/*! @file CFHDDecoder.cpp * @brief This module implements the C functions for the decoder API * * Interface to the CineForm HD decoder. The decoder API uses an opaque * data type to represent an instance of a decoder. The decoder reference * is returned by the call to @ref CFHD_OpenDecoder. * * @version 1.0.0 * * (C) Copyright 2017 GoPro Inc (http://gopro.com/). * * Licensed under either: * - Apache License, Version 2.0, http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * - MIT license, http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * at your option. * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ #include "StdAfx.h" #include <string.h> #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #if _WINDOWS // Export the interface to the decoder #define DECODERDLL_EXPORTS 1 #elif __APPLE__ #define DECODERDLL_EXPORTS 1 #ifdef DECODERDLL_API #undef DECODERDLL_API #endif #define DECODERDLL_API __attribute__((visibility("default"))) #include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h> #else // Code required by GCC on Linux to define the entry points #ifdef DECODERDLL_API #undef DECODERDLL_API #endif #define DECODERDLL_API __attribute__((visibility("default"))) #endif // Include declarations from the codec library #include "decoder.h" #include "swap.h" #include "thumbnail.h" // Include declarations for the decoder component #include "CFHDDecoder.h" #include "CFHDMetadata.h" #include "IAllocator.h" #include "ISampleDecoder.h" #include "SampleDecoder.h" #include "SampleMetadata.h" #if _WINDOWS #ifdef DYNAMICLIB BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HANDLE hModule, DWORD ulReasonForCall, LPVOID lpReserved) { switch (ulReasonForCall) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: break; } return TRUE; } #endif #else void _splitpath( const char * fullPath, char * drive, char * dir, char * fname, char * ext) { int pathLen = 0; char * namePtr; char * extPtr; char * originalNamePtr; drive[0] = '\0'; dir[0] = '\0'; fname[0] = '\0'; ext[0] = '\0'; originalNamePtr = namePtr = (char *)malloc( strlen( fullPath )+1 ); if(namePtr) { strcpy( namePtr, fullPath ); while( namePtr[0] && strchr( namePtr, '/' ) ) { pathLen++; namePtr++; } strncpy( dir, fullPath, pathLen ); dir[pathLen] = '\0'; extPtr = strrchr( namePtr, '.'); if(extPtr) { strcpy( ext, extPtr ); namePtr = strtok(namePtr, extPtr ); } strcpy( fname, namePtr ); free(originalNamePtr); } } void _makepath(char * filename, char * drive, char * dir, char * fname, char * ext) { filename = strcat( fname, ext ); } #endif /*! @function CFHD_OpenDecoder @brief Open an instance of the CineForm HD decoder and return a reference to the decoder through the pointer provided as the first argument. @param decoderRefOut An opaque reference to a decoder returned by but this function. @param allocator Optional CFHD_ALLOCATOR structure, for those was wishing to control memory allocations. @return Returns a CFHD error code. */ CFHDDECODER_API CFHD_Error CFHD_OpenDecoder(CFHD_DecoderRef *decoderRefOut, CFHD_ALLOCATOR *allocator) { // Check the input arguments if (decoderRefOut == NULL) { return CFHD_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } // Allocate a new decoder data structure CSampleDecoder *decoderRef = new CSampleDecoder; if (decoderRef == NULL) { return CFHD_ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; } decoderRef->SetAllocator(allocator); // Return the decoder data structure *decoderRefOut = (CFHD_DecoderRef)decoderRef; return CFHD_ERROR_OKAY; } /*! @function CFHD_GetOutputFormats @brief Returns a list of output formats that are appropriate for the encoded sample that is provided as an argument. @description The CineForm HD codec encodes source video in a variety of internal formats depending on the product in which the codec is delivered, the video source format, and options provided to the encoder. This routine examines the tags that are embedded in the encoded sample and selects the output formats that are best for the encoded format, in decreasing order of preference. Output formats that are not appropriate to the encoded format are omitted. For example, raw Bayer output formats are not provided if the encoded samples are not raw Bayer data. The list of output formats is ordered to avoid color conversion and deeper pixel formats are listed first. @param decoderRef An opaque reference to a decoder created by a call to @ref CFHD_OpenDecoder. @param samplePtr The memory address of a CineForm compressed sample @param sampleSize The size of a CineForm compressed sample @param outputFormatArray Pointer to a preallocated array of type CFHD_PixelFormat. @param outputFormatArrayLength Number elements in the preallocated array of type CFHD_PixelFormat. @param actualOutputFormatCountOut Location to return the number of