack metadataTrack; //metadataTrack = METADATATYPE_MODIFIED; // Use any active metadta changes created in GoPro Studio or CineForm FirstLight metadataTrack = METADATATYPE_ORIGINAL; // Don't use external active metadata, only internal corrections. error = CFHD_InitSampleMetadata(metadataDecRef, metadataTrack, sampleBuffer, sampleSize); // Override or set the active metadata processing used, this the mask that set feature image development features are enabled. unsigned int processflags = PROCESSING_ALL_ON; //unsigned int processflags = PROCESSING_ALL_OFF; //unsigned int processflags = PROCESSING_ACTIVE_WHITEBALANCE | PROCESSING_ACTIVE_LOOK_FILE; // Lock and WB on only error = CFHD_SetActiveMetadata(decoderRef, metadataDecRef, TAG_PROCESS_PATH, METADATATYPE_UINT32, &processflags, sizeof(unsigned int)); if (error) return error; #ifdef _DEBUG unsigned int maxcpus = 1; #else unsigned int maxcpus = 16; #endif error = CFHD_SetActiveMetadata(decoderRef, metadataDecRef, TAG_CPU_MAX, METADATATYPE_UINT32, &maxcpus, sizeof(unsigned int)); if (error) return error; #if 1 // Initialize the 2D/3D output mode if (videochannel >= 2) { // Decode Left, Right or Both eyes. error = CFHD_SetActiveMetadata(decoderRef, metadataDecRef, TAG_CHANNELS_ACTIVE, METADATATYPE_UINT32, &videoselect, sizeof(unsigned int)); // If both eyes use this stereo representation error = CFHD_SetActiveMetadata(decoderRef, metadataDecRef, TAG_CHANNELS_MIX, METADATATYPE_UINT32, &stereo3Dtype, sizeof(unsigned int)); // Stereo flags, like, left/right eye swap -- rarely used error = CFHD_SetActiveMetadata(decoderRef, metadataDecRef, TAG_CHANNELS_MIX_VAL, METADATATYPE_UINT32, &stereoFlags, sizeof(unsigned int)); } #endif } if (resolution == CFHD_DECODED_RESOLUTION_THUMBNAIL) { size_t retWidth = 0; size_t retHeight = 0; size_t retSize = 0; error = CFHD_GetThumbnail(decoderRef, // This only returns a DPX0 10-bit RGB thumbnail sampleBuffer, sampleSize, *frameDecBuffer, allocSize, CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_DPX0, // TODO: make this output other pixelformats &retWidth, &retHeight, &retSize); #if EXPORT_DECODES_PPM if (error == 0 && outputname && outputname[0]) ExportPPM(outputname, NULL, *frameDecBuffer, retWidth, retHeight, retWidth*4, CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_DPX0); #endif } else { double uptime; double uptime2; uptime = gettime(); error = CFHD_DecodeSample(decoderRef, sampleBuffer, sampleSize, *frameDecBuffer, actualPitch); uptime2 = gettime(); if (error) return error; *dec_us = (int)((uptime2 - uptime)*1000000.0); #if EXPORT_DECODES_PPM if(outputname && outputname[0]) ExportPPM(outputname, NULL, *frameDecBuffer, actualWidth, actualHeight*scaleHeight, actualPitch, pixelFormat); #endif } return CFHD_ERROR_OKAY; } // Decode a series of CineForm frames from an MOV or MP4 sequence CFHD_Error DecodeMOVIE(char *filename, char *ext) { CFHD_Error error = CFHD_ERROR_OKAY; CFHD_DecoderRef decoderRef = NULL; CFHD_MetadataRef metadataDecRef = NULL; int resmode = 