recommended formats. @return Returns a CFHD error code. */ CFHDDECODER_API CFHD_Error CFHD_GetOutputFormats(CFHD_DecoderRef decoderRef, void *samplePtr, size_t sampleSize, CFHD_PixelFormat *outputFormatArray, int outputFormatArrayLength, int *actualOutputFormatCountOut) { CFHD_Error errorCode = CFHD_ERROR_OKAY; // Check the input arguments if (decoderRef == NULL) { return CFHD_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } CSampleDecoder *decoder = (CSampleDecoder *)decoderRef; errorCode = decoder->GetOutputFormats(samplePtr, sampleSize, outputFormatArray, outputFormatArrayLength, actualOutputFormatCountOut); return errorCode; } /*! @function CFHD_GetSampleInfo @brief Returns requested information about the current sample. @description Requesting miscellaneous information from a CineForm sample, by Tag-Value pair. @param decoderRef An opaque reference to a decoder created by a call to @ref CFHD_OpenDecoder. @param samplePtr The memory address of a CineForm compressed sample @param sampleSize The size of a CineForm compressed sample @param tag The request the desired data. @param value pointer to an buffer that holds the return value. @param buffer_size size of the buffer for the return value. @return Returns a CFHD error code. */ CFHDDECODER_API CFHD_Error CFHD_GetSampleInfo( CFHD_DecoderRef decoderRef, void *samplePtr, size_t sampleSize, CFHD_SampleInfoTag tag, void *value, size_t buffer_size) { CFHD_Error errorCode = CFHD_ERROR_OKAY; // Check the input arguments if (decoderRef == NULL) { return CFHD_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } CSampleDecoder *decoder = (CSampleDecoder *)decoderRef; errorCode = decoder->GetSampleInfo(samplePtr, sampleSize, tag, value, buffer_size); return errorCode; } /*! @function CFHD_PrepareToDecode @brief Initializes an instance of the CineForm HD decoder that was created by a call to @ref CFHD_OpenDecoder. @description The caller can specify the exact dimensions of the decoded frame or pass zero for either the output width or output height arguments to allow this routine to choose the best output dimensions. Typically, the output dimensions will be the same as the encoded dimensions, with a reduction as specified by the decoded resolution argument. Likewise, the caller can specify an output pixel format or allow the routine to select the best format. The function @ref CFHD_GetOutputFormats provides a list of output formats in decreasing order of preference and this function will use the first output format from that list if an output format is not specified. The actual output dimensions and pixel format are returned. @param decoderRef An opaque reference to a decoder created by a call to @ref CFHD_OpenDecoder. @param outputWidth The desired width of the decoded frame. Pass zero to allow this routine to choose the best output width. @param outputHeight The desired width of the decoded frame. Pass zero to allow this routine to choose the best output height. @param outputFormat The desired output format passed as a four character code. The requested output format will be used if it is one of the formats that would be returned by a call to @ref CFHD_GetOutputFormats. See the pixel formats defined in the enumeration CFHD_PixelFormat. The decoder will always output frames in the specified pixel format if possible; otherwise, the call to this routine will return an error code. @param decodedResolution The desired resolution for decoding relative to the encoded frame size. See the possible resolutions defined in the enumeration CFHD_DecodedResolution. If this argument is non-zero, it must specify a valid decoded resolution such as full or half resolution. The decoder will divide the encoded dimensions by the divisor implied by this parameter to determine the actual output dimensions. @param decodingFlags Flags that specify options for initializing the decoder. See the flags defined in the enumeration for CFHD_DecodingFlags. The decoding flags are not currently used. Pass zero for this argument. @param samplePtr Pointer to an encoded sample that is representative of the samples that will be passed to the decoder. The sample is parsed to obtain information about how the video was encoded. This information guides this routine in initializing the decoder. @param sampleSize Normally this size of the sample in bytes, if you intend to go on to decode the frame. However, if you was only initializing a decode, and wish to reduce disk overhead, you can set the size to a little as 512, as that is sufficient to pass all the need information from the sample header. @param actualWidthOut Pointer to a variable that will receive the actual width of the decoded frames. The caller can pass NULL, but it is recommended that the caller always use the actual dimensions and output format to allocate buffers for the decoded frames. @param actualHeightOut Pointer to a variable that will receive the actual height of the decoded frames. The caller can pass NULL, but it is recommended that the caller always use the actual dimensions and output format to allocate buffers for the decoded frames. @param actualFormatOut Pointer to a variable that will receive the actual pixel format of the decoded frames. The caller can pass NULL, but should use the output pixel format to determine the size of the output pixels for allocating the buffers that will receive the decoded frames. @details If the output width or height are zero, the decoder will compute the output width and height by using the encoded width and height obtained from the video sample passed as an argument and reducing the width and height as specified by the decoded resolution argument. This makes it very easy to initialize the decoder so that it provides frames at close to the desired size needed by the application as efficiently as possible. It is anticipated that in this scenario the application will provide it own scaling routines if necessary. @bug Arbitrary scaling is not supported by the decoder in this version of the codec SDK. @return Returns a CFHD error code. */ CFHDDECODER_API CFHD_Error CFHD_PrepareToDecode(CFHD_DecoderRef decoderRef, int outputWidth, int outputHeight, CFHD_PixelFormat outputFormat, CFHD_DecodedResolution decodedResolution, CFHD_DecodingFlags decodingFlags, void *samplePtr, size_t sampleSize, int *actualWidthOut, int *actualHeightOut, CFHD_PixelFormat *actualFormatOut) { CFHD_Error errorCode = CFHD_ERROR_OKAY; // Check the input arguments if (decoderRef == NULL) { return CFHD_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } CSampleDecoder *decoder = (CSampleDecoder *)decoderRef; errorCode = decoder->PrepareDecoder(outputWidth, outputHeight, outputFormat, decodedResolution, decodingFlags, samplePtr, sampleSize, actualWidthOut, actualHeightOut, actualFormatOut); if (errorCode != CFHD_ERROR_OKAY) { return errorCode; } return errorCode; } /*-- not include in Doxygen @function CFHD_ParseSampleHeader @brief Parse the header in the encoded video sample. OBSOLETED by CFHD_GetSampleInfo() @description The sample header is parsed to obtain information about the video sample without decoding the video sample. @param samplePtr The memory address of a CineForm compressed sample @param sampleSize The size of a CineForm compressed sample @param sampleHeader The address of a pre-allocated structure of type CFHD_SampleHeader */ CFHDDECODER_API CFHD_Error CFHD_ParseSampleHeader(void *samplePtr, size_t sampleSize, CFHD_SampleHeader *sampleHeader) { CFHD_Error errorCode = CFHD_ERROR_OKAY; // Catch any errors in the decoder try { CFHD_EncodedFormat encodedFormat = CFHD_ENCODED_FORMAT_YUV_422; CFHD_FieldType fieldType = CFHD_FIELD_TYPE_UNKNOWN; // Initialize a bitstream to the sample data BITSTREAM bitstream; InitBitstreamBuffer(&bitstream, (uint8_t *)samplePtr, sampleSize, BITSTREAM_ACCESS_READ); // Clear the fields in the sample header SAMPLE_HEADER header; memset(&header, 0, sizeof(SAMPLE_HEADER)); // Decode the sample header bool result = ::ParseSampleHeader(&bitstream, &header); if (!result) { // The frame dimensions must be obtained from the encoded sample if (header.width == 0 || header.height == 0) { assert(0); errorCode = CFHD_ERROR_BADSAMPLE; goto finish; } // Try to fill in missing information with default values if (header.encoded_format == ENCODED_FORMAT_UNKNOWN) { // The encoded format is probably YUV 4:2:2 header.encoded_format = ENCODED_FORMAT_YUV_422; } // It is okay if the original input format is not known } // Copy the sample header information to the output encodedFormat = CSampleDecoder::EncodedFormat(header.encoded_format); sampleHeader->SetEncodedFormat(encodedFormat); fieldType = CSampleDecoder::FieldType(&header); sampleHeader->SetFieldType(fieldType); sampleHeader->SetFrameSize(header.width, header.height); } catch (...) { #if _WINDOWS char message[256]; sprintf_s(message, sizeof(message), "CSampleDecoder::PrepareDecoder caught internal codec error\n"); OutputDebugString(message); #endif return CFHD_ERROR_INTERNAL; } finish: return errorCode; } /*! @function CFHD_GetPixelSize @brief Return the size of the specified pixel format in bytes. @description Return the size of a pixel in byte is it uniquely addressable. Note that the pixel size is not defined for some image formats such as v210. This routine returns zero for pixel formats that do not have a size that is an integer number of bytes. When the pixel size is not well-defined, it cannot be used to compute the pitch of the image rows. See @ref CFHD_GetImagePitch. @param pixelFormat CFHD_PixelFormat of the decoding pixel type @param pixelSizeOut pointer