0, decmode = 0, dec_us = 0; double dec_tot_us = 0; uint32_t *payload = NULL; //buffer to store samples from the MP4. void *frameDecBuffer = NULL; uint32_t AVI = 0; float length; void *handle; #ifdef _WINDOWS if (0 == stricmp("AVI", ext)) AVI = 1; #else if (0 == strcasecmp("AVI", ext)) AVI = 1; #endif if(AVI) handle = OpenAVISource(filename, AVI_TRAK_TYPE, AVI_TRAK_SUBTYPE); else handle = OpenMP4Source(filename, MOV_TRAK_TYPE, MOV_TRAK_SUBTYPE); length = GetDuration(handle); if (length > 0.0) { int frame = 0; uint32_t numframes = GetNumberPayloads(handle); printf("found %.2fs of video (%d frames) within %s\n", length, numframes, filename); if (numframes > MAX_DEC_FRAMES) numframes = MAX_DEC_FRAMES; error = CFHD_OpenDecoder(&decoderRef, NULL); if (error) goto cleanup; error = CFHD_OpenMetadata(&metadataDecRef); if (error) goto cleanup; { frame = decmode = resmode = 0; do { char outputname[250] = ""; char restxt[5] = ""; CFHD_DecodedResolution decode_res = TestResolution[resmode]; uint32_t payloadsize; CFHD_PixelFormat pixelFormat = TestDecodeOnlyPixelFormat[decmode]; payloadsize = GetPayloadSize(handle, frame); payload = GetPayload(handle, payload, frame); if (payload == NULL) { error = CFHD_ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto cleanup; } #ifdef _WINDOWS if (decode_res == 1) sprintf_s(restxt, sizeof(restxt), "FULL"); else if (decode_res == 2) sprintf_s(restxt, sizeof(restxt), "HALF"); else if (decode_res == 3) sprintf_s(restxt, sizeof(restxt), "QRTR"); else sprintf_s(restxt, sizeof(restxt), "THUM"); sprintf_s(outputname, sizeof(outputname), "%s-%s-%c%c%c%c-%04d.ppm", filename, restxt, (pixelFormat >> 24) & 0xff, (pixelFormat >> 16) & 0xff, (pixelFormat >> 8) & 0xff, (pixelFormat >> 0) & 0xff, frame); #else if (decode_res == 1) sprintf(restxt, "FULL"); else if (decode_res == 2) sprintf(restxt, "HALF"); else if (decode_res == 3) sprintf(restxt, "QRTR"); else sprintf(restxt, "THUM"); sprintf(outputname, "%s-%s-%c%c%c%c-%04d.ppm", filename, restxt, (pixelFormat >> 24) & 0xff, (pixelFormat >> 16) & 0xff, (pixelFormat >> 8) & 0xff, (pixelFormat >> 0) & 0xff, frame); #endif error = DecodeFrame(&frameDecBuffer, decoderRef, metadataDecRef, payload, (int)payloadsize, CFHD_ENCODED_FORMAT_UNKNOWN, pixelFormat, decode_res, outputname, &dec_us); if (error) goto cleanup; printf("."); dec_tot_us += (double)dec_us; if (frame < (int)numframes-1) frame++; else { printf("\nAvg Decode time %.2fms for %c%c%c%c\n", (dec_tot_us / (double)frame)/1000.0, PRINTF_PIXELFORMAT(pixelFormat)); dec_tot_us = 0; frame = 0; decmode++; if (TestDecodeOnlyPixelFormat[decmode] == CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_UNKNOWN && TestResolution[resmode + 1] != CFHD_DECODED_RESOLUTION_UNKNOWN) { resmode++; decmode = 0; } } } while (TestDecodeOnlyPixelFormat[decmode] != CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_UNKNOWN && TestResolution[resmode] != CFHD_DECODED_RESOLUTION_UNKNOWN); } } cleanup: if (payload) FreePayload(payload); payload = NULL; #ifdef __APPLE__ if (frameDecBuffer) free(frameDecBuffer); frameDecBuffer = NULL; #else if (frameDecBuffer) _mm_free(frameDecBuffer); frameDecBuffer = NULL; #endif if (decoderRef) CFHD_CloseDecoder(decoderRef); if (metadataDecRef) CFHD_CloseMetadata(metadataDecRef); CloseSource(handle); return error; } CFHD_Error EncodeSpeedTest() { int frmt = 0; CFHD_Error error = CFHD_ERROR_OKAY; CFHD_EncoderPoolRef encoderPoolRef = NULL; CFHD_MetadataRef metadataRef = NULL; CFHD_EncodingFlags encodingFlags = CFHD_ENCODING_FLAGS_NONE; #if ENABLE_3D unsigned long videochannels = 2; //1 - 2D, 2 - 3D unsigned long videochannel_gap = 0; #else unsigned long videochannels = 1; //1 - 2D, 2 - 3D unsigned long videochannel_gap = 0; #endif bool firstVideoFrame = true; void *frameBuffer = NULL; int framePitch = 0; int frameWidth = 0; int frameHeight = 0; double tottime; double tottime2; int queuedFrames = 0; int unique_frame = 0; do { int channels, bitDepth; int alpha = 0; CFHD_PixelFormat pixelFormat = (CFHD_PixelFormat)TestPixelFormat[frmt * 3 + 0]; CFHD_EncodedFormat encodedFormat = (CFHD_EncodedFormat)TestPixelFormat[frmt * 3 + 1]; CFHD_EncodingQuality quality = (CFHD_EncodingQuality)TestPixelFormat[frmt * 3 + 2]; channels = ChannelsInPixelFormat(pixelFormat); bitDepth = DepthInPixelFormat(pixelFormat); if (encodedFormat == CFHD_ENCODED_FORMAT_RGBA_4444) alpha = 1; frameWidth = 0; frameHeight = 0; firstVideoFrame = true; error = CFHD_MetadataOpen(&metadataRef); if (error) return error; error = CFHD_CreateEncoderPool(&encoderPoolRef, POOL_THREADS, POOL_QUEUE_LENGTH, NULL); if (error) return error; // This is normally used to attach new metadata to the next frame to be encoded, // but here it simply attaches the allocator (if provided) to the metadataRef. CFHD_AttachEncoderPoolMetadata(encoderPoolRef, metadataRef); char stringpairA[] = "Director"; char stringpairB[] = "John Doe"; error = CFHD_MetadataAdd(metadataRef, TAG_NAME, METADATATYPE_STRING, strlen(stringpairA), (uint32_t *)stringpairA, false); error = CFHD_MetadataAdd(metadataRef, TAG_VALUE, METADATATYPE_STRING, strlen(stringpairB), (uint32_t *)stringpairB, false); error = CFHD_MetadataAdd(metadataRef, TAG_VIDEO_CHANNELS, METADATATYPE_UINT32, 4, (uint32_t *)&videochannels, false); if (videochannel_gap != 0) error = CFHD_MetadataAdd(metadataRef, TAG_VIDEO_CHANNEL_GAP, METADATATYPE_UINT32, 4, (uint32_t *)&videochannel_gap, false); // Prepare an unique image to encode GetRand(QBIST_SEED == 0 ? rand() : QBIST_SEED); initBaseTransform(); int frameNumber; unique_frame = 0; for (frameNumber = 1; frameNumber <= MAX_ENC_FRAMES; ) { if (error) break; // Is this the first video frame? if (frameNumber == 1) { // Get the frame dimensions frameWidth = FRAME_WIDTH; frameHeight = FRAME_HEIGHT; if (frameBuffer == NULL) { #ifdef __APPLE__ frameBuffer = malloc(frameWidth * frameHeight * 4 * 2); #else frameBuffer = _mm_malloc(frameWidth * frameHeight * 4 * 2, 16); //Enough sapce for a 64-bit RGBA pixel #endif if (frameBuffer == NULL) { error = CFHD_ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto cleanup; } } // Initialize the encoder with the height of each channel int encodedHeight = (frameHeight - videochannel_gap) / videochannels; if (videochannels == 2) encodingFlags |= CFHD_ENCODING_FLAGS_LARGER_OUTPUT; // Prepare for encoding frames error = CFHD_PrepareEncoderPool(encoderPoolRef, frameWidth, encodedHeight, pixelFormat, encodedFormat, encodingFlags, quality); if (error) goto cleanup; // Attach the metadata to the encoder so it is added to the encoded samples CFHD_AttachEncoderPoolMetadata(encoderPoolRef, metadataRef); // Start the encoders in the pool of asynchronous encoders CFHD_StartEncoderPool(encoderPoolRef); // Generate a source image framePitch = frameWidth * channels *(bitDepth / 8); RunQBist(frameWidth, frameHeight, framePitch, pixelFormat, alpha, (unsigned char *)frameBuffer); #if PPM_EXPORT_ALL // Output image prior to encoding -- the Before image. { char inputname[80] = ""; #ifdef _WINDOWS sprintf_s(inputname, sizeof(inputname), "%s-%04d.ppm", BASENAME_IN, frameNumber); #else sprintf(inputname, "%s-%04d.ppm", BASENAME_IN, frameNumber); #endif ExportPPM(inputname, NULL, frameBuffer, frameWidth, frameHeight, framePitch, pixelFormat); } #endif tottime = gettime(); } if (queuedFrames < POOL_QUEUE_LENGTH) { static int base = 24; static int frms = 1 * 60 * 60 * base; // demo, start at 01:00:00:00 int f, s, m, h; char tc[12]; // attached changing metadata like timecode, unique_frame number and // any other live camera feed data. f = frms % base; s = ((frms) / base) % 60; m = ((frms) / (base * 60)) % 60; h = ((frms) / (base * 60 * 60)) % 24; frms += 1; // or whatever the frame number will be for a threaded implementation // Timecode should be set for every frame encoded. // If your metadata is unchanging (other than timecode), and you aren't threading // the encoder, timecode and timecode_base only need to be set for the first frame // and it will auto-increment. sprintf(tc, "%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d", h, m, s, f); error = CFHD_MetadataAdd(metadataRef, TAG_TIMECODE, METADATATYPE_STRING, 11, (uint32_t *)tc, false); // Like timecode UNIQUE_FRAMENUM should be set for every frame encoded. // It ranges form 0 up to the number of frames in the encoded sequence. // If you aren't threading the encoder, unique frame will auto-increment. error = CFHD_MetadataAdd(metadataRef, TAG_UNIQUE_FRAMENUM, METADATATYPE_UINT32, 4, (uint32_t *)&unique_frame, false); unique_frame++; error = CFHD_EncodeAsyncSample(encoderPoolRef, unique_frame, frameBuffer, framePitch, metadataRef); if (error) goto cleanup; queuedFrames++; } if (queuedFrames) { uint32_t frame_number; CFHD_SampleBufferRef sampleBufferRef = NULL; if (unique_frame == 1) { printf("Resolution: %dx%d\n", FRAME_WIDTH, FRAME_HEIGHT); printf("Pixel format: %c%c%c%c\n", (pixelFormat >> 24) & 0xff, (pixelFormat >> 16) & 0xff, (pixelFormat >> 8) & 0xff, (pixelFormat >> 0) & 0xff); printf("Encode: %d\n", encodedFormat == CFHD_ENCODED_FORMAT_YUV_422 ? 