to return the pixel size @return Returns a CFHD error code. */ CFHDDECODER_API CFHD_Error CFHD_GetPixelSize(CFHD_PixelFormat pixelFormat, uint32_t *pixelSizeOut) { CFHD_Error ret = CFHD_ERROR_OKAY; if (pixelSizeOut == NULL) { return CFHD_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } // Catch any errors in the decoder try { *pixelSizeOut = (uint32_t)GetPixelSize(pixelFormat); } catch (...) { *pixelSizeOut = 0; ret = CFHD_ERROR_BADFORMAT; } return ret; /* uint32_t pixelSize = 0; switch (pixelFormat) { case CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_YUY2: case CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_2VUY: case CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_BYR2: case CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_BYR4: case CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_CT_10BIT_2_8: // Avid format with two planes of 2-bit and 8-bit pixels pixelSize = 2; break; case CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_V210: pixelSize = 0; // 3 is close, but no true pixel size can be returned. break; case CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRA: case CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRa: case CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_R408: case CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_V408: case CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_R210: case CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_DPX0: case CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_RG30: case CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_AB10: case CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_AR10: case CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_YU64: case CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_CT_SHORT_2_14: // Avid fixed point 2.14 pixel format case CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_CT_USHORT_10_6: // Avid fixed point 10.6 pixel format case CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_CT_SHORT: // Avid 16-bit signed pixels pixelSize = 4; break; case CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_RG48: case CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_WP13: pixelSize = 6; break; case CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_B64A: case CFHD_PIXEL_FORMAT_W13A: pixelSize = 8; break; default: //TODO: Add more pixel formats assert(0); return CFHD_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; break; } *pixelSizeOut = pixelSize; */ return CFHD_ERROR_OKAY; } /*! @function CFHD_GetImagePitch @brief Return the allocated length of each image row in bytes. @description This routine must be used to determine the pitch for pixel formats such as v210 where the pixel size is not defined. @param imageWidth width of the image. @param pixelFormat CFHD_PixelFormat of the decoding pixel type @param imagePitchOut pointer to return the rowsize/pitch in bytes @return Returns a CFHD error code. */ CFHDDECODER_API CFHD_Error CFHD_GetImagePitch(uint32_t imageWidth, CFHD_PixelFormat pixelFormat, int32_t *imagePitchOut) { int32_t imagePitch = GetFramePitch(imageWidth, pixelFormat); if (imagePitchOut) { // Return the image pitch (in bytes) *imagePitchOut = imagePitch; return CFHD_ERROR_OKAY; } return CFHD_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } /*! @function CFHD_GetImageSize @brief Return the size of an image in bytes. @description This image size returned by this routine can be used to allocate a buffer for a decoded 2D or 3D image. @param imageWidth width of the image. @param imageHeight Height of the image. In the case of a 3D image, this is the height of a single eye. @param pixelFormat CFHD_PixelFormat of the decoding pixel type @param videoselect CFHD_VideoSelect type to specifty if you are decoding left/right or both eyes @param stereotype CFHD_Stereo3DType type to specifty 3D format if decoding both eyes. @param imageSizeOut pointer to return the image size in bytes @return Returns a CFHD error code. */ CFHDDECODER_API CFHD_Error CFHD_GetImageSize(uint32_t imageWidth, uint32_t imageHeight, CFHD_PixelFormat pixelFormat, CFHD_VideoSelect videoselect, CFHD_Stereo3DType stereotype, uint32_t *imageSizeOut) { uint32_t imagePitch = GetFramePitch(imageWidth, pixelFormat); uint32_t imageSize = imagePitch * imageHeight; if(stereotype == STEREO3D_TYPE_DEFAULT && videoselect == VIDEO_SELECT_BOTH_EYES) imageSize *= 2; if (imageSizeOut) { // Return the size of the image (in bytes) *imageSizeOut = imageSize; return CFHD_ERROR_OKAY; } return CFHD_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } /*! @function CFHD_DecodeSample @brief Decode one frame of CineForm HD video. @description The decoder must have been initialized by a call to CFHD_PrepareToDecode. The decoded frame will have the