422 : encodedFormat == CFHD_ENCODED_FORMAT_RGB_444 ? 444 : encodedFormat == CFHD_ENCODED_FORMAT_RGBA_4444 ? 4444 : 0); } if (CFHD_ERROR_OKAY == CFHD_TestForSample(encoderPoolRef, &frame_number, &sampleBufferRef)) { // Get the sample data from the sample buffer unsigned char *sampleBuffer; size_t sampleSize; error = CFHD_GetEncodedSample(sampleBufferRef, (void **)&sampleBuffer, &sampleSize); if (error) goto cleanup; printf("."); if (((frame_number - 1) & 63) == 63) printf("\n"); frameNumber++; queuedFrames--; // Release the sample buffer CFHD_ReleaseSampleBuffer(encoderPoolRef, sampleBufferRef); } } if (frameNumber == MAX_ENC_FRAMES) { while (queuedFrames) { uint32_t frame_number; CFHD_SampleBufferRef sampleBufferRef = NULL; if (CFHD_ERROR_OKAY == CFHD_WaitForSample(encoderPoolRef, &frame_number, &sampleBufferRef)) { // Get the sample data from the sample buffer unsigned char *sampleBuffer; size_t sampleSize; error = CFHD_GetEncodedSample(sampleBufferRef, (void **)&sampleBuffer, &sampleSize); if (error) goto cleanup; printf("."); if (((frame_number - 1) & 63) == 63) printf("\n"); frameNumber++; queuedFrames--; // Release the sample buffer CFHD_ReleaseSampleBuffer(encoderPoolRef, sampleBufferRef); } } } } tottime2 = gettime(); tottime = (tottime2 - tottime); tottime /= (double)MAX_ENC_FRAMES; printf("\n%d frames %1.2fms per frame (%1.1ffps)\n", MAX_ENC_FRAMES, tottime*1000.0, 1.0 / tottime); // Free the encoder CFHD_ReleaseEncoderPool(encoderPoolRef); encoderPoolRef = NULL; frmt++; printf("\n"); } while (TestPixelFormat[frmt * 3]); cleanup: if (error) { #ifdef __APPLE__ if (frameBuffer) free(frameBuffer), frameBuffer = NULL; #else if (frameBuffer) _mm_free(frameBuffer), frameBuffer = NULL; #endif } if (encoderPoolRef) CFHD_CloseEncoder(encoderPoolRef); return error; } CFHD_Error EncodeDecodeQualityTest() { int frmt = 0; CFHD_Error error = CFHD_ERROR_OKAY; CFHD_EncoderRef encoderRef = NULL; CFHD_DecoderRef decoderRef = NULL; CFHD_MetadataRef metadataRef = NULL; CFHD_MetadataRef metadataDecRef = NULL; CFHD_EncodingFlags encodingFlags = CFHD_ENCODING_FLAGS_NONE; #if ENABLE_3D unsigned long videochannels = 2; //1 - 2D, 2 - 3D unsigned long videochannel_gap = 0; #else unsigned long videochannels = 1; //1 - 2D, 2 - 3D unsigned long videochannel_gap = 0; #endif bool firstVideoFrame = true; void *frameBuffer = NULL; void *frameDecBuffer = NULL; int framePitch = 0; int frameWidth = 0; int frameHeight = 0; double uptime; double uptime2; int dec_us, enc_us; int resmode = 0, decmode = 0; do { CFHD_DecodedResolution decode_res = TestResolution[resmode]; int channels, bitDepth, inverted; int alpha = 0; CFHD_PixelFormat pixelFormat = (CFHD_PixelFormat)TestPixelFormat[frmt * 3 + 0]; CFHD_EncodedFormat encodedFormat = (CFHD_EncodedFormat)TestPixelFormat[frmt * 3 + 1]; CFHD_EncodingQuality quality = (CFHD_EncodingQuality)TestPixelFormat[frmt * 3 + 2]; char restxt[5] = ""; char enctxt[5] = ""; char inputname[80] = ""; char outputname[80] = ""; #ifdef _WINDOWS if (decode_res == 1) sprintf_s(restxt, sizeof(restxt), "FULL"); else if (decode_res == 2) sprintf_s(restxt, sizeof(restxt), "HALF"); else if (decode_res == 3) sprintf_s(restxt, sizeof(restxt), "QRTR"); if (encodedFormat == CFHD_ENCODED_FORMAT_YUV_422) sprintf_s(enctxt, sizeof(restxt), "422"); else if (encodedFormat == CFHD_ENCODED_FORMAT_RGB_444) sprintf_s(enctxt, sizeof(restxt), "444"); else if (encodedFormat == CFHD_ENCODED_FORMAT_RGBA_4444) sprintf_s(enctxt, sizeof(restxt), "4444"); #else if (decode_res == 1) sprintf(restxt, "FULL"); else if (decode_res == 2) sprintf(restxt, "HALF"); else if (decode_res == 3) sprintf(restxt, "QRTR"); if (encodedFormat == CFHD_ENCODED_FORMAT_YUV_422) sprintf(enctxt, "422"); else if (encodedFormat == CFHD_ENCODED_FORMAT_RGB_444) sprintf(enctxt, "444"); else if (encodedFormat == CFHD_ENCODED_FORMAT_RGBA_4444) sprintf(enctxt, "4444"); #endif channels = ChannelsInPixelFormat(pixelFormat); bitDepth = DepthInPixelFormat(pixelFormat); inverted = InvertedPixelFormat(pixelFormat); if (encodedFormat == CFHD_ENCODED_FORMAT_RGBA_4444) alpha = 1; frameWidth = 0; frameHeight = 0; firstVideoFrame = true; error = CFHD_MetadataOpen(&metadataRef); if (error) return error; error = CFHD_OpenEncoder(&encoderRef, NULL); if (error) return error; error = CFHD_OpenDecoder(&decoderRef, NULL); if (error) return error; error = CFHD_OpenMetadata(&metadataDecRef); if (error) return error; char stringpairA[] = "Director"; char stringpairB[] = "John Doe"; error = CFHD_MetadataAdd(metadataRef, TAG_NAME, METADATATYPE_STRING, strlen(stringpairA), (uint32_t *)stringpairA, false); error = CFHD_MetadataAdd(metadataRef, TAG_VALUE, METADATATYPE_STRING, strlen(stringpairB), (uint32_t *)stringpairB, false); error = CFHD_MetadataAdd(metadataRef, TAG_VIDEO_CHANNELS, METADATATYPE_UINT32, 4, (uint32_t *)&videochannels, false); if (videochannel_gap != 0) error = CFHD_MetadataAdd(metadataRef, TAG_VIDEO_CHANNEL_GAP, METADATATYPE_UINT32, 4, (uint32_t *)&videochannel_gap, false); // Prepare an unique image to encode GetRand(QBIST_SEED == 0 ? rand() : QBIST_SEED); initBaseTransform(); int frameNumber; for (frameNumber = 1; frameNumber <= MAX_QUAL_FRAMES; ) { #ifdef _WINDOWS //sprintf_s(inputname, sizeof(inputname), "%s-%04d.ppm", BASENAME_IN, frameNumber); sprintf_s(inputname, sizeof(inputname), "%s-%c%c%c%c%c-%s-%s-%04d.ppm", BASENAME_IN, (pixelFormat >> 24) & 0xff, (pixelFormat >> 16) & 0xff, (pixelFormat >> 8) & 0xff, (pixelFormat >> 0) & 0xff, (inverted ? 'i' : '-'), restxt, enctxt, frameNumber); sprintf_s(outputname, sizeof(outputname), "%s-%c%c%c%c%c-%s-%s-%04d.ppm", BASENAME_OUT, (pixelFormat >> 24) & 0xff, (pixelFormat >> 16) & 0xff, (pixelFormat >> 8) & 0xff, (pixelFormat >> 0) & 0xff, (inverted ? 'i' : '-'), restxt, enctxt, frameNumber); #else sprintf(inputname, "%s-%04d.ppm", BASENAME_IN, frameNumber); sprintf(outputname, "%s-%c%c%c%c-%s-%s-%04d.ppm", BASENAME_OUT, (pixelFormat >> 24) & 0xff, (pixelFormat >> 16) & 0xff, (pixelFormat >> 8) & 0xff, (pixelFormat >> 0) & 0xff, restxt, enctxt, frameNumber); #endif if (error) break; // Is this the first video frame? if (frameNumber == 1) { // Get the frame dimensions frameWidth = FRAME_WIDTH; frameHeight = FRAME_HEIGHT; if (frameBuffer == NULL) { #ifdef __APPLE__ frameBuffer = malloc(frameWidth * frameHeight * 4 * 2); #else frameBuffer = _mm_malloc(frameWidth * frameHeight * 4 * 2, 16); //Enough sapce for a 64-bit RGBA pixel #endif if (frameBuffer == NULL) { error = CFHD_ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto cleanup; } } // Initialize the encoder with the height of each channel int encodedHeight = (frameHeight - videochannel_gap) / videochannels; if (videochannels == 2) encodingFlags |= CFHD_ENCODING_FLAGS_LARGER_OUTPUT; // Prepare for encoding frames error = CFHD_PrepareToEncode(encoderRef, frameWidth, encodedHeight, pixelFormat, encodedFormat, encodingFlags, quality); if (error) goto cleanup; // Attach the metadata to the encoder so it is added to the encoded samples CFHD_MetadataAttach(encoderRef, metadataRef); // Generate a source image framePitch = FramePitch4PixelFormat(pixelFormat, frameWidth); RunQBist(frameWidth, frameHeight, framePitch, pixelFormat, alpha, (unsigned char *)frameBuffer); #if PPM_EXPORT_ALL // Output image prior to encoding -- the Before image. ExportPPM(inputname, NULL, frameBuffer, frameWidth, frameHeight, framePitch, pixelFormat); #endif } #if QBIST_UNIQUE //Generate a new source image if (frameNumber > 1) RunQBist(frameWidth, frameHeight, framePitch, pixelFormat, alpha, (unsigned char *)frameBuffer); #endif uptime = gettime(); // Encode the video frame error = CFHD_EncodeSample(encoderRef, frameBuffer, framePitch); if (error) goto cleanup; void *sampleBuffer; size_t sampleSize; int scale = 1 << ((int)decode_res - 1); error = CFHD_GetSampleData(encoderRef, (void **)&sampleBuffer, &sampleSize); if (error) goto cleanup; uptime2 = gettime(); enc_us = (unsigned int)((uptime2 - uptime)*1000000.0); #if OUTPUT_CFHD { char name[20]; sprintf(name, "%s%04d.cfhd", BASENAME_OUT, frameNumber); FILE *fp = fopen(name, "wb"); if (fp) fwrite(sampleBuffer, 1, sampleSize, fp); fclose(fp); } #endif // Print the SDK version flagged in the bit-stream if (frameNumber == 1) { static int once = 0; if(once == 0) SDKVerion(decoderRef, sampleBuffer, (int)sampleSize), once++; printf("Resolution: %dx%d\n", FRAME_WIDTH, FRAME_HEIGHT); #ifdef DECODE_FORMAT if (pixelFormat != DECODE_FORMAT) printf("Pixel format: %c%c%c%c <--> %c%c%c%c\n", (pixelFormat >> 24) & 0xff, (pixelFormat >> 16) & 0xff, (pixelFormat >> 8) & 0xff, (pixelFormat >> 0) & 0xff, (DECODE_FORMAT >> 24) & 0xff, (DECODE_FORMAT >> 16) & 0xff, (DECODE_FORMAT >> 8) & 0xff, (DECODE_FORMAT >> 0) & 0xff); else #endif printf("Pixel format: %c%c%c%c\n", (pixelFormat >> 24) & 0xff, (pixelFormat >> 16) & 0xff, (pixelFormat >> 8) & 0xff, (pixelFormat >> 0) & 0xff); printf("Encode: %d\n", encodedFormat == CFHD_ENCODED_FORMAT_YUV_422 ? 422 : encodedFormat == CFHD_ENCODED_FORMAT_RGB_444 ? 444 : encodedFormat == CFHD_ENCODED_FORMAT_RGBA_4444 ? 4444 : 0); printf("Decode: %s\n", decode_res == 1 ? "Full res" : decode_res == 2 ? "Half res" : decode_res == 3 ? "Quarter res" : "none"); } #if DO_DECODE error = DecodeFrame(&frameDecBuffer, decoderRef, metadataDecRef, sampleBuffer, (int)sampleSize, encodedFormat, DECODE_FORMAT, decode_res, NULL, &dec_us); if (error) goto cleanup; #if DO_PSNR // export frames that have more that xdB of PSNR error. if (1) { float psnr; int sourcesize = framePitch*frameHeight; psnr = PSNR(frameBuffer, frameDecBuffer, frameWidth, frameHeight, pixelFormat, scale); printf("%d: source %d compressed to %d in %1.1fms - %1.1fms (%1.1f:1 PSNR %1.1fdB)\n", frameNumber, sourcesize, (int)sampleSize, (float)enc_us / 1000.0f, (float)dec_us / 1000.0f, (float)sourcesize / (float)sampleSize, psnr); if (psnr < PPM_EXPORT_BELOW) { char metadata[64]; #ifdef _WINDOWS sprintf_s(metadata, sizeof(metadata), "PSNR = %f", psnr); #else sprintf(metadata, "PSNR = %f", psnr); #endif //ExportPPM(inputname, metadata, frameBuffer, frameWidth, frameHeight, framePitch, pixelFormat); ExportPPM(outputname, metadata, frameDecBuffer, frameWidth / scale, frameHeight / scale, framePitch / scale, pixelFormat); } } #else printf("%d: source %d compressed to %d in %1.1fms - %1.1fms (%1.1f:1)\n", frameNumber, framePitch*frameHeight, sampleSize, (float)enc_us / 1000.0f, (float)dec_us / 1000.0f, (float)(framePitch*frameHeight) / (float)sampleSize); #endif #endif // DO_DECODE frameNumber++; } // Free the encoder CFHD_CloseEncoder(encoderRef); encoderRef = NULL; frmt++; if (TestPixelFormat[frmt * 3] == 0 && TestResolution[resmode + 1] != CFHD_DECODED_RESOLUTION_UNKNOWN) { resmode++; frmt = 0; } printf("\n"); } while (TestPixelFormat[frmt * 3] && TestResolution[resmode] != CFHD_DECODED_RESOLUTION_UNKNOWN); cleanup: if (error) { #ifdef __APPLE__ if (frameBuffer) free(frameBuffer), frameBuffer = NULL; if (frameDecBuffer) free(frameDecBuffer), frameDecBuffer = NULL; #else if (frameBuffer) _mm_free(frameBuffer), frameBuffer = NULL; if (frameDecBuffer) _mm_free(frameDecBuffer), frameDecBuffer = NULL; #endif } if (decoderRef) CFHD_CloseDecoder(decoderRef); if (encoderRef) CFHD_CloseEncoder(encoderRef); return error; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int showusage = 0; CFHD_Error error = CFHD_ERROR_OKAY; if (argc != 2) { showusage = 1; } else if (argv[1][0] == '-') { if (argv[1][1] == 'd' || argv[1][1] == 'D') error = EncodeDecodeQualityTest(); else if (argv[1][1] == 'e' || argv[1][1] == 'E') error = EncodeSpeedTest(); else showusage = 1; } else { char ext[4] = ""; int len = strlen(argv[1]); if (len > 4) { ext[0] = argv[1][len - 3]; ext[1] = argv[1][len - 2]; ext[2] = argv[1][len - 1]; ext[3] = 0; } error = DecodeMOVIE(argv[1], ext); } if (showusage) { printf("usage: %s [switches] or <filname.MOV|MP4|AVI>\n", argv[0]); printf(" -D = decoder tester\n"); printf(" -E = encoder tester\n"); } if (error) printf("error code: %d\n", error); return error; }