dimensions and format returned by the call to CFHD_PrepareToDecode. @param decoderRef A reference to a decoder that was initialized by a call to CFHD_PrepareToDecode. @param samplePtr Pointer to a sample containing one frame of encoded video in the CineForm HD format. @param sampleSize Size of the encoded sample. @param outputBuffer Buffer that will receive the decoded frame. The buffer must start on an address that is aligned to 16 bytes. @param outputPitch Pitch of the output buffer in bytes. The pitch must be at least as large as the size of one row of decoded pixels. Since each output row must start on an address that is aligned to 16 bytes, the pitch must be a multiple of 16 bytes. @return Returns a CFHD error code. */ CFHDDECODER_API CFHD_Error CFHD_DecodeSample(CFHD_DecoderRef decoderRef, void *samplePtr, size_t sampleSize, void *outputBuffer, int outputPitch) { CFHD_Error errorCode = CFHD_ERROR_OKAY; // Check the input arguments if (decoderRef == NULL) { return CFHD_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } CSampleDecoder *decoder = (CSampleDecoder *)decoderRef; // Test the memory buffer provided for the required size try { uint32_t length = 0; uint8_t *test_mem = (uint8_t *)outputBuffer; decoder->GetRequiredBufferSize(length); test_mem[0] = 0; if(length > 0) { int len = length; if(outputPitch > 0) test_mem[len - 1] = 0; if(outputPitch < 0) test_mem[-(len + outputPitch)] = 0; } } catch (...) { #ifdef _WINDOWS OutputDebugString("Target memory buffer is an invalid size"); #endif return CFHD_ERROR_DECODE_BUFFER_SIZE; } errorCode = decoder->DecodeSample(samplePtr, sampleSize, outputBuffer, outputPitch); if (errorCode != CFHD_ERROR_OKAY) { return errorCode; } return CFHD_ERROR_OKAY; } /*! @function CFHD_SetLicense @brief Now obsolete, this was used to license the commercial version, but it is no longer required. The interface is maintained for backward compatibility. @description The license key is used to control trial periods and decode resolution limits. @param decoderRef An opaque reference to a decoder created by a call to @ref CFHD_OpenDecoder. @param licenseKey Pointer to an array of 16 bytes contain the license key. @return Returns a CFHD error code. */ CFHDDECODER_API CFHD_Error CFHD_SetLicense(CFHD_DecoderRef decoderRef, const unsigned char *licenseKey) { CFHD_Error errorCode = CFHD_ERROR_OKAY; // Check the input arguments if (decoderRef == NULL) { return CFHD_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } if (licenseKey == NULL) { return CFHD_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } CSampleDecoder *decoder = (CSampleDecoder *)decoderRef; errorCode = decoder->SetLicense(licenseKey); return errorCode; } /*! @function CFHD_CloseDecoder @brief Release all resources held by the decoder. @description Do not attempt to use the decoder after it has been closed by a call to this routine. @return Returns a CFHD error code. */ CFHDDECODER_API CFHD_Error CFHD_CloseDecoder(CFHD_DecoderRef decoderRef) { //CFHD_Error errorCode = CFHD_ERROR_OKAY; // Check the input arguments if (decoderRef == NULL) { return CFHD_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } CSampleDecoder *decoder = (CSampleDecoder *)decoderRef; delete decoder; return CFHD_ERROR_OKAY; } #ifdef _WINDOWS #include "CFHDMetadata.h" #else #include "CFHDMetadata.h" #endif #include "AVIExtendedHeader.h" #include "SampleMetadata.h" #include "../Codec/metadata.h" // Return the pathname of the LUT directory and the filename of the database directory extern void InitGetLUTPaths(char *pPathStr, //!< Pathname to the LUT directory size_t pathSize, //!< Size of the LUT pathname (in bytes) char *pDBStr, //!< Filename of the database directory size_t DBSize //!< Size of the database filename (in bytes) ); #define BUFSIZE 1024 /* Table of CRCs of all 8-bit messages. */ uint32_t crc_table[256]; /* Flag: has the table been computed? Initially false. */ int crc_table_computed = 0; /* Make the table for a fast CRC. */ void make_crc_table(void) { uint32_t c; int n, k; for (n = 0; n < 256; n++) { c = (uint32_t) n; for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) { if (c & 1) c = 0xedb88320L ^ (c >> 1); else c = c >> 1; } crc_table[n] = c; } crc_table_computed = 1; } /* Update a running CRC with the bytes buf[0..len-1]--the CRC should be initialized to all 1's, and the transmitted value is the 1's complement of the final running CRC (see the crc() routine below)). */ uint32_t update_crc(uint32_t crc, unsigned char *buf, int len) { uint32_t c = crc; int n; if (!crc_table_computed) make_crc_table(); for (n = 0; n < len; n++) { c = crc_table[(c ^ buf[n]) & 0xff] ^ (c >> 8); } return c; } /* Return the CRC of the bytes buf[0..len-1]. */ uint32_t calccrc(unsigned char *buf, int len) { return update_crc(0xffffffffL, buf, len) ^ 0xffffffffL; } #define BINARY_LUT 1 #if 0 void GenerateLUTfile(unsigned int crc, float *LUT, int size, char *displayname) { char PathStr[260]; char DBStr[64]; InitGetLUTPaths(PathStr, (size_t)sizeof(PathStr), DBStr, (size_t)sizeof(DBStr)); //GetLUTPath(PathStr); char crcname[32]; #if BINARY_LUT sprintf(crcname,"%08X.cflook", crc); #else sprintf(crcname,"%08X.look", crc); #endif char lutfile[260]; sprintf(lutfile, "%s\\%s", PathStr, crcname); #define MAKEID(a,b,c,d) ((a<<24)|(b<<16)|(c<<8)|(d)) #define MAKEID_SWAP(d,c,b,a) ((a<<24)|(b<<16)|(c<<8)|(d)) FILE *fp = fopen(lutfile,"r"); if (fp != NULL) { //int endianswap = 0; int regen = 0; CFLook_Header CFLKhdr; fread(&CFLKhdr,1,sizeof(CFLKhdr),fp); if(MAKEID('C','F','L','K') == CFLKhdr.CFLK_ID) { //endianswap = true; if (CFLOOK_VERSION != SwapInt32(CFLKhdr.version)) { regen = 1; } } if(MAKEID_SWAP('C','F','L','K') == CFLKhdr.CFLK_ID) { if(CFLOOK_VERSION != CFLKhdr.version) regen = 1; } fclose(fp); if(regen == 0) return; } #if BINARY_LUT // binary look file fp = fopen(lutfile,"wb"); if (fp != NULL) { CFLook_Header CFLKhdr; CFLKhdr.CFLK_ID = MAKEID_SWAP('C','F','L','K'); // CFLK identifier CFLKhdr.version = CFLOOK_VERSION; // version of this CFLK header CFLKhdr.hdrsize = 6*4+40;// header size, number of byte before the 3D LUT. CFLKhdr.lutsize = size;// size 'n' for an n x n x n 3D-LUT CFLKhdr.input_curve = CURVE_LOG_90;// CURVE_TYPE input to the LUT CFLKhdr.output_curve = CURVE_GAMMA_2pt2;// CURVE_TYPE output from the LUT char drive[260], dir[260], fname[260], ext[64]; _splitpath(displayname, drive, dir, fname, ext); strncpy(CFLKhdr.displayname, fname, 39); fwrite(&CFLKhdr,1,sizeof(CFLook_Header),fp); fwrite(LUT,4,size*size*size*3,fp); fclose(fp); } #else // simplified text IRIDAS look 32 LUT else if(fp = fopen(lutfile,"w")) { char space[16] = "\n "; char header[100]; sprintf(header,"<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>\n<look>\n <LUT>\n <size>\"%d\"</size>\n <data>\"", size); fwrite(header,1,strlen(header),fp); for(int i=0; i<size*size*size*3; i++) { char hexval[10]; unsigned char *ptr = (unsigned char *)&LUT[i]; if((i&7)==0) fwrite(space,1,strlen(space),fp); sprintf(hexval,"%02X%02X%02X%02X", ptr[0], ptr[1], ptr[2], ptr[3]); fwrite(hexval,1,8,fp); } char tail[100] = "\"\n </data>\n </LUT>\n</look>\n"; fwrite(tail,1,strlen(tail),fp); fclose(fp); } #endif } unsigned int ValidateLookGenCRC(char* path) { int crc = 0; FILE *fp = fopen(path,"r"); if(fp == NULL) { #if OUTPUT OutputDebugString("ValidateLookGenCRC : no file"); #endif return 0; } else { uint32_t len=0,lastlen=0,pos=0; char buf[BUFSIZE]; bool LUTfound = false; bool SIZEfound = false; bool DATAfound = false; bool finished = false; int size = 0; int rgbpos = 0; int entries = 0; float *LUT = NULL; unsigned char *iLUT = NULL; pos = 0; do { lastlen = len; if(pos) memcpy(buf, &buf[pos], lastlen-pos); len = (int)fread(&buf[lastlen-pos],1,BUFSIZE-(lastlen-pos),fp) + (lastlen-pos); pos = 0; if(!LUTfound) { do { if(strncmp(&buf[pos],"<LUT>",5) == 0) { pos+=5; LUTfound = true; break; } pos++; } while(pos < len-5); } else if(!SIZEfound) { do { if(strncmp(&buf[pos],"<size>",6) == 0) { int j = 0; pos+=7; while(buf[pos+j] >= '0' && buf[pos+j] <= '9') j++; buf[pos+j] = 0; size = atoi(&buf[pos]); if(size > 65) { #if OUTPUT OutputDebugString("LUT too big"); #endif return 0; } #if OUTPUT printf("size = %d\n",size); #endif LUT = (float *)malloc(size*size*size*sizeof(float)*3); if(LUT == NULL) { #if OUTPUT OutputDebugString("no memory\n"); #endif return 0; } iLUT = (unsigned char *)malloc(size*size*size*sizeof(char)*3); if(iLUT == NULL) { #if OUTPUT OutputDebugString("no memory\n"); #endif return 0; } SIZEfound = true; break; } pos++; } while(pos < len-10); } else if(!DATAfound) { do { if(strncmp(&buf[pos],"<data>",6) == 0) { int j = 0; pos+=6; while( !( (buf[pos+j] >= '0' && buf[pos+j] <= '9') || (buf[pos+j] >= 'a' && buf[pos+j] <= 'f') || (buf[pos+j] >= 'A' && buf[pos+j] <= 'F') )) pos++; //printf("%s\n",&buf[pos+j]); DATAfound = true; break; } pos++; } while(pos < len-256); } else if(DATAfound) { char hexstring[12] = "00000000"; do { while( !( (buf[pos] >= '0' && buf[pos] <= '9') || (buf[pos] >= 'a' && buf[pos] <= 'f') || (buf[pos] >= 'A' && buf[pos] <= 'F') )) { if(buf[pos] == '"' || buf[pos] == '<') { finished = true; #if OUTPUT OutputDebugString("finished\n"); #endif break; } pos++; } if(!finished) { float val; hexstring[0] = buf[pos+6]; hexstring[1] = buf[pos+7]; hexstring[2] = buf[pos+4]; hexstring[3] = buf[pos+5]; hexstring[4] = buf[pos+2]; hexstring[5] = buf[pos+3]; hexstring[6] = buf[pos+0]; hexstring[7] = buf[pos+1]; //printf("%s",hexstring); sscanf(hexstring, "%08x", (int *)&val); #if OUTPUT && 0 printf("%6.3f",val); #endif LUT[entries] = val; rgbpos++; entries++; if(rgbpos < 3) { #if OUTPUT && 0 printf(","); #endif } else { #if OUTPUT && 0 printf("\n"); #endif rgbpos = 0; } } pos+=8; } while(pos < len-16 && !finished); } // printf("len = %d\n", len); } while(len > 0 && !finished); fclose(fp); if(finished && (size*size*size*3 == entries)) { // valid 3D LUT crc = calccrc((unsigned char *)LUT, entries*4); char fullpath[260]; #if _WINDOWS if(0 == ::GetLongPathName(path, fullpath, 259)) strcat(fullpath, path); #else strcpy(fullpath, path); #endif GenerateLUTfile(crc, LUT, size, fullpath); } if(LUT) free(LUT), LUT=NULL; } return crc; } #endif /*! @function CFHD_SetActiveMetadata @brief Recursively add active metadata for the decoder to use. @description Decoder will use the active metadata store in the sample, or in the color database or overrided by the Tags added by this function. If you want the decoder to use the original camera data with a few change, initialize the metadata engine with @ref CFHD_InitSampleMetadata with the track set to METADATATYPE_ORIGINAL. Then call CFHD_SetActiveMetadata we the tag you want it to act upon (new whilebalanc, Look etc.) @param decoderRef An opaque reference to a decoder created by a call to @ref CFHD_OpenDecoder. @param metadataRef Reference to a metadata interface returned by a call to @ref CFHD_OpenMetadata. @param tag The FOURCC of the Tag you wish to add for active decoder control. @param type The data type of active metadata. @param data Pointer to the data. @param size The number of bytes of data. @return Returns a CFHD error code. */ CFHDDECODER_API CFHD_Error CFHD_SetActiveMetadata( CFHD_DecoderRef decoderRef, CFHD_MetadataRef metadataRef, unsigned int tag, CFHD_MetadataType type, void *data, unsigned int size) { CFHD_Error errorCode = CFHD_ERROR_OKAY; // Check the input arguments if (metadataRef == NULL) { return CFHD_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } if (decoderRef == NULL) { return CFHD_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } if ((tag == 0 && type != METADATATYPE_CINEFORM) || data == NULL || size == 0) { return CFHD_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } CSampleMetadata *metadata = (CSampleMetadata *)metadataRef; CSampleDecoder *decoder = (CSampleDecoder *)decoderRef; //Hack, pass the decoders custom allocator on to CSampleMetadata metadata->SetAllocator(decoder->GetAllocator()); //if(metadata->m_overrideSize == 0) { if(metadata->m_metadataTrack & METADATAFLAG_MODIFIED) { int data = 1; int typesizebytes = ('H'<<24)|4; metadata->AddMetaData(TAG_FORCE_DATABASE, typesizebytes, (void *)&data); data = 0; metadata->AddMetaData(TAG_IGNORE_DATABASE, typesizebytes, (void *)&data); } else { int data = 1; int typesizebytes = ('H'<<24)|4; metadata->AddMetaData(TAG_IGNORE_DATABASE, typesizebytes, (void *)&data); data = 0; metadata->AddMetaData(TAG_FORCE_DATABASE, typesizebytes, (void *)&data); } } unsigned int typesizebytes = 0; switch(type) { case METADATATYPE_STRING: typesizebytes = 'c' << 24; break; case METADATATYPE_UINT32: typesizebytes = 'L' << 24; break; case METADATATYPE_UINT16: typesizebytes = 'S' << 24; break; case METADATATYPE_UINT8: typesizebytes = 'B' << 24; break; case METADATATYPE_FLOAT: typesizebytes = 'f' << 24; break; case METADATATYPE_DOUBLE: typesizebytes = 'd' << 24; break; case METADATATYPE_GUID: typesizebytes = 'G' << 24; break; case METADATATYPE_XML: typesizebytes = 'x' << 24; break; case METADATATYPE_LONG_HEX: typesizebytes = 'H' << 24; break; case METADATATYPE_HIDDEN: typesizebytes = 'h' << 24; break; case METADATATYPE_TAG: typesizebytes = 'T' << 24; break; case METADATATYPE_UNKNOWN: default: break; } typesizebytes |= size; if(tag == TAG_CHANNELS_ACTIVE) { decoder->SetChannelsActive(*((uint32_t *)data)); } if(tag == TAG_CHANNELS_MIX) { decoder->SetChannelMix(*((uint32_t *)data)); } if(tag == TAG_LOOK_FILE) { uint32_t crc = 0; static char lastpath[260] = ""; static char lastLUTfilename[40] = ""; static uint32_t lastLUTcrc = 0; if(lastLUTcrc && 0 == strcmp(lastpath, (char *)data)) { typesizebytes = ('c'<<24)|39; metadata->AddMetaData(TAG_LOOK_FILE, typesizebytes, (void *)&lastLUTfilename[0]); typesizebytes = ('H'<<24)|4; metadata->AddMetaData(TAG_LOOK_CRC, typesizebytes, (void *)&lastLUTcrc); } else { char drive[260]; char dir[260]; char fname[260]; char ext[64]; char filename[260]; //DANREMOVE crc = ValidateLookGenCRC((char *)data); #ifdef _WINDOWS strcpy_s(lastpath, sizeof(lastpath), (char *)data); _splitpath_s((char *)data, drive, sizeof(drive), dir, sizeof(dir), fname, sizeof(fname), ext, sizeof(ext)); _makepath_s(filename, sizeof(filename), NULL, NULL, fname, ext); #else strcpy(lastpath, (char *)data); _splitpath((char *)data, drive, dir, fname, ext); _makepath(filename, NULL, NULL, fname, ext); #endif if(strlen(filename) < 40) { typesizebytes = ('c'<<24)|39; metadata->AddMetaData(TAG_LOOK_FILE, typesizebytes, (void *)&filename[0]); #ifdef _WINDOWS strcpy_s(lastLUTfilename, sizeof(lastLUTfilename), filename); #else strcpy(lastLUTfilename, filename); #endif if(crc) { typesizebytes = ('H'<<24)|4; metadata->AddMetaData(TAG_LOOK_CRC, typesizebytes, (void *)&crc); lastLUTcrc = crc; } } } } else if(type == METADATATYPE_CINEFORM) { uint32_t *ptr = (uint32_t*)data; while(size>=12 && size < 4096) { uint32_t tag = *ptr++; size-=4; uint32_t typesizebytes = *ptr++; size-=4; uint32_t *newdata = ptr; uint32_t tagsize = typesizebytes & 0xffffff; metadata->AddMetaData(tag, typesizebytes, newdata); tagsize += 3; tagsize &=~3; size-=tagsize; ptr += tagsize/4; } } else if(tag == TAG_UNIQUE_FRAMENUM) { metadata->m_currentUFRM = *(uint32_t *)data; } else { if(metadata->m_metadataTrack & METADATAFLAG_LEFT_EYE) { metadata->AddMetaDataChannel(tag, typesizebytes, data, 1); } else if(metadata->m_metadataTrack & METADATAFLAG_RIGHT_EYE) { metadata->AddMetaDataChannel(tag, typesizebytes, data, 2); } else { metadata->AddMetaData(tag, typesizebytes, data); } } if(metadata->m_overrideSize) { decoder->SetDecoderOverrides(metadata->m_overrideData, metadata->m_overrideSize); } return errorCode; } CFHDDECODER_API CFHD_Error CFHD_ClearActiveMetadata( CFHD_DecoderRef decoderRef, CFHD_MetadataRef metadataRef) { CFHD_Error errorCode = CFHD_ERROR_OKAY; // Check the input arguments if (metadataRef == NULL) { return CFHD_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } if (decoderRef == NULL) { return CFHD_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } CSampleMetadata *metadata = (CSampleMetadata *)metadataRef; CSampleDecoder *decoder = (CSampleDecoder *)decoderRef; metadata->FreeDatabase(); decoder->SetDecoderOverrides(NULL, 0); return errorCode; } /*! @function CFHD_GetThumbnail @brief The generate a thumbnail @description Extract the base wavelet into a using image thumbnail without decompressing the sample @param decoderRef An opaque reference to a decoder created by a call to @ref CFHD_OpenDecoder. @param samplePtr Pointer to a sample containing one frame of encoded video in the CineForm HD format. @param sampleSize Size of the encoded sample. @param outputBuffer Buffer that will receive the thumbnail of size 1/8 x 1/8 the original frame. @param outputBufferSize Size must be at least ((w+7)/8) * ((h+7)/8) * 4 for 10-bit RGB format. @param flags future usage @param retWidth If successful contains thumbnail width. @param retHeight If successful contains thumbnail Height. @param retSize If successful contains thumbnail size in bytes. @return Returns a CFHD error code. */ CFHDDECODER_API CFHD_Error CFHD_GetThumbnail(CFHD_DecoderRef decoderRef, void *samplePtr, size_t sampleSize, void *outputBuffer, size_t outputBufferSize, uint32_t flags, size_t *retWidth = NULL, size_t *retHeight = NULL, size_t *retSize = NULL) { CFHD_Error errorCode = CFHD_ERROR_OKAY; // Check the input arguments if (decoderRef == NULL) { return CFHD_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } if (samplePtr == NULL) { return CFHD_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } if (outputBuffer == NULL) { return CFHD_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } CSampleDecoder *decoder = reinterpret_cast<CSampleDecoder *>(decoderRef); // Have the thumbnail flags been set? if (flags == THUMBNAIL_FLAGS_NONE) { // Use the default thumbnail flags flags = THUMBNAIL_FLAGS_DEFAULT; } errorCode = decoder->GetThumbnail( samplePtr, sampleSize, outputBuffer, outputBufferSize, flags, retWidth, retHeight, retSize); return errorCode; } /*! @function CFHD_CreateImageDeveloper @brief Allocate a decoder for image development use upon uncompressed image data only. @description Do not pass a compressed image to this handle. @return Returns a CFHD error code. */ CFHDDECODER_API CFHD_Error CFHD_CreateImageDeveloper(CFHD_DecoderRef decoderRef, uint32_t imageWidth, uint32_t imageHeight, uint32_t sourceVideoChannels, CFHD_PixelFormat pixelFormatSrc, CFHD_PixelFormat pixelFormatDst) //1 or 2 for 3D double high stacked { CFHD_Error errorCode = CFHD_ERROR_OKAY; // Check the input arguments if (decoderRef == NULL) { return CFHD_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } CSampleDecoder *decoder = (CSampleDecoder *)decoderRef; int actualWidthOut,actualHeightOut; CFHD_PixelFormat actualFormatOut; errorCode = decoder->PrepareDecoder(imageWidth, imageHeight, pixelFormatDst, (CFHD_DecodedResolution)sourceVideoChannels, // Reuse of the decode resolution for 2D vs 3D (CFHD_DecodingFlags)pixelFormatSrc, // Reuse the the decoding flags NULL,//samplePtr, 0,//sampleSize, &actualWidthOut, &actualHeightOut, &actualFormatOut); if (errorCode != CFHD_ERROR_OKAY) { return errorCode; } return CFHD_ERROR_OKAY; } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif